Mandatory Wildlife Report
All SCP Permitholders (including “Legacy” SCPs that were issued using applications submitted prior to October 1, 2018) are now required to report using the new Mandatory Wildlife Report spreadsheet form (DFW 1379a) (Excel).
The Mandatory Wildlife Report (MWR) replaces the former Report of Specimens Captured and Salvaged (RSCS) form. But, the MWR form does not replace any other special reporting conditions in your permit.
Other Reports
Please continue to submit required annual reports, survey reports or other reporting information as outlined in your current SCP, including California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) data for rare taxa covered on the CDFW Special Animals List.
Where to Send Reports
For “Legacy” SCPs: please submit the MWR form and other reports to the appropriate SCP Coordinator (see below) and any other CDFW contact(s) named in the reporting conditions of your Legacy SCP.
If no contact person is listed in your Legacy SCP, send the MWR and any other required reports to
For SCPs issued in the Online SCP Portal: please upload reports into “Section 1b – Reporting Requirements” of your approved permit, and submit the reports to the CDFW contact(s) named in the reporting conditions of your Specific Use SCP or General Use SCP.
SCP Fees
You may submit your SCP payment online or by mail. Fee payments submitted online through the CDFW Automated License Data System (ALDS), also referred to as the Online License Sales and Services portal, are generally processed within three to five business days and are subject to a 5% nonrefundable license agent handling fee. Payments submitted by mail may take up to 15 business days to process and are not subject to the 5% agent handling fee.
IMPORTANT! Do not submit your payment until you receive an email from the SCP portal verifying the amount you owe. The email you are provided will include the exact name of the item you should select and the amount to submit when making your payment. Incorrect payments will delay the processing of your application. Please see the colored diagram below to confirm you are selecting the correct item before finalizing your transaction online.
(click to enlarge)
Reviews of SCP applications continues as usual as Department staff work remotely; the best way to contact us is by email at
Payment Options
- Online License Sales and Services: Online purchases may only be made with a credit or debit card displaying a Visa or Mastercard logo. You may only pay AFTER submission of a completed SCP application in the SCP Portal, AND receipt of an email confirmation with instructions on how to pay. Online payments generally take 3-5 business days to clear before an application is routed for review.
- By mail: Please include your credit card information or check or money order payable to California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW). Mail to the CDFW, Attn: License and Revenue Branch, P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090. If you are paying by debit/credit card, fill out the Credit Card Authorization Form (PDF) and mail it to the address above. NOTE: Please allow 15 business days for mailed payments to be processed before an application is routed for review.
Renewal and New Application Fees for 2025
Fees shown in bold are the amounts to be paid via the Online License Sales and Service. Fees shown by [bracket] are the amounts to be paid by Check or Money Order following the above "Payment Options" (allow 15 business days for mailed payments to be cleared). Only a single PI is allowed per SCP.
Application and Permit Fees - To be submitted for both new and renewing SCPs
Application Fee
Permit Fee
a. General Use – Application: Inland Fisheries (form DFW 1379GF); Marine (form DFW 1379GM); and Terrestrial Wildlife (form DFW 1379GW).
Individual, Entity
b. Scientific Collecting Permit, General Use – Application (Student). Use Application forms DFW 1379GW, GF and/or GM.
c. Scientific Collecting Permit, Specific Use – Application (form DFW 1379S).
Individual, Entity
d. Scientific Collecting Permit, Specific Use – Application (Student). Use Application form DFW 1379S.
Application request for SCP Amendment
Individual and Entity Permitholders – General Amendments may be requested for General Use level permits only. Specific Amendments may be requested for Specific Use level permits only.
The fee for a Legacy Permit Amendments (LPAs) is the same as the Specific Use Amendment listed below.
Amendment Fees
Permitholder Type
Amendment Fee
a. General Use – Amendment: Inland Fisheries (form DFW 1379GFA); Marine (form DFW 1379GMA, New 09/01/17); Terrestrial Wildlife (form DFW 1379 GWA)
Individual, Entity
b. Specific Use – Amendment (form DFW 1379SA)
Individual, Entity
c. General or Specific Use Amendment – Student (use forms DFW 1379GFA, GMA, GWA and/or SA)
Excerpt from Title 14, subsection 703(c)(PDF) (operative 10-1-2018). Fees shown include surcharges or fee adjustments pursuant to Fish and Game Code Sections 713 and 1055. Additional adjustments are made January of every year.
For assistance with payment of an application fee or permit fee, contact the LRB's Special Permits Unit by telephone at (916) 928-5846 or email at
Special Status Species
The SCP is currently implemented as the permitting mechanism for take that targets species belonging to the taxonomic groups listed in this regulatory proposal that are not listed as Candidate, Threatened, or Endangered under the California Endangered Species Act (CESA), and that are not Fully Protected. However, the Department acknowledges that inadvertent take of co-occurring CESA-listed and/or Fully Protected species could potentially occur while conducting certain activities permitted under SCPs.
Terrestrial and Vernal Pool Invertebrates
Most terrestrial invertebrates that occur in non-aquatic terrestrial environments (i.e. above mean high tide of marine waters or aerial life stage of aquatic insects) are exempt from an SCP except:
Other Research Authorizations
Species protected under different designations below may be taken for scientific purposes, but not all may be taken for educational, non-commercial propagation, or management purposes. This is determined by whether a species is classified as a species of special concern, fully protected species, candidate, threatened, or endangered species, Prohibited Wildlife, an endangered or rare plant species, or other native species.