California Fish and Wildlife Journal - Contents


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Available online: 2008–current, see below. Search Articles(opens in new tab)

If you need an article of CFWJ that is not available on our website, issues from 1915–1994 can be found through the Biodiversity Heritage Library(opens in new tab), and you can email our publication office to obtain a copy of any other issue. All article titles and authors are listed below, and print versions can be found at the State Depository Libraries.

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The views, opinions, and conclusions within the content of this publication are solely the authors’ and do not necessarily reflect those of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Articles in HTML format (2022–present)


Volume 110 Issue 2

Volume 110 Issue 1


Volume 109 Issue 4

Volume 109 Issue 3

Volume 109 Issue 2

Volume 109 Issue 1


Volume 108 Issue 4

Volume 108 Issue 3 – Proceedings of the 14th Biennial Deer and Elk Workshop

Volume 108 Issue 2

Volume 108 Issue 1

Articles in PDF format (2008–2021)



Volume 107 - Summer 2021 / Number 3

Volume 107 - Spring 2021 / Number 2

Special Issue - The California Endangered Species Act: Successes and Challenges

Volume 107 - Winter 2021 / Number 1


California Fish and Wildlife Journal 106(4) Fall high resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Wildlife Journal 106(4) Fall low resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Wildlife 2020 Special Fire Issue high resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Wildlife 2020 Special Fire Issue low resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Wildlife Journal 106(2) Special Cannabis Issue high resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Wildlife Journal 106(2) Special Cannabis Issue low resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Wildlife Journal 106(3) Summer high resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Wildlife Journal 106(3) Summer low resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Wildlife Journal 2020 Special Issue: Effects of Non-consumptive Recreation on Wildlife in California high resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Wildlife Journal 2020 Special Issue: Effects of Non-consumptive Recreation on Wildlife in California low resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Wildlife Journal 106(2) Spring high resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Wildlife Journal 106(2) Spring low resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Wildlife Journal 106(1) Winter high resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Wildlife Journal 106(1) Winter low resolution (PDF)


California Fish and Game 105(4) Fall high resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Game 105(4) Fall low resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Game 105(3) Summer high resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Game 105(3) Summer low resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Game 105(2) Spring high resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Game 105(2) Spring low resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Game 105(1) Winter high resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Game 105(1) Winter low resolution (PDF)


California Fish and Game 104(4) Fall high resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Game 104(4) Fall low resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Game Journal Summer Issue 104 (3) High Resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Game Journal Summer Issue 104 (3) Low Resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Game Journal Spring Issue 104 (2) High Resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Game Journal Spring Issue 104 (2) Low Resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Game Journal Winter Issue 104 (1) High Resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Game Journal Winter Issue 104 (1) Low Resolution (PDF)


California Fish and Game 103(4) Fall high resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Game 103(4) Fall low resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Game Journal Summer Issue 103 (3) High Resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Game Journal Summer Issue 103 (3) Low Resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Game Journal Spring Issue 103 (2) High Resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Game Journal Spring Issue 103 (2) Low Resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Game Journal Winter Issue 103 (1) High Resolution (PDF)

California Fish and Game Journal Winter Issue 103 (1) Low Resolution (PDF)


California Fish and Game Journal Fall Issue 102 (4) High Resolution

California Fish and Game Journal Fall Issue 102 (4) Low Resolution

California Fish and Game Journal Summer Issue 102 (3) High Resolution

California Fish and Game Journal Summer Issue 102 (3) Low Resolution

California Fish and Game Journal Spring Issue 102 (2) High Resolution

California Fish and Game Journal Spring Issue 102 (2) Low Resolution

California Fish and Game Journal Winter Issue 102(1) High Resolution

California Fish and Game Journal Winter Issue 102 (1) Low Resolution


California Fish and Game Journal Fall Issue 101(4) High Resolution

California Fish and Game Journal Fall Issue 101(4) Low Resolution

California Fish and Game Summer Issue 101(3) High Resolution

California Fish and Game Summer Issue 101(3) Low Resolution

California Fish and Game 101(2), Spring 2015 (High Resolution)

California Fish and Game 101(2), Spring 2015 (Low Resolution)

California Fish and Game 101 (1) Winter 2015 (High Resolution)

California Fish and Game 101 (1) Winter 2015 (Low Resolution)


California Fish and Game 100 (4) Fall 2014 (High Resolution)

California Fish and Game 100 (4) Fall 2014 (Low Resolution)

California Fish and Game 100 (3) Summer 2014 (High Resolution)

California Fish and Game 100 (3) Summer 2014 (Low Resolution)

California Fish and Game 100 (2) Spring 2014 (High Resolution)

California Fish and Game 100 (2) Spring 2014 (Low Resolution)

California Fish and Game 100(1). Winter 2014. (high resolution)

California Fish and Game 100(1). Winter 2014. (low resolution)


California Fish and Game 99(4). Fall 2013.

California Fish and Game 99(3). Summer 2013.

California Fish and Game 99(2). Spring 2013.

California Fish and Game 99(1). Winter 2013.


California Fish and Game 98(4). Fall 2012.

California Fish and Game 98(3). Summer 2012.

California Fish and Game 98(2). Spring 2012.

California Fish and Game 98(1). Winter 2012.


California Fish and Game 97(4). Fall 2011.

California Fish and Game 97(3). Summer 2011.

California Fish and Game 97(2). Spring 2011.

California Fish and Game 97(1). Winter 2011.


California Fish and Game 96(4). Autumn 2010.

California Fish and Game 96(3). Summer 2010.

California Fish and Game 96(2). Spring 2010.

California Fish and Game 96(1). Winter 2010.


California Fish and Game 95(4). Autumn 2009.

California Fish and Game 95(3). Summer 2009.

California Fish and Game 95(2). Spring 2009.

California Fish and Game 95(1). Winter 2009.


California Fish and Game 94(4). Fall 2008.

California Fish and Game 94(3). Summer 2008.

California Fish and Game 94(2). Spring 2008.

California Fish and Game 94(1). Winter 2008.

Scanned Articles (1914–2007)


California Fish and Game 93(4). Fall 2007.

  • A re-evaluation of age, growth, and batch fecundity in the California barracuda, Sphyraena argentea, from southern California based on specimens taken from 2000 to 2002. David J. Bottinelli and Larry G. Allen
  • Cold temperature-induced osmoregulatory failure: the physiological basis for tilapia winter mortality in the Salton Sea? Brian A. Sardella and Colin J. Brauner
  • Relation between mortality of prickly sculpin and diurnal extremes in water quality at Rodeo Lagoon, Marin County, California. Barbara A. Martin, Michael K. Saiki, and Darren Fong
  • Inconsistencies in historical geographic range maps: the gray wolf as example. Stephanie L. Shelton and Floyd W. Weckerly

California Fish and Game 93(3). Summer 2007.

  • Non-indigenous aquatic organisms in the coastal waters of California. Stephen F. Foss, Peter R. Ode, Michael Sowby, and Marian Ashe
  • Historic accounts, recent abundance, and current distribution of threatened chinook salmon in the Russian River, California. Shawn D. Chase, David J. Manning, David G. Cook, and Sean K. White
  • Abundance and impacts of fallow deer leks at Point Reyes National Seashore. Gary M. Fellers and Michael S. Osbourn
  • Occurrence of a eulachon, Thaleichthys pacificus, in the lower Sacramento River, California. Robert F. Vincik and Robert G. Titus

California Fish and Game 93(2). Spring 2007.

  • Proliferative kidney disease (Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae) in Merced River Hatchery juvenile chinook salmon:mortality and performance impairment in 2005 smolts. Scott Foott, R. Stone, and K. Nichols
  • Size differences in wild and farmed red abalone: developing enforcement tools to combat illegal commercialization. Laura Rogers-Bennett and Arthur S. Melvin
  • Life history and ecological characteristics of the Santa Ana sucker, Catostomus santaanae. Michael K. Saiki, Barbara A. Martin, Glen W. Knowles, and Patrick W. Tennant
  • Marking of novel objects by kit foxes. Howard O. Clark, Jr.
  • First record of the occurrence of the California grunion, Leuresthes tenuis, in Tomales Bay, California:a northern extension of the species. Dale Roberts, Robert N. Lea, and Karen L. M. Martin

California Fish and Game 93(1). Winter 2007.

  • Diets of age-0 striped bass in the San Francisco estuary, 1973-2002. Marade E. Bryant and Jane D. Arnold
  • The ecology of over-water nesting ducks in northeastern California. Sabrina M. Wright-Myers and Raymond J. Bogiatto
  • Feeding preferences and size-related dietary shifts of treefish (Scorpaenidae: Sebastes serriceps) off Southern California. Ellen T. Kosman, Madhavi A. Colton, and Ralph J. Larson
  • Consideration of the common name for Gila (Siphateles) bicolor vaccaceps, a tui chub in the Cow Head Basin of northeastern California. Stewart B. Reid
  • First record of the wolf-eel, Anarrhichthys ocellatus (Pisces: Anarhichadidae), from Baja California, Mexico. Richard F. Feeney, Robert N. Lea, Sean Dyer, and Scott Gietler


California Fish and Game 92(4). Fall 2006.

  • California recrational abalone fishery catch and effort estimates for 2002 from a combined report card and telephone survey. Peter E. Kalvass and John J. Geibel
  • A survey of the fishes of the Cabrillo National Monument, San Diego, California. Matthew T. Craig and Daniel J. Pondella, II
  • Estimating relative numbers of salt marsh harvest mice, Reithrodontomys raviventris, in tidal marshes by trapping the high marsh zone. Ronald R. Duke and Howard S. Shellhammer
  • Potential prey resources for marbled murrelets in central California. Laird A. Henkel and James T. Harvey

California Fish and Game 92(3). Summer 2006.

  • Observations on the behavior of white sharks scavenging from a whale carcass at Point Reyes, California. Tobey H. Curtis, John T. Kelly, Karl L. Menard, R. Karl Laroche, Robert E. Jones, and A.. Peter Klimley
  • The use of eastern Sacramento Valley vernal pools by ducks. Raymond J. Bogiatto and John D. Karnegis
  • Using flushing counts and plumage development to assess juvenile production in pheasants. Chester M. Hart, Edward S. Smith, and Chad A. Fien
  • Light-trapping of larval and juvenile northern pike, Esox lucius, from Lake Davis, California, Spring 2003. Ryan M. Brown

California Fish and Game 92(2). Spring 2006.

  • Demography of desert mule deer in southeastern California. Jason P. Marshal, Leon M. Lesicka, Vernon C. Bleich, Paul R. Krausman, Gerald P. Mulcahy, and Nancy G. Andrew
  • Off-highway vehicle impact on the flat-tailed horned lizard, Phrynosoma mcallii, in the Colorado Desert of southern California. Michael C. McGrann, Gavin R. Wright, Roman J. Dial, and Amy M. McGrann
  • Influence of surface-water withdrawal on juvenile steelhead and their habitat in a south-central California nursery stream. Anthony P. Spina, Matthew R. McGoogan, and Thomas S. Gaffney
  • New records of the flag cabrilla, Epinephelus labriformis (Serranidae: Epinephelinae), from the Pacific Coast of Baja California, Mexico, and San Diego, California, USA, with notes on the distribution of other groupers in California. Matthew T. Craig, Daniel J. Pondella II, and Robert N. Lea
  • Captive breeding of spotted sand bass, Paralabrax maculatofasciatus, in southern California. Eric F. Miller and Larry G. Allen
  • Distribution of tui chub in the Cow Head Basin, Nevada and California. G. Gary Scoppettone and Peter H. Rissler

California Fish and Game 92(1). Winter 2006.

  • Life History Traits of the Greenstriped Rockfish, Sebastes elongatus. Franklin R. Shaw and Donald R. Gunderson
  • Variance in survival of young mule deer in the Sierra Nevada, California. Vernon C. Bleich, Becky M. Pierce, Jennifer L. Jones, and R. Terry Bowyer
  • Restoration efforts augment range extension of a federally- threatened plant, Suaeda californica (S. Watson 1874). Michael Walgren
  • A diet analysis of the barn owl, Tyto alba, in northeastern California with notes on comparative methodologies. Raymond J. Bogiatto, Eve A. Bruce, Umberto F. Salinas, Mellisa J. Silvestrini, and Brian A. Sardella
  • Ectoparasites found on salt marsh harvest mice in the northern salt marshes of Grizzly Bay, California. Howard O. Clark, Jr., Howard S. Shellhammer, and Stephen D. Gaimari


California Fish and Game 91(4). Fall 2005.

  • Historical status of coho salmon in streams of the urbanized San Francisco estuary, California. Robert A. Leidy, Gordon Becker, and Brett N. Harvey
  • Giant garter snake surveys at some areas of historic occupation in the Grassland Ecological Area, Merced Co., and Mendota Wildlife Area, Fresno Co., California. Catherine Dickert
  • Pintail distribution and selection of marsh types at Mendota Wildlife Area during fall and winter. Joseph P. Fleskes, David S. Gilmer, and Robert L. Jarvis
  • A simple one-way door design for passive relocation of western burrowing owls. Howard O. Clark, Jr. and David L. Plumpton

California Fish and Game 91(3). Summer 2005.

  • Mountain sheep and mining: implications for conservation and management. Michael W. Oehler, Sr., Vernon C. Bleich, R. Terry Bowyer, and Matthew C. Nicholson
  • Domoic acid in the Santa Cruz wharf fishery. Spencer E. Fire and Mary W. Silver
  • Total mercury concentrations in fillets of bluegill, redear sunfish, largemouth bass, and other fishes from Lake Natoma, Sacramento County, California. Michael K. Saiki, Barbara A. Martin, Thomas W. May, and Charles N. Alpers
  • Change in area of winter-flooded and dry rice in the northern Central Valley of California determined by satellite imagery. Joseph P. Fleskes, William M. Perry, Kevin L. Petrik, Ruth Spell, and Fritz Reid
  • Correct nomenclature for Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep. John D. Wehausen, Vernon C. Bleich, and Rob R. Ramey II

California Fish and Game 91(2). Spring 2005.

  • Off-highway vehicle impact on Astragalus magdalenae var. peirsonii, and other critical plant species of the Algodones Dunes, California. Amy M. McGrann, Michael C. McGrann, and Roman Dial
  • Description and identification of larval and juvenile cyprinids (fathead minnow, tui chub, and blue chub) from Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon. Stacy Remple and Douglas F. Markle
  • Territory occupancy, reproductive success, and nest site characteristics of goshawks on managed timberlands in central and northern California 1993-2000. David J. Richter
  • Acute oral and dermal toxicity of aquatic herbicides and a surfactant to garter snakes. Robert C. Hosea, Kalen Z. Bjurstrom, and Edward E. Littrell
  • Leopard shark mating observed off La Jolla, California. Susan E. Smith
  • Population density and body weight influences on home range size of feral hogs. Shane J. Kiefer and Floyd W. Weckerly
  • A protective housing for instream data temperature loggers. Anthony P. Spina

California Fish and Game 91(1). Winter 2005.

  • Responses of forest squirrels to group-selection timber harvesting in the central Sierra Nevada. Barrett A. Garrison, Robin L. Wachs, and Matthew L. Triggs
  • Fish by-catch in dungeness crab, Cancer magister, research trawls off northern California 1966-1969. Daniel W. Gotshall and John J. Geibel
  • An assessment of the hazard of a mixture of the herbicide Rodeo® and the non-ionic surfactant R-11® to aquatic invertebrates and larval amphibians. Joel Trumbo
  • The effect of dietary supplemented L-arginine on the growth of juvenile hatchery reared white seabass, Atractoscion nobilis. Eric F. Miller and Michael P. Franklin
  • Modifications to an agricultural water diversion to permit fish entrainment sampling. Zoltan Matica and Matt Nobriga
  • Records of chameleon goby, Tridentiger trigonocephalus, in San Diego Bay, California. Daniel J. Pondella II and Zachary K. J. Chinn


California Fish and Game 90(4). Fall 2004.

  • An annotated check list of the amphibians and reptiles of California and adjacent waters. Mark R. Jennings

California Fish and Game 90(3). Summer 2004.

  • Conservation of Paiute cutthroat trout:the genetic legacy of population transplants in an endemic California salmonid. Jan F. Cordes, Joshua A. Israel, and Bernie May
  • Origin and distribution of leopard frogs, Rana pipiens complex, in California. Mark R. Jennings and Michael M. Fuller
  • Current satus of southern steelhead/rainbow trout in San Mateo Creek, California. Tim E. Hovey
  • Record of nesting by fulvous whistling-ducks, southern San Joaquin Valley, California. Greg Gerstenberg and Carl D. Rey
  • First record of the cape cigarfish, Cubiceps capensis (Family Nomeidae), from California waters. John E. McCosker, Shane Anderson, John Richards, and Milton Love

California Fish and Game 90(2). Spring 2004.

  • Harbor seal, Phoca vitulina richardii, population trends in the San Francisco Bay estuary, 1970-2002. Emma K. Grigg, Sarah G. Allen, Deborah E. Green, and Hal Markowitz
  • Effect of water temperature on non-specific immune function and ceratomyxosis in juvenile chinook salmon and steelhead from the Klamath River. J. Scott Foott, Rick Harmon, and Ronald Stone
  • Persistence of identifiable remains of white sturgeon juveniles in digestive tracts of northern pikeminnow. Dena M. Gadomski and Conrad N. Frost
  • Predation by a golden eagle, Aquila chrysaetos, on a juvenile mountain sheep, Ovis canadensis. Vernon C. Bleich, E. Frances Cassirer, Victor L. Coggins, Lloyd E. Oldenburg, and David E. Hunter
  • The occurrence of the Japanese mitten crab, Eriocheir japonica (De Haan), on the west coast of North America. Gregory C. Jensen and David A. Armstrong

California Fish and Game 90(1). Winter 2004.

  • Setting priorities for native fish conservation: an example from the south Yuba River watershed. Mark Gard and Paul Randall
  • Habitat selection by female northern pintails wintering in the Grassland Ecological Area, California. Joseph P. Fleskes, David S. Gilmer, and Robert L. Jarvis
  • Potential for restoration of a California stream native fish assemblage. Mark Gard
  • Acanthocephala cystacanth infections in sand crabs from Bodega Bay, California. Laura Royal, Murray Dailey, Richard Demaree, and Judy Sakanari
  • Sexual dimorphism in wing measurements of common snipe. F. B. Edelmann
  • Unusual predatory behavior of a southern sea otter. Carol B. Maehr


California Fish and Game 89(4). Fall 2003.

  • Responses of land birds to group selection logging in the central Sierra Nevada. Barrett A. Garrison, Robin L. Wachs, and Matthew L. Triggs
  • Environmental variables associated with a chinook salmon redd in Deer Creek, California. Mark D. Bowen and S. Mark Nelson
  • The occurrence of the white shark, Carcharodon carcharias, at the Point Reyes headlands, California. John T. Kelly and A. Peter Klimley
  • Records of the exotic freshwater amphipod, Crangonyx pseudogracilis, in San Luis Obispo County, California. Richard L. Bottorff, Braelin A. Hamill, and Whittaker I. Hamill
  • First record of the Pacific dog snapper, Lutjanus novemfasciatus, in California. Marc T. Tognazzini

California Fish and Game 89(3). Summer 2003.

  • Fecundity and recruitment potential of coastal cutthroat trout in Oregon and Washington. Richard S. Wydoski
  • Mark loss rate in hatchery-reared striped bass, Morone saxatilis, in the Sacramento-San Joaquin estuary, California. Samandha H. Vu and David W. Kohlhorst
  • Diets of bullfrogs in relation to predation on giant garter snakes at Colusa National Wildlfe Refuge. David Aurioles-Gamboa, Alejandro Marin, and Sergio Aguiniga
  • Assimilation of pelagic red crabs, Pleuroncodes planipes, by western gulls, Larus occidentalis. David Aurioles-Gamboa, Alejandro Marin, and Sergio Aguiniga
  • New host record of avian tuberculosis in an American white pelican, Pelecanus erythrorhynchos. Pauline Nol, Roger E. Brannian, Brenda M. Berlowski, Mark J. Wolcott, and Tonie E. Rocke

California Fish and Game 89(2). Spring 2003.

  • Forty-one years of vegetation change on permanent transects in northeastern California: implications for wildlife. Robert J. Schaefer, Douglas J. Thayer, and Timothy S. Burton
  • The bird community of an oak woodland stream. Gregory A. Giusti, Robert J. Keiffer, and Charles E. Vaughan
  • Habitat associations of steelhead trout near the southern extent of their range. Anthony P. Spina
  • A temporal, sex-specific occurrence pattern among white sharks at the South Farallon Islands, California. Scot D. Anderson and Peter Pyle
  • Responses of San Joaquin kit foxes to an oil-gas well fire. Howard O. Clark, Jr.

California Fish and Game 89(1). Winter 2003.

  • Historical analysis of Diazinon from the San Joaquin River watershed with implications for exceeding water quality targets. Lenwood W. Hall, Jr.
  • The physiological performance of golden trout at water temperatures of 10-19° C. Christopher A. Myrick and Joseph J. Cech, Jr.
  • Spatial, seasonal, and size-dependent variation in the diet of Sacramento pikeminnow in the Ell River, northwestern California. Rodney J. Nakamoto and Brett C. Harvey
  • Occurrence of Baylisascaris procyonis in Marin, Sonoma, and Alameda counties in northern California. Valkyrie P. Kimball, Danielle Young, Ron Keith, Kevin R. Kazacos, and Jody Sakanari
  • First reported occurrence of Porocephalus crotali (Pentastomida: Porocephalidae) in the Santa Catalina Island rattleless rattlesnake. Stephen R. Goldberg, Charles R. Bursey, and Kent R. Beaman


California Fish and Game 88(4). Fall 2002.

  • Larval delta smelt diet composition and feeding incidence: environmental and ontogenetic influences. Matthew L. Nobriga
  • Sampling methods and trapping success trends for the Mojave ground squirrel, Spermophilus mohavensis. Matthew L. Brooks and John R. Matchett
  • First record of the armed grunt, Conodon serrifer (Haemulidae), in southern California. Robert H. Moore and Kevin T. Herbinson
  • Newly discovered food and habitat use by California red tree voles. Theodore Wooster and Pamela Town
  • Time allocation by Aleutian canada geese during the nonbreeding season in California. Henning C. Stabins, Christian E. Grue, David A. Manuwal, and Stuart L. Paulus

California Fish and Game 88(3). Summer 2002.

  • Seasonal feeding habits, growth, and movement of steelhead trout in the lower Mokelumne River, California. Joseph E. Merz
  • The spotted ratfish, Hydrolagus colliei: notes on its biology with a redescription of the species (Holocephali: Chimaeridae). Dominique A. Didier and Lisa J. Rosenberger
  • Structure, sampling gear and environmental associations, and historical changes in the fish assemblage of the southern Sacramento-San Joaquin delta. Frederick Feyrer and Michael P. Healey
  • The Pacific golden-eyed tilefish, Caulolatilus affinis Gill (Teleostei: Malacanthidae), first occurrence in California. H. J. Walker, Jr., Philip A. Hastings, and Robert H. Steele
  • Economical tripod rifle mount. Jason A. Hubbart
  • New records of the Aleutian skate, Bathyraja aleutica, from northern California. Gerald R. Hoff

California Fish and Game 88(2). Spring 2002.

  • Adult recoveries of winter and summer steelhead by release location on the Lewis River, Washington. Jack M. Tipping and Todd. D. Hilson
  • Incidence of white sturgeon deformities in two reaches of the Columbia River. Lisa C. Burner and Thomas A. Rien
  • Records of the Shokihaze goby, Tridentiger barbatus (Gunther), newly introduced into the San Francisco Estuary. Thomas A. Greiner
  • Distribution of female northern pintails in relation to hunting and location of hunted and non-hunted habitats in the Grassland Ecological Area, California. Joseph P. Fleskes, David S. Gilmer, and Robert L. Jarvis

California Fish and Game 88(1). Winter 2002.

  • Trends in California black bass fishing tournaments, 1990-1994, and comparisons with 1985-1989 data. Ivan L. Paulsen, Walt Beer, and Dennis P. Lee
  • Nocturnal and diurnal haul-out patterns of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardsi) at Castro Rocks, San Francisco Bay, California. Emma K. Grigg, Deborah E. Green, Sarah G. Allen, and Hal Markowitz
  • Seasonal diets of wild pigs in oak woodlands of the central coast region of California. Ron E. Loggins, Jeffery T. Wilcox, Dirk H. VanVuren, and Rick A. Sweitzer
  • Growth of American River fall-run chinook salmon in California’s Central Valley: temperature and ration effects. Christopher A. Myrick and Joseph J. Cech, Jr.
  • Record of the shoulderspot grenadier, Caerlorinchus scaphopsis, from northern California, U.S.A. Gerald R. Hoff


California Fish and Game 87(4). Fall 2001.

  • Survey of fishes and environmental conditions in Abbotts Lagoon, Point Reyes National Seashore, California. Michael K. Saiki and Barbara A. Martin
  • Analysis of maturity in lingcod, Ophiodon elongatus. Kelly R. Silberberg, Thomas E. Laidig, and Peter B. Adams
  • Museum collection records of mountain lions in California. Eric S. Long and Richard Sweitzer

California Fish and Game 87(3). Summer 2001.

  • Observations of cleaning behavior by gian kelpfish, Heterostichus rostratus, island kelpfish, Alloclinus holderi, bluebanded goby, Lythrypnus dalli, and kelp bass, Paralabrax clathratus, on giant sea bass, Stereolepis gigas. Kathy deWet-Oleson and Milton Love
  • Differences in mourning dove productivity among three time perids at Gray Lodge Wildlife Area, California. Michael R. Miller, Casey L. Stemler, Julie L. Yee, and Daniel S. Blankenship
  • Diet of juvenile fall-run chinook salmon in the lower Mokelumne River, California. Joseph E. Merz
  • Use of a car alarm sequence in the northern mockingbird repertoire. Howard O. Clark, Jr.
  • First eastern Pacific records of the longfin mako shark, Isurus paucus, Guitar-Manday, 1966. David A. Ebert

California Fish and Game 87(2). Spring 2001.

  • Trace metal concentrations in San Joaquin kit foxes from the southern San Joaquin Valley of California. Kristin G. Charlton, David W. Hird, and Linda K. Spiegel
  • Association of fall-run chinook salmon redds with woody debris in the lower Mokelumne River, California. Joseph E. Merz
  • First observations of spawining behavior in the giant sea bass. Tim E. Hovey
  • A self-contained mobile surgical table for fish. Tim E. Hovey
  • An economical safe-house for small mammals in pitfall traps. Tim E. Hovey
  • In memoriam – William A. Dill (1910-2000). William Ellis Ripley

California Fish and Game 87(1). Winter 2001.

  • Invertebrate drift and feeding habits of juvenile chinook salmon in the upper Sacramento River, California. Pamela A. Petrusso and Daniel B. Hayes
  • Condition of juvenile chinook salmon in the upper Sacramento River, California. Pamela A. Petrusso and Daniel B. Hayes
  • Gut contents of juvenile chinook salmon from the upper Sacramento River, California, during Spring 1998. Barbara A. Martin and Michael K. Saiki


California Fish and Game 86(4). Fall 2000.

  • Water and nutrient content of forage in Sonoran pronghorn habitat, Arizona. Lisa M. Fox, Paul R. Krausman, Michael L. Morrison, and Robert M. Kattnig
  • Prevalance of Mycobacterium in wild and captive delta smelt. Dolores B. Antonio, Christina Swanson, Joseph J. Cech, Jr., Randy C. Mager, Sergei Doroshov, and Ronald P. Hedrick
  • A list of freshwater, anadromous, and euryhaline fishes of California. Peter B. Moyle and Liam H. Davis
  • Discovery of Shasta salamanders in atypical habitat. Len Lindstrand III

California Fish and Game 86(3). Summer 2000.

