Gray Wolf Photos and Videos

Gray Wolves in California (2025)

The following photos are of the winter helicopter captures of wolves in Northern California. Capture operations occurred from Jan. 14 through the end of that month across Siskiyou, Lassen, Plumas and Sierra counties. With the aid of contracted aircraft and a capture crew, wolves from the Whaleback, Harvey, and Beyem Seyo packs were captured. In addition to fitting each wolf with a satellite collar, biologists recorded body measurements and collected biological samples, including DNA and blood. Those samples allow CDFW to monitor wolves for diseases and to determine the relatedness of individuals and packs. The wolves were released at their capture locations.

An immobilized wolf being monitored by CDFW biologists
An immobilized wolf being monitored by CDFW biologists
CDFW biologists monitor a captured gray wolf
CDFW biologists monitor a captured gray wolf.
CDFW biologists monitor a captured gray wolf
CDFW biologists monitor BEY09M (a male born in the 2024 litter of the Beyem Seyo pack) recovering from anesthesia prior to being released close to where he was captured, January 2025. Photo credit: Malia Brytus/California Wolf Project.
CDFW biologists monitor a captured gray wolf
CDFW biologists monitor an anesthetized Harvey pack wolf after fitting a new GPS collar to her, January 2025.
A wolf is released close to its capture location after being collared.
A newly collared wolf from the Beyem Seyo pack is released close to where she was captured by the helicopter team, January 2025. (Photo credit: Malia Brytus/California Wolf Project)
CDFW biologists monitor a captured gray wolf
CDFW veterinarian and biologist monitor LAS23F of the Beyem Seyo pack, prior to releasing her with the rest of her pack, January 2025. (Photo credit: Malia Brytus/California Wolf Project)
A gray wolf after it's post-capture release back to its pack area.
HAR11M, a male born in the 2024 litter of the Harvey pack after being released close to where he was captured with a new collar, January 2025. (Photo credit: Axel Hunnicutt/CDFW)
BEY01F, a female born in the 2023 litter of the Beyem Seyo pack after being released close to where she was captured with a new collar
BEY01F, a female born in the 2023 litter of the Beyem Seyo pack after being released close to where she was captured with a new collar, January 2025. (Photo credit: Axel Hunnicutt/CDFW)
WHA01F, the breeding female of the Whaleback pack is laid in a straw-lined crate to safely wake up from anesthesia. She was safely released with her daughter, WHA29F close to where they were captured
WHA01F, the breeding female of the Whaleback pack is laid in a straw-lined crate to safely wake up from anesthesia. She was safely released with her daughter, WHA29F close to where they were captured, January 2025.

Gray Wolves in California (2023)

Yowlumni Pack wolves in Tulare County, Fall 2023.
Helicopter in sky
OR85 of Whaleback Pack anesthetized, placed in a transport carry garment, attached to a long line, and safely transported by helicopter to biologists and veterinarians for processing. This transport technique occurs when the wolf is darted in a forested landscape where the helicopter cannot land.
wolf in brush
OR85 with new satellite collar released and returning to the Whaleback Pack.
OR 85
Wolf release from box in snow
Gray wolf released from kennel post capture. Both wolves were placed in kennels after processing so that they could be transported back to the release site.
Veterinarian performing blood draw on wolf
Blood draw for disease surveillance and genetics by Wildlife Health Lab Veterinarian (resident).

Gray Wolves in California (2020)

8 wolf pups from the Lassen Pack in Lassen County, July 2020. CDFW video.

Female gray wolf after being fitted with a satellite tracking collar

Female gray wolf after being fitted with a satellite tracking collar in Lassen County, June 2020. Photo by CDFW

Female gray wolf after being fitted with a satellite tracking collar

Female gray wolf after being fitted with a satellite tracking collar in Lassen County, June 2020. Photo by CDFW

Female gray wolf after being fitted with a satellite tracking collar

Female gray wolf after being fitted with a satellite tracking collar in Lassen County, June 2020. Photo by CDFW

Gray Wolves in California (2019)

Adult female, yearling and pups in Lassen County, June 2019

young female wolf with GPS collar laying down and looking the side

Female gray wolf pup in Lassen County, September 2019. Photo by CDFW


Female gray wolf pup capture and release in Lassen County, September 2019. Video by CDFW

Gray Wolves in California (2018)

Adult gray wolf in Lassen National Forest, July 2018 - image open in new window
Adult gray wolf in Lassen National Forest, July 2018. Photo by T. Rickman, USFS.

Adult gray wolf in Lassen National Forest in July 2018 - image open in new window
Adult gray wolf in Lassen National Forest, July 2018. Photo by T. Rickman, USFS.


Adult gray wolf in Lassen National Forest in July 2018 - image open in new window
Adult gray wolf in Lassen National Forest, July 2018. Photo by T. Rickman, USFS.

Adult gray wolf in Lassen National Forest in August 2018 - image open in new window
Adult dark gray wolf in Lassen National Forest, August 2018. Photo by T. Rickman, USFS.


