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Where can I find information about catching rockfish aboard my boat? Do groundfish regulations differ throughout the state?

rockfish, groundfish, groundfish regulations, identification, ID

Yes, groundfish regulations differ throughout the state. Here are some resources that will help with your boat-based groundfish fishing season: 

CDFW works together with NOAA to create sustainable fisheries. The links below will be helpful if you have a separate GPS device for your vessel. 

  • NOAA Depth-Based Boundary Lines Data Point Files: The Rockfish Conservation Area lines are in federal regulations and the National Marine Fisheries Service has a website that talks about the various groundfish closures where you can download a CSV file with the GPS points. If you own a GPS, there are free websites that can convert the CSV file into whatever file type is used by your brand of GPS. Most GPS manufacturers have information regarding how to load this information onto their devices. Please check with your GPS manufacturer’s website or your owner’s manual if this is something you are interested in. 
  • The latitude/longitude coordinates defining the 50 fm RCA line for the West Coast can be found in 50 CFR 660.72(a)

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Updated on Wed, 05 Jun 2024 by