  • Mineral content of Sonoran pronghorn forage. Lisa M. Fox, Paul R. Krausman, Michael L. Morrison, and Ted H. Noon
  • Description of laboratory-reared larvae of California grunion and comparisons with larvae of topsmelt and jacksmelt. Lourdes Vasquez-Yeomans, Martha Valdez-Moreno, and William J. Richards
  • Annotated list of the birds of California. California Bird Records Committee
  • Preliminary observations of the behavior of male, flat-tailed horned lizards before and after an off-highway vehicle race in California. Nancy C. Nicolai and Jeffrey E. Lovich
  • Observation of the prickly shark, Echinorhinus cookei, from the oxygen minimum zone in Santa Barbara Basin, California. James P. Barry and Norman Maher

California Fish and Game 86(2). Spring 2000.

  • DNA-based genetic markers in black-tailed and mule deer for forensic applications. Kenneth C. Jones, Kenneth F. Levine, and James D. Banks
  • Survivorship and cause-specific mortality in sympatric populations of mountain sheep and mule deer. Robert J. Schaefer, Steven G. Torres, and Vernon C. Bleich
  • Food habits of California corbina in southern California. John W. O’Brien and Charles F. Valle
  • Age and growth of tui chub in Eagle Lake, California. Patrick K. Crain and Daniel M. Corcoran
  • The first eastern Pacific report of the sharptail mola, Mola lanceolata (Tetraodontiformes: Molidae). Eduardo F. Balart, Jose Luis Castro-Aguirre, and Edgar Amador-Silva

California Fish and Game 86(1). Winter 2000.

  • Symposium overview: damage to and recovery of aquatic and riparian ecosystems in the upper Sacramento River form the Cantara chemical spill. Barrett A. Garrison
  • Esitmating the number of fish and crayfish killed and the proportions of wild and hatchery rainbow trout in the Cantara spill. David G. Hankin and Dana McCanne
  • Molecular analysis of population genetic structure and recolonization of rainbow trout following the Cantara spill. Jennifer L. Nielsen, Erika L. Heine, Christina A. Gan, and Monique C. Fountain
  • Possible effects of the Cantara spill on Amphibian populations of the upper Sacramento River. Claudia Luke and David Sterner
  • Possible impacts of the Cantara spill on reptile populations along the upper Sacramento River. Claudia Luke and David Sterner
  • Restoration planning for the Cantara Metam sodium spill: a group multiattribute decision analysis approach. Daniel J. Sheehy, Craig P. Martz, Marck C. Stopher, Stephen M. Turek, Jack W. Miller, and Joseph P. Milton
  • Hindsight analysis for the Cantara spill natural resource damage assessment. Mark C. Stopher
  • Bibliography of Cantara spill reports.


California Fish and Game 85(4). Fall 1999.

  • Distribution and intensity of hunting and trapping activity in the East Mojave National Scenic Area, California. Vernon C. Bleich and Andrew M. Pauli
  • Juvenile delta smelt use of shallow-water and channel habitats in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary. Geir A. Aasen
  • Diver disturbance in kelp forests. Tim N. Schaeffer, Michael S. Foster, Maria E. Landreau, and Ronald K. Walder
  • Reproduction in the red diamond rattlesnake in California. Stephen R. Goldberg
  • First reported occurrence of Phidascaris labiatopapillosa (Nematoda: Ascarididae) in the red diamond rattlesnake. Stephen R. Goldberg and Charles R. Bursey
  • In Memoriam: Irene Timossi (1951-1998). Christopher Timossi, Barrett A. Garrison, and Reginald H. Barrett

California Fish and Game 85(3). Summer 1999.

  • California Wildlife Habitats Relationships System: effects of county attributes on prediction accuracy for bird species. Barrett A. Garrison, Richard A. Erickson, Michael A. Patten, and Irene C. Timossi
  • Thermal preference of female threespine sticklebacks under fed and food-deprived conditions. Christopher A. Myrick and Joseph J. Cech, Jr.
  • Range extensions of 3 species of macrourids from the west coast of North America. Gerald R. Hoff
  • First eastern Pacific record of the goblin shark, Mitsukurina owstoni (Lamniformes: Mitsukurinidae). John K. Ugoretz and Jeffrey A. Seigel
  • Northernmost occurrence of the slender tuna, Allothunnus fallai, in the Pacific Ocean. Kurt M. Schaefer and John Childers
  • Predation by juvenile hatchery salmonids on wild fall Chinook salmon fry in the Lewis River, Washington. Shane W. Hawkins and Jack M. Tipping
  • First record of deepwater bass, Serranus aequidens (Serranidae), from California. Daniel J. Pondella, II
  • Northern range extension of the white grunt, Haemulopsis leuciscus. Jorge A. Rasales-Casian and Gorgonio Ruiz-Campos.
  • An animal track casting method using dolomite, sand, and spray adhesive. Howard O. Clark, Jr.
  • Use of buried and non-buried traps to sample desert rodents. Christopher S. Fitzgerald, Paul R. Krausman, and Michael L. Morrison
  • Avian conservation, research and management (Book Review). Liam H. Davis

California Fish and Game 85(2). Spring 1999.

  • Errata: Van Vuren, D., T. G. Moore, and C. A. Ingels. 1998. Prey selection by barn owls using artificial nest boxes. California Fish and Game 84:127-132.
  • Movement of California halibut along the coast of California. Mason Posner and Robert J. Lavenberg
  • Expandable and economical long-term collars for juvenile mule deer. Vernon C. Bleich and Becky M. Pierce
  • Movement patterns and survivorship of black-tailed deer migrating across Trinity Reservoir. Brian B. Boroski and Reginald H. Barrett
  • Stranding records of the oarfish in and around Bahia de la Paz, Mexico. Fernando Salazar-Hermoso, Edgardo Ochoa-Lopez, and Carlos Villavicencio-Garayzar
  • Evidence for freshwater spawning by striped mullet and return of the Pacific tenpounder in the lower Colorado River. Robert H. Bettaso and Jeffrey N. Young
  • A first Mexican record of the Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Jose De La Cruz-Aguero
  • First records of morphological abnormalities in leatherjack. Adrian F. Gonzalez-Acosta, Gustavo De La Cruz-Aguero, Ruben Rodriguez-Sanchez, Jose De La Cruz-Aguero, and Jose Luis Castro-Aguirre
  • An observation of blue shark parturition in the Southern California Bight. Leeanne Laughlin and John Ugoretz
  • A blood fluke from a northern pintail in California. Andrew G. Gordus

California Fish and Game 85(1). Winter 1999.

  • Biological characteristics of mule deer in California’s San Jacinto Mountains. Robert J. Schaefer
  • Effects of stocking density on growth, gross composition, and plasma and hepatic metabolite levels in palmetto bass, Morone saxatalis × M. chrysops. Fu-Guang Liu, Shenn-Der Yang and Hon-Cheng Chen
  • Status of the delta smelt in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary. Dale A. Sweetnam
  • Status of splittail in California. Randall D. Baxter
  • Status of striped bass in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary. David W. Kohlhorst
  • Status of white sturgeon in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary. Raymond G. Schaffter and David W. Kohlhorst
  • The Marine County breeding bird atlas and Atlas of the breeding birds of Monterey County, California (Book Reviews). Philip Unitt


California Fish and Game 84(4). Fall 1998.

  • A new tool for kelp restoration. Julio A. Vasquez and Ronald H. McPeak
  • Deer gender determination by polymerase chain reaction: validation study and application to tissues, bloodstains, and hair forensic samples in California. Arlette Gilson, Michael Syvanen, Kenneth Levine, and James Banks
  • First observations of vermillion rockfish courtship are from a harvest refuge. Marty L. Gingras, David A. VenTresca, Michal D. Donnellan, and Jennifer L. Fisher
  • Homing behavior of a sevengill shark released from the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Gilbert Van Dykhuizen, Henry F. Mollet, and Juan Manuel Ezcurra
  • A range extension for the volcano barnacle, Tetraclita rubescens. Sean R. Connolly and Joan Roughgarden
  • In Memoriam: Elden H. Vestal. Robert E. Vestal

California Fish and Game 84(3). Summer 1998.

  • Physical condition, morphometrics, and growth characteristics of mountain lions. Kristin G. Charlton, David W. Hird, and E. Lee Fitzhugh
  • Limitations of nuclear magnetic resonance analysis of fecal bile for taxonomic identification of contemporary and extinct mammals. Jeffrey S. deRopp, Jerold H. Theis, Jim I. Mead, and Vernon C. Bleich
  • Splittail fecundity and egg size. Frederick Feyrer and Randall Baxter
  • Prey selection by barn owls using artificial nest boxes. Dirk Van Vuren, Thomas G. Moore, and Chuck A. Ingels
  • Adult and juvenile anadromous salmonid migration timing in California streams. Linda Fukushima and E. W. Lesh
  • Occurrence of the red pike-conger, Cynoponticus coniceps (Jordan and Gilbert, 1881) (Pisces:Muraenesocidae), in the Gulf of California. Gorgonio Ruiz-Campos, Salvador Contreras-Balderas, and Maria De Lourdes Lozano-Vilano

California Fish and Game 84(2). Spring 1998.

  • Nesting ecology of ducks at Eagle Lake, California. Raymond J. Bogiatto
  • California Wildlife Habitat Relationships System: a test in coastal scrub and annual grassland habitats. Judd A. Howell and Reginald H. Barrett
  • Experimental analysis of 3 internal marking methods for red sea urchins. Peter E. Kalvass, Jon M. Hendrix, and Phillip M. Law
  • Occurrence of xanthic grass rockfish, Sebastes rastrelliger. David Cripe
  • In Memoriam: Richard S. Croker. Wm. Ellis Ripley

California Fish and Game 84(1). Winter 1998.

  • Extension of 2 nonindigenous fishes, Acanthogobius flavimanus and Poecilia latipinna into San Diego Bay marsh habitats. Gregory D. Williams, Julie S. Desmond, and Joy B. Zedler
  • Nondestructive diet analysis of the leopard shark from 2 sites in Tomales Bay, California. Jason D. Webber and Joseph J. Cech, Jr.
  • Population size of the peninsular pronghorn in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Jorge Cancino, Alfredo Ortega-Rubio, and Ricardo Rodriguez-Estrella
  • Establishment of the wakasagi, Hypomesus nipponensis, in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary. Geir A. Aasen, Dale A. Sweetnam, and Lisa M. Lynch
  • In-situ videography calibrated with 2 parallel lasers for calculation of fish length. Marty L. Gingras, David A. VenTresca, and Richard H. McGonigal
  • An economical, portable apparatus for conducting static thermal and chemical toxicity tests on amphibian eggs and larvae. Mark R. Jennings
  • Use of military helicopters to survey an elk population in north coastal California. Floyd W. Weckerly and Karen E. Kovacs
  • Consumption of juvenile salmonids by adult steelhead in the Cowlitz River, Washington. Geraldine E. Vander Haegen, Jack M. Tipping, and Stan A. Hammer


California Fish and Game 83(4). Fall 1997.

  • Variation in use of the Klamath River Estuary by juvenile chinook salmon. Michael Wallace and Barry W. Collins
  • Utility of 10-day censuses to estimate population size of blunt-nosed leopard lizards. David J. Germano, Daniel F. Williams, and Larry J. Saslaw
  • Survey of small fishes and environmental conditions in Mugu Lagoon, California, and tidally influenced reaches of its tributaries. Michael K. Saiki
  • New equipment for performing measured-distance diving surveys. John Ugoretz, David A. VenTresca, Christine A. Pattison, Seven E. Blair, Robert S. Hornady, Joshua N. Plant, and Andrew A. Voss

California Fish and Game 83(3). Summer 1997.

  • Water chemistry and community structure of saline and hypersaline salt evaporation ponds in San Francisco Bay, California. David G. Lonzarich and Jerry J. Smith
  • Prevalence, relative abundance, and mean intensity of plerocercoids of Proteocephalus sp. in young striped bass in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary. Jane D. Arnold and Holly S. Yue
  • Bacterial shell diseases in crangonid shrimp. Jane D. Arnold and Gary L. Hendrickson
  • Conversions between total, fork, and standard lengths for lingcod, Ophiodon elongatus. Thomas E. Laidig, Peter B. Adams, Kelly R. Silberberg, and Heidi E. Fish
  • Monitoring bird populations by point counts (Book Review). Gerald T. Braden

California Fish and Game 83(2). Spring 1997.

  • Mortality rates of white catfish in California’s Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Raymond G. Schaffter and David W. Kohlhorst
  • Growth of white catfish in California’s Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Raymond G. Schaffter
  • Demography of mountain sheep in the East Chocolate Mountains, California. Nancy G. Andrew, Vernon C. Bleich, Peter V. August, and Steven G. Torres
  • Range extension of the quillback rockfish, Sebastes malinger, to the Southern California Bight. Milton S. Love and Robert N. Lea
  • The first occurrence of the panamic sergeant major, Abudefduf troschelii (Pomacentridae), in California. Daniel J. Pondella, II
  • A manual of California vegetation (Book Review). Mark W. Schwartz

California Fish and Game 83(1). Winter 1997.

  • White sturgeon spawning migrations and location of spawning habitat in the Sacramento River, California. Raymond G. Schaffter
  • Relative importance of prey items to California halibut. Stephen P. Wertz and Michael L. Domeier
  • Prevalance of antibodies against selected diseases in San Joaquin kit foxes at Camp Roberts, California. William G. Standley and Patrick M. McCue
  • The occurrence of hydrogen sulfide gas in San Joaquin kit fox dens and rodent burrows in an oil field in California. Linda K. Spiegel and Tony C. Dao
  • Introduction of the ridgetail prawn, Exopalaemon carinicauda, into San Francisco Bay, California. Mary K. Wicksten


California Fish and Game 82(4). Fall 1996.

  • Comparative feeding habits of juvenile chinook salmon, steelhead, and Sacramento squawfish in the lower American River, California. Joseph E. Merz and C. David Vanicek
  • Effects of aquaculture on habitat use by wintering shorebirds in Tomales Bay, California. John P. Kelly, Jules G. Evens, Richard W. Stallcup, and David Wimpfheimer
  • Roosevelt elk along the Prairie Creek drainage: an evaluation of estimating abundance and herd composition. Floyd W. Weckerly
  • Photographic evidence of white shark movements in California waters. Scot D. Anderson and Kenneth J. Goldman
  • Preliminary estimate of rice present in strip-harvested fields in the Sacramento Valley, California. Michael R. Miller and Glenn D. Wylie
  • A Pacific fat sleeper, Dormitator latifrons (Perciformes: Eleotrididae), from Lake Merritt, San Francisco Bay, California. Douglas J. Long
  • The ragged-tooth shark, Odontaspis ferox (Risso 1810), in the Gulf of California. Carlos J. Villavicencio-Garayzar
  • Brushfires in California: ecology and resource management (Book Review). Kevin Shaffer and James C. Dice

California Fish and Game 82(3). Summer 1996.

  • An analysis of commercial passenger fishing vessel fisheries for kelp bass and barred sand bass in the Southern California Bight. Milton S. Love, Andrew Brooks, and J. R. Raymond Ally
  • Conditoin and reproductive performance of female mule deer in the central Sierra Nevada. T. J. Taylor
  • Southern range extension of the harlequin rockfish, Sebastes variegatus (Scorpaenidae). James Wilder Orr and David C. Baker
  • Distribution of nesting greater sandhill cranes in the South Fork Pit River Valley, Modoc County, California. Thomas A. Roberts, Rebecca Cull, and Anne Flannery
  • A red abalone tag return after 16 years at liberty. Ian K. Taniguchi and Peter L. Haaker
  • First freshwater record of Pacific lamprey, Lamptera tridentata, from Baja California, Mexico. Gorgonio Ruiz-Campos and Salvador Gonzalez-Guzman
  • Past occurrence of eulachon, Thaleichthys pacificus, in streams tributary to Humboldt Bay, California. Mark R. Jennings

California Fish and Game 82(2). Spring 1996.

  • Revised measurements for classification of age of sage grouse from wings. Alyssa A. Ottomeier and John A. Crawford
  • Recent collections of exotic aquarium fishes in the freshwaters of Oregon and thermal tolerance of oriental weatherfish and pirapatinga. Daniel J. Logan, Erin L. Bibles, and Douglas F. Markle
  • Age and pathological findings for two female stellar sea lions stranded on the northern California coast. Lance Morgan, Krista Hanni, and Linda Lowenstine
  • Zooplankters consumed by blue rockfish during brief access to a current off California’s Sonoma coast. Edmund S. Hobson, James R. Chess, and Daniel F. Howard
  • First record of the green crab, Carcinus maenas, in Humboldt Bay, California. Todd W. Miller
  • A boat-mounted system to synoptically record vessel position and sea-surface temperature. Marty L. Gingras, David A. VenTresca, and Duncan S. Short
  • Occurrence of porcupines along the San Joaquin River, Fresno and Madera counties, California. Waring E. Laurendine, Marshall L. Morton, and David L. Chesemore
  • First confirmed record of teleost predation on a shark egg case. Douglas J. Long

California Fish and Game 82(1). Winter 1996.

  • Observations on the macrobenthos of Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada. Ted C. Frantz and Almo J. Cordone
  • Use of food items by sex and age classes of coyotes. Brian L. Cypher, Kenneth A. Spencer, and Jerry H. Scrivner
  • Notes on the occurrence and depth distribution of the bat ray in the Southern California Bight, with comments on the effect of trawl size on estimates of abundance. Pamela A. Morris, Michael Domeier, and John Stephens, Jr.
  • Comparison of juvenile chinook salmon catches in a pushnet and midwater trawl. Paul F. Raquel
  • Observations on the use of two non-native plants by the Point Arena mountain beaver. Kimberley M. Fitts


California Fish and Game 81(4). Fall 1995.

  • Potential food sources and feeding ecology of juvenile fall chinook salmon in California’s Mattole River Lagoon. Morgan S. Busby, and Roger A. Barnhart
  • Electrophoretic evidence for multiple mating in tule perch. Anne Phelps, Devin Bartley, and Dennis Hedgecock
  • Effects of winter floods on threespine sticklebacks in a restored urban creek. James F. Gillooly and George W. Barlow
  • The tiger shark, Galeocerdo cuvier, in coastal southern California waters. Jeffrey A. Seigel, Douglas J. Long, James M. Rounds, and Juan Hernandez
  • Use of wood duck nest boxes by swarming honey bees in California’s Central Valley. Terri Jensen, Debbie Petersen, Michael D. Hubbartt, and J. Brian Davis
  • Errata: Cronin, M.A., and V. C. Bleich. 1995. Mitochondrial DNA variation among populations and subspecies of mule deer in California. California Fish and Game 81:45-54

California Fish and Game 81(3). Summer 1995.

  • Record of the bigeye trevally, Caranx sexfasciatus, and Mexican lookdown, Selene brevoorti, with notes on other carangids from California. Robert N. Lea and H. J. Walker, Jr.
  • Current distribution of the American marten, Martes americana, in California. Thomas E. Kucera, William J. Zielinski, and Reginald H. Barrett
  • Accuracy of cementum age assignments for black bears. Jeffrey A. Keay
  • Black bear reproductive rates in Yosemite National Park. Jeffrey A. Keay
  • In Memoriam: David C. Zeiner. Barrett A. Garrison

California Fish and Game 81(2). Spring 1995.

  • Mitochondrial DNA variation among populations and subspecies of mule deer in California. Matthew A. Cronin and Vernon C. Bleich
  • Using spotlight counts to estimate mule deer population size and trends. John G. Kie and Brian B. Boroski
  • Invasion of a third Asian goby, Tridentiger bifasciatus, into California. Scott A. Matern and Kevin J. Fleming
  • Feeding on euphausiids by Octopus rubescens. Thomas E. Laidig, Peter B. Adams, Charles H. Baxter, and John L. Butler
  • First occurrence of the yellow bullhead, Ameiurus natalis, in the lower Colorado River, Baja California, Mexico. Gorgonio Ruiz-Campos
  • Prehistoric fish remains, including thicktail chub, from the Pajaro River system. Peter K. Schulz
  • Observations on recruitment in curl-leaf mountain mahogany as a result of selective pruning. Brian D. Barton
  • Webs and scales, physical and ecological processes in marine fish recruitment (Book Review). Doyle A. Hanan

California Fish and Game 81(1). Winter 1995.

  • Food habits of harbor seals inhabiting Elkhorn Slough, California. James T. Harvey, Roger C. Helm, and G. Victor Morejohn
  • Embryonic development, larval culture, and settling of American pearl-oyster (Pteria sterna, Gould) spat. Orfelina Araya-Nunez, Bjorn Ganning, and Fernando Buckle-Ramirez
  • Coyote activity levels in relation to presence of California gulls at Mono Lake, California. John A. Shivik and Robert L. Crabtree
  • The use of Telazol for Chemical restraint of black bears (Ursus americanus) in northern California. Steven F. Burton and Fred Schmalenberger
  • Status of the muskrat in the Valle de Mexicali and Delta Del Rio Colorado, Mexico. Eric Mellink
  • Female reproductive potential and winter growth of African clawed frogs (Pipidae: Xenopus laevis) in California. Michael J. McCoid and Thomas H. Fritts
  • Recent photograph of a Sierra Nevada red fox. Thomas E. Kucera


California Fish and Game 80(4). Fall 1994.

  • Changing patterns of goose harvest on California public hunting areas. Joseph P. Fleskes, Jane M. Hicks, David S. Gilmer, and Daniel Yparraguirre
  • Determining the biological significance of changes in predicted habitat values from the California Wildlife Habitat Relationships System. Barrett A. Garrison
  • Retention, recognition, and effects on survival of several tags and marks for white sturgeon. Raymond C. P. Beamesderfer and Craig A. Foster
  • An observation of high fecundity of spotted owls in California. Theodore Wooster

California Fish and Game 80(3). Summer 1994.

  • Blood and muscle characteristics of leopard shark (Triakis semifasciata) and brown smoothhound (Mustelus henlei). Jose D. Setka and Joseph J. Cech, Jr.
  • Bioregions: an ecological and evolutionary perspective and a proposal for California. Hartwell H. Welsh, Jr.
  • A prehistoric sturgeon fishery in San Pablo, Contra Costa County, California: an addendum. Kenneth W. Gobalet
  • California forests and woodlands: a natural history (Book Review). Barrett A. Garrison
  • Wild pigs of the United States and their history, morphology, and current status (Book Review). Liam H. Davis
  • In Memoriam: Leo Shapovalov 1908-1994. Almo J. Cordone

California Fish and Game 80(2). Spring 1994.

  • Relationship between sea otter range expansion and red abalone abundance and size distribution in central California. Fred Wendell
  • The effect of different harvest methods on sea palm (Popstelsia palmaeformis) sporophyll growth. Peter E. Kalvass
  • Duck and shorebird reproduction in the grasslands of central Califoria. Roger L. Hothem and Daniel Welsh
  • Roosevelt elk dietary quality in northern coastal California. Peter J. Gogan and Reginald H. Barrett
  • A portable field sampling table for dock-side sampling of fish. Robert R. Leos

California Fish and Game 80(1). Winter 1994.

  • Analysis of two mark-recapture methods to estimate the fall chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) spawning run in Bogus Creek, California. LB Boydston
  • Simulation study of salmon carcass survey by capture-recapture. Philip M. W. Law
  • Recent evidence for the formation of annual growth increments in the otoliths of young pacific sardines (Sardinops sagax). J. Thomas Barnes and Terry J. Foreman
  • An efficient technique for capturing swimming deer. Brian B. Boroski and Patrick L. McGlaughlin
  • Waterfowl killed by lightning. Dale Whitmore


California Fish and Game 79(4). Fall 1993.

  • Spawning season and microhabitat use by California golden trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss aguabonita) in the southern Sierra Nevada. Jerome A. Stefferud
  • Grazing in the Sierra Nevada: home range and space use patterns of mule deer as influenced by cattle. Eric R. Loft, John G. Kie, and John W. Menke
  • First record of the tripletail (Lobotes surinamensis, Family Lobotidae) in California waters. James M. Rounds and Richard F. Feeney
  • Western gray squirrels in Baja California. Eric Mellink and Joaquin Contreras
  • Geographical and size records of the electric stargazer (Astroscopus zephyreus) Gilbert and Starks, 1896 (Pisces: Uranoscopidae). Marcos De Jesus-Roldan, Lloyd Ellis, and Felipe Galvan Magana

California Fish and Game 79(3). Summer 1993.

  • Food habits of the brown smoothhound shark (Mustelus henlei) from two sites in Tomales Bay. Steven L. Haeseker and Joseph J. Cech, Jr.
  • Distribution, ecology, and status of the fishes of the San Joaquin River drainage, California. Larry R. Brown and Peter B. Moyle
  • Fire effects on a montane Sierra Nevada meadow. Robert S. Boyd, Roy A. Woodward, and Gary Walter
  • A sampler for quantifying the vertical distribution of macroinvertebrates in shallow wetlands. Jeffrey Mackay and Ned H. Euliss, Jr.
  • Tule elk relocated to Brushy Mountain, Mendocino County, California. Kent B. Livezey

California Fish and Game 79(2). Spring 1993.

  • Identification of San Joaquin kit fox (Vulpes macrotis mutica) tracks on aluminum tracking plates. Susan G. Orloff, Anne W. Flannery, and Katy C. Belt
  • Seasonal occurrence of leatherback sea turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) in the Monterey Bay region, with notes on other sea turtles, 1986-1991. Christopher H. Starbird, Alan Baldridge, and James T. Harvey
  • A standard weight (Ws) equation for white sturgeon. Raymond C. Beamesderfer
  • A comparison of mule deer survey techniques in the Sonoran Desert of California. J. Rock Thompson and Vernon C. Bleich
  • Harvest slot limit rationale for Lahontan cutthroat trout at Pyramid Lake, Nevada. M. K. Alam, P. L. Wagner, D. F. Mosley, and N. L. Vucinich
  • Predation on small northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax) by large sliverides (Atherinidae). James A Coyer and Sharon J. Hall
  • Ground squirrels feeding on eelgrass. Aryan I. Roest
  • Guide to northeast Pacific rockfishes genera Sebastes and Sebastolobus (Book Review). Robert N. Lea

California Fish and Game 79(1). Winter 1993.

  • Trends in black bass fishing tournaments in California, 1985-1989. Dennis P. Lee, Ivan Paulsen, and Walt Beer
  • Distribution of rainbow trout, largemouth bass, and threadfin shad in Lake Casitas, California. Arlo W. Fast
  • Environmental contaminants in canvasbacks wintering on San Francisco Bay, California. J. Eric Logan, Kathy L. Day, Mark Marks, and Olga Assemien
  • Comments on research, publications, and California’s longest continuously published journal. Vernon C. Bleich


California Fish and Game 78(4). Winter 1992.