Adult gray wolf with collar at night in Lassen National Forest - image open in new window
Adult gray wolf with collar at night in Lassen National Forest, August 2018. Photo by T. Rickman, USFS.

Adult gray wolf running in Lassen National Forest - image open in new window
Adult gray wolf running in Lassen National Forest, August 2018. Photo by T. Rickman, USFS.


Adult gray wolf drinking from water guzzler in Lassen National Forest - image open in new window
Adult gray wolf drinking from water guzzler in Lassen National Forest, August 2018. Photo by T. Rickman, USFS.

Gray wolf running in Lassen National Forest - image open in new window
Adult gray wolf running during the day in Lassen National Forest, August 2018. Photo by T. Rickman, USFS.


Black wolf running in Lassen National Forest - image open in new window
Adult black wolf running in Lassen National Forest, August 2018. Photo by T. Rickman, USFS.

Dark gray wolf walking in North Lassen County - image open in new window
Adult dark gray wolf trotting in Lassen County, September 2018. Photo by L. Sandberg.


Two adult gray wolves at night in Lassen County - image open in new window
Two adult gray wolves at night in Lassen County, September 2018. CDFW photo.

One adult gray wolf at night in Lassen County - image open in new window
One adult gray wolf at night in Lassen County, September 2018. CDFW photo.


Gray Wolves in California (2017)

ay wolf image open in new window
A pup howling. Wolves howl to communicate to each other. “Hey where are you? I’m over here.” CDFW photo.

Adult gray wolf in Lassen National Forest in July 2018 - image open in new window
Adult female wolf in Lassen National Forest, October 2017. CDFW photo


Three-month old wolf pups investigate their world while their mother, LAS01F, is on a hunting foray 5 miles away. CDFW video.

Collared breeding female wolf, LAS01F, and the breeding male heading out from their rendezvous site to hunt. CDFW video.

Four pups investigating their world in the wee hours of the night. CDFW video.

Wolf pup investigating a field camera it found. CDFW video.

Gray Wolves in California (2015-2016)

Shasta Pack pups in Siskiyou County, August, 2015.

Adult canid in Siskiyou County, July, 2015. CDFW trailcam photo by Pete Figura.
Adult canid in Siskiyou County, July, 2015. CDFW trailcam photo by Pete Figura.

Adult wolf in Siskiyou County, August, 2015. CDFW trailcam photo by Pete Figura.
Adult wolf in Siskiyou County, August, 2015. CDFW trailcam photo by Pete Figura.


Wolf pups in Siskiyou County, August, 2015. CDFW trailcam photo by Pete Figura.
Wolf pups in Siskiyou County, August, 2015. CDFW trailcam photo by Pete Figura.

Gray wolf OR7. Photo by Bryce Bohlander. - image open in new window
Gray wolf OR7. Photo by Bryce Bohlander.


Gray wolf OR7. CDFW photo by Richard Shinn. - image open in new window
Gray wolf OR7. CDFW photo by Richard Shinn.

Wolf track in soil. CDFW photo by Pete Figura.
Wolf track in soil. CDFW photo by Pete Figura.


Wolf track in snow. Photo by Linda Hay. - image open in new window
Wolf track in snow. Photo by Linda Hay.

Wolf track in snow. CDFW photo by Pete Figura. - image open in new window
Wolf track in snow. CDFW photo by Pete Figura.


Member of Shasta Pack - image open in new window
Member of Shasta Pack. CDFW trailcam photo.

Member of Shasta Pack
Member of Shasta Pack. CDFW trailcam photo.


Members of Shasta Pack
Members of Shasta Pack. CDFW trailcam photo.

 Wolf track in snow. Photo by Tanya Dronoff. - image open in new window
Wolf track in snow. Photo by Tanya Dronoff.


Members of Shasta Pack
Members of Shasta Pack. CDFW trailcam photo.

Member of Shasta Pack
Member of Shasta Pack. CDFW trailcam photo.


Members of Shasta Pack
Members of Shasta Pack. CDFW trailcam photo.

Potential evidence of another wild wolf in California - image open in new window
Potential evidence of at least one other wild wolf in California. CDFW trailcam photo, Lassen County.


Potential evidence of another wild wolf in California - image open in new window
Potential evidence of at least one other wild wolf in California. CDFW trailcam photo, Lassen County.

Potential evidence of another wild wolf in California - image open in new window
Potential evidence of at least one other wild wolf in California. CDFW trailcam photo, Lassen County.


Potential evidence of another wild wolf in California - image open in new window
Potential evidence of at least one other wild wolf in California. CDFW trailcam photo, Lassen County.

Potential evidence of another wild wolf in California - image open in new window
Potential evidence of at least one other wild wolf in California. CDFW trailcam photo, Lassen County.


Wildlife Branch - Wildlife Diversity Program
1010 Riverside Parkway, West Sacramento, CA 95605