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Why can commercial lobster fishermen use huge traps when recreational fishermen are restricted to using hoop nets? It just doesn’t seem fair!

commercial vs recreational, bugs, sustainable, subsistence, trap, hoop net

CDFW is mandated by law to allow for the sustainable use of lobster by both the commercial and recreational fishing sectors. While our laws say that recreational fishermen are entitled to harvest for sport (and not subsistence use), commercial fishermen must make a living off the resource. The commercial lobster industry is highly regulated, with a fixed number of permits, and commercial fishermen are required to use traps with strict regulations concerning mesh size and escape ports that allow large numbers of sub-legal sized lobsters to come and go freely from traps. 

Recreational lobster fishing is a sport activity not meant for subsistence. CDFW would like recreational users to enjoy this resource. The number of recreational participants is not restricted, and hoop nets and diving are both very effective methods of recreational take. Finally, there are large productive areas that are closed to commercial lobster fishing but open to recreational lobster fishing, such as Santa Monica Bay, San Pedro Bay, San Diego Bay, the lee side of Catalina Island, and many bays and jetties.

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Updated on Wed, 05 Jun 2024 by