California Fish and Wildlife Journal - Staff

All editorial staff for the California Fish and Wildlife Journal are current or retired employees of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.


Design and Layout Editors

  • Gabe Quillman, North Central Region
  • Andrew Wilkens, Office of Spill Prevention and Response
  • Lea Koerber, Fisheries Branch
  • Alison Nevins, Biogeographic Data Branch
  • Diane Haas, Water Branch
  • Jennifer Gaffey, Office of Spill Prevention and Response
  • Maggie McCann, Fisheries Branch
  • Rose Dodgen, Regulatory Unit
  • Shelby Thompson, Biogeographic Data Branch
  • Lanette Richardson, Water Branch

Associate Editors

Wildlife Branch

  • Laura Patterson
  • Dan Skalos
  • Karen Converse
  • Katherine Miller
  • Matt Meshriy
  • Katrina Smith
  • Anne Hilborn
  • Shannon Skalos
  • Kimiora Ward

Fisheries Branch

  • Jeff Rodzen
  • John Kelly
  • Gabriel Singer

Habitat Conservation Planning Branch

  • Cherilyn Burton
  • Lauren Miele
  • Kate Morozova
  • Margaret Mantor
  • Raffica La Rosa
  • Michael Jenkins

Conservation Engineering Branch

  • Mark Gard

Watershed Restoration Grants Branch

  • Jennifer Olson

Water Branch

  • Ken Kundargi
  • Travis Apgar

Marine Region

  • Morgan Ivens-Duran
  • Kim Walker

Inland Deserts Region

  • Jeff Villepique
  • Steve Parmenter (Retired)

Northern Region

  • Ken Lindke
  • Joshua Gruver (Jr. Editor)

Office of Cannabis

  • Jennifer Nguyen
  • Matt Toenies


  • Randy Lovell

Office of Communications, Education and Outreach
P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090
(916) 322-8911