  • Molt frequency and size-class distribution in the California spiny lobster (Panulirus interruptus) as indicated by beach-cast carapaces at San Nicolas Island, California. James L. Bodkin and Linda Browne
  • Critical thermal maxima and oxygen minima of five fishes from the upper Klamath Basin. Daniel T. Castleberry and Joseph J. Cech, Jr.
  • Illegal harvest of spike bucks during a regulated mule deer hunt. Clark S. Winchell and Slader G. Buck
  • Confirmation of the northern range of the snubnose sculpin (Orthonopias triacis). Douglas J. Long
  • The Cortez grunt (Haemulon flaviguttatum) recorded from two embayments in southern California. Robert N. Lea and Richard H. Rosenblatt
  • Observations of the prickly shark (Echinorhinus cookei) in Monterey Bay, California. Nicole L. Crane and John N. Heine
  • Record of the alligator gar (Lepisosteus spatula) from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Paul F. Raquel
  • Prey storing behavior in the panimic green moray eel (Gymnothorax castaneus) Gustavo D. Danemann
  • Northern range extension of the vermillion rockfish (Sebastes miniatus). Victoria M. O’Connell, David A. Gordon, Andrew Hoffmann, and Kelly Hepler
  • California Fish and Game, California’s longest continuously published journal. Eric R. Loft

California Fish and Game 78(3). Summer 1992.

  • Population genetic structure of Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in California. Devin M. Bartley, Boyd Bentley, Paul G. Olin, and Graham A. E. Gall
  • Culture of spotted seatrout, orangemouth corvina, and their hybrids. Britt W. Bumguardner, Robert L. Colura, Anne Henderson-Arzapalo, and Anthony F. Maciorowski
  • Notes on a mass stranding of Baird’s beaked whales in the Gulf of California, Mexico. David Aurioles-Gamboa
  • A comparison of rumen ciliates in black-tailed deer from California and Hawaii. Wouter Van Hoven, Frances M. C. Gilchrist, and Thomas C. Telfer
  • Swallow mortality during the “March miracle” in California. E. E. Littrell
  • Observation of black bear (Ursus americanus) predation on Columbian black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus). Stephen L. Conger and Gregory A. Giusti

California Fish and Game 78(2). Spring 1992.

  • A review of the California caddisflies (Trichoptera) listed as candidate species on the 1989 federal “Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; animal notice and review. Nancy A. Erman and Christopher D. Nagano
  • Age, length, weight, reproductive cycle and fecundidty of the monkeyface prickleback (Cebidichthys violaceus). William H. Marshall and Tina Wyllie Echeverria
  • Changes in distribution of cackling Canada geese in autumn. Dennis G. Raveling and David S. Zezulak
  • The use of high-cut stumps by birds. Michael L. Morrison
  • Natural history of the White-Inyo Range, eastern California (Book Review). Vernon C. Bleich
  • Midnight wilderness: journeys in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (Book Review). Vernon C. Bleich
  • In Memoriam: Greg Cook, Sonia Hamilton, Carl S. Johnson, Robert Jean, and Charles P. Walters. Eric R. Loft

California Fish and Game 78(1). Winter 1992.

  • Revisiting overpopulated deer ranges in the United States. Paul R. Krausman, Lyle K. Sowls, and Bruce D. Leopold
  • The pH and acid neutralizing capacity of ponds containing Pseudacris regilla larvae in an alpine basin of the Sierra Nevada. Chad R. Soiseth
  • The evolution of California’s herring roe fishery: catch allocation, limited entry, and conflict resolution. Jerome D. Spratt
  • Erratum: Bleich, V. C., and D. Racine. 1991. Mountain beaver (Aplodontia rufa) from Inyo County, California. California Fish and Game 77(3):153-155.


California Fish and Game 77(4). Fall 1991.

  • A conservation-oriented classification system for the inland waters of California. Peter B. Moyle and John P. Ellison
  • Gonad maturity, induction of spawning, larval breeding, and growth in the American pearl-oyster (Pteria sterna, Gould). Orfelina Araya-Nunes, Bjorn Ganning, and Fernando Buckle-Ramirez
  • Helicopter drive-netting techniques for mule deer capture on Great Basin ranges. Ron Thomas and Brian Novak
  • Home range, habitat use, disturbance, and mortality of Columbian black-tailed deer in Mendocino National Forest. Kent B. Livezey
  • Harbor seal predation on a wolf-eel. Alan Baldridge and Lynn L. Rogers
  • First record of partial ambicoloration in spotted turbot (Pleuronichthys ritteri). Jesus Rodriguez Romeo, L. Andres Abitia Cardenas, and Felipe Galvan Magana

California Fish and Game 77(3). Summer 1991.

  • A checklistof the amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals of California. William F. Laudenslayer, Jr., William E. Grenfell, Jr., and David C. Zeiner
  • Mercury in western grebes at Lake Berryessa and Clear Lake, California. E. E. Littrell
  • First record of the leather bass (Epinephelus dermatolepis, Boulenger) in southern California. Robert H. Moore
  • Note on the occurrence and range extension of the sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) off Dana Point, California. Malcolm S. Oliphant
  • Notes on the distribution and morphology of the rubynose grotula (Cataetyx rubrirostris) off central California. M. A. Gibbs
  • Mountain beaver (Aplodontia rufa) from Inyo County, California. Vernon C. Bleich and Denyse Racine
  • Upper Sacramento River toxic spill. Eric R. Loft
  • Memorial for Dennis G. Raveling. Anonymous.
  • Memorial for Donald S. Pine. Donald Koch.

California Fish and Game 77(2). Spring 1991.

  • Mammal mortality at Arizona, California, and Nevada gold mines using cyanide extraction. Donald R. Clark, Jr. and Roger L. Hothem.
  • Genetic variability in tule elk. Thomas E. Kucera
  • Gray wolves in California: their presence and absence. Robert H. Schmidt
  • Computerized data base for exotic fishes: the western United States. James D. Williams and Dawn P. Jennings
  • Macroinvertebrate colonization of Hester-Dendy samplers in different orientations to water flow. Jeffrey P. Hill and William J. Matter
  • Hermaphroditism in the rock scallop, Crassadoma (Hinnites) giganteus, in Humboldt Bay, California. Mark Malachowski
  • Fall migration patterns of common snipe. Frank Edelmann
  • A new tool for safely killing venomous snakes in the field. Mark R. Jennings and Jens V. Vindum
  • Northern range extension for the zebraperch (Hermosilla azurea, Jenkins and Evermann). Ron Fritzsche, Geir Aasen, Loren Everest, Paul Petros, and Steve Shimek
  • Miscellanea. Eric R. Loft

California Fish and Game 77(1). Winter 1991.

  • Autumn diet of cackling Canada geese in relation to age and nutrient demand. Dennis G. Raveling and David S. Zezulak
  • Impacts of changing irrigation practices on waterfowl habitat use in the southern San Joaquin Valley, California. Douglas A. Barnum and Ned H. Euliss, Jr.
  • Attachment methods for radio transmitters on mallard ducklings. Dennis L. Orthmeyer
  • Effect of triploid grass carp on submersed aquatic plants in northern California ponds. Robert T. Pine and Lars W. J. Anderson
  • Food consumption rate of juvenile dwarf surfperch, Micrometrus minimus: temperature and temporal effects. Garwin M. Yip and Joseph J. Cech, Jr.
  • Gas supersaturation in the American River. John E. Colt, Kris Orwicz, and Dale Brooks
  • Northern range extension for the squarespot rockfish, Sebastes hopkinsi. Danile L. Erickson, Ellen K. Pikitch, and James Wilder Orr
  • First record of Mozambique tilapia in the San Joaquin Valley, California. Tim Heyne, Bert Tribbey, Matt Brooks, and Jennie Smith
  • Partial xanthism in an adult chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta, near chignik, Alaska. Gregory T. Ruggerone
  • Editorial note. Eric R. Loft
  • Bird life as a community asset. Joseph Grinnell


California Fish and Game 76(4). Fall 1990.

  • Responses of mountain sheep to aerial sampling using helicopters. Vernon C. Bleich, R. Terry Bowyer, Andrew M. Pauli, Robert L. Vernoy, and Richard L. Anthes
  • Accuracy in recording neck-band codes of cackling Canada geese. Dennis G. Raveling, David S. Zezulak, and Joseph G. Silveira
  • Fall and winter feeding habits of the American coot in northern California. Raymond J. Bogiatto II
  • Rainbow trout of Kaiser and Redwood creeks, Contra Costa County, California. Graham A. E. Gall, Boyd Bentley, and R. C. Nuzum
  • Comparative age and growth of flathead catfish in four southwestern streams. Kirk L. Young and Paul C. Marsh
  • Fish remains from nine archaeological sites in Richmond and San Pablo, Contra Costa County, California. Kenneth W. Gobalet
  • Native status of Sacramento perch (Archoplites interruptus) in Alameda Creek, Alameda County, California: evidence from archaeological site CA-ALA-483. Kenneth W. Gobalet
  • Use of an artificial substrate to collect white sturgeon eggs. George T. McCabe and Lance G. Beckman

California Fish and Game 76(3). Summer 1990.

  • Blood lead concentrations in mallards from Delvan and Colusa national wildlife refuges. David M. Mauser, Tonie E. Rocke, John G. Mensik, and Christopher J. Brand
  • Virulence of four isolates of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus in salmonid fishes and comparative replication in salmonid fish cell lines. Martin F. Chen, Candace M. Aikins, J. L. Fryer, and J. S. Rohovec
  • The effects of different otolith ageing techniques on estimates of growth and mortality for the splitnose rockfish, Sebastes diploproa, and canary rockfish, S. pinniger. Christopher D. Wildon and George W. Boehlert
  • Growth and longevity of golden trout, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, in their native streams. Roland A. Knapp and Tom L. Dudley
  • Comparison of efficiency and selectivity of three gears used to sample white sturgeon in a Columbia River reservoir. John C. Elliott and Raymond C. Beamesderfer
  • Giant bluefin tuna off southern California, with a new California size record. Terry J. Foreman and Yoshio Ishizuka
  • Bobcat electrocutions on powerlines. Richard D. Williams
  • Marine populations: an essay on population regulation and speciation (Book Review). John J. Geibel
  • Battling the inland sea: American culture, public policy, and the Sacramento Valley, 1850-1986 (Book Review). Harold K. Chadwick
  • Arizona game birds (Book Review). Sonke Mastrup
  • Miscellanea. Compiled by Robert N. Lea

California Fish and Game 76(2). Spring 1990.

  • Population characteristics of wild pigs, Sus scrofa, in eastern Santa Clara County, California. Martha E. Schauss, Henry J. Coletto, and Michael J. Kutilek
  • Coyote diets associated with seasonal mule deer activities in California. James R. Smith
  • An outbreak of bluetongue in captive deer and adjacent livestock in Kern County, California. D. A. Jessup, T. M. Work, R. Bushnell, M. Sawyer, and B. I. Osburn
  • Rainbow trout strains in California state hatcheries. Bruce G. Barngrover
  • Evaluation of a wildlife-habitat relationships data base for predicting bird community composition in central California chaparral and blue oak woodlands. Michael L. Avery and Charles van Riper III
  • Organochlorines, mercury, and selenium in wintering shorebirds from Washington and California. Thomas W. Custer and J. P. Myers
  • An albino bat ray, Myliobatis californica, from the Pacific coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico. Marcos de Jesus-Roldan
  • Observation of black bear, Ursus americanus, feeding damage to Port Orford cedar, Chamaecyparis lawsoniana, in Del Norte County, California. Gregory A. Giusti

California Fish and Game 76(1). Winter 1990.

  • Laboratory culture of jacksmelt, Atherinopsis californiensis, and topsmelt, Atherinops affinis (Pisces: Atherinidae), with a description of larvae. Douglas P. Middaugh, Michael J. Hemmer, Jonathan M. Shenker, and Toru Takita
  • Harvest distribution and survival of mallards banded in California, 1948-82. Warren C. Rienecker
  • Homing by chinook salmon exposed to morpholine. Thomas J. Hassler and Keith Kutchins
  • Movement and survival of tournament-caught black bass at Shasta Lake. Terrance P. Healey
  • Comparison of steelhead caught and lost by anglers using flies with barbed or barbless hooks in the Klamath River, California. Roger A. Barnhart
  • Establishment of red shiner, Notropis lutrensis, in the San Joaquin Valley, California. Mark R. Jennings and Michael K. Saiki
  • Preliminary examination of low salinity tolerance of sperm, fertilized eggs, and larvae of orangemouth corvina, Cynoscion zanthulus. Robert G. Howells
  • The starry room: naked eye astronomy in the intimate universe (Book Review). Jack Ames
  • Battling the inland sea: American culture, public policy, and the Sacramento Valley, 1850-1986 (Book Review). Harold K. Chadwick


California Fish and Game 75(4). Fall 1989.

  • Life history of anadromous coastal cutthroat trout in Snow and Salmon creeks, Jefferson County, Washington, with implications for management. John H. Michael, Jr.
  • The distribution and density of eel grass, Zostera marina, in Tomales Bay, California. Jerome D. Spratt
  • Oxygen and temperature relationships in nine artificially aerated California reservoirs. Arlo D. Fast and Robert G. Hulquist
  • Temporal and spatial variation in pelagic fish abundance in Lake Mead determined from echograms. Gene R. Wilde and Larry J. Paulson
  • Population dynamics of harbor seals in the Gulf of the Farallones, California. Sarah G. Allen, Harriet R. Huber, Christine A. Ribic, and David G. Ainley
  • Beaver distribution in the Truckee River Basin, California. Paul Beier and Reginald H. Barrett
  • Record of the roughscale sole, Clidoderma asperrimum, from northern California with a note on the Pacific lined sole, Archirus mazatlanus. Robert N. Lea, Konstantin A. Karpov, and Lawrence F. Quirollo
  • Strandings of the Pacific giant squid, Moroteuthis robusta (Verrill, 18767) (Decapoda, Cephalopoda) in British Columbia. Gordon Green
  • New mainland haul-out site for the northern elephant seal, Mirounga angustirostris, in central California. Jeanne E. King, Alan K. Fukuyama, Sally J. Krenn, and Aaron C. Setran

California Fish and Game 75(3). Summer 1989.

  • Waterfowl production on artificial islands in Mountain Meadows Reservoir, California. Virgina K. Getz and James R. Smith
  • Enteric septicemia of channel catfish in California. Martin F. Chen and Marsha E. Kumlin
  • Records of rare eelpouts of the genus Lycodapus Gilbert in the north and southeastern Pacific Ocean, with an addition to the California marine fish fauna. M. Eric Anderson
  • Duck harvest on public hunting areas in California. David S. Gilmer, Jane M. Hicks, Joseph P. Fleskes, and Daniel P. Connelly
  • Mass strandings of juvenile shortbelly rockfish and Pacific hake along the coast of northern California. Edmund S. Hobson and Daniel F. Howard
  • Northern range extension of the speckled rockfish, Sebastes ovalis. Daniel G. Nichol, Neil T. Richmond, and Ellen K. Pikitch
  • Range extensions of decapod crustaceans from Bahia Tortugas and vicinity, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Ernesto Campos and Alma Rosa de Campos
  • Growth of hatchery-reared red abalone at Fitzgerald Marine Reserve: one year post-release. Thomas B. Ebert
  • Notes on the first record of the orangethroat pikeblenny, Chaenopsis alepidota (Gilbert), in mainland California. John S. Stephens, Jr., Michael Singer, and Laura Targgart

California Fish and Game 75(2). Spring 1989.

  • Ichthyoplankton of Lake Havasu, a Colorado River impoundment, Arizona-California. Paul C. Marsh and Diana Papoulias
  • Seasonal abundance and feeding habits of sharks of the lower Gulf of California, Mexico. Felipe Galvan-Magana, Henk J. Nienhuis, and A. Peter Klimley
  • Wetland bird seasonal abundance and habitat use at Lake Earl and Lake Talawa, California. Steven L. Funderburk and Paul F. Springer
  • Life history of the sevengill shark, Notorynchus cepedianus Peron, in two northern California bays. David A. Ebert
  • Rice available to waterfowl in harvested fields in the Sacramento Valley, California. David E. Sharp, David S. Gilmer, and William R. Mulvaney
  • Pacificogramma stepanenkoi Kharin, 1983 (Family Grammatidae), a junior synonym of Pronotogrammus multifasciatus Gill, 1863 (Family Serranidae). M. Eric Anderson and Richard H. Rosenblatt
  • Imporoved self-cleaning screen for processing benthic samples. Ned H. Euliss, Jr. and George A. Swanson

California Fish and Game 75(1). Winter 1989.

  • Freshwater eels (Family Anguillidae) in California: current conditions and future scenarios. John E. McCosker
  • Migration patterns of mule deer in the central Sierra Nevada. Eric R. Loft, Ronald C. Bertram, and Douglas L. Bowman
  • Mortality of tournament-caught largemouth and smallmouth bass in Idaho lakes and reservoirs. David H. Bennett, Larry K. Dunsmoor, Robert L. Rohrer, and Bruce E. Rieman
  • Observations on induced maturation and spawning of orangemouth corvina. J. A. Prentice, R. L. Colura, and B. W. Bumguardner
  • Food habits, seasonal abundance, size, and sex of the blue shark, Prionace glauca, in Monterey Bay, California. James T. Harvey
  • The Cortez angelfish, Pomacanthus zonipectus, recorded from southern California. Robert N. Lea, John M. Duffy, and Kenneth C. Wilson
  • Zanthic, gigantic, China rockfish. Edward Ueber
  • Range extension and commercial capture of the northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax Girard, in the Gulf of California, Mexico. M. Gregory Hammann and Miguel Angel Cisneros-Mata
  • A northern range extension for the thornback, Platyrhinoidis triseriata. Richard Plant
  • Northern occurrence of two estuarine crabs: the fiddler crab, Uca crenulata, and the burrowing crab, Malacoplax californiensis. David M. Hubbard and Jenifer E. Dugan
  • Observations on mortality of Salt Creek pupfish during a flash flood. Jack E. Williams and Betsy C. Bolster


California Fish and Game 74(4). Fall 1988.

  • Present distribution of ringtails in California. Susan Orloff
  • Influence of maturity on straying rates of summer steelhead into the Rogue River, Oregon. Thomas D. Satterthwaite
  • Shark aggression against man: beginnings of an understanding. H. David Baldridge
  • Comparative hooking mortality of lure-caught Lahontan cutthroat trout at Heenan Lake, California. Robert G. Titus and C. David Vanicek
  • Waterfowl mortality in rice fields treated with the carbamate, Carbofuran. E. E. Littrell
  • Salinity tolerance of young topsmelt, Atherinops affinis, cultured in the laboratory. Doublas P. Middaugh and Jonathan M. Shenker
  • Reoccurrence of the Pacific seahorse, Hippocampus ingens, in San Diego Pay. Anthony T. Jones, Peter Dutton, and Robert E. Snodgrass
  • Prevalence of Trichomonas gallinae in central California mourning doves. David J. Rupiper and Wallace M. Harmon
  • New records and range extensions of shrimps and crabs from California, U.S.A. and Baja California, Mexico. Mary K. Wicksten
  • Distribution and abundance of young-of-the-year white seabass, Atractoscion nobilis, in the vicinity of Long Beach Harbor, California in 1984–1987. Larry G. Allen and Michael P. Franklin

California Fish and Game 74(3). Summer 1988.

  • Ecological studies of sablefish in Monterey Bay. Gregor M. Cailliet, Edwin K. Osada, and Michael Moser
  • Characterization of black-tailed deer habitats in a northern California oak-confer zone. Eric R. Loft, Timothy S. Burton, John W. Menke, and Gary E. Peterson
  • On some abnormalities in the chelae of commercial crabs (Genus Cancer) from Baja California, Mexico. Alberto Carvacho
  • Second record of Cubiceps paradoxus and Antennarius avalonis from California. Lloyd B. Ellis, Jeffrey G. Landesman, Stanford L. Asato, and Daniel R. Zambrano
  • Recent records of the Santa Cruz kangaroo rat, Dipodomys venustus venustus, in Santa Cruz County. Michele L. Roest
  • Family Himantolophidae added to the ichthyofauna of the temperate eastern north Pacific. Robert N. Lea
  • Wild carnivore deaths due to anticoagulant intoxication. E. E. Littrell and D. Hunter
  • Bill deformity in a Brandt's cormorant chick. Keith A. Hobson and Harry R. Carter

California Fish and Game 74(2). Spring 1988.

  • An innovative technique for seeding abalone and preliminary results of laboratory and field trials. Thomas B. Ebert and Earl E. Ebert
  • The survival and growth of transplanted adult pink abalone, Haliotis corrugata, at Santa Catalina Island. Kristine C. Henderson, David O. Parker, and Peter L. Haaker
  • Records of the deep-sea skates, Raja (Amblyraja) badia Garman, 1899 and Bathyraja abyssicola (Gilbert, 1896) in the eastern north Pacific, with a new key to California skates. George D. Zorzi and M. Eric Anderson
  • Differences in yield, emigration-timing, size, and age structure of juvenile steelhead from two small western Washington streams. John J. Loch, Steven A. Leider, Mark W. Chilcote, Randy Cooper, and Thom H. Johnson
  • Allozyme variation in the California halibut, Paralichthys californicus. Dennis Hedgecock and Devin M. Bartley

California Fish and Game 74(1). Winter 1988.

  • Identification of mammal tracks from sooted track stations in the Pacific northwest. Cathy A. Taylor and Martin G. Raphael
  • Feeding ecology of ten species of rockfishes (Scorpaenidae) from the Gulf of Alaska. Richard J. Rosenthal, Victoria Moran-O'Connell, and Margaret C. Murphy
  • Growth of young-of-the-year and juvenile Pacific herring from San Francisco Bay, California. Paul N. Reilly
  • Diet of juvenile and subadult white sturgeon in the Lower Columbia River and its estuary. William D. Muir, Robert L. Emmett, and Robert J. McConnell
  • Herd segregation in harbor seals at Point Reyes, California. Sarah G. Allen, Christine A. Ribic, and Janet E. Kjelmyr
  • Record of the chameleon goby, Tridentiger trigonocephlus, from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Paul F. Raquel
  • Additional notes on migrational distribution of northern pintail banded in California. Warren C. Rienecker


California Fish and Game 73(4). Fall 1987.

  • Movement and dispersion of red abalone, Haliotis rufescens, in northern California. Jerald S. Ault and John D. DeMartini
  • The use of baited stations by divers to obtain fish relative abundance data. Daniel W. Gotshall
  • Survival and recovery rate estimates of northern pintail banded in California, 1948–79. Warren C. Rienecker
  • Management of midges and other invertebrates for waterfowl wintering in California. Ned H. Euliss, Jr. and Gail Grodhaus
  • Yellowtail chafing on a shark: parasite removal? Bruce E. Coblentz
  • Atypical plumage of a female California quail. J. A. Crawford, P. J. Cole, K. M. Kilbride, and A. Fairbrother

California Fish and Game 73(3). Summer 1987.

  • Variation in the growth rate of Pacific herring from San Francisco Bay, California. Jerome D. Spratt
  • Migration and distribution of northern pintails banded in California. Warren C. Rienecker
  • Analysis of the diets of mountain sheep from the San Gabriel Mountains, California. William M. Perry, Jim W. Dole, and Stephen A. Holl
  • Refutation of lengths of 11.3, 9.0, and 6.4 m attributed to the white shark, Carcharodon carcharias. John E. Randall
  • Reproductive rhythmicity of the atherinid fish, Colpichthys regis, from Estero del Soldado, Sonora, Mexico. G. A. Russell, D. P. Middaugh, and M. J. Hemmer
  • Comparison of meristic and morphometric characters among and within subspecies of the Sacramento sucker (Catostomus occidentalis Ayres). David L. Ward and Ronald A. Fritzsche
  • Extent of human-bear interactions in the backcountry of Yosemite National Park. Bruce C. Hastings and Barrie K. Gilbert
  • First Oregon record for the cowcod, Sebastes levis. Daniel L. Erickson and Ellen K. Pikitch

California Fish and Game 73(2). Spring 1987.

  • Movement of scorpionfishes (Scorpaenidae: Sebastes and Scorpaena) in the southern California Bight. A Rucker Hartmann
  • Habitat and productivity of Cooper's hawks nesting in California. Christopher E. Asay
  • Population studies of rock crabs, Cancer antennarius, yellow crabs, C. anthonyi, and Kellet's whelks, Kelletia kelletii, in the vicinity of a proposed liquefied natural gas terminal at Little Cojo Bay, San Barbara County, California. Paul N. Reilly
  • Chronic bronchitis (hamburger gill disease) of channel catfish in California and its possible mysosporean etiology. M. L. Kent, G. E. Duhamel, J. S. Foott, and R. P. Hedrick
  • Comparative catches of ocean sport-caught salmon using barbed and barbless hooks and estimated 1984 San Francisco Bay area charterboat shaker catch. Arthur C. Knutson, Jr.
  • Biological notes on the pacific sleeper shark, Somniosus pacificus (Chondricthys: Squalidae). Leonard J. V. Compagno and Lisa J. Nananson
  • On the second record of Barbourisia rufa, the velvet whalefish, from California. Robert N. Lea

California Fish and Game 73(1). Winter 1987.

  • Age and growth of male Dungeness crabs, Cancer magister, in northern California. Ronald W. Warner
  • Population trends, distribution, and survival of Canada geese in California and western Nevada, 1949–79. Warren C. Rienecker
  • Food habits of large monkeyface prickleback, Cebidichthys violaceus. Kathy Ann Miller and William H. Marshall
  • Winter foods of American coots in the northern San Joaquin Valley, California. Gary L. Ivey
  • Two species of Kyphosidae seen in King Harbor, Redondo Beach, California. Andrew J. Brooks
  • Occurrence of the family Notacanthidae (Pisces) from marine waters of California. Robert N. Lea and Richard H. Rosenblatt
  • Range extensions of offshore decapod crustaceans from California and western Mexico. Mary K. Wicksten
  • Record of the twinpored eel, Xenomystax atrarius (Anguilliformes: Congridae) from California waters. Jeffrey A. Siegel
  • Resightings of two rehabilitated and released harbor seals in California. Marc A. Webber and Sarah G. Allen


California Fish and Game 72(4). Fall 1986.

  • Temporal and spatial patters in sea otter, Enhydra lutris, range expansion and the loss of Pismo clam fisheries. Frederick E. Wendell, Robert A. Hardy, Jack A. Ames, and Richard T. Burge
  • Aspects of ecology and life history of the woolly sculpin, Clinocottus analis, from southern California. Alan W. Wells
  • Icthyofaunal composition and recolonization in a central California tidepool. Ronald H. Matson, C. Ben Crabtree, and Thomas R. Haglund
  • Distribution of major marine macrophytes, seasonal estimates of Gracilaria standing crop, and spawning activities of the Pacific herring, Clupea harengus pallasii, in Elkhorn Slough, California: 1979–1982. R. E. Phillips, D. I. Gutoff, J. E. Hansen, and J. E. Hardwick
  • Observations on the elasmobranch assemblage of San Francisco Bay. David A. Ebert

California Fish and Game 72(3). Summer 1986.

  • Waterfowl harvest at Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge, 1936–1941. David S. Gilmer, Jane M. Hicks, James C. Bartonek, and Earl H. McCollum
  • The feeding behavior of the juvenile dungeness crab, Cancer magister Dana, on the bivalve, Transennella tantilla (Gould), and a determination of its daily consumption rate. Mary Ann Asson-Batres
  • Habitat selection by southern mule deer. R. Terry Bowyer
  • Intraspecific cleaning by juvenile salema, Xenestius californiensis (Pisces: Haemulidae). Paul C. Sikkel
  • New records of the ragged-tooth shark, Odontaspis ferox, from California waters. Jeffrey A. Seigel and Leonard J. V. Compagno
  • First record of the spotted scorpionfish, Scorpaena plumieri, from California: the curtain falls on a "comedy of errors." Camm C. Swift
  • Birth of a northern fur seal on the mainland California coast. Janet L. Stein and Kathy Miller
  • Shell thickness and organochlorine pesticides in osprey eggs from Eagle Lake, California. E. E. Littrell
  • Juvenile blue catfish in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta of California. Paul F. Raquel
  • An addition to the known range of Stephens' kangaroo rat, Dipodomys stephensi, in San Diego County, California. Michael J. O'Farrell, Stephen M. Juarez, and Curt E. Uptain

California Fish and Game 72(2). Spring 1986.

