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    Barred Owl Observations Database: Public Layer
    • June 11, 2020

    Map of PLSS sections with barred owl observations in the Sierra Nevadas.

    Now available: the public Barred Owl Observations by PLSS Section (ds2873) data layer! It is available to view and to download in the BIOS Viewer.

    This layer summarizes the information contained in the Barred Owl Observations Database and allows users to see PLSS sections containing barred owl detections as well as the first and last years owls were reported in those sections.

    Due to the varied nature of barred owl surveys, detections, and reporting in the state, this dataset may not fully represent the historical and current distribution of barred owls in California.

    For more information on barred owls in California, check out CDFW’s Barred Owl Threat web page.

    Categories: General

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