On this page Meetings Distribution List Survey Guidance and Protocols Symposiums and Presentations Working Group Meetings and Products February 20, 2019 Agenda (PDF) Meeting Notes (PDF) November 4, 2015 Agenda (PDF) Meeting Notes (PDF) January 27, 2014 Agenda (PDF) Meeting Notes (PDF) December 12, 2012 Agenda (PDF) Meeting Notes (PDF) November 15, 2011 Agenda (PDF) Meeting Notes (PDF) May 12, 2011 Agenda (PDF) Meeting Notes (PDF) Working Group Distribution List GEWG Distribution List (PDF) Survey Guidance and Protocols Interim Golden Eagle Inventory and Monitoring Protocols; and Other Recommendations - USFWS, February 2010 (PDF) Protocol for Golden Eagle Occupancy, Reproduction, and Prey Population Assessment - Driscoll, 2010 (PDF) Golden Eagle Mortality Investigation and Carcass Submission Protocol - USFWS 2014 (PDF)* *Note: Eagle carcasses in California may be sent to CDFW Wildlife Health Lab for sampling prior to being sent to the Eagle Repository. Contact Krysta.Rogers@wildlife.ca.gov for more information. Symposiums and Presentations Golden Eagle Working Group Meeting - February 20, 2019 USFWS Update, Borneman and Beeler, 2019 (PDF) USFWS Western Golden Eagle Team Update, Woodbridge, 2019 (PDF) USFWS Shiloh IV Risk Validation Analysis, Beeler, 2019 (PDF) Golden Eagle Science Team Update, Battistone, 2019 (PDF) Golden Eagle CA/NV Database Update, Dietsch, 2019 (PDF) Golden Eagle Occupancy Surveys in NV, Barnes, 2019 (PDF) Alta X Monitoring, Nelson, 2019 (PDF) AWWI Update, George and Nagy, 2019 (PDF) AWEA Update, Nagy, 2019 (PDF) Golden Eagle Occupancy and Reproduction Monitoring, Wiens, 2019 (PDF) Golden Eagle Research and Management in East Bay Parks, Bell, 2019 (PDF) Golden Eagle Research Overview and Updates, Duerr, 2019 (PDF) Golden Eagle Urban Avoidance, Ormsby, 2019 (PDF) Golden Eagle Vehicle Strike Risk, Slater, 2019 (PDF) Monitoring Terminology and Ecology of Golden Eagle Prey - November 4, 2015 On November 4, 2015 the CA-NV Golden Eagle Working Group met and hosted a mini research symposium titled "Monitoring Terminology and Ecology of Golden Eagle Prey” -- see Program with Abstracts (PDF). Presentations from the meeting and symposium are provided below. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Eagle Updates - Beeler 2015 (PDF) Western Golden Eagle Conservation Team Update - Woodbridge 2015 (PDF) Nevada Department of Wildlife Golden Eagle Update - Barnes 2015 (PDF) California Department of Fish and Wildlife and Pacific Flyway Updates - Battistone 2015 (PDF) Draft Golden Eagle Observations Database - Keiser 2015 (PDF) CNDDB Online Field Survey Form Demonstration - Keiser 2015 (PDF) CA/NV Golden Eagle Mentorship, 2014-2015 - Orsmby 2015 (PDF) Nevada Mining Association Golden Eagle Protection Best Practices - Lassiter 2015 (PDF) Prey as Drivers of Golden Eagle Populations in the western U.S. - Bedrosian 2015 (PDF) Protocol for Golden Eagle Occupancy, Reproduction, and Prey Population Assessment - Driscoll 2015 (PDF) Suitability of Ground Squirrels as Prey for Golden Eagles in a Changing Climate - Salas and Van Horne 2015 (PDF) Golden Eagle Working Group Meeting - January 27, 2014 On January 27, 2014 the CA-NV Golden Eagle Working Group met where several updates and research presentations were given. Presentations from this meeting are provided below. Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle mortalities at wind energy facilities in the contiguous US – Pagel 2014 (PDF) CA-NV Golden Eagle Observation Database - Schoenig 2014 (PDF) CA-NV Golden Eagle Research Subgroup Updates - Beeler 2014 (PDF) Estimating Abundance of Golden Eagles in the DRECP Area 2013 - Thompson 2014 (PDF) Estimation of Site Occupancy and Nesting Success of Golden Eagles in the Diablo Mountains - Wiens 2014 (PDF) Golden Eagle Disease & Contaminant Surveillance - Rogers 2014 (PDF) Golden Eagle Research and Monitoring Online Coordination Tool – Battistone 2014 (PDF) Mining Industry Updates GEWG - Maples 2014 (PDF) Nevada Statewide Golden Eagle Nest Site Survey Project - Boone 2014 (PDF) Pacific Flyway Council Nongame Technical Committee - Tomlinson 2014 (PDF) USDA Forest Service CA-NV Eagle Update - Krueger 2014 (PDF) USFWS Eagle Updates - Beeler & Brickey 2014 (PDF) USFWS Western Golden Eagle Conservation Team - Woodbridge 2014 (PDF) USGS Research Supporting Golden Eagle Management Status and Updates - Wiens 2014 (PDF) Distribution, Abundance, and Population Status of Golden Eagles in California and Nevada - December 11, 2012 CA-NV Golden Eagle Working Group Research Symposium titled "Distribution, Abundance, and Population Status of Golden Eagles in California and Nevada", December 11, 2012 -- see Program with Abstracts (PDF). Presentations and posters from this meeting are provided below. Posters Golden Eagle Fatalities and Relative Abundance in the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area - Schwartz et. al 2012 (PDF) Golden Eagle Fall Migration Counts in Marin Headlands, CA - Fish et. al 2012 (PDF) Records of Golden Eagles Observed in the DRECP Area - Dunn et. al 2012 (PDF) Results of Golden Eagle nest Surveys in Arizona's Portion of BCR 33 - Jacobson 2012 (PDF) Satellite Tracking of Golden Eagles from Autumn Migration Study Sites in NV and Neighboring Areas - Smith 2012 (PDF) Protecting Active Golden Eagle Nests in Yosemite National Park - Stock and Barnes 2012 (PDF) Golden Eagle "Element Occurrences" in the California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) - Schoenig and Acord 2012 (PDF) Oral Presentations Golden Eagle Migration Monitoring - Goshutes, Nevada and Beyond - Slater et. al 2012 (PDF) Golden Eagle Surveys, Habitat Characteristics, and Nest Monitoring in Del Norte and Humboldt Counties, CA - Chinnici et. al 2012 (PDF) Recent Golden Eagle Nest Surveys and Nesting History in Yolo, Solano, and San Luis Obispo Counties, California - Smith 2012 (PDF) Golden Eagles on DoD Lands - Eberly 2012 (PDF) Oregon's Statewide Golden Eagle Inventory and Monitoring Effort: A Model for Broad-Scale Monitoring of Nesting Eagles - Everett, Isaacs & Price 2012 (PDF) Monitoring Abundance of Golden Eagles in the Western United States - Nielson & Thompson 2012 (PDF) Golden Eagle Basics - Hunt 2012 (PDF) A New National Wildlife Refuge System Inventory & Monitoring Initiative and Golden Eagles in California and Nevada: Mining Existing Data - Laing 2012 (PDF)