  • Epidermal tumors in Microstomus pacificus (Pleuronectidae) collected near a municipal wastewater outfall in the coastal waters off Los Angeles (1971–1983). Jeffrey N. Cross
  • The occurrence of two nematodes, Spirocerca lupi and Dirofilaria immitis, in wild canids of the Lake Berryessa area, northern California. M. M. J. Lavoipierre, T. W. Graham, L. L. Walters, and J. A. Howarth
  • Growth and reproduction of spot prawns in the Santa Barbara Channel. John S. Sunada
  • Fawn rearing habitat of the Lake Hollow Deer Herd, Tehama County, California. Heather J. Welker
  • Fawn mortality in the Lake Hollow Deer Herd, Tehama County, California. Heather J. Welker
  • Movement by two nearshore, territorial rockfishes previously reported as non-movers and implications to management. Kathleen R. Matthews
  • Relating marten scat contents to prey consumed. William J. Zielinski
  • First record of Hemitripterus bolini, the bigmouth sculpin, from California waters. Robert N. Lea and Lawrence F. Quirollo
  • Northern range extension for California tonguefish, Symphurus atricauda to Washington state. Paul A. Dinnel and Christopher W. Rogers
  • Indigenous muskrats, Ondatra zibethicus, in coastal southern California. Paul E. Langenwalter II
  • Mortality of American wigeon on a golf course treated with the organophosphate, Diazinon. E. E. Littrell
  • The occurrence of Lepas anatifera on Zalophus californianus and Mirounga angustirostris. Jan Roletto and Robert Van Syoc

California Fish and Game 72(1). Winter 1986.

  • Population characteristics of Pacific herring, Clupea harengus pallasi, in Humboldt Bay, California. Douglas J. Rabin and Roger A. Barnhart
  • The striped bass sport fishery in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary, 1969–1979. James R. White
  • Food of juvenile Chinook, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, and coho, O. kisutch, salmon off the northern Oregon and southern Washington coasts, May–September 1980. Robert L. Emmett, David R. Miller, and Theodore H. Blahn
  • Line-transect censuses of fallow and black-tailed deer on the Point Reyes Peninsula. Peter J. P. Gogan, Steven C. Thompson, and Reginald H. Barrett
  • Utilization by salt marsh harvest mice, Reithrodontomys raviventris halicoetes, of a non-pickleweed marsh. Fred Botti, Dee Warencyia, and Dennis Becker
  • A method for the efficient removal of juvenile salmonid otoliths. Brian D. Winter


California Fish and Game 71(4). Fall 1985.

  • Temporal distribution of breeding and non-breeding Canada geese from northeastern California. Warren C. Rienecker
  • The occurrence, seasonal distribution, and reproductive condition of elasmobranch fishes of Elkhorn Slough, California. Larry G. Talent
  • Effects on wildlife of ethyl and methyl parathion applied to California rice fields. Thomas W. Custer, Elwood F. Hill, and Harry M. Ohlendorf
  • Population biology of bluegills, Lepomis macrochirus, in lotic habitats on the irrigated San Joaquin Valley floor. Michael K. Saiki and Christopher J. Schmitt
  • An observation of reproductive behavior in a wild population of African clawed frogs, Xenopus laevis, in California. Michael J. McCoid
  • Parasites of the Sacramento perch, Archoplites interruptus. Cay C. Goude and C. David Vanicek

California Fish and Game 71(3). Summer 1985.

  • Acute toxicity of seven alicyclic hexanes to striped bass, Morone saxatilis, and bay shrimp, Crangon franciscorum, in seawater. Pete E. Benville, Jr., Jeanetter A. Whipple, and Maxwell B. Eldridge
  • An analysis of canvasbacks banded in California. Warren C. Rienecker
  • The survival and mortality of seeded and native red abalones, Haliotis rufescens, on the Palos Verdes Peninsula. Mia J. Tegner and Robert A. Butler
  • Intermarsh movements by light-footed clapper rails indicated in part through regular censusing. Richard Zembal, Jack M. Fancher, and Christopher S. Nordby
  • Bird diets and prey availability in the western Sierra Nevada, California. Donald L. Dahlsten, Michael L. Morrison, David L. Rowney, Marilyn Wilson, and Josef Cohen
  • Determining the sex of sea otters from skulls. Aryan I. Roest
  • A technique to secure small mammal livetraps against disturbance. Donald R. Warner and David L. Chesemore
  • Northward range extension for the striped marlin. Kevin Hill and David R. Haight
  • Occurrence of a juvenile California lizardfish, Synodus lucioceps, in Washington waters. Gary P. Gonyea and Steve F. Burton
  • The scalloped hammerhead, Sphyrna lewini, in coastal southern California waters: three records including the first reported juvenile. Jeffrey A. Seigel

California Fish and Game 71(2). Spring 1985.

  • Breeding range and population studies of common snipe in California. Laurence A. McKibben and Paul Hofmann
  • Growth, food and habitat of age 0 smallmouth bass in Clair Engle Reservoir, California. Daniel Okoth Okeyo and Thomas J. Hassler
  • Life history of the Sacramento sucker, Catostomus occidentalis, in Thomes Creek, Tehama County, California. Nick A. Villa
  • Growth of grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella, in artificial central Arizona ponds. Paul C. Marsh and Mark A. Dhaenens
  • Orientation of juvenile Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, and bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus, to low water velocities under high and low light levels. Charles H. Hanson and Erik Jacobson
  • Radio-tagged harbor seal, Phoca vitulina richardsi, eaten by white shark, Carcharodon carcharias, in the Southern California Bight. Brent S. Stewart and Pamela K. Yochem
  • Additional records of Pronotogrammus multifasciatus and Gempylus serpens from California. Lawrence L. C. Jones, Robert R. Johnson, and Judith Hopkins
  • Pugheadedness in the California roach, Hesperoleucus symmetricus (Baird and Girard). Robert A. Leidy
  • Milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forsskal, 1775), taken in southern California adds new family (Chanidae) to the California marine fauna. John M. Duffy and Hannah J. Bernard
  • Experimental lead dosing of northern pintails in California. Bruce Deuel

California Fish and Game 71(1). Winter 1985.

  • Experimental studies on the effects of commercial kelp harvesting in central and southern California Macrocystis pyrifera kelp beds. D. Craig Barilotti, Ronald H. McPeak, and Paul K. Dayton.
  • The effects of canopy removal on holdfast growth in Macrocystis pyrifera (Phaeophyta; Laminariales). Kim McCleneghan and James L. Houk
  • Fish food habits along a pollution gradient. Jeffrey N. Cross, James Roney, and Gary S. Kleppel
  • Utilization of natural and man-made habitats by the salt marsh song sparrow, Melospiza melodia samuelis (Baird). Joshua N. Collins and Vincent H. Resh
  • Pup production, abundance, and breeding distribution of northern elephant seals on San Nicolas Island, winter 1981. James L. Bodkin, Ronald J. Jameson, and Glenn R. Van Blaricom
  • Northward occurrence of the opaleye, Girella nigricans, and the sharpnose seaperch, Phanerodon atripes. Carl E. Bond and Robert E. Olson
  • The oxeye oreo, Allocyttus folletti Myers, from the Bering Sea. Sid F. Cook and James Long
  • Color variation in the sevengill shark, Notorhynchus maculatus Ayres, along the California coast. David A. Ebert


California Fish and Game 70(4). Fall 1984.

  • Characteristics and attitudes of some Klamath River anglers. Jeffrey L. Kershner and Robert R. Van Kirk
  • Variability in age estimates in Sebastes as a function of methodology, different readers, and different laboratories. George W. Boehlert and Mary M. Yoklavich
  • Estimation of sea otter, Enhydra lutris, population, with confidence bounds, from air and ground counts. J. J. Geibel and D. J. Miller
  • Cleaning behavior of the juvenile panamic sergeant major, Abudefduf troschelii (Gill), with a resume of cleaning associations in the Gulf of California and adjacent waters. Richard M. McCourt and Donald A. Thomson
  • Effects of cattle grazing on selected habitats of southern mule deer. R. Terry Bowyer and Vernon C. Bleich
  • Mortality in California mule deer at a drying reservoir: the problem of siltation at water catchments. Daniel W. Baber
  • Records of goosefishes (Family: Lophiidae, Genus Lophiodes) from Californian waters. Robert N. Lea, Thomas Keating, Gilbert Van Dykhuizen, and Phillip B. Lehtonen

California Fish and Game 70(3). Summer 1984.

  • Distribution of some common decapod crustaceans and a pycnogonid from the continental shelf of northern California. Mary K. Wicksten
  • Diurnal activity and habitat use by feral pigs on Santa Cruz Island, California. Dirk Van Vuren
  • Environmental conditions and fish faunas in low elevation rivers on the irrigated San Joaquin Valley floor, California. Michael K. Saiki
  • Relocation of original territories by displaced black-and-yellow rockfish, Sebastes chrysomelas, from Carmel Bay, California. Leon E. Hallacher
  • Surgical implantation of a radiotelemetry device in wild black bears, Ursus americanus. David A. Jessup and Donald B. Koch
  • Seasonal variation in the diet of the threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, in Contra Costa County, California. Randal J. Snyder
  • Attacks on divers by white sharks in Chile. Alfredo Cea Egana and John E. McCosker
  • Ecological status of striped bass, Morone saxatilis, in Upper Newport Bay, California. Michael H. Horn, Larry G. Allen, and F. Dennis Hagner
  • Food habits of black-tailed deer, Odocoileus hemionus columbianus, in Trinity County, California. John G. Kie, Timothy S. Burton, John W. Menke, and William E. Grenfell, Jr.
  • Additional notes on the repeat spawning by Pacific lamprey. John H. Michael, Jr.
  • A northern fur seal, Callorhinus ursinus, found in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. L. A. Dierauf
  • Extreme mercury concentrations of a striped bass, Morone saxatilis, with a known residence time in Lahontan Reservoir, Nevada. James J. Cooper and Steven Vigg
  • Erratum. Bruce Vondracek, Larry R. Brown, and Joseph J. Cech.

California Fish and Game 70(2). Spring 1984.

  • Variation in trophic state indicators in two northern California reservoirs. K. R. Gina Rothe
  • Comparative condition of black-tailed deer, Odocoileus hemionus columbianus, in two herds in Trinity County, California. John G. Kie, Timothy S. Burton, and John W. Menke
  • Pup dependency period and length of reproductive cycle: estimates from observations of tagged sea otters, Enhydra lutris, in California. Frederich E. Wendell, Jack A. Ames, and Robert A. Hardy
  • A review of selected remote sensing and computer technologies applied to wildlife habitat inventories. Kenneth E. Mayer
  • Identification of salt marsh harvest mice, Reithrodontomys raviventris, in the field and with cranial characteristics. Howard S. Shellhammer
  • A second record for California and additional morphological information on Entosphenus hubbsi Vladykov and Kott 1976 (Petromyzontidae). Vadim D. Vladykov and Edward Kott
  • Erratum. Darlene McGriff and John Modin

California Fish and Game 70(1). Winter 1984.

  • Food availability, food habits and growth of Tahoe sucker, Catostomus tahoensis, from a reservoir and a natural lake. Donn L. Marrin, Don C. Erman, and Bruce Vondracek
  • New host records of ticks (Acari: Argasidae and Ixodidae) parasitizing wildlife in California and a case of tick paralysis in a deer. Robert S. Lane
  • Zooplankton dynamics in a high mountain reservoir of southern California. Clifford A Siegfried and Mark E. Kopache
  • The benthos of a eutrophic mountain reservoir: influence of reservoir level on community composition, abundance, and production. Clifford A. Siegfried
  • Distribution and taxonomic affinities of mule deer, Odocoileus hemionus, from Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, California. R. Terry Bowyer and Vernon C. Bleich
  • Dipodomys californicus in Sierra Valley, Plumas County, California. Anthony H. James, James P. O'Brien, and David K. James
  • Age and growth of Florida largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides floridanus, in Hidden Valley Reservoir, Lake County, California. Larry E. Week
  • Three species of sea turtles collected from northern California. Steven A. Smith and Warren J. Houck
  • Biochemical identification of a bluefin tuna establishes a new California size record. Ronald C. Dotson and John E. Graves


California Fish and Game 69(4). Fall 1983.

  • Sex, age, and species differences in disease mortality of Ross' and lesser snow geese in California: implications for avian cholera research. M. Robert McLandress
  • The movement and homing of smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieui, in Lake Sammamish, Washington. David E. Pflug and Gilbert B. Pauley
  • Spring population trends in Phoca vitulina richardi in two central California coastal areas. Lucinda M. Slater and Hal Markowitz
  • Growth, maturity, and fecundity of the crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus, from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Darlene McGriff
  • Tagging materials and methods for sea otters, Enhydra lutris. Jack A. Ames, Robert A. Hardy, and Fredrich E. Wendell

California Fish and Game 69(3). Summer 1983.

  • Seasonal foods of black bears in Tahoe National Forest, California. William E. Grenfell, Jr. and Allan J. Brody
  • An annotated check list of the amphibians and reptiles of California. Mark R. Jennings
  • Northern occurrences of the sea snake, Pelamis platurus in the eastern Pacific, with a record of predation on the species. George V. Pickwell, Robert L. Bezy, and John E. Fitch
  • Thelophania contejeani parasitism of the crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus, in California. Darlene McGriff and John Modin
  • Food habits of coyotes, Canis latrans, in eastern Tehama County, California. Reginald H. Barrett
  • A study of the effects of Bolero 10G® on the mountain garter snake, Thamnophis elegans elegans. E. E. Littrell
  • Smoked aluminum track plots for determining furbearer distribution and relative abundance. Reginald H. Barrett
  • Avian cholera in an American Flamingo, Phoenicopterus ruber: a new host record. Christopher J. Brand and Rugh M. Duncan
  • Reproduction of Arctic grayling, Thymallus arcticus, in the Lobdell Lake system, California. Richard W. Rieber
  • Erratum. D. W. Gotshall, G. H. Allen, and R. A. Barnhart

California Fish and Game 69(2). Spring 1983.

  • Contribution of cutthroat trout in headwater streams to the sea-run population. John H. Michael, Jr.
  • Benthic invertebrates of the earthen Coachella Canal, California. Paul C. Marsh and Carolyn R. Stinemetz
  • Osteophagia and antler breakage among Roosevelt elk. R. Terry Bowyer
  • Concurrent measurement of intertidal environmental variables and embryo survival for the California grunion, Leuresthes tenius, and Atlantic silverside, Menidia menidia (Pisces: Atherinidae. D. P. Middaugh, H. W. Kohl, and L. E. Burnett
  • Age, growth, reproductive characteristics, and seasonal depth distribution of the spotfin surfperch, Hyperprosopon anale. Donald M. Baltz and Elaine E. Knight
  • Hazards to geese from exposure to zinc phosphide rodenticide baits. James F. Glahn and Larry D. Lamper
  • Ova fertility relative to temperature and to the time of gamete mixing in the red abalone, Haliotus rufescens. Earl E. Ebert and Randall M. Hamilton
  • First Californian record of the amarillo snapper, Lutjanus argentiventris. James E. Phelan
  • Evidence of birth of a sea otter on land in central California. Ronald J. Jameson
  • Age and growth and length-weight relationship for flathead catfish, Pylodictis olivaris, from Coachella Canal, southeastern California. Mark S. Pisano, Mary J. Inansci, and W. L. Minckley

California Fish and Game 69(1). Winter 1983.

  • In Memoriam—John E. Fitch
  • Soft bottom infaunal communities in Mission Bay. Deborah M. Dexter
  • Behavioral response of juvenile Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, to trash rack bar spacing. Charles H. Hanson and Hiram W. Li
  • Distribution of fishes in streams of the Walnut Creek basin, California. Robert A. Leidy
  • Notes on the feeding habits of the yellowtail rockfish, Sebastes flavidus, off Washington and in Queen Charlotte Sound. Harriet V. Lorz, William G. Pearcy, and Michael Fraidenburg
  • Distributional ecology of native and introduced fishes in the Pit River system, northeastern California, with notes on the Modoc sucker. James J. Cooper
  • Results of Mohave chub, Gila bicolor mohavensis, relocations in California and Nevada. Frank Hoover and James A. St. Amant
  • Common dolphins, Delphinus delphis, in Monterey Bay. James Christmann
  • Spirontocaris lamellicornis (Dana, 1852), new to the fauna of southern California. (Decapoda: Hippolytidae). Jack Q. Word
  • Erratum. T. A. Hanley and J. L. Page.


California Fish and Game 68(4). Fall 1982.

  • Life history, distribution, and status of Pacifastacus fortis (Decapoda: Astacidae). Larry L. Eng and Robert A Daniels
  • Marine mammals in Monterey Bay, California, during the years 1950–1955. Eric G. Barham
  • Food habits of the gray smoothhound, Mustelus californicus, the brown smoothhound, Mustelus henleei, the shovelnose guitarfish, Rhinobatos productus, and the bat ray, Myliobatis californica, in Elkhorn Slough, California. Larry G. Talent
  • The occurrence of selected infectious diseases in the desert bighorn sheep, Ovis canadensis cremnobates, herds of the Santa Rosa Mountains, California. J. C. Turner and J. B. Payson
  • Crustaceans from baited traps and gill nets off southern California. Mary K. Wicksten
  • Status and nomenclatural history of Agonus vulsus Jordan and Gilbert, 1880 (Pisces-Family Agonidae). Robert N. Lea and Lillian J. Dempster

California Fish and Game 68(3). Summer 1982.

  • Range relationships and demography of fallow and axis deer on Point Reyes National Seashore. John D. Wehausen and Henry W. Elliott III
  • Growth of adult striped bass in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary. Barry W. Collins
  • Differential effects of livestock use on habitat structure and rodent populations in Great Basin communities. Thomas A. Hanley and Jerry L. Page
  • Intertidal vertical distribution and diets of five species of central California stichaeoid fishes. Michael G. Barton
  • Sightings of cetaceans in the Gulf of Farallones, California, 1971–1979. Harriet R. Huber, David G. Ainley, and Stephen H. Morrell
  • Record of the striped mullet, Mugil cephalus, in San Francisco Bay, California. Carol A. Reilly and Judy Sakanori

California Fish and Game 68(2). Spring 1982.

  • Effects of water level fluctuation on reproduction of largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, at Millerton Lake, California, in 1973. Dale F. Mitchell
  • Trophic interrelations among introduced fishes in the lower Colorado River, southwestern United States. W. L. Minckley
  • Limnology of a eutrophic reservoir: Big Bear Lake, California. Clifford A. Siegfried, Perry L. Herrgesell, and Mark E. Kopache
  • Deer populations and reservoir construction in Trinity County, California. John Kie, Timothy S. Burton, and John W. Menke
  • Harbor seal census in south San Francisco Bay, 1972–1977. Lyman E. Fancher and Doris J. Alcorn
  • Occurrence of a Pacific loggerhead turtle, Caretta caretta gigas Deraniyagala, in the waters off Santa Cruz Island, California. Robert C. Guess
  • A harbor seal, Phoca vitulina richardi, taken from sablefish trap. Patricia M. Kolb and Kenneth S. Norris

California Fish and Game 68(1). Winter 1982.

  • Largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, and bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus, growth rates associated with artificial destratification and threadfin shad, Dorosoma petenense, introductions at El Capitan Reservoir, California. Arlo W. Fast, Lawrence H. Bottroff, and Richard L. Miller
  • Home range and habitat preferences of black bears in the San Bernardino Mountains of southern California. Harold J. Novick and Glenn R. Stewart
  • Comparison of age, growth, and feeding of the Tahoe sucker from Sierra Nevada streams and a reservoir. Bruce Vondracek, Larry R. Brown, and Joseph J. Cech
  • An underwater fish tagging method. T. C. Wilson
  • Concurrent sexual behavior in three groups of gray whales, Eschrictius robustus, during the northern migration off the central California coast. T. C. Wilson and David W. Behrens
  • Morphology and growth of a pugheaded brown rockfish, Sebastes auriculatus. Peter B. Adams and Constance J. Ryan
  • Relations between size of Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, released at hatcheries and returns to hatcheries and ocean fisheries. R. R. Reisenbichler, J. D. McIntyre, and R. J. Hallock
  • A microsporidian infection in mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis, from Orange County, California. T. A. Crandall and P. R. Bowser
  • Response of the Mohave chub, Gila bicolor mohavensis, to the dewatering of an artificial impoundment. Louis A. Courtois


California Fish and Game 67(4). Fall 1981.

  • Systematics of golden trout, Salmo aguabonita, from the Sierra Nevada. J. R. Gold and G. A. E. Gall
  • Lingcod, Ophiodon elongatus, spawning and nesting in San Juan Channel, Washington. Mark G. LaRiviere, David D. Jessup, and Stephen B. Mathews
  • Larval anisakine roundworms of marine fishes from southern and central California, with comments on public health significance. Murray D. Dailey, Lauritz A. Jensen, and Barbara Westerhof Hill
  • Evidence of movements of some deepwater rockfishes (Scorpaenidae: genus Sebastes) off southern California. Milton S. Love
  • Seasonal changes in a population of the fluffy sculpin, Oligocottus snyderi, from Trinidad Bay, California. John R. Moring
  • Conservation of vernal pool plants in California: I. A report on Pixley Reserve. R. F. Holland and S. K. Jain
  • Deer use under black oaks with and without mistletoe. Gordon C. Ashcraft

California Fish and Game 67(3). Summer 1981.

  • Freshwater mollusks of California: a distributional checklist. Dwight W. Taylor
  • The role of temperature and photoperiod in the ontogenetic migration of prejuvenile Sebastes diploproa (Pisces: Scorpaenidae). George W. Boehlert
  • Copper, zinc, and cadmium concentrations of resident trout related to acid-mine wastes. D. Wilson, B. Finlayson, and N. Morgan
  • Laboratory studies of intraspecific behavior interactions and factors influencing tidepool selection of the wooly sculpin, Clinocottus analis. W. A. Richkus
  • Hybridization between hitch, Lavinia exilicauda, and Sacramento blackfish, Orthodon microlepidodus, in San Luis Reservoir, California. Peter B. Moyle and Michael Massingill

California Fish and Game 67(2). Spring 1981.

  • Shark attacks in California and Oregon, 1926–1979. Daniel J. Miller and Ralph S. Collier
  • History and status of wild pigs, Sus scrofa, in San Benito County, California. Reginald H. Barrett and Donald S. Pine
  • Spawning behavior and requirements of Alabama spotted bass, Micropterus punctulatus henshalli, in Lake Perris, Riverside County, California. Kenneth D. Aasen and Francis D. Henry, Jr.
  • A census of harbor seals, Phoca vitulina, in San Luis Obispo County, California 1972–1973. L. S. Wade
  • A slide rule for locating and decoding bit values on six-bit coded wire nose tags. E. W. Lesh and John H. Rowell
  • Wolverine, Gulo gulo, records for the White Mountains, California. Steven D. Kovach
  • California grunion, Leuresthes tenius, spawn in Monterey Bay, California. Jerome D. Spratt

California Fish and Game 67(1). Winter 1981.

  • A list of the freshwater and anadromous fishes of California. Leo Shapovalov, Almo J. Cordone, and William A. Dill
  • Electrophoretic, morphometric, and meristic studies of subpopulations of northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax. Andrew M. Vrooman, Pedro A. Paloma, and James R. Zweifel
  • Denning characteristics of black bears, Ursus americanus, in the San Bernardino Mountains of southern California. Harold J. Novick, John M. Siperek, and Glenn R. Stewart
  • Update of the estimated mortality rate ofEngraulis mordax in southern California. Doyle Hanan
  • First record of dextrality in the California tonguefish, Symphurus atricauda, with a second report of ambicoloration. Edward L. Telders


California Fish and Game 66(4). Fall 1980.

  • Evidence of white shark, Carcharodon carcharias, attacks on sea otters, Enhydra lutris. Jack A. Ames and G. Victor Morejohn
  • Recent trends in the white sturgeon population in California's Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary. David W. Kohlhorst
  • An annotated checklist of fishes from Humboldt Bay, California. Daniel W. Gotshall, George H. Allen, and Roger A. Barnhart
  • Food habits of pintails, Anas acuta, wintering on seasonally flooded wetlands in the northern San Joaquin Valley, California. Daniel P. Connelly and David L. Chesemore
  • Harbor seal and fish populations—before and after a sewage spill in south San Francisco Bay. Doris J. Alcorn, Lyman E. Fancher, and Jane Bull Moss
  • Status of the redeye bass, Micropterus coosae, in the south fork Stanislaus River, California. Thomas R. Lambert
  • A geographic record for the redtail surfperch, Amphistichus rhodoterus. John L. Dentler and Gary D. Grossman
  • Management of Semi-Arid Ecosystems (Book Review). J. A. St. Amant
  • Rare and Endangered Biota of Florida—Vol. I Mammals (Book Review). J. R. Gustafson
  • Rare and Endangered Biota of Florida—Vol. II Birds (Book Review). R. M. Jurek
  • Rare and Endangered Biota of Florida—Vol. III Amphibians and Reptiles (Book Review). S. Nicola
  • Rare and Endangered Biota of Florida—Vol. IV Fishes (Book Review). S. Nicola

California Fish and Game 66(3). Summer 1980.

  • In Memoriam—J. Bruce Kimsey
  • Impact of Florida largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides floridanus, introductions at selected northern California waters, with a discussion of the use of meristics for detecting introgression and for classifying individual fish of intergraded populations. Ronald J. Pelzman
  • Exploitation, natural mortality, and survival of smallmouth bass and largemouth bass in Shasta Lake, California. William F. Van Woert
  • Diet and behavioral aspects of the wolf-eel, Anarrhichthys ocellatus, on sandy bottom in Monterey Bay, California. Larry W. Hulberg and Patsy Graber
  • Decline of the Lake Greenhaven Sacramento perch population. C. David Vanicek
  • A population of the endangered Santa Cruz long-toed salamander, Ambystoma macrodactylum croceum, from Monterey County, California. Larry G. Talent and Carline L. Talent
  • Repeat spawning of the Pacific lamprey. John H. Michael, Jr.
  • A diver-operated snagging device for capturing lingcod, Ophiodon elongatus. James L. Houk
  • Karyotype of the Sacramento perch, Archoplites interruptus. Craig A. Busack and Gary H. Thorgaard
  • Erratum: E. W. Lesh.

California Fish and Game 66(2). Spring 1980.

  • Estimated safe copper and zinc levels for Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, in the upper Sacramento River, California. B. J. Finlayson and K. M. Verrue
  • Age and growth of white sturgeon collected in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary, California: 1965–1970 and 1973–1976. David W. Kohlhorst, Lee W. Miller, and James J. Orsi
  • Diets of mountain whitefish, Prosopium williamsoni (Girard), and brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchell), in the Little Walker River, Mono County, California. John Paul Ellison
  • The use of road-killed deer for assessing reproductive potential and winter condition of the Devil's Garden Interstate Mule Deer Herd. Hal Salwasser, Douglas J. Thayer, and D. Lewis Young
  • The littoral bottom fauna of high elevation lakes in Kings Canyon National Park. Timothy P. Taylor and Don C. Erman
  • A blue catfish from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Thomas L. Taylor
  • First California record: the scalloped hammerhead shark, Sphyrna lewini, in coastal Santa Barbara waters. Craig Fusaro and Shane Anderson
  • The bigscale goatfish, Pseudupeneus grandisquamis (Gill, 1863) added to California's marine fauna. John E. Fitch
  • Notes on the establishment of the rainwater killifish, Lucania parva, in California. Michael J. McCoid and James A. St. Amant

California Fish and Game 66(1). Winter 1980.

