Instream Flow Program Documents

The Instream Flow Program produces multiple types of documents, including technical reports and standardized operating procedures, for public and agency use. For more information regarding any of these documents or instream flow studies contact

Additional documents relating to instream flow may be found by searching the CDFW Document Library.

Documents by Category

Documents by Watershed

Program Fact Sheets

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

The Instream Flow Program has produced standardized data collection procedures to produce consistent, high-quality results. The SOPs below describe guidelines and step-by-step methodologies often used in CDFW instream flow studies. The SOPs are intended as an informational resource for other state and federal agencies, non-governmental organizations, private contractors, and other organizations throughout California.

Quality Assurance Guidance Documents

Additional guidance documents are available to assist instream flow practitioners in the development of complete, consistent, and defensible instream flow studies.

Annual Report

The Instream Flow Program produces a public report each year to provide updates on flow studies and program activities, spotlight available tools, and continue public outreach. The current report is listed below. Archived reports may be found in the Document Library.

2023 Annual Report (PDF)

Journal Publications

Instream Flow Priority List and Historical Flow Recommendations

CDFW Water Branch
P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244