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    Introducing the California Natural Diversity Database Management Framework
    • September 8, 2020

    Collage of various wildlife over a topographic map.

    What is the CNDDB? What species does the CNDDB track? How does one access CNDDB information? What is the best way to submit data to the CNDDB? These are some of the most common questions that CNDDB staff are asked. We have taken the answers to these questions, along with other important topics, and combined them into a single convenient resource: the link opens in new windowCNDDB Management Framework (PDF). This document gives a general overview of the CNDDB including information on its background, products, and proper use. CNDDB staff can always be contacted for any questions but this document is a great place to start when it comes to understanding the CNDDB!

    Categories: General

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