  • Distribution, ecology, and reproductive anatomy of a rare land snail, Monadenia setosa Talmadge. Barry Roth and Larry L. Eng
  • Ancestry of artificially propagated California rainbow trout strains. Craig A. Busack and G. A. E. Gall
  • The effects of mosquito control recirculation ditches on the fish community of a San Francisco Bay salt marsh. Steven S. Balling, Tracy Stoehr, and Vincent H. Resh
  • Mortality and survival of tagged smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieui at Merle Collins Reservoir, California. Ronald J. Pelzman, Stephen A. Rapp, and Robert R. Rawstron
  • Estimating the size and trend of the California condor population, 1965–1978. Sanford R. Wilbur
  • Seasonal benthic distribution of adult fish in Pyramid Lake, Nevada. Steven C. Vigg
  • A head-off method of measuring Chinook and coho salmon. E. W. Lesh
  • The introduction of southeastern bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus purpurescens, into Lake Perris, California, with notes on the growth of the initial year class. Francis D. Henry


California Fish and Game 65(4). Fall 1979.

  • A history of a stunted brook trout population in an alpine lake: a life span of 24 years. N. H. Reimers
  • Fire and stream ecology in some Yellowstone Lake tributaries. D. P. Albin
  • An evaluation of rearing fall-run Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, to yearlings at Feather River Hatchery, with a comparison of returns from hatchery and downstream releases. W. H. Sholes and R. J. Hallock
  • Notes on some uncommon deep-sea fishes from the Monterey Bay Area, California. M. E. Anderson, G. M. Cailliet, and B. S. Antrim
  • Age and growth of four surfperches (Embiotocidae) from the outer harbor of Anaheim Bay, California. William J. Eckmayer
  • Fish remains from a historic central California indian village. P. D. Schulz
  • A northern range extension for the portunid crab, Euphylax dovi, (Decapoda, Brachyura). D. D. Chivers
  • The introduction of southeastern bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus purpurescens, into Lake Perris, California, with notes on the growth of the initial year class. F. D. Henry, Jr.
  • Assessing the effects of power-plant induced mortality on fish populations (Book Review). M. L. Johnson
  • Wild Geese (Book Review). V. C. BleichMarine Mammals (Book Review). D. J. Miller
  • The natural history of native fishes in the Death Valley system (Book Review). P. Pister

California Fish and Game 65(3). Summer 1979.

  • In Memoriam: John E. Skinner. A Cordone
  • Effects of a 305-mm (12.0 inch) minimum size limit on largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, at Merle Collins Reservoir. R. J. Pelzman
  • The standing stock and production of eelgrass, Zostera marina, in Humboldt Bay, California. L. W. Harding and J. H. Butler
  • Estimating fetus age and breeding and fawning periods in the North Kings River deer herd. H. Salwasser and S. A. Holl
  • Hematological stress response of rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, to a simulated geothermal steam condensate spill. J. A. Steele and L. A. Courtois
  • Observations of fingerling Chinook salmon in the stomachs of yellow perch from the Klamath River, California. T. F. Dahle, III
  • An abnormally pigmented shortspine thornyhead, Sebastolobus alascanus Bean. W. H. Barss
  • A juvenile ocean triggerfish, Canthidermis maculatus (Bloch), (Pisces, Balistidae) from the Gulf of California. R. A. Behrstock
  • A pacu (Colossoma, family Characidae) caught in the Sacramento River. M. R. Brittan and G. D. Grossman
  • Effect of first pectoral fin ray removal on survival and estimated harvest rate of white sturgeon in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary. D. W. Kohlhorst
  • Evidence of successful reproduction of steelhead rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri gairdneri, in the Ventura River, California. W. E. Tippets
  • Notes on a hybridization experiment between rainbow and golden trout. J. R. Gold, R. E. Pipkin, and G. A. E. Gall
  • California condor survey, 1978. S. R. Wilbur, R. D. Mallette, and J. C. Borneman
  • The relationship between megalopae of the dungeness crab, Cancer magister, and the hydroid, Velella velella, and its influence on abundance estimates of C. magister megalopae. D. E. Wickham
  • Winter food habits of fishers, Martes pennanti, in northwestern California. W. E. Grenfell and M. Fasenfest
  • An anti-roll beach seine. R. D. Bayer
  • Term fetuses from a large common thresher shark, Alopias vulpinus. M. A. Hixon

California Fish and Game 65(2). Spring 1979.

  • The diet composition and energy reserves of California mule deer during pregnancy. S. A. Holl, H. Salwasser, and B. Browning
  • Safe zinc and copper levels form the Spring Creek drainage for steelhead trout in the upper Sacramento River, California. B. J. Finlayson and S. H. Ashuckian
  • Egg deposition of the desert pupfish, Cyprinodon macularius, in relation to several physical parameters. L. A. Courtois and S. Hino
  • Notes on the life history of the California clingfish, Gobiesox rhessodon (Gobiesociformes, Gobiesocidae). A. W. Wells
  • Age structure of a tidepool sculpin, Oligocottus maculosus, population in northern California. J. R. Moring
  • A simple method for tagging fish underwater. J. Matthews and J. D. Bell
  • The halfmoon, Medialuna californensis, as a cleaner fish. M. A. Hixon
  • Records of Cancer oregonensis in California (Brachyura: Cancridae). M. K. Wicksten
  • Colorado snapper, Lutjanus colorado, taken near Morro Bay adds new family (Lutjanidae) to California's marine fish fauna. P. B. Lehtonen
  • Symbiotic burrow-occupying behavior in the bay goby, Lepidogobius lepidus. G. D. Grossman
  • Flock size and density of common mergansers in northwestern California. L. D. Foreman
  • An extension of the known range of Neomysis mercedis, the opossum shrimp. J. J. Orsi, A. C. Knutson, Jr., and A. W. Fast
  • Erratum: R. Gill, Jr.
  • Owls by day and night (Book Review). G. I. Gould, Jr.
  • A master's guide to building a bamboo fly rod (Book Review). W. F. Van Woert
  • Larvae of the North American caddisfly genera (Trichoptera) (Book Review). M. L. Johnson
  • Terrestrial vegetation of California (Book Review). J. Geibel
  • Coastal resources management (Book Review). M. L. Johnson
  • Indian fishing (Book Review). M. L. Johnson
  • The breakdown and restoration of ecosystems (Book Review). M. L. Johnson Desertification: environmental degradation in and around arid lands (Book Review). M. L. Johnson
  • Water chlorination: environmental impact and health effects, volumes I and II (Book Review). M. L. Johnson
  • The little known pika (Book Review). M. L. Johnson
  • Mexican wilderness and wildlife (Book Review). M. L. Johnson
  • The living world of the reef (Book Review). D. W. Gotshall
  • Why big fierce animals are rare (Book Review). M. L. Johnson
  • The California quail (Book Review). M. L. Johnson
  • Pacific salmon, management for people (Book Review). M. L. Johnson

California Fish and Game 65(1). Winter 1979.

  • California inland angling trends for 1971 through 1974. K. Lal
  • Movements of banded mourning doves near Turlock, California. E. Channing
  • Status and distribution of the California clapper rail (Rallus longirostris obsoletus). R. Gill, Jr.
  • Archeological evidence concerning the prehistoric occurrence of sea mammals at Point Bennett, San Miguel Island. P. L. Walker and S. Craig
  • Ambicoloration in the black abalone, Haliotis cracherodii Leach. D. W. Behrens
  • Effects of a California-derived strain of Trichomonas gallinae on Colorado band-tailed pigeons. R. M. Stabler and C. E. Braun
  • A simple, rapid method for marking individual sea urchins. M. Olsson and G. Newton
  • Food habits of the squirrelfish, Adioryz suborbitalis, in the Gulf of California. J. K. Matthey and W. W. Reynolds


California Fish and Game 64(4). Fall 1978.

  • Northern California dungeness crab, Cancer magister, movements as shown by tagging. D. W. Gotshall
  • Food selection by five sympatric California blackbird species. F. T. Crase and R. W. Dehaven
  • The infauna of a subtidal, sand-bottom community at Imperial Beach, California. D. M. Dexter
  • California ocean shrimp mesh experiment. N. C. H. Lo
  • Migration of American coots wintering in northwestern California. C. F. Yocom, R. J. Bogiatto, and J. C. Eshelman
  • A diver-operated net for catching large numbers of juvenile marine fishes. K. McCleneghan and J. L. Houk
  • Sighting of a California sea lion, Zalophus californianus californianus, in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary. R. M. Sitts, S. P. Hayes, and A. W. Knight
  • Birds of the Yosemite Sierra—a distributional survey (Book Review). R. Lee
  • The complete fisherman's catalog (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • Fishwatcher's guide to the inshore fishes of the Pacific coast (Book Review). F. Wendell
  • Poissons de Nouvelle Caledonie et Nouvelles Hebrides (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • New Techniques for catching bottomfish (Book Review). T. Jow

California Fish and Game 64(3). Summer 1978.

  • Taxonomy and distribution of the bull trout, Salvelinus confluentus (Suckley), from the American northwest. T. M. Cavender
  • Reproduction and spawning of the northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax, in San Pedro Bay, California. G. D. Brewer
  • Hooking mortality of juvenile largemouth bass, Mircopterus salmoides. R. J. Pelzman
  • Catch-per-unit-effort studies of northern California dungeness crabs, Cancer magister. D. W. Gotshall
  • Sex ratios of the northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax, off southern California. R. A. Klingbeil
  • The origins of rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri Richardson, in New Zealand. D. Scott, J. Hewitson, and J. C. Fraser
  • The first eastern Pacific records of bulleye, Cookeolus boops (Bloch and Schneider, 1801) (Pisces, Priacanthidae). R. A. Fritzsche
  • A hermaphroditic California halibut, Paralichthys californicus. J. W. Schott
  • Spinal column deformity in a pile surfperch, Damalichthys vacca. R. N. Tasto
  • A note on production modeling of populations with discontinuous reproduction. A. MacCall
  • Observations of agonistic behavior in the treefish, Sebastes serriceps (Scorpaenidae). P. L. Haaker
  • Erratum. G. E. Smith
  • Bright rivers (Book Review). E. Littrell
  • The fresh and salt water fishes of the world (Book Review). D. W. Gotshall
  • Inland fishes of California (Book Review). J. Radovich

California Fish and Game 64(2). Spring 1978.

  • Some rare and unusual occurrences of fishes off California and Baja California. J. E. Fitch and S. A. Schultz
  • An evaluation of disk-dangler tag shedding by striped bass (Morone saxatilis) in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary. G. E. Smith
  • Taxonomy of the Colorado cutthroat trout (Salmo clarki pleuriticus) of the Williamson Lakes, California. J. R. Gold, G. A. E. Gall, and S. J. Nicola
  • An analysis of fish catches obtained with an otter trawl in Santa Monica Bay, 1969–73. R. C. Fay, J. A. Fallee, and P. Brophy
  • Parasites of silver salmon (coho) and king (Chinook) salmon from the Pacific Ocean off Oregon. R. E. Olson 
  • Comparison of floy internal anchor and disk-dangler tags on largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) at Merle Collins Reservoir. R. R. Rawstron and R. J. Pelzman
  • Successful reproduction of giant Pacific oysters in Humboldt Bay and Tomales Bay, California. J. A. Span
  • Status of the Oregon ruffed grouse in Northwestern California. C. F. Yocum
  • Harbor seals in and adjacent to Humboldt Bay, California. T. R. Loughlin
  • Fish remains in archaeology and paleo-environmental studies (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • The caddis and the angler (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.

California Fish and Game 64(1). Winter 1978.

  • Fishery trends in reservoirs of San Diego County, California, following the introduction of Florida largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides floridanus. L. J. Bottroff and M. E. Lembeck
  • Relative abundance studies of dungeness crabs, Cancer magister, in northern California. D. W. Gotshall
  • Fawn production and survival in the North Kings River deer herd. H. Salwasser, S. A. Holl, and G. A. Ashcraft
  • Spring-summer phytoplankton production in Humboldt Bay, California. L. V. Harding, Jr., J. L. Cox, and J. E. Pequegnat
  • First Oregon records for two blennioid fishes. M. Barton
  • Additional records on the distribution and status of native fishes in Alameda and Coyote creeks, California. G. G. Scoppettone and J. J. Smith
  • Murex shells of the world: an illustrated guide to the Muricidae (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • In the ring of the rise (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • Fishes of the world (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Waterfowl of North America (Book Review). W. F. Hart
  • Advanced bass fishing (Book Review). G. Miller
  • Fly tackle (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • Classic rods and rodmakers (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • The essential fly tier (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.


California Fish and Game 63(4). Fall 1977.

  • The acute toxicity of six monocyclic aromatic crude oil components to striped bass (Morone saxatilis) and bay shrimp (Crago franciscorum). P. E. Benville, Jr. and Sid Korn
  • Acclimation and rearing of striped bass larvae in sea water. K. Lal, R. Lasker, and A. Kuljis
  • Effect of a reduced bag limit and later planting date on the mortality, survival, and cost and yield of three domestic strains of rainbow trout at Lake Berryessa and Merle Collins Reservoir 1971–1974. R. R. Rawstron
  • Temperature requirements of Tilapia zillii. W. J. Hauser
  • Fecundity and reproduction of the viviparous perches Hypsurus caryi (Agassiz) and Embiotoca jacksoni Agassiz. D. W. Behrens
  • Abundance of the "rare" zoarid, Maynea californica Gilbert, 1915, in the Monterey Canyon, Monterey Bay, California. G. M. Cailliet and R. N. Lea
  • First record of mating of Ridley turtles in California, with notes on commensals, characters, and systematics. C. L. Hubbs
  • Acanthocephalan parasites of the sea otter, Enhydra lutris, off coastal California. S. L. Hennessy and G. V. Morejohn
  • Notes on shark species in nearshore waters near Point Conception, California. L. A. DeWitt
  • Harvest, survival and weight returns of tagged Eagle Lake and Coleman rainbow trout stocked in Lake Berryessa in 1972. R. R. Rawstron
  • A range extension for Mississippi silversides in California. M. Meinz and W. L. Mecum
  • First record of the striped mullet (Mugil cephalus) in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta of California. B. D. Quelvog
  • Coastal fishes of southern Japan (Book Review). P. C. Heemstra
  • Fishes of the world (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Waterfowl of North America (Book Review). W. F. Hart
  • Advanced bass fishing (Book Review). G. Miller Fly tackle (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • Classic rods and rodmakers (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • The essential fly tier (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.

California Fish and Game 63(3). Summer 1977.

  • Fecundity and growth of tule perch, Hysterocarpus traski, in the lower Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. G. L. Bryant
  • Migration of the North Kings deer herd. R. C. Bertram and R. D. Rempel
  • A newly introduced, brackish-water snail in the Salton Sea basin, California. L. C. Oglesby
  • Abnormal vertebral development in northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax Girard. P. L. Haaker
  • An expandable drop-off transmitter collar for young mountain lions. D. K. Garcelon
  • California condor survey, 1975. S. R. Wilbur, R. D. Mallette, and J. C. Borneman
  • Reported cases of avian tuberculosis in California waterfowl. R. Floerke
  • Instances of copper rockfish consuming a spiny dogfish shark. G. G. Bargmann
  • Fecundity of Pacific herring, Clupea harengus pallasi, in Humboldt Bay. D. J. Rabin and R. A. Barnhart
  • Southern range extensions for chum and sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus keta and O. nerka. J. M. Duffy
  • Erratum. R. A. Behrstock
  • The ageing of fish (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Marine game fishes of the Pacific coast from Alaska to the equator (Book Review). J. E. Fitch

California Fish and Game 63(2). Spring 1977.

  • A study of the reproductive biology of the red abalone, Haliotis rufescens Swainson, near Mendocino, California. A. E. Giorgi and J. D. DeMartini
  • Copper toxicity experiments in relation to abalone deaths observed in a power plant's cooling waters. M. Martin, M. D. Stephenson, and J. H. Martin
  • Factors influencing distribution of fish eggs and larvae over eight 24-hr samplings in Richardson Bay, California. M. B. Eldridge
  • Sea otter predation on Pismo clams in Monterey Bay. M. D. Stephenson
  • The underwater foraging habits of the sea otter, Enhydra lutris. S. J. Shimek
  • Feeding in the decorator crab, Loxorhynchus crispatus (Brachyura: Majidae). M. K. Wicksten
  • Observations on food habits of the angelfishes Pomacanthus zonipectus and Holacanthus passer in the Gulf of California. W. W. Reynolds and L. J. Reynolds
  • A new record-size bonito shark, Isurus oxyrinchus Rafinesque, from southern California. S. P. Applegate
  • Parasitism of barred surfperch, Amphistichus argenteus, by Nerocila californica: a fit to the poisson. D. W. Valentine and R. Phelps
  • Range extension of two marine fishes to the Monterey Bay area. M. E. Anderson
  • A field guide to the common and interesting plants of Baja California (Book Review). R. Eberhardt
  • Modern fly dressings for the practical angler (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • Fishing with light (Book Review). K. Mais

California Fish and Game 63(1). Winter 1977.

  • The status of brown pelicans at Anacapa Island in 1975. D. W. Anderson, R. M. Jurek, and J. O. Keith
  • Supplemental data on the food habits of the western Gray Squirrel. W. E. Stienecker
  • Effects of salinity on larval growth in the California Killifish, Fundulus parvipinnis Girard. T. R. Rao
  • Detection of delayed annulus formation among bluegill Lepomis macrochirus, populations at Lake Nacimiento, California. D. Brown, E. E. Miller, and C. E. von Geldern, Jr.
  • Stomach contents of northern California dungeness crabs, Cancer magister. D. W. Gotshall
  • Reactions of fish red blood cells with mucus and sera from other fish(es). A. C. Smith
  • Extension of red fox distribution in California. R. L. Gray
  • Acorn selection by band-tailed pigeons. M. E. Fry and C. E. Vaughn
  • Alabama spotted bass grow at record rate in Lake Perris, California. D. Brown, K. Aasen, and C. E. von Geldern, Jr.
  • Birth of a California sea lion on southeast Farallon Island. R. J. Prerotti, D. G. Ainley, and T. J. Lewis
  • Observations on the breeding behavior of the harbor seal in Humboldt Bay, California. P. M. Knudtson
  • Notes on some fishes collected off the outer coast of Baja California. G. F. Black


California Fish and Game 62(4). Fall 1976.

  • A limnological comparison of the three basins of Eagle Lake, California. K. R. Huntsinger and P. E. Maslin
  • Distribution and status of the Sacramento perch, Archoplites interruptus (Girard), in California. M. E. Aceituno and S. J. Nicola
  • Assessment of ocean shrimp management in California resulting from widely fluctuating recruitment. J. J. Geibel and R. F. G. Heimann
  • Food of the copper rockfish, Sebastes caurinus Richardson, associated with an artificial reef in south Humboldt Bay, California. E. D. Prince and D. W. Gotshall
  • Food habits of the leopard shark, Triakis semifasciata, in Elkhorn Slough, Monterey Bay, California. L. G. Talent
  • Addition of Citharichthys fragilis Gilbert to the California fauna. M. J. Allen
  • First records of notacanth fish, Notacanthus chemnitzi Bloch, from the northeastern Pacific. A. E. Peden
  • Simple container for the collection and storage of otoliths. S. E. Hughes
  • The fly-tyer's almanac (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • Fisherman's fall (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • Fisherman's winter (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • Fly fishing strategy (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • Fly fishing for trout (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • Fisherman's summer (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • Culture of bivalve molluscs (Book Review). W. A. Dahlstrom
  • Northern fishes (Book Review). L. K. Puckett
  • Pollution ecology of freshwater invertebrates (Book Review). E. V. Gleason
  • Best ways to catch more fish (in fresh and salt water) (Book Review). E. Littrell

California Fish and Game 62(3). Summer 1976.

  • Attitudes toward fishing and fisheries management of users in Desolation Wilderness, California. M. R. Carpenter and D. R. Bowlus
  • Some effects of channelization on the fishes and invertebrates of Rush Creek, Modoc County, California. P. B. Moyle
  • Contribution of phytoplankton, periphyton, and macrophytes to primary production in Eagle Lake, California. K. R. Huntsinger and P. E. Maslin
  • Occurrence of native fishes in Alameda and Coyote creeks, California. M. E. Aceituno, M. L. Caywood, S. J. Nicola, and W. I. Follett
  • Observations of common merganser broods in northwestern California. L. D. Foreman
  • Age and length composition of northern anchovies, Engraulis mordax, in the California anchovy reduction fishery, 1973-74 season. J. S. Sunada
  • Fall and winter foods of American coots along the lower Colorado River. T. J. Eley, Jr.

California Fish and Game 62(2). Spring 1976.

  • Striped bass spawning in the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers in central California from 1963 to 1972. J. L. Turner
  • Effects of Salton Sea water on the eggs and larvae of Bairdiella icistia (Pisces: Sciaenidae). R. C. May
  • The validity of otoliths as indicators of age of Petrale sole from California. P. A. Gregory and T. Jow
  • Distribution, harvest and survival of American wigeon banded in California. W. C. Rienecker
  • A range extension for the logperch, Percina macrolepida, in California. G. L. Boles
  • On the foraging distance and prey selection of nesting Caspian terns. R. E. Gill, Jr.
  • Helminth parasites in American coots from the lower Colorado River. T. J. Eley, Jr.
  • First record of the Mohave ground squirrel (Citellus mohavensis) in Kern County, California. D. L. Chesemore and D. Carroll
  • Southern range extension of the blue rockfish, Sebastes mystinus, the flag rockfish, S. rubrivinctus, and the shortbelly rockfish, S. jordani. R. Klingbeil and E. H. Knaggs
  • A swimming crab, Euphylax dovii Stimpson 1860, new to the marine fauna of California. J. Q. Word
  • First record of albinism in the leopard shark (Triakis semifasciata). W. I. Follett

California Fish and Game 62(1). Winter 1976.

  • Life history studies of the Sacramento perch, Archoplites interruptus (Girard), in California. M. E. Aceituno and C. D. Vanicek
  • An all-weather, two-way fish trap for small streams. T. M. Twedt and D. R. Bernard
  • Fishes collected by pigeon guillemots, Cepphus columba (Pallas), nesting on southeast Farallon Island, California. W. I. Follett and D. G. Ainley
  • Sturgeon spawning in the Sacramento River in 1973, as determined by distribution of larvae. D. W. Kohlhorst
  • The ecology of the gaper or horse clam, Tresus capax (Gould 1850), (Bivalvia, Mactridae), in Humboldt Bay, California. F. Wendell, J. D. DeMartini, P. Dinnel, and J. Siecke
  • Estimates of population size for tidepool sculpins, Oligocottus maculosus, and other intertidal fishes, Trinidad Bay, Humboldt County, California. J. R. Moring
  • The rock wrasse, Halichoeres semicinctus, as a cleaner fish. E. S. Hobson
  • Taxonomic status of Percina in California. J. A. Sturgess
  • Frequent mowing increases turkey mullein on California foothill rangeland. D. A. Duncan
  • Prey remains at a golden eagle, Aquila chrysaetos, nest near Hopland, California. G. E. Connolly, M. E. Fry, and J. Fammatre
  • Nest site and activity of an incubating common merganser in northwestern California. L. D. Foreman
  • Observations on the inshore population of dungeness crab in Bodega Bay. D. E. Wickham, R. Shleser, and A. Schuur
  • Size and stage of development of larval English sole, Parophrys vetulus, at time of entry into Humboldt Bay. D. A. Misitano
  • Checklist of the fishes of the north-eastern Atlantic and of the Mediterranean, Volumes I and II (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Thinking like a mountain (Book Review). W. G. Macgregor The California sea otter trade 1784–1848 (Book Review). D. Zeiner 
  • The living reef (Book Review). D. W. Gotshall


California Fish and Game 61(4). Fall 1975.

  • Breeding status of the tricolored blackbird, 1969–1972. R. W. DeHaven, F. T. Crase, and P. P. Woronecki
  • The age and growth of the Pacific bonito, Sarda chiliensis, in the eastern North Pacific. G. Campbell and R. A. Collins
  • Parasites of fishes from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California. G. H. Hensley and F. M. Nahhas
  • Fish trapping: a new method of evaluating fish species composition in limnetic areas of reservoirs. L. J. Paulson and F. A. Espinosa, Jr.
  • Aspects of the life history of Tresus nuttali in Elkhorn Slough. P. Clark, J. Nybakken, and L. Laurent
  • Notes on the external parasites of California inshore sharks. R. A. Russo
  • An extrauterine fetus in the Steller sea lion, Eumetopias jubata. L. G. Talent and C. L. Talent
  • Anomalous otoliths from the northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax. J. D. Spratt
  • The Stewart modified corral trap. R. D. Rempel and R. C. Bertram
  • The status of Rocky Mountain elk in Kern County, 1974. R. D. Thomas
  • Modification of the Clover deer trap. D. R. McCullough
  • Blood and serum analysis of adult striped bass captured in the Sacramento River. L. A. Courtois
  • Measuring salmon, an old and unfamiliar method. D. H. Fry, Jr.
  • Further record of the Little Kern golden trout, Salmo aguabonita whiteri, in the Little Kern River basin, California. J. R. Gold and G. A. E. Gall
  • Poeciliopsis gracilis (Heckel), a newly introduced poeciliid fish in California. A. J. Mearns
  • Polymorphism in populations of Sceloporus occidentalis in Santa Barbara County, California. R. L. White
  • Erratum: J. M. Crane et al.
  • Freshwater ecology (Book Review). L. G. Puckett
  • The carnivores (Book Review). V. C. Bleich
  • Fly casting with Lefty Kreh (Book Review). D. P. Lee
  • How to tie freshwater flies (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • Return to the river (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • Trout magic (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • Wilderness fishing for salmon and steelhead (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • The trout and the stream (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • A river never sleeps (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • The shore fishes of Hawaii (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Marine molluscan genera of western North America: an illustrated key (second edition) (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Seashore life of Puget Sound, the Strait of Georgia, and the San Juan Archipelago (Book Review). L. L. Laurent
  • The blackbass in America and overseas (Book Review). D. A. La Faunce
  • Fisherman's spring (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.

California Fish and Game 61(3). Summer 1975.

  • Growth rate of the northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax, in southern California waters, calculated from otoliths. J. D. Spratt
  • Mortality and growth rates, cost, and relative conribution of two different sizes of silver salmon stocked in Lake Berryessa, California, in 1972. R. R. Rawstron
  • Age and length composition of northern anchovies, Engraulis mordax, in the 1972–73 season, California anchovy reduction fishery. J. S. Sunada
  • California condor plumage and molt as field study aids. S. R. Wilbur
  • Occurrence of the rare North Pacific frostfish, Benthodemus elongatus pacificus Parin and Becker, 1970, in Monterey Bay, California. M. E Anderson and G. M. Cailliet
  • A range extension and two new California size records for mollusks. J. M. Duffy
  • Occurrence of the fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas, in Oregon. J. K. Andreasen
  • Latitudinal range extensions for yellow and spotted snake eels (Genus Ophichthus). L. F. Quirollo and P. A. Dinnel
  • Occurrence and depth range extension of the yellow snake eel, Ophichthus zophochir, off southern California. J. Wintersteen
  • A parakeet auklet, Cyclorrhunchus psittacula, from Monterey Bay, California. L. G. Talent
  • An unusual aggregation of bat rays, Myliobatis californica Gill. D. B. Odenweller
  • Pugheadedness in the longspine combfish, Zenaiolepsis latepinnis, from Monterey Bay, California. L. G. Talent

California Fish and Game 61(2). Spring 1975.

