The CNDDB showcases selected photo submissions received through the Online Field Survey Form each month. This is the June 2019 edition.
Summer is officially here, folks! The snow is melting in the Sierras and the sun is shining throughout the valleys. Thank you to everybody who snapped and submitted photos of species taking full advantage of the California sun. Here are our favorite Online Field Survey Form photo submissions for June:

Taxidea taxus – American badger
Submitted by Matthew Grube
Matthew observed this adult badger crossing a road near San Timoteo Canyon in San Bernardino County. It stopped on its way to an open field just long enough for Matthew to catch its stoic pose. American badgers are a Species of Special Concern. Being one of the most popular mammal submissions we receive, there are currently 590 American badger occurrences across the entire state in the database. Thank you, Matthew for this wonderful submission!

Ceanothus gloriosus var. exaltatus – glory brush
Submitted by Heather Morrison
Heather found this exciting shrub in Mendocino County in an opening of a mixed forest consisting of redwood, Douglas fir, and tanoak trees. It is endemic to California and is commonly found along the northern coast in chaparral. Ceanothus gloriosus var. exaltatus more commonly goes by the name glory brush. It is a California Rare Plant Rank 4.3 plant, and you can see these wonderful poofs of flowers from March to June, with the occasional late bloomers still around in August. So, there is still time to see them before they are gone! Thank you, Heather, for the hard work you do and such an awesome photo!
Do you have some great photos of rare plant or wildlife detections? Submit them along with your findings through our
Online Field Survey Form and see if your photos get showcased!