CDFW is now accepting pre-application proposals for projects under its Proposition 1 Restoration Grant Program. The 2021 North Coast Coho Recovery Proposal Solicitation Notice (PDF) outlines the priorities and requirements to apply. This Solicitation is part of CDFW’s Cutting the Green Tape Initiative to increase the pace and scale of restoration through permitting and granting efficiencies.
The deadline for pre-applications is September 30, 2021, by 4:00 p.m. PDT. Applications must be submitted via CDFW WebGrants. All applicants are required to submit a pre-application proposal to be eligible for submittal of a full application.
CDFW will host an online pre-application workshop (PDF) on September 8, 2021, to review the application process. This workshop is optional and not required to apply.
Please visit CDFW's Cutting the Green Tape website for additional information or contact with any questions.