  • Growth rate, distribution, and population density of the northern quahog Mercenaria mercenaria in Long Beach, California. J. M. Crane, L. G. Allen, and C. Eisemann
  • Observations on the food habits of leopard sharks (Triakis semifasciata) and brown smoothounds (Mustelus henlei). R. A. Russo
  • Otter trawl cod-end escapement experiments for California halibut. J. W. Schott
  • A preliminary list of fishes collected from Richardson Bay, California, 1972–1973. R. E. Green
  • Changes in the species composition of sharks in south San Francisco Bay. L. A. de Wit
  • First California record of the serranid fish Anthias gordensis Wade. E. S. Hobson

California Fish and Game 61(1). Winter 1975.

  • A black bear population study in northern California. W. Piekielek and T. S. Burton
  • Early larvae of the diamond turbot, Hypsopsetta guttulata. M. B. Eldridge
  • The food of Neomysis mercedis Holmes in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary. A. L. Baldo Kost and A. W. Knight
  • Note on the ecology of the ratfish, Hydrolagus collei, in the Gulf of California. C. P. Mathews
  • An unusally fast growth rate for Tilapia zillii. W. J. Hauser
  • Notes on some fishes collected off the outer coast of Baja California. E. H. Knaggs, J. S. Sunada, and R. N. Lea
  • Occurrence of the prowfish, Zaprora silenus Jordan, 1896 in Monterey Bay, California. G. M. Cailliet and M. E. Anderson
  • Endemism in fishes of the Clear Lake Region of central California (Book Review). S. J. Nicola
  • Western trout fly tying manual (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.


California Fish and Game 60(4). Fall 1974.

  • Mortality rates for California striped bass (Morone saxatilis) from 1965–1971. L. W. Miller
  • A vehicle-mounted directional antenna system for biotelemetry monitoring. D. L. Hallberg, F. J. Janza, and G. R. Trapp
  • Two new species of sea basses of the genus Diplectrum, with a key to the Pacific species. R. H. Rosenblatt and G. D. Johnson
  • Attacks by the white shark, Carcharodon carcharias (Linnaeus), in northern California. W. I. Follett
  • A brief survey of the sardine and anchovy populations at Vizcaino Bay, and the sardine fishery of Cedros Island, Baja California. O. Pedrin and H. Shainberg
  • Feeding by mature steelhead (Salmo gairdnerii gairdnerii) in the spawning stream. D. C. Burns
  • Observations on the underwater tool use by the sea otter, Enhydra lutris (Linnaeus). J. L. Houk and J. J. Geibel
  • Western range extension of Stephens' kangaroo rat (Dipodomys stephensi), a threatened species. V. C. Bleich and O. A. Schawartz
  • Further contribution on nomenclature for mysids in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary. M. A. Simmons, R. M. Sitts, J. T. Allen, and A. W. Knight
  • New geographic and bathymetric records for fishes from southern California. M. S. Love and R. S. Lee
  • The Compleat Brown Trout (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr. 
  • The Birds of California (Book Review). P. E. Giguere
  • The Wind Birds (Book Review). R. M. Jurek

California Fish and Game 60(3). Summer 1974.

  • An experimental artificial reef in Humboldt Bay, California. C. M. Dewees and D. W. Gotshall
  • Acute toxicity of twenty insecticides to striped bass, Morone saxatilis. S. Korn and R. Earnest
  • Aerial census of gray whales in Baja California lagoons, 1970 and 1972, with notes on behavior, mortality and conservation. R. Gard
  • Mississippi silversides and logperch in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River system. P. B. Moyle, F. W. Fisher, and H. W. Li
  • Chum salmon observations in four north coast streams. D. W. Rogers
  • Range extension of the China rockfish. M. S. Love and J. Vucci
  • Erratum: J. S. Sunada.
  • Hawaiian reef animals (Book Review). D. W. Gotshall 
  • Fishes of the western North Atlantic — Part 6 (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Toward global equilibrium: collected papers (Book Review). L. W. Miller

California Fish and Game 60(2). Spring 1974.

  • Age and growth of the Pacific saury, Cololabis saira. J. S. Sunada
  • A description of the laboratory-reared first and second zoeae of Portunus zantusii (Stimpson) (Brachyura, Decapoda). J. R. Ally
  • The California sea lion on islands off the coast of San Luis Obispo County, California. H. W. Braham
  • Coyote scats as an indicator of time of fawn mortality in the North Kings deer herd. H. Salwasser
  • An evaluation of two artificial least tern nesting sites. D. K. Swickard
  • Giant squids, Architeuthis sp., from stomach of sperm whales captured off California. C. H. Fiscus and D. W. Rice
  • Age and growth of largemouth bass in California farm ponds. R. F. Schultze and C. D. Vanicek
  • A wheeled device for sampling the biota of a concrete-lined canal. G. Bryant
  • Occurrence of the tiger barb, Barbus tetrazona, in the Owens Valley, California. R. J. Naiman and E. P. Pister
  • Antarctic cirripedia (Book Review). L. L. Laurent FAO
  • Catalogue of fishing gear designs (Book Review). K. F. Mais
  • The palinurid and scyllarid lobster larvae of the tropical eastern Pacific and their distribution as related to the prevailing hydrography (Book Review). R. L. Moe
  • In search of trout (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr

California Fish and Game 60(1). Winter 1974.

  • Sea-water system design and operations of the Marine Culture Laboratory, Granite Canyon. E. E. Ebert, A. W. Haseltine, and R. O. Kelly
  • Notes on collections of shiner perch, Cymatogaster aggregata, in Bodega Harbor, California. E. Shaw, J. Allen, and R. Stone
  • The nomenclature for mysids in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary. M. A. Simmons, R. M. Sitts, J. T. Allen, and A. W. Knight
  • Influence of size of eggs and age of female on hatchability and growth in rainbow trout. G. A. E. Gall
  • Exploitation, survival, growth and cost of stocked silver salmon in Lake Berryessa, California. K. A. Higglesworth and R. R. Rawstron
  • Southern range extension of the Baird crab (Chionoecetes bairdi Rathbun). M. J. Hosie and T. F. Gaumer
  • Pinnipeds observed in rivers of northern California. P. A. Paulbitski
  • Lead concentrations in the wooly sculpin, Clinocottus analis, collected from tidepools of California. W. P. Alley, H. R. Brown, and L. Y. Kawasaki
  • First year harvest rates of largemouth bass at Folsom Lake and Lake Berryessa, California. R. R. Rawstron and R. A. Reavis
  • Status of marten in northern California, Oregon and Washington. C. F. Yocom
  • Environmental toxicology of pesticides (Book Review). W. T. Castle
  • Fish farming international, No. 1 (Book Review). E. E. Ebert
  • Fly-tying materials (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • Amphibians and reptiles of California (Book Review). J. M. Brode
  • Rattlesnakes (Book Review). J. M. Brode Conservation and productivity of natural waters (Book Review). K. R. Anderson


California Fish and Game 59(4). Fall 1973.

  • Population structure changes and yields of fishes during the initial eight years of impoundment of a warmwater reservoir. K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • Harvest, mortality, and cost of three domestic strains of tagged rainbow trout stocked in large California impoundments. R. R. Rawstron
  • Comparison of disk dangler, trailer, and internal anchor tags on three species of salmonids. R. R. Rawstron
  • On the analysis of angler catch rate data from warmwater reservoirs. C. E. von Geldern, Jr., and P. K. Tomlinson
  • Age and length composition of northern anchovies, Engraulis mordax, in the California reduction fishery for the 1971–72 season. J. D. Spratt
  • Ambicoloration in some California flatfishes. P. L. Haaker
  • Status of the fisher in northern California, Oregon, and Washington. C. F. Yocom and M. T. McCollum
  • The first occurrence of Kyphosus analogus in California. S. J. Crooke
  • The census of northern elephant seals on San Miguel Island, 1965–1973. J. G. Carlisle, Jr.
  • First record of Bryde's whale (Balaenoptera edeni) off California. G. V. Morejohn and D. W. Rice
  • Observations on the spawning of the Mississippi silversides, Menidia audens, Hay. F. Fisher
  • California condor survey, 1972. W. D. Carrier, R. D. Mallette, S. Wilbur, and J. C. Borneman
  • Saltwater flies—popular patterns and how to tie them (Book Review). D. Lee
  • Modern saltwater sport fishing (Book Review). D. Lee
  • Growth and ecology of fish populations (Book Review). P. A. Zellmer
  • Nymphs and the trout (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • Art Flick's master fly-tying guide (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • Through the fish's eye (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.

California Fish and Game 59(3). Summer 1973.

  • Susceptibility and resistance of pheasants, starlings and quail to three respiratory diseases of chickens. J. N. Allred, L. G. Raggi, and G. G. Lee
  • The California sablefish fishery for the period 1953–1969. R. H. Parrish
  • Contributions to the life history of the silver surfperch Hyperprosopon ellipticum from the Oregon coast. R. S. Wydoski and D. E. Bennett
  • Inconsistencies in locating the first annulus of Pacific sardines. M. Kimura
  • Fish parasites occurring in thirteen southern California reservoirs. R. L. Miller, A. C. Olson, Jr., and L. W. Miller
  • Wolverine records in the Pacific coastal states and new records for northern California. C. F. Yocom
  • First record of a golden eagle death due to avian cholera. M. N. Rosen, K. D'Amico, and E. J. O'Neill
  • An albino grey smoothhound Mustelus californicus Gill. J. L. Cohen
  • Aquaculture: the farming and husbandry of freshwater and marine organisms (Book Review). K. R. Anderson
  • Diseases of fish (Book Review). H. Wolf
  • Gifts of an eagle (Book Review). H. R. Leach
  • The wonderful world of trout (revised edition) (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • Statistical ecology, volume 1, spatial patterns and statistical distributions (Book Review). L. W. Miller
  • Retirement of Leo Shapovalov. G. W. McCammon
  • Erratum: R. R. Rawstron and K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • Erratum: M. S. Love and J. Vucci

California Fish and Game 59(2). Spring 1973.

  • California inland angling survey for 1970. R. J. Pelzman
  • Fish species diversity in a prehistoric central California indian midden. P. D. Schulz and D. D. Simons
  • Maturation and growth of Pacific mackerel, Scomber japonicus Houttuyn. E. H. Knaggs and R. H. Parrish
  • Age and length composition of northern anchovies (Engraulis mordax) landed in California for reduction during the 1970–71 season. J. D. Spratt
  • Wild pigs in Monterey County, California. D. S. Pine and G. L. Gerdes
  • Results of the 1971 Pismo clam census. J. G. Carlisle, Jr.
  • Records of the California tonguefish, threadfin shad and smooth alligatorfish from the Yaquina Bay, Oregon. E. E. Krygier, W. C. Johnson, and C. E. Bond
  • First record of the smooth alligatorfish, Anoplagonus inermis (family Agonidae), from California waters. R. N. Lea
  • Potential danger from the Indian catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch). E. T. Roche and J. A. St. Amant
  • Partial ambicoloration in three California flatfishes. M. S. Love and J. Vucci
  • A deformed kelp bass, Paralabrax clathratus (Girard), from Alijos Rocks, Baja California. D. W. Valentine and P. B. Samollow
  • African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis laevis (Daudin), established in California. J. A. St. Amant, F. G. Hoover, and G. R. Stewart
  • The biology of lampreys (Book Review). A. J. Cordone
  • Fishing the dry fly as a living insect (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • Trout fishing (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • Fly-tying problems and their answers (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • The way of trout (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • Practical fishing knots (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.

California Fish and Game 59(1). Winter 1973.

  • Relationships between soil salinity and the salinity of applied water in the Suisun Marsh of California. G. R. Rollins
  • Biomass estimates of spawning herring, Clupea herengus pallasi, herring eggs, and associated vegetation in Tomales Bay. J. E. Hardwick
  • Partyboat logs show how skin and scuba divers fared 1965 through 1970. P. H. Young
  • Fishes collected in Morro Bay, California between January 1968 and December, 1970. H. L. Fierstine, K. F. Kline, and G. R. Garman
  • Albinism in three species of marine invertebrates from southern California. V. L. Human
  • Occurrence of the reticulate sculpin, Cottus perplexus, in California, with distributional notes on Cottus gulosus in Oregon and Washington. C. E. Bond
  • Modern fresh and salt water fly fishing (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • California water: a study in resource management (Book Review). H. K. Chadwick
  • A field guide to the birds of Mexico (Book Review). R. D. Mallette
  • Modern book of the black bass (Book Review). L. A. Woods, Jr.
  • The stern trawler (Book Review). T. Jow


California Fish and Game 58(4). Fall 1972.

  • Primary productivity in a new and an older California reservoir. L. L. Chamberlain
  • A midwater trawl for threadfin shad, Dorosoma pentenense. C. E. von Geldern, Jr.
  • Morphology and variation of the Modoc sucker, Catostomus microps Rutter, with notes on feeding adaptations. M. Martin
  • Contributions to the life history of the Piute sculpin in Sagehen Creek, Califroia. A. C. Jones
  • The effects of diesel fuel on a stream fauna. R. B. Bury
  • A subpopulation study of the Pacific sardine. K. M. Mais
  • Checklist of intertidal fishes of Trinidad Bay, California, and adjacent areas. J. R Moring
  • Two new sea urchin-acorn barnacle associations. J. L. Houk and J. M. Duffy
  • New hosts and bathymetric range extension for Colobomatus embiotocae (Crustacea, Copepoda). E. W. Iverson
  • Southern range extension for the yellowfin goby, Acanthogobius flavimanus (Temminck and Schlegel). G. E. Kukowski
  • California condor survey, 1971. W. D. Carrier, R. D. Mallette, S. Wilbur, and J. C. Borneman
  • Mountain sheep: a study in behavior and evolution (Book Review). R. A. Weaver
  • Fishes of Montana (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr. Remembrances of rivers past (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • A trout and salmon fisherman for seventy-five years (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • The dry fly and fast water and the salmon and the dry fly (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • Hardy's book of fishing (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • The art and science of fly fishing (revised edition) (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • World dynamics (Book Review). L. W. Miller
  • The New York Aquarium book of the water world (Book Review). J. A. St. Amant

California Fish and Game 58(3). Summer 1972.

  • Life history of the San Joaquin kit fox. S. Morrell
  • Melanistic mutant in ringneck pheasants. J. A. Azevedo, Jr., E. G. Hunt, and L. A. Woods, Jr.
  • Diel changes in the vertical distribution of the euphausiids, Thysanoessa spinifera Holmes and Euphausia pacifica Hansen, in coastal waters of Washington. M. S. Alton and C. J. Blackburn
  • Population differences in the swell shark Cephaloscyllium ventriosum. C. A. Grover
  • DDT residues in white croakers. W. T. Castle and L. A. Woods, Jr.
  • Characteristics of the fall-run steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri gairdneri) of the Klamath River system with emphasis on the half-pounder. W. D. Kesner and R. A. Barnhart
  • Mortality and survival rates of tagged largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) at Merle Collins Reservoir. R. R. Rawtron and K. A. Hashagen, Jr. Winter food of trout in three high elevation Sierra Nevada lakes. G. V. Elliot and T. M. Jenkins, Jr.
  • Reproductive failure of pelagic cormorant, San Luis Obisop County, California, 1970. L. B. Penhale
  • The reoccurrence of the California scorpionfish, Scorpaena gutata Girard, in Monterey Bay. D. H. Varoujean
  • Symbiosis in the blacktail snailfish, Careproctus melanurus and the box crab, Lopholithodes foraminatus. R. H. Parrish
  • A new range record for the umbrella crab, Cryptolithodes sitchensis Brandt. D. B. Odenweller
  • First record of a reversed butter sole, Isopsetta isolepsis. P. L. Haaker
  • The cottonmouth jack, Uraspis secunda, added to the marine fauna of California. J. E. Fitch
  • A case for striped mullet, Mugil cephalus, spawning at sea. J. E. Fitch
  • A range extension for the logperch. D. G. Farley
  • Biology and water pollution control (Book Review). J. W. Burns
  • Sea shells of tropical west America: marine mollusks from Baja California to Peru — second edition. (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Fishless days, angling nights (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • Life and death in a coral sea (Book Review). D. W. Gotshall
  • Wildlife of Mexico: the game birds and mammals (Book Review). C. M. Ferrel
  • Round River (Book Review). C. M. Ferrel

California Fish and Game 58(2). Spring 1972.

  • Angling quality at Folsom Lake, California, as determined by a roving creel census. C. E. von Geldern, Jr.
  • White sturgeon population characteristics in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary as measured by tagging. L. W. Miller
  • Migrations of sturgeon tagged in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary. L. W. Miller
  • Molting and growth in laboratory reared phyllosomes of the California spiny lobster, Panulirus interruptus. D. M. Dexter
  • Southern California Pacific mackerel fishery and age composition of commercial landings during the 1968–69 and 1969–70 seasons. E. H. Knaggs
  • Age and length composition of northern anchovies, Engraulis mordax, in the California anchovy reduction fishery for the 1969–70 season. J. D. Spratt
  • Acute toxicity of four organochlorine insecticides to two species of surfperch. R. D. Earnest and P. E. Benville, Jr.
  • The Mineral King deer herd. E. R. Schneegas and G. W. Franklin
  • Rabies in a deer. D. T. Cappucci, Jr. and W. M. Longhurst
  • Nonreporting of tagged largemouth bass. R. R. Rawstron
  • Tailless Dover sole from off the Oregon coast. R. L. Demory
  • A polypropylene light trap for aquatic invertebrates. L. R. Espinosa and W. E. Clark
  • Tolerance of high salinity by the pileworm, Neanthes succinea, from the Salton Sea, California. J. A. Hanson
  • Range extension of Palaemonetes paludosus (Gibbes) in California. J. A. St. Amant and J. S. Day
  • The ecology of running waters (Book Review). J. W. Burns
  • Systematics, variation, distribution, and biology of rockfishes of the subgenus Sebastomus (Pisces, Scorpaenidae, Sebasetes) (Book Review). D. Miller
  • If deer are to survive (Book Review). G. C. Ashcraft

California Fish and Game 58(1). Winter 1972.

  • Coyote food habits in Sagehen Creek Basin, northeastern California. V. M. Hawthorne
  • The southern California Pacific mackerel fishery and age composition of the catch for the 1964–65 through 1967–68 seasons. R. H. Parrish and E. H. Knaggs
  • DDT residues in eight California marine fishes. S. B. Shaw
  • Southern geographical records for four surfperches, family Embiotocidae, with notes on a population resurgence of the sharpnose seaperch. R. N. Lea
  • The identity of Sebastes babcocki and Sebastes subrivinctus. R. H. Rosenblatt and L.-C. Chen
  • A study of predation by sea lions on salmon in Montery Bay. K. T. Briggs and C. W. Davis
  • Harvest, survival, and cost of two domestic strains of tagged rainbow trout stocked in Lake Berryessa, California. R. R. Rawstron
  • Ovarian cycling in longjaw gobies, Gillichthys mirabilis from the Salton Sea. G. W. Barlow and V. D. De Vlaming
  • The response of Salton Sea fish eggs and larvae to salinity stress. R. Lasker, R. H. Tenaza, and L. L. Chamberlain
  • California condor survey, 1970. R. D. Mallette, S. Wilbur, W. D. Carrier, and J. C. Borneman
  • The survival of Guadalupe cardinalfish Apogon guadalupensis at San Clemente Island. E. S. Hobson
  • Hikers and backpackers handbook. (Book Review). L. Espinosa
  • The vanishing jungle — the story of the World Wildlife Fund expeditions to Pakistan (Book Review). L. W. Miller
  • Come wade the river (Book Review). S. J. Nicola
  • Kamloops (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • British Columbia game fish (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.


California Fish and Game 57(4). Fall 1971.

  • Abundance and distribution of fingerling largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, as determined by electrofishing, at Lake Nacimiento, California. C. E. Von Geldern, Jr.
  • Nonreporting of tagged white catfish, largemouth bass, and bluegills by anglers at Folsom Lake, California. R. R. Rawstron
  • Harvest and survival of rainbow trout infected with Sanguinicola davisi Wales. R. R. Rawstron
  • The 1965–1967 migrations of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary striped bass population. J. J. Orsi
  • Effects of temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen on the survival of striped bass eggs and larvae. J. L. Turner and T. C. Farley
  • An annual reproductive cycle of the gaper clam, Tresus capax (Gould) in south Humboldt Bay, California. J. R. Machell and J. D. De Martini
  • Size and age composition of northern anchovies (Engraulis mordax) in the California reduction and canning fisheries, 1968–69 season. R. A. Collins
  • Chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides in California sea otters and harbor seals. S. B. Shaw
  • Occurrences of the bearded eelpout Hyconema barbatum off northern California and southern Oregon. D. W. Gotshall
  • Landowner utilization of a wild pheasant resource. R. T. Forester
  • Progress report on reestablishment of the Mojave chub Gila mohavensis (Snyder), an endangered species. R. A. St. Amant and S. Sasaki
  • The effect of temperature on the number of circulating hemocytes in the California sea hare, Aphysia californica. G. B. Pauley and S. M. Krassner
  • Parasitic diseases of wild mammals (Book Review). M. N. Rosen
  • Everyman's guide to ecological living (Book Review). T. Wooster
  • Pictorial guide to the birds of North America (Book Review). J. A. St. Amant
  • Wildlife for America (Book Review). P. E. Giguere
  • American hawking — a general account of falconry in the New World (Book Review). H. R. Leach
  • Climate, man and history (Book Review). L. W. Miller
  • Before nature dies (Book Review). L. W. Miller
  • Atlantic salmon flies and fishing (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • Selective trout (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.

California Fish and Game 57(3). Summer 1971.

  • Sensitivity of striped bass and stickleback to ammonia in relation to temperature and salinity. C. R. Hazel, W. Thomsen, and S. J. Meith
  • Coyote movements in Sagehen Creek Basin, northeastern California. V. M. Hawthorne
  • California deer deaths due to massive infestation by the louse (Linognathus africanus). O. Brunetti and H. Cribbs
  • Sequential mortality of the fish fauna impounded in construction of a marina at Dana Point, California. J. P. Waggoner III and C. R. Feldmeth
  • Protein differences in the eye lens cortex and nucleus of individual channel rockfish, Sebastologus alascanus. A. C. Smith
  • Revision of the age composition of the southern California catch of Pacific mackerel for the 1958–59 through 1963–64 seasons. R. H. Parrish and E. H. Knaggs
  • Age composition of sardine landings on the Pacific coast of the United States and Mexico 1965–1966. C. E. Blunt, Jr. and M. Kimura
  • Food of the jack mackerel, Trachurus symmetricus. J. G. Carlisle, Jr
  • Food habits of white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus, in San Pablo and Suisun bays, California. R. J. McKechnie and R. B. Fenner
  • Nighttime artificial aeration of Puddingstone Reservoir, Los Angeles County, California. A. W. Fast and J. A. St. Amant
  • A second record of the scythe butterflyfish, Chaetodon falcifer, from California. R. S. Kiwala and R. B. McConnaughey
  • A Sei whale, Balaenoptera borealis, feeding on Pacific saury, Cololabis saira. C. D. Gill and S. E. Hughes
  • The fox squirrel (Sciurus niger) in Ventura County. T. F. Wolf and A. I. Roest
  • The ecosystem concept in natural resource management (Book Review). A. Calhoun
  • Eutrophication: causes, consequences, correctives (Book Review). A. Calhoun
  • How to attract, house, and feed birds (Book Review). R. D. Mallette
  • Management of lakes and ponds (Second Edition) (Book Review). S. J. Nicola
  • Fish and invertebrate culture: water management in closed systems (Book Review). J. W. Burns
  • How to be a survivor (Book Review). L. W. Miller
  • A book of trout flies (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • The art of tying the wet fly and fishing the flymph (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.

California Fish and Game 57(2). Spring 1971.

  • Sex ratios and survival estimates among salmon populations. P. T. Jensen and J. Hyde
  • California inland angling survey for 1969, with corrections for the 1964 survey. J. W. Emig
  • Age composition of sardine landings on the Pacific coast of the United States and Mexico in 1964–1965. M. Kimura and C. E. Blunt, Jr.
  • Canada goose nest platforms. W. C. Rienecker
  • Sea lion census for 1970, including counts of other California pinnipeds. J. G. Carlisle, Jr. and J. A. Aplin
  • Occurrence of the northern quahog, Mercenaria mercenaria, in Colorado Lagoon, Long Beach, California. A. Salchak and J. Haas
  • New locality for the pupfish Cyprinodon nevadensis at Badwater, Death Valley, California. W. P. Alley, D. S. Fertig, and A. W. Klishevich
  • Addition of Xiphophous variatus (Meek), to the California fauna. J. A. St. Amant and I. Sharp
  • Sexual dimporphism in the painted greenling and observation of defense of an egg mass. G. D. Edwards
  • Occurrence of hermaphrodism in the market crab, Cancer magister. M. Willis
  • Erratum: A. Cordone et al.
  • Readings in ecology and ecological genetics (Book Review). L. W. Miller
  • A modern dry-fly code (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.
  • Traite de pisciculture (Book Review). P. Giguere

California Fish and Game 57(1). Winter 1971.

  • The striped bass party boat fishery: 1960–1968. R. J. McKechnie and L. W. Miller
  • Upper lethal temperature and thermal shock tolerances of the opossum shrimp, Neomysis awatschensis, from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary, California. J. R. Hair
  • The kokanee salmon in Lake Tahoe. A. J. Cordone, S. J. Nicola, P. H. Baker, and T. C. Frantz
  • The carrying capacity for juvenile salmonids in some northern California streams. J. W. Burns
  • Some influences of temperature on the development of the grunion, Leuresthes tenuis (Ayres). K. F. Ehrlich and D. A. Farris
  • A review of possible causes of mortality of oyster larvae of the genus Crassostrea in Tomales Bay, California. C. J. Berg, Jr.
  • Anguilla recorded from California. J. E. Skinner
  • Trout streams: conditions that determine their productivity and suggestions for stream and lake management (Book Review). L. Shapovalov
  • Olfaction in fishes (Book Review). F. G. Hoover
  • Fisheries year book and directory 1968–69 (Book Review). J. G. Smith
  • Biometry: the principles and practice of statistics in biological research (Book Review). T. C. Farley
  • Statistical tables (Book Review). T. C. Farley
  • Seashore life of southern California: an introduction to the animal life of California beaches south of Santa Barbara (Book Review). C. H. Turner
  • Freshwater fishes of Alabama (Book Review). L. K. Puckett
  • Population, resources, environment (Book Review). T. Wooster
  • The marine mammals of the northwestern coast of North America and the American whale fishery (Book Review). J. G. Carlisle, Jr.
  • The central desert of Baja California: demography and ecology (Book Review). H. B. Clemens
  • Lower California and its natural resources (Book Review). H. B. Clemens
  • A field guide to the insects of America north of Mexico (Book Review). E. W. Lesh, Jr.
  • Home is the desert (Book Review). J. Holven
  • Wyoming fishes (Third Edition) (Book Review). K. A. Hashagen, Jr.


