Accordion side navigation Instream Flow Program Instream Flow Studies Studies Overview Big Sur River Butte Creek Clear Lake Watershed Deer Creek Mark West Creek Mill Creek Scott River and Shasta River South Fork Eel River Ventura River California Water Action Plan Watershed-Wide Instream Flow Criteria Instream Flow Criteria Map Instream Flow Program Documents Instream Flow Quality Assurance Program Instream Flow Program Presentations External Instream Flow Resources Scott and Shasta River Studies (Siskiyou County) (click to enlarge) (click to enlarge) Scott River near Callahan. Shasta River. The Scott and Shasta Rivers are both identified by CDFW as high priority watersheds for coho salmon recovery. Threats to coho salmon, such as high water temperature and low water levels in the late summer and fall, may reduce available juvenile rearing habitat as well as make adult passage to spawning areas difficult or impossible. The current effort is focused on working with stakeholders, landowners, other agencies, and non-governmental organizations to collect information, identify issues and concerns, and define future study needs on the Scott and Shasta Rivers. Consultant services were guided the process of developing comprehensive study plans using the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology (IFIM) for both rivers. These study plans will identify what studies are needed to determine flow requirements for coho salmon recovery. The first two phases (problem identification and study planning) of the IFIM process are complete. Multiple study plans were completed, and the IFP is currently in the process of obtaining funding for phase 3 (project implementation) for these projects. Resources Interim Instream Flow Criteria for the Protection of Fishery Resources in the Scott River Watershed, Siskiyou County (PDF) Instream Flow Study Plan Development by Normandeau Associates Scott River and Shasta River Study Reaches (PDF) Scott River Fish Passage and Longitudinal Habitat Connectivity Study Plan (PDF) Scott River Floodplain Habitat Connectivity Study Plan (PDF) Scott River Habitat Suitability Criteria Study Plan (PDF) Scott River Hydraulic Habitat Modeling Study Plan (PDF) Scott River Hydrology and Integrated Surface Water/Groundwater Modeling Study Plan (PDF) Scott River Mesohabitat Delineation Study Plan (PDF) Scott River Water Temperature Assessment Study Plan (PDF) Shasta River Fish Passage and Longitudinal Habitat Connectivity Study Plan (PDF) Shasta River Floodplain Habitat Connectivity Study Plan (PDF) Shasta River Geomorphology: Incipient Motion and Sediment Transport Study Plan (PDF) Shasta River Habitat Suitability Criteria Study Plan (PDF) Shasta River Hydraulic Habitat Modeling Study Plan (PDF) Shasta River Hydrology and Integrated Surface Water/Groundwater Modeling Study Plan (PDF) Shasta River Mesohabitat Delineation Study Plan (PDF) Shasta River Riparian Vegetation Assessment Study Plan (PDF) Shasta River Water Temperature Assessment Study Plan (PDF)