Distribution and Abundance
Golden Eagle.
Golden Eagle.
Golden eagles are found throughout North America, but are more common in western North America. Little is known about the eagle abundance, but it is thought that numbers may be declining in some, if not all, parts of their range. Golden eagle abundance in California is unknown.
Most golden eagles in California are resident (e.g. they stay in the state yearlong), but some migrate into California for winter. Those that stay yearlong may move downslope for the winter, or upslope after breeding season. Golden eagles inhabit a variety of habitats including forests, canyons, shrub lands, grasslands, and oak woodlands
The golden eagle breeds from late January through August and produces 1-3 eggs. Nests are constructed on platforms on steep cliffs or in large trees. The main prey species for the golden eagle are rabbits, hares and rodents; but eagles will also takes other mammals, birds, and reptiles. Carrion (e.g. carcasses found on the landscape) is also a part of the eagle diet, especially during winter months.
Threats to this large bird of prey are varied, and include loss of foraging areas, loss of nesting habitat, pesticide poisoning, lead poisoning and collision with man-made structures such as wind turbines.
Population Status and Trend
Little is known about the population trend for golden eagles. The Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) has long-term dataset that can be used to assess general population trends. However, no strong trend exists for the golden eagle in California.
Submission of Golden Eagle Data
The CDFW and USFWS staff led an effort to develop the CA/NV Golden Eagle Database. You can submit data to the Golden Eagle Database by filling in the CNDDB Golden Eagle Database Submission Template (PDF) and sending directly to Kate.Keiser@wildlife.ca.gov. In addition to a blank spreadsheet to submit data, this template also provides detailed instructions, field definitions and values, sample data, and references. For general inquires related to the database you may contact Carie.Battistone@wildlife.ca.gov.
You may also submit golden eagle data using the CNDDB Online Field Survey Form. This form is an internet application that allows users to map an observation of a rare species, including but not limited to golden eagles, and submit the location and associated data in a single step. First time users will need to set up an account but will not need a CNDDB subscription to submit data.
California and Nevada Golden Eagle Working Group and the Golden Eagle Science Team
The Golden Eagle Working Group (GEWG) was established in 2011 by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Migratory Bird Program, CDFW and the Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW). The purpose of the GEWG is to provide a public forum for state and federal agencies, nongovernmental organizations, researchers, landowners, and other interested parties to discuss and coordinate conservation topics surrounding Golden Eagles in California and Nevada, such as information and data sharing. USFWS is lead for developing GEWG agendas and overall meeting planning.
Two subgroups were formed subsequent to the GEWG formation - the research and data subgroups. The data subgroup’s main task was to develop a comprehensive database and data set for Golden Eagle observations for California and Nevada. A database was developed and populated and is managed by CDFW as part of the California Natural Diversity Database. The research subgroup is now independent of the GEWG, renamed the Golden Eagle Science Team, and is led by CDFW and NDOW. Though separate from the GEWG, the Science Team provides regular updates to the GEWG, and topics addressed within this group may be informed by the GEWG.