California Fish and Game 56(4). Fall 1970.

  • Bimonthly bird counts at selected observation points around San Francisco Bay, February, 1964 to January, 1966. F. H. Bollman, P. K. Thelin, and R. T. Forester
  • A preliminary study of the relationship of saltponds and wildlife—south San Francisco Bay. W. Anderson
  • Spawning bed sedimentation studies in northern California streams. J. W. Burns
  • Harvest of four strains of rainbow trout, Salmo gairdnerii, from Beardsley Reservoir, California. A. J. Cordone and S. J. Nicola
  • Fishes associated with drifting kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera, off the coast of southern California and northern Baja California. C. T. Mitchell and J. R. Hunter
  • The reproductive cycle, gonadal histology, and gametogenesis of the red abalone, Haliotis rufescens (Swainson). J. S. Young and J. D. DeMartini
  • White-tailed kites nesting in Del Norte County, California. M. Hehnke
  • The sagebrush lizard — a new locality and comments on its distribution in west central California. T. G. Balgooyen
  • Introduction of blue catfish into California. W. M. Richardson, J. A. St. Amant, L. J. Bottroff, and W. L. Parker
  • Occurrence on the high seas of a steelhead trout in its ninth year. P. M.
  • Washington Occurrence of king (Chinook) salmon in the Kings River, Fresno County. P. B. Moyle

California Fish and Game 56(3). Summer 1970.

  • Some ecological effects of discharged wastes on marine life. R. W. Grigg and R. S. Kiwala
  • Diversity in feeding by Brandt's cormorant near San Diego. C. L. Hubbs, A. L. Kelley, and C. Limbaugh
  • Some aspects of the life history of the Santa Ana sucker, Catostomus (Pantosteussantaanae (Snyder). D. W. Greenfield, S. T. Ross, and G. D. Deckert
  • Duck nesting and production in the Humboldt Bay Area of California. R. J. Wheeler and S. W. Harris
  • The white-tailed kite in California with observations of the Santa Barbara population. L. B. Waian and R. C. Stendell
  • California condor surveys, 1969. R. D. Mallette, F. C. Sibley, W. Dean Carrie, and J. C. Borneman
  • Predation on the purple urchin by the leather star. R. J. Rosenthall and J. R. Chess
  • Western range extension of the rosethorn rockfish, Sebastes helvomaculatus (Ayres). J. Nishimoto
  • Observation of mating behavior of the striped perch and notes on possible reproductive activity of the rainbow perch. G. D. Edwards
  • Observed interaction between desert bighorn sheep, Ovis canadensis, and reported predator species. R. A. Weaver and J. L. Mensch
  • Waterfowl botulism in California—1969. B. F. Hunter
  • Large black bear from Yosemite. N. G. Guse, Jr.
  • Occurrence of a flamingo at Tomales Bay. R. J. Wheeler
  • Handbook of freshwater fishery ecology, Volume 1 (Book Review). L. Shapovalov
  • Electronics for biologists (Book Review). P. A. Gregory
  • Advances in ecological research, Volume 6 (Book Review). H. K. Chadwick
  • Environmental conservation, second edition (Book Review). H. D. Bissell
  • The life of the desert (Book Review). J. A. St. Amant
  • Wildlife management techniques (Third Edition: Revised) (Book Review). M. N. Rosen
  • The life of the cave (Book Review). J. A. St. Amant
  • Handbook of Rocky Mountain plants (Book Review). B. Browning
  • Big game hunting around the world (Book Review). C. M. Ferrel
  • Freezing and irradiation of fish (Book Review). R. R. Bell
  • The encyclopedia of marine resources (Book Review). J. Geibel
  • Refrigeration on fishing vessels (Book Review). W. L. Craig
  • Finding birds in Mexico (Second Edition) (Book Review). H. R. Leach
  • The seine net: its origin, evolution and use (Book Review). E. H. Knaggs
  • Wild sanctuaries: our national wildlife refuges — a heritage restored (Book Review). E. W. Lesh, Jr.
  • Principles of systematic zoology (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • The Pacific salmon fisheries, a study of irrational conservation (Book Review). D. H. Fry, Jr.
  • Anarctic ascidiacea (Book Review). C. H. Turner

California Fish and Game 56(2). Spring 1970.

  • Distribution of sturgeon larvae in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River system. D. E. Stevens and L. W. Miller
  • Shorebird and waterbird use of the Salton Sea. G. McCaskie
  • Influence of molybdenum on the trout and trout fishing of Castle Lake. A. J. Cordone and S. J. Nicola
  • A qualitative and quantitative study of trout food in Castle Lake, California. M. C. Swift Bioassay of king salmon eggs and sac fry in copper solutions. C. R. Hazel and S. J. Meith
  • Bioassay of king salmon eggs and sac fry in copper solutions. C. R. Hazel and S. J. Meith
  • Vertical migration of the ocean shrimp, Pandalus jordani: a feeding and dispersal mechanism. W. G. Pearcy
  • Sea lion census for 1969, including counts of other California pinnipeds. H. W. Frey and J. A. Aplin
  • Food habits of Clinocottus analis (Girard). R. S. Mollick
  • A white sea urchin-acorn barnacle enigma. A. R. Strachan
  • The California least tern breeding in Alameda and San Mateo counties. W. Anderson
  • Oldest tagged northern elephant seal recovered in Oregon. B. R. Mate
  • Addition of Hart's rivulus, Rivulus harti (Boulenger), to the Californian fauna. J. A. St. Amant
  • Differential distribution of the striped mullet, Mugil cephalus Linnaeus. D. W. Johnson and E. L. McClendon
  • Advances in ecological research, volume 5 (Book Review). J. R. Bybee
  • Living turtles of the world (Book Review). J. A. St. Amant

California Fish and Game 56(1). Winter 1970.

  • The limnology and productivity of three California coldwater reservoirs. S. J. Nicola and D. P. Borgeson
  • Food of lake trout in Lake Tahoe. T. C. Frantz and A. J. Cordone
  • Food habits of the western gray squirrel. W. Stienecker and B. M. Browning
  • A description of the northern anchovy live bait fishery, and the age and length composition of the catch during the seasons 1956–58 through 1964–65. R. Wood and A. R. Strachan
  • A fibroma in the abdominal cavity of a king salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. S. C. Katkansky, R. W. Warner, and W. H. Sholes
  • A punch to facilitate the removal of salmonid otoliths. J. L. McKern and H. F. Horton
  • A note on the behavior of the octopod Ocythoe tuberculata. J. E. Hardwick
  • Establishment of Tilapia mossambica Peters in Bard Valley, Imperial County, California. F. G. Hoover and J. A. St. Amant
  • Scrub jay possibly feeding on ectoparasites of a black-tailed deer. T. A. Schulz and P. D. Budwiser
  • The fishes of the British Isles and northwest Europe (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Deep-water teleostean fishes in California (Book Review). R. N. Lea
  • The behavior and physiology of pinnipeds (Book Review). M. Odemar
  • From sea to shining sea, a report on the American environment—our natural heritage (Book Review). L. Shapovalov
  • Symposium on salmon and trout in streams (Book Review). A. Calhoun
  • Managing water quality: economics, technology, institutions (Book Review). J. C. Fraser
  • Oceanographic atlas of the Pacific Ocean (Book Review). H. W. Frey 
  • The life of the marsh (Book Review). J. A. St. Amant
  • Handy medical guide for seafarers, fishermen, trawlermen, and yachtsmen (Book Review). C. H. Turner


California Fish and Game 55(4). Fall 1969.

  • Distribution of California angling effort in 1968. N. J. Abramson and C. L. Berude
  • Waterfowl botulism in the southern San Joaquin Valley, 1967–68. J. M. Parrish and B. F. Hunter
  • Comparisons of disk-dangler, trailer, and plastic jaw tags. S. J. Nicola and A. J. Cordone
  • Distribution, size composition, and relative abundance of the Piute sculpin, Cottus beldingii Eigenmann and Eigenmann, in Lake Tahoe. P. H. Bkaer and A. J. Cordone
  • California condor surveys, 1968. F. C. Sibley, R. D. Mallette, J. C. Borneman, and R. S. Dalen
  • Redescription of Parelaphostrongylus (Boev and Schuls, 1950) in California deer, with studies on its life history and pathology. O. A. Brunetti
  • On the occurrence of larval cestodes in the Washington clam, Saxidomus nuttalli, and the Gaper clam, Tresus nuttalli, from Drakes Estero, California. S. C. Katkansky, R. W. Warner, and R. L. Poole
  • Vertebral column deformity and osteonecrosis of pelvis and femur in the California sea lion. G. V. Morejohn.
  • Occurrence of the nematode, Philometra americana, in the English sole, Parophrys vetulus, in San Francisco Bay. J. J. DiConza and R. C. Cooper
  • Mortality of common murres along the northern California coast. J. E. Bodle
  • Addition of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus (Cantor) to the California fauna. J. A. St. Amant and F. G. Hoover
  • Differential streamer and disk tag loss by surfperch in Humboldt Bay, California. A. K. Smith
  • Occurrence of the spotfin surfperch in Oregon waters. R. S. Wydoski
  • Occurrence of Prionotus stephanophrys off the Columbia River. C. E. Bond and R. B. Herrmann
  • Poisonous Snakes of the World (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Unusual Aquarium Fishes (Book Review). J. A. St. Amant
  • Hawaii Goes Fishing (Book Review). W. L. Craig
  • Fish Migration (Book Review). D. H. Fry, Jr.
  • The Farming of Fish (Book Review). J. H. Ryan
  • Reservoir Fishery Resources Symposium (Book Review). L. Fisk
  • Systematics, Distribution, and Abundance of the Epiplanktonic Squid (Cephalopoda, Decapoda) Larvae of the California Current, April, 1954–March, 1957 (Book Review). J. D. Spratt
  • The Fertile Sea (Book Review). J. J. Geibel
  • More Free-for-the-Eating Wild Foods (Book Review). G. H. Warner
  • History of the Sierra Nevada (Book Review). L. Shapovalov
  • Sportman's Guide to Game Fish (Book Review). J. W. Emig.
  • Mulberry Trout (Book Review). L. Fisk
  • The Tule Elk: Its History, Behavior, and Ecology (Book Review). W. G. Macgregor
  • The Natural History and Behavior of California Sea Lions (Book Review). M. W. Odemar
  • Methods for Assessment of Fish Production in Fresh Waters (Book Review). L. K. Puckett

California Fish and Game 55(3). Summer 1969.

  • TDE residues in Clear Lake animals. J. D. Linn and R. L. Stanley
  • The influence of soil texture on the structure, durability, and occupancy of muskrat burrows in farm ponds. C. M. Earhart
  • Life history studies of the Lahontan redside, Richardsonius egregius, in Lake Tahoe. D. H. Evans
  • Effects of hydraulic pumping operations on the fauna of Tijuana Slough. J. R. Bybee
  • A survey of helminth parasites in the squid, Loligo opalescens, smelt, Osmerus mordax, jack mackerel, Trachurus symmetricus, and the Pacific mackerel, Scomber japonicus. M. D. Dailey
  • Outbreak of cryptocaryoniasis in marine aquaria at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. D. W. Wilkie and H. Gordin.
  • Desert bighorn (Ovis canadensis nelsoni) losses in a natural trap tank. J. L. Mensch
  • Occurrence of a Pacific ridley and a young northern fur seal in Monterey Bay. G. V. Morejohn
  • The addition of the mirror dory, Zenopsis nebulosa (Temminck and Schlegel), to the California fauna. P. Gregory
  • Northern range extension for Paralepis atlantica Kroyer in the Eastern North Pacific. H. Kajimura
  • A larval cestode from the Pismo clam, Tivela stultorum. R. W. Warner and S. C. Katkansky
  • Palaemonetes paludosus collected in the Rio Hardy and Colorado River, Baja California. J. A. St. Amant and R. G. Hulquist
  • Fisheries Biology: A Study in Population Dynamics (Book Review). H. K. Chadwick
  • The Hunter's Bible (Book Review). H. T. Harper
  • The Life of Rivers and Streams (Book Review). F. G. Hoover
  • Wildfowl 19 (Book Review). F. M. Kozlik
  • Backyard Bandits, Including California Raccoons and Other Exciting Patio Visitors (Book Review). H. R. Leach
  • Ten-Year Index to the Journal of Wildlife Management (Volumes 21–30, 1957–1966) (Book Review). L. Shapovalov
  • Multilingual Dictionary of Fish and Fish Products: Dictionnaire Multilingue des Poissons et Produits de la Pêche (Book Review). L. Shapovalov
  • Further Studies of Alaska Sockeye Salmon (Book Review). J. W. Emig
  • The Fishes of New Guinea (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • The Salt Water Aquarium Manual (Book Review). J. C. Fraser

California Fish and Game 55(2). Spring 1969.

  • Contributions to the life history of the Piute sculpin, Cottus beldingii Eigenmann and Eigenmann, in Lake Tahoe. V. W. Ebert and R. C. Summerfelt
  • Observations on the biology and behavior of the California spiny lobster, Panulirus interruptus (Randall). C. T. Mitchell, C. H. Turner, and A. R. Strachan
  • Bluefin tuna migrate across the Pacific Ocean. H. B. Clemens and G. A. Flittner
  • Tuna schooling terminology. J. M. Scott
  • Fish report of anchovy tagging in California. R. Wood and R. A. Collins
  • First California record of the Guadalupe cardinalfish, Apogon guadalupensis (Osburn and Nichols). E. S. Hobson
  • Migrations of striped bass occurring in Tomales Bay. R. Plant
  • New northern record for the threadfin shad, Dorosoma petenense (Günther), in coastal waters of California. C. F. Bryan and T. R. Sopher
  • Additional record of a troll-caught king salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), with spawning features. J. M. Jackson
  • Taxonomy: A Text and Reference Book (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Caribbean Reef Fishes (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Mushrooms and Other Common Fungi of Southern California (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • The Preservation of Natural History Specimens. Volume 2 (Book Review). A. R. Strachan
  • The Sockeye Salmon (Book Review). A. Calhoun
  • The Life of the Pond (Book Review). F. G. Hoover

California Fish and Game 55(1). Winter 1969.

  • Bird banding in California. E. A. Stoner
  • An evaluation of striped bass angling regulations based on an equilibrium yield model. H. K. Chadwick
  • Osmoregulation in the California killfish, Fundulus parvipinnis. D. W. Valentine and R. Miller
  • Results of a six-year trawl study in an area of heavy waste discharge: Santa Monica Bay, California. J. G. Carlisle, Jr.
  • A survey of algae of Palos Verdes Point, California. A. R. Strachan and R. T. Koski
  • The marine environment in the vicinity of the San Gabriel River mouth. C. H. Turner and A. R. Strachan
  • Observations on survival and growth of the European flat oyster, Ostrea edulis, in California. S. C. Katkansky, W. A. Dahlstrom, and R. W. Warner
  • Stomach contents of Pacific hake and arrowtooth flounder from northern California. D. W. Gatshall
  • Evidence of river otter feeding on freshwater mussels and range extension. G. V. Morejohn
  • An alligator snapping turtle, Macrochelys temminickii, from California's inland waters. R. W. Murphey
  • A technique for producing and mounting otolith wafers for age determination. J. W. Schott
  • The filetail catshark, Parmaturus xaniurus, in midwater in the Santa Barbara Basin off California. R. S. Lee
  • Addition of Pylodictis olivaris to the California fauna. L. Boltroff, J. A. St. Amant, and W. Parker
  • Flora of Alaska and Neighboring Territories: A Manual of the Vascular Plants (Book Review). L. Shapovalov
  • Farming on the Edge of the Sea (Book Review). E. J. Smith, Jr.
  • The Biology of Populations (Book Review). D. W. Kelley
  • California Mission Recipes (Book Review). G. H. Warner
  • The Atlantic Salmon: A Vanishing Species? (Book Review). L. Fisk
  • Sea Otters and the China Trade (Book Review). E. E. Ebert
  • A Flora of Kern County, California (Book Review). C. M. Ferrel
  • The Biological Basis of Freshwater Fish Production (Book Review). A. Calhoun
  • Fishing with Electricity: Its Application to Biology and Management (Book Review). J. W. Burns
  • Mammals of Southern California (Book Review). W. G. Macgregor
  • Desert Wild Flowers (Book Review). H. B. Clemens


California Fish and Game 54(4). Fall 1968.

  • Mortality rates in the California striped bass population. H. K. Chadwick
  • Some endoparasites of fishes from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California. S. R. Edwards and F. M. Nahhas
  • A probability sea survey plan for estimating relative abundance of ocean shrimp. N. J. Abramson
  • First report of the crab family Chirostylidae off California, and description of a new species of Chirostylus. J. Haig
  • Prionotus xenisma Jordan and Bollman, a searobin new to California. R. S. Lee
  • Fecundity of northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax Girard. J. S. MacGregor
  • Summer water requirements of desert bighorn in the Santa Rosa Mountains, California, in 1965. B. Blong and W. Pollard
  • Third cooperative survey of the California condor. F. C. Sibley, R. D. Mallette, J. C. Borneman, and R. S. Dalen
  • Harbor seal censuses in Humboldt Bay during 1966 and 1967. R. J. Rosenthal
  • Deformed lateral line in a jack mackerel, Trachurus symmetricus (Ayres). J. M. Duffy
  • Observation of striped bass spawning in the Sacramento River. L. W. Miller and R. J. McKechnie
  • Fisheries Year Book and Directory 1967–68 (Book Review). J. G. Smith
  • Fish Quality at Sea (Book Review). J. Gary Smith
  • Modern Deep Sea Trawling Gear (Book Review). J. Gary Smith
  • Fishing Boats of the World: 3 (Book Review). E. J. Smith, Jr.
  • Marine Molluscs as Hosts for Symbioses (Advances in Marine Biology, Volume 5) (Book Review). S. C. Katkansky
  • Parasites of North American Freshwater Fishes (Book Review). H. Wolf
  • Fossil Shark and Fish Remains of North American (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • External and Internal Characters, Horizontal and Vertical Distribution, Luminescence, and Food at the Dwarf Pelagic Shark, Euprotomicrus bispinatus (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Atlas of the Errantiate Polychaetous Annelids from California (Book Review). O. Hartman
  • Algal Cultures and Phytoplankton Ecology (Book Review). G. E. Fogg
  • Being Your Own Wilderness Doctor (Book Review). W. G. Macgregor
  • Fishing with the Fly: Sketches by Lovers of the Art with Illustrations of Standard Flies (Book Review). H. L. Thomas
  • Handbook of Fishes of Kansas (Book Review). L. K. Puckett
  • Ecology and Resource Management: A Quantitative Approach (Book Review). J. W. Burns
  • A Different Kind of Country (Book Review). J. D. Stokes

California Fish and Game 54(3). Summer 1968.

  • Retirement—J. B. Phillips
  • The embryology of the English sole, Parophyrus vetulus. J. J. Orsi
  • Organogenesis in the walleye surfperch, Hyperprosopon argenteum (Gibbons). P. C. Engen
  • Records of some native freshwater fishes transplanted into various waters of California, Baja California, and Nevada. R. R. Miller
  • The aquatic oligochaeta of the San Francisco Bay system. R. O. Brinkhurst and M. L. Simmons
  • Jack maekerel yield per area from California waters, 1955–56 through 1963–64. J. M. Duffy
  • Intestinal growths in the European flat oyster, Ostrea edulis. S. C. Katansky
  • Fecundity of the brown ragfish, Icosteus aeingmaticus Lockington, from northern California. G. H. Allen
  • The 1967 shark kill in San Francisco Bay. R. A. Russo and E. S. Herlad
  • Northern range extension for the kelp bass, Paralabrax clathratus (Girard). M. J. Hosie and C. E. Bond
  • Northern range extension for the yellow crab, Cancer anthonyi. M. Willis
  • Sharks, Skates, and Rays (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Proceedings of the Symposium on the Biology of the California Islands (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Fish Cookery (Book Review). G. H. Warner
  • The Campers' Cookbook (Book Review). G. H. Warner
  • Modern ABC's of Bow and Arrow (Book Review). H. R. Leach
  • Systems Analysis in Ecology (Book Review). H. K. Chadwick
  • The Life of the Ocean (Book Review). L. Pinkas
  • Advances in Ecological Research, Volume 4 (Book Review). D. W. Kelley
  • The Avalanche Enigma (Book Review). H. L. Thomas
  • In Wilderness Is the Preservation of the World (Book Review). L. W. Miller
  • The Biology of the Striped Skunk (Book Review). R. D. Mallette
  • Development of Fishes of the Chesapeake Bay Region: An Atlas of Egg, Larval, and Juvenile Stages. Part I (Book Review). T. C. Farley
  • Estuaries (Book Review). H. K. Chadwick
  • Symbiosis. Volume 1. Associations of Microorganisms, Plants, and Marine Organisms and Symbiosis. Volume 2. Associations of Invertebrates, Birds, Ruminants, and Other Biota (Book Review). D. W. Gotshall
  • The Trout (Book Review). A. J. Cordone

California Fish and Game 54(2). Spring 1968.

  • An evaluation of trout planting in Lake Tahoe. A. J. Cordone and T. C. Frantz
  • Studies on the epizootiology of the myxosporidan Ceratomyxa shasta Noble. W. E. Schafer
  • Mortality, growth, and yield per recruit for Pismo clams. P. K. Tomlinson
  • Observations on the behavior of the basketweave cusk-eel, Otophidium scrippsi Hubbs. D. W. Greenfield
  • Variation in the pink seaperch, Zalembius rosaceus (Jordan and Gilbert), and extension of its known range to the gulf of California. J. L. Congleton
  • Food of California quail on burned and unburned central California foothill rangeland. D. A. Duncan
  • In Memorium—Earl Leitritz

California Fish and Game 54(1). Winter 1968.

  • The band-tailed pigeon in California. W. A. Smith
  • A summary of band recoveries from redheads (Aythya americana) banded in northeastern California. W. C. Rienecker
  • Determination of the winter range of a black-tailed deer herd in the North Coast Range of California. R. D. Bauer, J. T. Light, Jr., and W. R. Thornton
  • A food habits study of the southern sea otter, Enhydra lutris nereis. E. E. Ebert.
  • The ability of Washington anglers to identify some common marine fishes. F. Haw and R. M. Buckley
  • Two fishes and a mollusk, new to California's marine fauna, with comments regarding other recent anomalous occurrences. A. R. Strachan, C. H. Turner, and C. T. Mitchell
  • A Sand County Almanac (Book Review). C. M. Ferrel
  • California Natural History Guides (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Invitation to Archaeology (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Poisonous and Venomous Marine Animals of the World (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Fishes of the Atlantic Coast of Canada (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Modes of Reproduction in Fishes (Book Review). K. R. Anderson
  • Fisheries Year Book and Directory 1966–67 (Book Review). J. G. Smith
  • Advances in Ecological Research, Volume 3 (Book Review). D. W. Kelley
  • Summer Island: Penobscot County (Book Review). L. Shapovalov
  • Rising Trout (Book Review). L. O. Fisk
  • Free for the Eating (Book Review). P. H. Young
  • The Earth Beneath the Sea (Revised Edition) (Book Review). H. L. Thomas
  • Extinct and Vanishing Animals (Book Review). C. M. Ferrel
  • Sonar in Fisheries—A Forward Look (Book Review). K. F. Mais
  • Illustrated Dictionary of Names of Commercial Fishes from the Western Part of the Pacific Ocean. In Latin, Russian, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Mongolian, Japanese, and English (Book Review). W. L. Kalwe


California Fish and Game 53(4). Fall 1967.

  • The Eastern Pacific groupers of the genus Mycteroperea, including a new species. R. H. Rosenblatt and B. J. Zahuranec
  • Wild turkey food habits in San Luis Obispo County, California. W. A. Smith and B. Browning
  • White catfish (Ictalurus catus) of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. D. P. Borgeson and G. W. McCammon
  • Studies on monogenetic trematodes XXXVI. Gyrodactylid parasites of importance to California fishes. J. D. Mizelle and D. C. Kritsky
  • A serological analysis of three populations of golden trout, Salmo aguabonita Jordan. J. R. Calaprice and J. E. Cushing
  • Jaw injury and condition of king salmon. B. A. Fulmer and R. L. Ridenhour
  • A portable receiver for holding live fish. R. Wood and R. A. Collins
  • An internal capsule fish tag. R. W. Topp
  • A new high-speed tagging device. K. N. Thorson
  • First recorded xanthic sargo, Anisotremus davidsonii (Steindachner), from the Salton Sea, California. R. G. Hulquist
  • A heavy infestation of the threadfin shad, Dorosoma petenense, by the yellow grub, Clinostomum marginatum, in El Capitan Reservoir, San Diego County, California. L. W. Miller
  • Identification of Corophium from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. D. W. Kelley
  • Northern range extension of the giant sea bass, Stereolepis gigas Ayres. L. B. Boydstun
  • A longfin sanddab, Citharichthys xanthostigma, and a skilfish, Erilepis zonifer, taken in Monterey Bay. J. B. Phillips
  • The tapertail ribbonfish (Trachipterus fukuzakii Fitch) added to the marine fauna of California. J. E. Fitch
  • An occurrence of a chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum), in the California Troll Fishery. P. W. Wild
  • The Sea of Cortez (Book Review). M. W. Odemar
  • Exploring Pacific Coast Tide Pools (Book Review). C. H. Turner
  • Polychaeta Myzostomidae and Sedentaria of Antarctica (Book Review). D. Robbins
  • Water and Water Use Terminology (Book Review). G. W. McCammon
  • Teaching Kids to Shoot (Book Review). J. D. Stokes
  • Hunting with Bow and Arrow (Book Review). J. Ruch
  • Modern ABC's of Bird Hunting (Book Review). H. R. Leach
  • Coping with Camp Cooking (Book Review). G. H. Warner
  • The Complete Guide to Family Camping (Book Review). G. H. Warner
  • Outdoor Photography (Book Review). J. A. St. Amant
  • Axelrod's Tropical Fish Book (Book Review). J. A. St. Amant
  • Quality of the Environment: An Economic Approach to Some Problems in Using Land, Water, and Air (Book Review). S. J. Nicola
  • A Field Guide to Shells of the Pacific Coast and Hawaii, including the Gulf of California (Second Edition) (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Raising Laboratory Animals: A Handbook for Biological and Behavioral Research (Book Review). M. N. Rosen
  • General Parasitology (Third Edition) (Book Review). H. Wolf
  • Studies of Opisthobranchiate Mollusks of the Pacific Coast of North America (Book Review). C. H. Turner
  • A Field Guide to Western Amphibians and Reptiles (Book Review). L. Shapovalov
  • The California Wildlife Map Book (Book Review). L. Shapovalov
  • Primary Productivity in Aquatic Environments (Book Review). K. R. Anderson
  • Birds in Our Lives (Book Review). L. K. Puckett
  • The Motorboatman's Bible (Book Review). P. M. Hubbell

California Fish and Game 53(3). Summer 1967.

