Can't find your answer? Email AskMarine. FAQ Home What would you like to Ask Marine? Home / Select Species / Spiny lobster / Can a sport fisherman keep lobsters that are taken on hook and line while fishing for finfish? Select Species Clams Dungeness crab Groundfish Invertebrate fishing gear Kelp and Algae Miscellaneous invertebrates Other Finfish Pacific halibut Red abalone Rock crabs Salmon Shrimp, Prawns Spiny lobster Sharks Can a sport fisherman keep lobsters that are taken on hook and line while fishing for finfish? lobster, hoop nets, bugs, gear regulations, CCR T14, Section 29.80 No. California spiny lobster may only be taken by hand or by hoop net. Lobsters that are taken incidentally on hook and line while fishing for finfish must be returned to the sea immediately. Glad we could be helpful. Thanks for the feedback. Sorry we couldn't be helpful. Your feedback will help us improve this article. How helpful was this page? Updated on Thu, 06 Feb 2025 by In this section The regulation states that the season opens at 6:00 p.m. On opening day, can I put my hoop nets in the water at 5 p.m. and pull them an hour later at 6 p.m.? When should I measure the lobster I catch? Am I required to have a lobster gauge when I go fishing for lobster? Can I use a tape measure or a ruler? What are the legal methods of take for spiny lobster? Can I use a "tickle stick" to coax a lobster from its hiding spot? How much does the spiny lobster report card cost? How do I fill out my lobster report card? Where can I purchase a spiny lobster report card? What is the purpose of the lobster report card? If I am fishing for lobster with friends, do we all need our own lobster report cards? Do kids under 16 need a spiny lobster report card too? Is there a limit to the number of spiny lobster report cards I can buy? Am I required to have the lobster report card in my possession when I'm fishing for spiny lobsters? Do I need a spiny lobster report card when fishing for lobster on a free fishing day or from a public pier? Do I have to start a new line on my report card when nighttime fishing spans two calendar days? Where and when do I submit the lobster report card once it's filled out? Are there any additional restrictions not listed in CDFW regulations, concerning recreational spiny lobster take in specific areas? If I'm fishing for crab from a public pier and I'm NOT fishing for spiny lobster, do I still need the lobster report card? What is the possession limit for lobster? My young son and I both have our report cards. Does he have to carry his own catch? Or can I be in possession of more than my legal 7 "bugs"? Do I need a sport fishing license to catch lobsters from a public pier? May I tail my legally harvested lobsters while still at sea or at the boat launch ramp? Why are people allowed to keep lobsters with eggs? Why hasn't a slot limit been established for lobsters? People need to let the big breeders go! What is the difference between commercial and recreational lobster fishing? How do I know which one I do? How is CDFW helping the spiny lobster? Related articles Why can commercial lobster fishermen use huge traps when recreational fishermen are restricted to using hoop nets? It just doesn’t seem fair! Select Species / Invertebrate fishing gear Are groundfish fishing regulations different when fishing from a boat compared to fishing from shore? Select Species / Groundfish How do I fill out my lobster report card? Select Species / Spiny lobster Am I required to have the lobster report card in my possession when I'm fishing for spiny lobsters? Select Species / Spiny lobster Can a sport fisherman use traps to take lobster? Select Species / Invertebrate fishing gear