California Wolf Stakeholder Working Group

With the arrival of wolf OR7 into California in late 2011, CDFW began a series of actions that included informing the general public, and engaging stakeholder groups representing diverse interests. In April 2012, CDFW organized a stakeholder meeting to provide updates on the status of OR7, wolf populations outside of California, and to solicit input on recommended future actions by CDFW relative to gray wolves.

A Wolf Stakeholder Working Group (SWG) was formally convened by CDFW for development of a California Wolf Conservation Plan (Plan). The first SWG Meeting was held February 5, 2013. The SWG also formed the following subgroups: Wolf-Conservation Subgroup, Wolf-Livestock Interactions Subgroup, Wolf-Ungulate Interactions Subgroup. The SWG subgroups engaged in joint fact-finding to provide recommendations and help inform development of the Plan. CDFW provided the first comprehensive draft for SWG review in December 2014.

Wolf Stakeholder Working Group

Wolf Conservation Subgroup

Wolf-Livestock Interactions Subgroup

Wolf-Ungulate Interactions Subgroup

Wildlife Branch - Wildlife Diversity Program
1010 Riverside Parkway, West Sacramento, CA 95605