When there are circumstances beyond the control of the lobster permit holder that results in the inability to service their traps, CDFW may grant a temporary waiver that allows a lobster permit holder to service trap(s) of another.
Fishermen applying for a waiver must submit a request in writing to CDFW’s License and Revenue Branch at LRB@wildlife.ca.gov or by mail to: California Department of Fish and Wildlife, License and Revenue Branch, P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244 describing why having another lobster permit holder service your traps and/or receivers is necessary.
The waiver must include the following information:
- Names and permit numbers of the lobster permit holder requesting the waiver and the lobster permit holder to be given permission to pull, service, or transport the traps and/or receivers;
- Proposed time period and location to conduct operations;
- Trap tag number(s) or number of traps and/or receivers to be pulled, serviced or transported. CDFW may request other related information prior to granting or denying the waiver.
The waiver may include conditions CDFW deems necessary. The lobster operator permit holder must have a copy of the waiver in possession when pulling, servicing, or transporting the traps and/or receivers, and may retain lobsters caught in the traps or contained in the receivers unless otherwise specified as a condition of the waiver.