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    A blunt-nosed leopard lizard perched at the top of a small dirt mound

    Gambelia sila – blunt-nosed leopard lizard
    Submitted by Kai Medak

    This lovely lizard was observed basking in the sun by Kai Medak in Kern County. The blunt-nosed leopard lizard is a relatively large lizard that can be distinguished from other species by its truncated snout, narrow head, and differing color and scale patterns. Habitats with patchy shrubs or grasslands are ideal for these animals as they allow shade without providing too much cover that would reduce the lizard’s ability to detect predators. Burrows are also incredibly important in the lifecycle of this species as they are utilized for brumation, nesting, and shelter from predators and extreme temperature. Individuals have been known to create their own burrows, but the old burrows of small mammals are primarily used.

    Blunt-nosed leopard lizards are endemic to California and can be found in the San Joaquin Valley as well as in the foothills of the Coast Range. Unfortunately, this species’ current range has been restricted to 15% of its historical range due to habitat fragmentation and urban development. The blunt-nosed leopard lizard is listed as Federally Endangered under the Endangered Species Act, State Endangered under the California Endangered Species Act, and Fully Protected under the Fish and Game Code. Thank you, Kai, for sharing such a great photo!

    A healthy plant with dark green leaves and pink flowers on a desert dune

    Penstemon albomarginatus – white-margined beardtongue
    Submitted by Alice L. Miller

    Alice L. Miller found this rare desert plant while doing surveys in San Bernardino County. Penstemon albomarginatus is a perennial herb that is often found in desert dunes and Mojavean desert scrub habitats where it blooms from March to May. When in bloom, this plant displays purple to pink tubular flowers that are surrounded at the base by pointed, white-edged sepals and attract several species of bees, butterflies, and beetles. P. albomarginatus is known to inhabit the Mojave and Sonoran deserts in eastern California, southern Nevada, and western Arizona, but it is very rare in California with a California Rare Plant Rank of 1B.1 (rare or endangered in California and elsewhere; seriously threatened in California). This species is primarily threatened by the development of solar energy farms on desert lands, as well as other urbanization projects. A huge thank you to Alice for submitting data on this rare species!

    Do you have some great photos of rare plants or wildlife detections? Submit them along with your findings through our Online Field Survey Form and see if your photos get showcased!

    Categories:   Contributor Spotlight

    A scrub jay and long eared owl face off on a tree

    Asio otus – long-eared owl
    Submitted by Zachary Cava

    This amazing photo was taken by Zachary Cava when a long-eared owl was spotted being mobbed by several scrub jays in Butte County. This mobbing behavior often occurs when smaller birds try to protect themselves, their nests, or their territory from larger predatory birds. The targeted bird may sit and tolerate the attack for a little while, but if it continues on it will fly away from the area.

    Long-eared owls have an extensive range across many states and are a Bird Species of Special Concern in California. They utilize densely wooded areas for nesting and roosting and are known to nest in the old nests of crows and hawks. Long-eared owls primarily hunt at night by flying low over fields, meadows, and other open areas. These animals have remarkable hearing due to their asymmetrical ear openings and large facial disks that help catch sound, making them extremely precise hunters even in pitch black. Due to its nocturnal nature and camouflaged coloration, this species is tough to find for many birders and researchers. With that being said, a huge thank you to Zachary for capturing such a beautiful picture of this interesting species interaction!

    A closeup of the redwood lily which features six white petals with red freckled spotting

    Lilium rubescens – redwood lily
    Submitted by Miles Hartnett

    This great find was photographed by Miles Hartnett in Mendocino County. The redwood lily is an uncommon species found in northwestern California and is currently a California Rare Plant Rank 4.2 species (plants of limited distribution; fairly threatened in California). Historically, this species was also known to be found in southern Oregon but has since been thought to be extirpated from that state. It is most threatened by development, logging, and competition from invasive species.

    The redwood lily is a perennial that showcases six white to pale-purple petals with red freckled spotting. It originates from a bulb and has a waxy stem that can grow up to two meters in height with oval shaped leaves arranged in whorls. It generally grows in forest understories or chaparral habitats, making it both shade and low-water tolerant. This lily’s beautiful blooms can be found from April through August. Much thanks to Miles for sharing this photo of such a beautiful and rare species!

    Do you have some great photos of rare plants or wildlife detections? Submit them along with your findings through our Online Field Survey Form and see if your photos get showcased!

    Categories:   Contributor Spotlight

    Top-down view of a fringe-toed lizard on sandy desert floor
    Photo: Coachella Valley fringe-toed lizard by Jeb Bjerke (CDFW)

    If you have ever walked on sand, you may know the struggle of moving on a constantly shifting terrain. Lizards of the genus Uma, also known as fringe-toed lizards, are desert dwellers adapted to moving on and through sand. These lizards inhabit windblown sand deposits made of fine particles, including dunes and washes.

    Aptly named for the protruding scales on their back toes, their fringed toes help them stay on the surface and move across the sand with ease. In addition to their fancy feet, they have protective traits that allow them to burrow in the sand comfortably such as interlocking eyelid scales, ear flaps, and the ability to close their nostrils. Unfortunately, their protective traits have not shielded them from habitat loss and impacts from off-road vehicles.

    There are three species of fringe-toed lizards that occur in California, all of which the CNDDB tracks: Uma scoparia (Mohave fringe-toed lizard), U. notata (Colorado Desert fringe-toed lizard), and U. inornata (Coachella Valley fringe-toed lizard). If you happen to see any of these fancy friends, tell us about your encounter via the Online Field Survey Form.

    Categories:   Taxon of the week

    Biogeographic Data Branch
    Physical Address: 1700 9th Street, 4th Floor, Sacramento, CA 95811
    Mailing Address: P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090
    (916) 322-2493 |