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2022-2024 News Releases

Fall-run Chinook salmon fry in the American River.

In a collaborative effort to increase the sustainability of California's salmon populations, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) has partnered with the Department of Water Resources (DWR), as well as ocean and inland fishing groups to continue a pilot project aimed at diversifying salmon hatchery release strategies.

Categories:   Fisheries, Fishing, Marine, Salmon
Chinook salmon on the deck.

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) invites the public to attend its annual Salmon Information Meeting (SIM) via webinar on Wednesday, February 26, 2025, at 10 a.m. Meeting details, informational materials, and instructions for attendance will be published in advance of the event on CDFW’s Ocean Salmon webpage.

Categories:   Fisheries, Marine, Salmon
California crab fishing zones along the coast.

The recreational fishery for Dungeness crab is open in the portion of northern California that was delayed due to a public health hazard. State health agencies determined that consuming the meat of Dungeness crab taken in waters from the California/Oregon border (42° 0.00’ N latitude) to the southern boundary of the Reading Rock State Marine Reserve (41° 17.6’ N latitude) no longer poses a significant threat for domoic acid exposure.

Categories:   Dungeness Crab, Fisheries, Marine
Group of kids gathering to replant a field with native seeds.

The Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) approved 24 habitat protection and restoration projects spanning 25 counties across more than 21,600 acres at its Nov. 21 quarterly meeting. One of the grants restores 67 acres of wetland, riparian, and upland habitat at Carr Lake in the heart of the city of Salinas, providing much needed open space to a community area with limited access to parks and nature.

Categories:   Grants, WCB
Labrador on the edge of a pond in front of a decoy.

Californians will have two ideal opportunities to acquaint themselves with the hunting experience during California’s 2024-25 Free Hunting Days. Each year the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) director designates two Free Hunting Days. In this license year, they are Nov. 23, 2024, and April 12, 2025. On these days, eligible California residents may hunt without purchasing a California hunting license, provided other requirements are met.

Categories:   Hunting
Landscape of a meadow with pine trees in the background.

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) today announced the award of $17 million in grants for 18 restoration and protection projects throughout the state, including projects to benefit disadvantaged communities, salmon and steelhead in the Klamath-Trinity watershed, wetlands and meadows and watersheds impacted by cannabis cultivation. Today’s awards continue the ongoing efforts to support critical restoration projects with funding made available in late 2022 through the Nature Based Solutions (NBS) Initiative and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Funds, funding through CDFW’s Cannabis Program, as well as funding dedicated to habitat restoration through Proposition 68.

Categories:   Grants
Logo shields of federal and state agencies.

Federal and State of California government agencies, overseeing water, agriculture, fish and wildlife, public lands and flood control, have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding to enhance collaboration on landscape-scale, multi-beneficial floodplain water projects in the Sacramento River Basin. The purpose of this agreement is to elevate the opportunity for landscape-scale funding and to streamline planning, design, implementation, monitoring, and information sharing of projects located on the floodplains that enhance flood protection, restore fish and wildlife habitat, improve groundwater aquifer recharge, provide water supply reliability, and sustain farming and managed wetland operations.

Categories:   Environment
Western burrowing owl standing on the landscape.

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) is seeking data and public comments on a petition to list the western burrowing owl under the California Endangered Species Act (CESA). The western burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) faces threats that include habitat loss due to urban and suburban development, ground squirrel population decline, changes in agricultural practices, pesticide poisoning and predation.

Categories:   UnCategorized, Wildlife
California Department of Fish and Wildlife shield logo.

The recreational fishery for Dungeness crab will open on Saturday, Nov. 2 except for one area in northern California due to a public health hazard.

Categories:   Dungeness Crab

The launch of the California Wolf Project within UC Berkeley’s Rausser College of Natural Resources establishes a long-term partnership with CDFW to advance the science and management of gray wolves in California.

Categories:   Wolves

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(916) 322-8911