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    The quarterly update of the Barred Owl Observations Database is available in the BIOS Viewer for CNDDB subscribers. The barred owl database includes barred owl (Strix varia), Strix hybrid, and unknown Strix detections.

    Many of the records represent incidental detections made during spotted owl surveys; therefore, this dataset may not accurately represent the current distribution of barred owls in California. Furthermore, this dataset is only available to CNDDB subscribers because it contains references to sensitive spotted owl locations. A public version will be available in the future.

    For a copy of the geodatabase or for site-specific inquiries, contact the database manager at

    Screenshot of BIOS mapping application displaying the barred owl dataset

    Categories:   Quarterly Updates

    Closeup of the flower clusters of maple-leaved checkerbloom

    Sidalcea malachroides – maple-leaved checkerbloom

    Submitted by Valeri Sinco

    This little beauty was found by Valeri Sinco in Humboldt County. Sidalcea malachroides was originally listed in 1994 as a rank 1B (rare or endangered in California and elsewhere) and was more recently changed to a rank 4.2 (limited distribution in California; fairly endangered in California) in the California Rare Plant Ranking system. It is found in a multitude of habitats along the coast including broad-leafed upland forest, North Coast coniferous forest, riparian woodland, coastal prairies and coastal scrub. Sidalcea malachroides ranges from the Central Coast in California north along Oregon’s coast where it is also of conservation concern. It blooms from April to August, but early blooms have been found in March. Thank you, Valeri, for everything you do to help protect these plants and for sharing this beautiful photo!

    A top-down view of a California giant salamander larvae under water

    Dicamptodon ensatus – California giant salamander

    Submitted by Daniel Palmer & Tommy Kelley of the California Department of Transportation

    This larval stage California giant salamander was staying nice and still for Daniel and Tommy. They found it near Fort Ross in Sonoma county. When this salamander is fully grown, it will display reddish-brown colored marbling. The California giant salamander lives up to its name being one of the largest salamander species in North America and are endemic to California. Its flat tail is designed perfectly for swimming which helps its short, stout limbs in the water. You can find this salamander in damp, coastal forests throughout Sonoma and surrounding counties as well as San Mateo and Santa Cruz counties. These critters eat anything they can overpower, including slugs and small invertebrates like birds and lizards! Its current distribution has not changed much from its historic distribution, but their native habitats have seen a lot of alterations. Currently, the database has 234 mapped occurrences throughout its range. Many thanks to Daniel and Tommy for snapping a picture of this species!

    Do you have some great photos of rare plants or wildlife detections? Submit them along with your findings through our Online Field Survey Form and see if your photos get showcased!

    Categories:   Contributor Spotlight

    California coast with rock cliffs and trees

    Happy Earth Day, everyone! April 22, 2020 marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. This year’s theme is climate action.

    Earth Day started back on April 22 of 1970, when 20 million Americans took to the streets to protest the way we were treating our planet and called for environmental reform. Not long after, key environmental laws such as the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species Acts were enacted.

    So how can we celebrate Earth Day together, while apart? This year, there are talks, calls to actions, performances, and video teach-ins happening all around the world digitally. See what activities you may tune in on, or what actions you may take by spreading the word about conservation by visiting the link opens in new windowEarth Day website.

    Categories:   Education and Awareness