  • Second cooperative survey of the California condor. R. D. Mallette, J. C. Borneman, F. C. Sibley, and R. S. Dalen
  • The probable affinities of a wolf captured near Woodlake, California. D. R. McCullough
  • Fecundity and age at maturity of lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush (Walbaum), in Lake Tahoe. J. A. Hanson and R. H. Wickwire
  • Distribution, size composition, and relative abundance of the Lahontan speckled dace, Rhinichthys osculus robustus (Rutter), in Lake Tahoe. P. H. Baker
  • Two king salmon with spawning features taken in Ocean Troll Fishery. P. G. Swartzell
  • Preliminary experiments on the acclimatization of juvenile king salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, to saline water mixed with sewage pond effluent. G. H. Allen and P. O'Brien
  • Fish remains recovered from a Corona Del Mar, California Indian midden (Ora-190). J. E. Fitch
  • Partyboat logs show how skindivers fared during 1963 and 1964. W. F. Wood
  • Serological studies of kelp bass, Paralabrax clathratus. A. C. Smith
  • An inexpensive, self-contained underwater data recording camera. C. T. Mitchell
  • Tagged anchovies move from southern California to Monterey Bay. J. D. Messersmith
  • Final introductions of the Bonneville cisco (Prosopium gemmiferum Snyder) into Lake Tahoe, California and Nevada. T. C. Frantz and A. J. Cordone
  • A 1955 record of pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, spawning in the Russian River. D. H. Fry, Jr.
  • A high pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) nest density on the Gray Lodge Waterfowl Management Area. J. H. Ives and J. B. Cowan
  • Isolation of Pasteurella multocida from a snowy owl (Nyctea scandiaca), a new host record. B. F. Hunter
  • Biological notes on southern California lanternfishes (Family Myetophidae). J. R. Paxton
  • Albinoid coloring in a sand bass, Paralabrax nebulifer (Girard). J. M. Crane, Jr.
  • Predation upon Pacific hake, Merluccius productus, by Pacific dogfish, Squalus acanthias. H. H. Shippen and M. S. Alton
  • Report on an attack by a great white shark off Coledale Beach, N.S.W., Australia in which both victim and attacker were recovered simultaneously. T. B. Gorman and D. J. Dunstan
  • Underwater Guideposts: Homing of Salmon (Book Review). D. H. Fry, Jr.

California Fish and Game 53(2). Spring 1967.

  • Age and growth of Lake Trout, Salvelinus namaycush (Walbaum), in Lake Tahoe. J. A. Hanson and A. J. Cordone
  • Marine sportfishing survey of southern California piers and jetties, 1963. L. Pinkas, J. C. Thomas, and J. A. Hanson
  • Age, length composition, and catch localities of sardine landings on the Pacific Coast of the United States and Mexico in 1962–63. M. Kimura and C. E. Blunt, Jr.
  • Cleaning symbiosis in Monterey Bay, California. D. W. Gotshall
  • First record of a Pacific cod in southern California waters. L. Pinkas

California Fish and Game 53(1). Winter 1967.

  • In Memoriam–W. L. Scofield
  • Five species of salmon, Oncorhynchus, in the Sacramento River, California. R. J. Hallock and D. H. Fry, Jr.
  • Gray whale censuses by airplane in Mexico. C. L. Hubbs and L. C. Hubbs
  • Summary of the 1963 and 1964 southern California inshore bait fishery. K. D. Aasen
  • Stemonosudis rothschildi, a new paralepidid fish from the Central Pacific. W. J. Richards
  • Harvest, mortality, and movement of selected warmwater fishes in Folsom Lake, California. R. R. Rawstron
  • The diet of juvenile and adult striped bass, Roccus saxatilis, in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River system. J. L. Thomas
  • Northerly occurrences of kelp bass, Paralabrax clathratus (Girard), since 1959. J. G. Smith and D. W. Gotshall
  • Inland Fisheries Management (Book Review). L. Shapovalov
  • The Crabs of Sagami Bay (Book Review). D. W. Gotshall


California Fish and Game 52(4). Fall 1966.

  • Experimental tagging of northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax. A. M. Vrooman, P. A. Paloma, and R. Jordán
  • The Lake Tahoe sport fishery. A. J. Cordone and T. C. Frantz
  • Fall and winter food of California quail in dry years. P. W. Shields and D. A. Duncan
  • Gonad structure and the reproductive cycle of the kelp bass, Paralabrax clathratus (Girard), with commens on the relationships of the serranid genus Paralabrax. C. L. Smith and P. H. Young
  • California Inland Angling Survey for 1964. R. J. McKechnic
  • Aerial censuses of California sea otters in 1964 and 1965. J. G. Carlisle, Jr.
  • The introduction of white bass (Roccus chrysops) into California. C. E. von Geldern, Jr.
  • Conservation of Natural Resources (Third Edition) (Book Review). W. A. Evans
  • Practice of Wildlife Conservation (Science Edition Printing) (Book Review). W. A. Evans
  • Handbook of Applied Hydrology: A Compendium of Water-resources Technology (Book Review). T. P. Vande Sande
  • Fishes of the western North Atlantic—Part 5, Orders Iniomi and Lyomeri (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • A Survey and Illustrated Catalogue of the Teredinidae (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Crustaceans (Book Review). D. W. Gotschall
  • The Life of Fishes (Book Review). J. A. St. Amant
  • Pathway in the Sky: The Story of the John Muir Trail (Book Review). W. A. Evans
  • The Principal Diseases of Lower Vertebrates (Book Review). R. G. Hulquist
  • Matrix Algebra for the Biological Sciences (Book Review). J. G. Smith
  • Advances in Marine Biology, Volume 3 (Book Review). D. W. Gotschall
  • The World of Coral (Book Review). M. L. Johnson
  • Fishes of the Word in Color (Book Review). M. L. Johnson
  • Fish as Food, Vol. 4: Processing, Part 2 (Book Review). R. L. Poole
  • Developments in Handling and Processing Fish (Book Review). J. G. Smith
  • Modern ABC's of Fresh Water Fishing (Book Review). J. H. Ryan
  • Tuktu: The Caribou of the Northern Mainland (Book Review). W. G. Macgregor
  • Muskoxen in Canada (Book Review). W. G. Macgregor

California Fish and Game 52(3). Summer 1966.

  • Age, length composition, and catch localities of sardine landings on the Pacific Coast of the United States and Mexico in 1963–64. C. E. Blunt, Jr. and M. Kimura
  • Skilfish, Erilepis zonifer (Lockington), in Californian and Pacific Northwest waters. J. B. Phillips
  • Results of the 1961 to 1965 Pismo clam censuses. J. G. Carlisle, Jr.
  • Addition of adult anglerfish, Chaenophryne parviconus Regan and Trewavas (Pisces: Onerodidae), to the eastern subarctic Pacific Ocean. R. B. Grinols
  • Experimental brown trout management in Lower Sardine Lake, California. H. D. Boles and D. P. Borgeson
  • Toxaphene treatment of Big Bear Lake, California. W. C. Johnson
  • Serological evidence for inbreeding of Lahontan cutthroat trout, Salmo clarkii henshawi, in Summit Lake, Nevada. F. M. Utter, G. J. Ridgway, and J. W. Warren
  • First cooperative survey of the California condor. R. D. Mallette and J. C. Borneman
  • A possible record-sized bonito shark, Isurus oxyrinchus Rafinesque, from southern California. S. P. Applegate
  • The unicornfish, Eumecichthys fiski (Günther), in the eastern tropical Pacific. J. E. Fitch
  • New records of Cataetyx rubrirostris Gilbert from the northern Pacific Ocean. R. B. Grinols and D. W. Greenfield
  • A marine catfish, Bagre panamensis (Gill), added to the fauna of California, and other anomalous fish occurrences off southern California in 1965. J. E. Fitch
  • Fishes and other marine organisms taken during deep trawling off Santa Catalina Island, March 3–4, 1962. J. E. Fitch
  • The final introduction of the opossum shrimp (Mysis relicta Loven) into California and Nevada. J. A. Hanson
  • McClane's Standard Fishing Encyclopedia and International Angling Guide (Book Review). W. L. Craig
  • The California Deserts (Fourth Edition) (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Fish as Food, Vol. 3: Processing, Part I (Book Review). D. W. Gotshall
  • Fisheries Year Book and Directory 1965–66 (Book Review). J. G. Smith
  • The Common Wealth in Ocean Fisheries (Book Review). P. M. Roedel
  • History of the Sierra Nevada (Book Review). J. E. Fitch

California Fish and Game 52(2). Spring1966.

  • Winter observations on the Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep. D. R. McCullough and E. R. Schneegas
  • An early hepatoma epizootic in rainbow trout, Salmo gairdnerii. J. H. Wales and R. O. Sinnhuber
  • Annotated list of fishes collected by midwater trawl in the Gulf of California, March–April 1964. R. J. Lavenberg and J. E. Fitch
  • Fecundity of the Pacific hake, Merluccius productus (Ayres). J. S. MacGregor
  • A sexually abnormal red crab, Cancer productus Randall. R. Poole
  • Recent sightings of black brant (Brant nigricans) in the Salton Sea area of southern California. F. L. Reynolds
  • Sea lion census for 1965 including counts of other California pinnipeds. J. G. Carlisle, Jr. and J. A. Aplin
  • The poacher Asterotheca infraspinata (Gilbert) added to California's marine fauna, a key to Californian Agonidae (Pisces). J. E. Fitch
  • Additional records of flapjack devilfish from California waters. J. B. Phillips
  • A Glossary of Ocean Science and Undersea Technology Terms (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Mammals of the Pacific States: California, Oregon, and Washington (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • The Art of Plug Fishing (Book Review). J. W. Burns
  • Handbook of California Birds (Book Review). L. Pinkas
  • The Animal Kingdom (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Home in Your Pack, The Modern Handbook of Backpacking (Book Review). P. H. Young
  • The Giant Canada Goose (Book Review). W. F. Hart
  • Fresh-Water Fishing (Book Review). M. L. Johnson

California Fish and Game 52(1). Winter 1966.

  • The age and growth of centrarchid fishes in Folsom Lake, California. R. C. Thharratt
  • Renesting of ducks at mountain meadows, Lassen County, California. E. G. Hunt and W. Anderson
  • The marine environment in the vicinity of the Orange County Sanitation District's ocean outfall. C. H. Turner, E. E. Ebert, and R. R. Given
  • Length frequencies of Pacific hake (Merluccius productus) landed in California through 1964. E. A. Best and R. J. Nitsos
  • Addition of Tilapia mossambica Peters to the California fauna. J. A. St. Amant
  • A Greenland halibut, Reinhardtius hippoglossoides (Walbaum) recorded in southern California. J. W. Schott
  • Northern record of a calico surfperch, Amphistichus koelzi. A. E. Peden and R. C. Best
  • Live coloration of a juvenile Uraspis secunda (Poey) from the eastern tropical Pacific. J. R. Hunter and C. T. Mitchell
  • How to Fish the Pacific Coast (Second Edition) (Book Review). M. W. Odemar
  • Marine Geology of the Gulf of California (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Trawlermen's Handbook (Book Review). J. G. Smith
  • The American Oyster Crassostrea virginica Gmelin (Book Review). H. G. Orcutt
  • Stalking the Blue-eyed Scallop (Book Review). R. Poole
  • Shelling in the Sea of Cortez (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • The Destruction of California (Book Review). R. F. Dasmann
  • Bioluminescence (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Enjoying Life as a Sportman's Wife (Book Review).  S. A. Ryan
  • Biology of the Antarctic Seas II (Book Review). D. W. Gotschall
  • Seals of the World (Book Review). D. W. Gotschall
  • The Lemon Sale (Book Review). J. G. Smith
  • Museums U.S. A. A History and Guide (Book Review). W. A. Evans
  • Meet the Southwest Deserts (Book Review). W. L. Craig
  • Wild Dogs (Book Review). W. L. Craig


California Fish and Game 51(4). Fall 1965.

  • In Memoriam, Joh J. Mahoney
  • Systematics and zoogeography of Myripristis in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. D. W. Greenfield
  • Fishes collected by midwater trawling from California coastal waters, March 1963. E. A. Best and J. G. Smith
  • Observations on bigeye tuna caught in the surface tuna fishery in the Eastern Pacific Ocean, 1951–1964. I. Barrett and S. Kume
  • Diets of four warmwater game fishes in a fluctuating, steep-sided California reservoir. L. F. Goodson, Jr.
  • Introduction of the bonneville cisco (Prosopium gemmiferum Snyder) into Lake Tahoe, California and Nevada. T. C. Frantz and A. J. Cordone
  • Physiological effects of DDT on pheasants. J. A. Azevedo, Jr., E. G. Hunt, and L. A. Woods, Jr.
  • Sleeper sharks (Somniosus pacificus) off Trinidad, California with life history notes. D. W. Gotshall and T. Jow
  • The Pacific bonito, Sarda chiliensis (Cuvier), in Puget Sound, Washington. B. G. Patten, D. T. Rodman, and K. D. Waldron
  • A Lahontan redside, Richardsonius egregius (Girard), lacking pelvic fins. R. N. Lea
  • Dangerous to Man: Wild Animals, a Definitive Study of Their Reputed Dangers to Man (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Fishes of the Western North Atlantic. Part IV—Order Isospondyli, in Part (Argentinoids, Stomiatoids, Esocoids, Bathylanconoids) and Order Giganturoidei (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Records of North American Big Game (1964 Edition) (Book Review). J. D. Stokes
  • The Lives of Desert Animals in Joshua Tree National Monument (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • The Ecology of Rocky Shores (Book Review). M. L. Johnson
  • America's Favorite Fishing (Book Review). J. A. St. Amant
  • Better Ways of Pathfinding (Book Review). P. H. Young
  • Bibliography of Snake Venoms and Venomous Snakes (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Florida: Polluted Paradise (Book Review). W. Thomsen
  • Hunting Secrets of the Experts (Book Review). D. Laursen
  • The Sportsman's Notebook and Tap's Tips (Book Review). W. A. Evans
  • Wildlife Biology (Book Review). D. Laursen
  • Course for Apprentice Fishermen (Book Review). E. J. Smith, Jr.
  • The Bountiful Sea (Book Review). E. A. Best
  • Advances in Ecological Research, Volume II (Book Review). D. W. Kelley
  • Biology of the Antarctic Seas (Book Review). A. W. Fast
  • Wondrous World of Fishes (Book Review). E. A Best
  • Fishes of the Great Lakes Region (Book Review). M. L. Johnson
  • Mechanization of Small Fishing Craft (Book Review). J. G. Smith
  • Happier Family Camping (Book Review). W. L. Craig
  • Getting Out of Outdoor Trouble (Book Review). W. L. Craig
  • A Guide to Fresh and Salt Water Fishing (Book Review). W. A. Evans
  • Wild Cats (Book Review). H. H. Thomas
  • Readings in Population and Community Ecology (Book Review). L. W. Miller

California Fish and Game 51(3). Summer 1965.

  • A summary of the band returns from lesser snow geese (Chen hyperborea) of the Pacific flyway. W. C. Rienecker
  • Food of the blue rockfish, Sebastodes mystinus. D. W. Gotshall, J. G. Smith, and A. Holbert
  • Intraspecific eye lens protein differences in yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares. A. C. Smith
  • Pacific mackerel, the commercial fishery, and age composition of the southern California catch for the 1961–62, 1962–63, and 1963–94 seasons. J. D. Messersmith and H. Hyatt
  • Records of yellow and spotted snake-eels (Genus Ophichthus) from San Francisco Bay, California. J. D. Hopkirk
  • Trout catch and angler use at Lake Tahoe in 1962. W. D. Weidlein, A. J. Cordone, and T. C. Frantz
  • Determination of sexual maturity in the female striped bass (Roccus saxatilis). H. K. Chadwick
  • Occurrence of lead poisoning in a wild pheasant (Phasianus colchicus). B. F. Hunter and M. N. Rosen
  • Tick paralysis in California deer. O. A. Brunetti
  • Freshwater silver salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum). D. A. West
  • Evidence of American shad reproduction in a landlocked environment. C. E. vonGeldern, Jr.
  • A second record of the pelagic armorhead, Pentaceros richardsoni Smith 1849, in California waters. J. G. Smith
  • Length-weight relationship of black skipjack tuna, Euthynnus lineatus. W. L. Klawe and T. P. Calkins
  • Hemoglobin content of the blood of fifteen species of marine fishes. I. Barrett and A. A. Williams
  • Unusual sponge found off northern California coast. H. K. Ujita
  • Southern range extensions of chum and silver salmon. J. D. Messersmith
  • New southern record for the silvergray rockfish, Sebastodes brevispinis (Bean). A. R. Strachan
  • Scarcity and Growth: The Economics of Natural Resource Availability (Book Review). W. A. Evans
  • Redwood Empire Wildflower Jewels (Book Review). D. Laursen
  • Bowhunting for Deer (Book Review). P. H. Young
  • Conservation—In the People's Hands (Book Review). W. A. Evans
  • Abyss: The Deep Sea and the Creatures That Live in It (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Advances in Marine Biology, Vol. 2 (Book Review). E. A. Best

California Fish and Game 51(2). Spring 1965.

  • Occurrences of the Lost River sucker, Deltistes luxatus (Cope), and shortnose sucker, Chasmistes brevirostris Cope, in northern California. M. Coots
  • Early development of the hitch, Lavinia exilicauda, of Clear Lake, California. C. Swift
  • Survey of the marine environment offshore of San Elijo Lagoon, San Diego County. C. H. Turner, E. E. Ebert, and R. R. Given
  • Developmental temperature tolerance and rates of four southern California fishes, Fundulus parvipinnis, Atherinops affinis, Leuresthes tenuis, and Hypsoblennius sp. C. Hubbs
  • The occurrence of warmouth, Chaenobryttus gluosus (Cuvier), in the Lower Colorado River. R. Lanse
  • The clingfishes (Gobiesocidae) of Guadalupe Island, Mexico. J. C. Briggs
  • Range extension for the bigmouth sole, Hippoglossina Stomata. J. B. Phillips
  • An ambicolored starry flounder from Yaquina Bay, Oregon. A. J. Beardsley and H. F. Horton

California Fish and Game 51(1). Winter 1965.

  • In Memorium, Arnold B. Albrecht
  • Waterfowl production in the vicinity of gull colonies. W. Anderson
  • The animal food fishery in California, 1961–1962. R. J. Nitsos and P. H. Reed
  • The spotted jack crevalle, Caranx melampygus Cuvier, in the Eastern Pacific. F. H. Berry
  • The southern California mackerel fishery and age composition of the Pacific Mackerel catch for the 1959–60 and 1960–61 seasons. H. Hyatt
  • Introduction of the opossum shrimp (Mysis relicta Loven) into California and Nevada. J. D. Linn and T. C. Frantz
  • Long-term retention of tags by some freshwater fish. D. A. LaFaunce
  • An observation of king salmon spawning successfully in Deer Creek in March 1964. R. S. Menchen
  • Northern range extension for the zebraperch, Hermosilla azurea Jenkins and Evermann. J. B. Phillips
  • A visual aid for age determination of immersed otoliths. J. W. Schott
  • The threadfin shad, Dorosoma petenense, in northern California ocean waters. P. A. Isaacson and R. L. Poole
  • New northern records for the spotfin surfperch, Hyperprosopon anale. P. A. Isaacson and R. L. Poole
  • Southern range extension of the tomcod, Microgadus proximus. P. A. Isaacson
  • A Guide to Sunken Ships in American Waters (Book Review). C. H. Turner
  • Biology of Birds (Book Review). W. F. Hart
  • Downstream: A Natural History of the River (Book Review). W. A. Evans
  • Fish Catching Methods of the World (Book Review). E. A. Best
  • Fish-Finding with Sonar (Book Review). J. G. Smith
  • Freshwater Ecology (Book Review). L. K. Puckett
  • Pesticides and the Living Landscape (Book Review). W. Thomsen
  • The Wonders of Water (Book Review). W. A. Evans
  • California and the World Ocean (Book Review). P. M Roedel
  • Japan's World Success in Fishing (Book Review). E. A. Best
  • Familiar Freshwater Fishes of America (Book Review). W. A. Evans
  • The Complete Aquarium (Book Review). J. A. St. Amant
  • Water and Its Impurities (Book Review). M. L. Johnson


California Fish and Game 50(4). Fall 1964.

  • The ribbonfishes (Family Trachipteridae) of the Eastern Pacific Ocean, with a description of a new species. J. E. Fitch
  • Age and length composition of the sardine catch off the Pacific Coast of the United States and Mexico in 1961–62. A. E. Daugherty and R. S. Wolf
  • Increasing tagged rockfish (Genus Sebastodes) survival by deflating the swim bladder. D. W. Gotshall
  • Report on a recent shark attack off San Francisco, California. R. S. Collier
  • Spawning of longspine channel rockfish, Sebastolobus altivelis Gilbert. E. A. Best
  • Mortality of a freshwater polychaete, Nereis limnicola Johnson, atrributed to Rotenone. L. C. Oglesby
  • The fishery at Sutherland Reservoir, San Diego County, California. D. A. La Faunce, J. B. Kimsey, and H. K. Chadwick
  • Population studies of ring-necked pheasants in California. R. D. Mallette and H. T. Harper
  • Northern range extension of the cow rockfish, Sebastodes levis. M. W. Odemar
  • Southern range extension of the eulachon, Thaleichthys pacificus. M. W. Odemar
  • Diet of striped bass at Millerton Lake, California. L. F. Goodson, Jr.
  • Hunting Ducks and Geese (Book Review). D. Laursen
  • Marine Distributions (Book Review). E. A. Best
  • The Fisherman's Encyclopedia (Book Review). W. L. Craig
  • The Geese Fly High (Book Review). J. C. Thomas
  • The Quiet Crisis (Book Review). W. A. Evans
  • The Wonders of Wildlife (Book Review). M. L. Johnson

California Fish and Game 50(3). Summer 1964.

  • A deer study in a Redwood-Douglas fir forest type. B. M. Browning and E. M. Lauppe
  • Measurement of browse growth and utilization. J. L. Hiehle
  • Erythrocyte antigens of California trouts. J. R. Calaprice and J. E. Cushing
  • Observations on the food of fingerling largemouth bass in Clear Lake, Lake County, California. G. W. McCammon, D. LaFaunce, and C. M. Seeley
  • Threadfin shad, Dorosoma petenense, as food of yearling centrarehids. W. J. McConnell and J. H. Gerdes
  • An ecological survey of marine environment prior to installation of a submarine outfall. C. H. Turner, E. E. Ebert, and R. R. Given
  • A new species of eagle ray, Myliobatis longirostris, from Baja California, Mexico. S. P. Applegate and J. E. Fitch
  • First records for the bigeye thresher (Alopias superciliosus) and slender tuna (Allothunnus fallai) from California, with notes on Eastern Pacific scombrid otoliths. J. E. Fitch and W. L. Craig
  • Chromatic patterns of the leopard shark, Triakis semifasciata Girard. J. W. Schott
  • California striped bass estimates for 1961. A. B. Albrecht
  • Weight-length relationship for bluefin tuna in the California fishery, 1963. R. R. Bell
  • 1916, the pioneer year of tuna tagging on the Pacific Coast of North America. F. G. Alverson and B. M. Chatwin
  • Fish as Food. Volume 2: Nutrition, Sanitation, Utilization (Book Review). E. A. Best
  • The Last Horizon (Book Review). W. L. Craig
  • Fish and Fishing (Book Review). J. A. St. Amant
  • Echinoderms (Book Review). M. L. Johnson
  • Politics and Conservation (Book Review). T. Jow
  • Snake Lore (Book Review). A. E. Daugherty
  • Myth and Maneater, The Story of the Shark (Book Review). M. L. Johnson
  • Sharks and Survival (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Fishes of the Western North Atlantic, Part 3, Soft-rayed Bony Fishes (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • The Genera of Fishes and a Classification of Fishes (Book Review). E. A. Best
  • Vegetation and Soils, a World Picture (Book Review). A. Calhoun
  • All Creatures Great and Small (Book Review). H. L. Thomas

California Fish and Game 50(2). Spring 1964.

  • Annual abundance of young striped bass, Roccus saxatilis, in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California. H. K. Chadwick
  • Some observations on factors associated with survival of striped bass eggs and larvae. A. B. Albrecht
  • Partyboat logs show how skindivers fared during 1960, 1961, and 1962. W. F. Wood
  • Recent occurrences of intergeneric hybrid flounders, Inopsetta ischyra (Jordan and Gilbert), from California and Oregon. P. H. Reed
  • Northward movement of the California sea otter. R. T. Orr and T. C. Poulter
  • Grass rockfish, Sebastodes rastrelliger (Jordan and Gilbert), from the Yaquina Bay Area, Oregon. W. C. Van Arsdel, III and C. E. Bond
  • Freshwater Fishes of the World (Book Review). M. L. Johnson
  • The Complete Illustrated Guide to Casting (Book Review). G. D. Seymour
  • The Valley: Meadow, Grove, and Stream (Book Review). W. A. Evans
  • Fur and Fury (Book Review). W. L. Craig
  • 100 Desert Wildflowers (Book Review). P. H. Young
  • Advances in Marine Biology—Volume 1 (Book Review). E. A. Best
  • The Origins of Angling and a new printing of "The Treatise of Fishing with an Angle" (Book Review). A. Clahoun

California Fish and Game 50(1). Winter 1964.

  • The sand shark, Carcharias ferox (Risso), in California. A. E. Daugherty
  • An experimental study to control oyster drills in Tomales Bay, California. C. I. Haydock
  • Underwater tagging gun. E. E. Ebert
  • Some effects of sewer effluent on marine life. P. H. Young
  • Notes on the life history and a description of the sharpnose seaperch, Phanerodon atripes (Jordan and Gilbert)
  • Landings estimates of California's marine recreational salmon fishery. P. T. Jensen
  • Observations of spawning Pacific sardines. R. S. Wolf
  • Spawning of the threadfin shad, Dorosoma petenense, at low water temperatures. R. R. Rawstron
  • Studies of the Alaska Red Salmon (Book Review). D. H. Fry, Jr.
  • Introduction to Animal Parasitology (Book Review). M. N. Rosen
  • Marine Molluscan Genera of Western North America (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Ichthyology, the Study of Fishes (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Advances in Ecological Research (Book Review). D. W. Kelley
  • Fishing Tackle and Techniques (Book Review). W. A. Evans
  • Tropical Inland Fisheries (Book Review). D. H. Fry, Jr.
  • Industrial Fishery Technology (Book Review). E. J. Smith, Jr.
  • An Introduction to Scientific Illustration (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Learning to Gun (Book Review). D. Laursen
  • This Wonderful World of Trout (Book Review). L. O. Fisk
  • Limnology in North America (Book Review). M. L. Johnson


California Fish and Game 49(4). Fall 1963.

  • Food of young-of-the-year striped bass (Roccus saxatilis) in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River System. W. Heubach, R. J. Toth, and A. M. McCready
  • Fishes collected in the Eastern Pacific during tuna cruises, 1952 through 1959. H. B. Clemens and J. C. Nowell
  • Mass mortality of marine organisms attributed to the "Red Tide" in southern California. D. J. Reisch
  • Egg-cases of some elasmobranchs and a cyclostome from California waters. K. W. Cox
  • Age and length composition of the sardine catch off the Pacific Coast of the United States and Mexico in 1960–61. R. S. Wolf and A. E. Daugherty
  • An oriental goby collected in the San Joaquin River Delta near Stockton, California. M. R. Brittan, A. B. Albrecht, and J. b. Hopkirk
  • Introduction of Palaemonetes paludosus, a freshwater shirmp, into the Lower Colorado River. R. P. Hayden and R. D. Ringo
  • Preliminary age determination of bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus. R. R. Bell
  • Migration of a tagged bluefin tuna across the Pacific Ocean. C. J. Orange and B. D. Fink

California Fish and Game 49(3). Summer 1963.

  • A Doratopsis larva of the squid family Chiroteuthidae in California waters. S. S. Berry
  • The sea turtle fishery of Baja California, Mexico. D. K. Caldwell
  • Trawling in the Monterey Bay area, with special reference to catch composition. R. F. G. Heimann
  • Distribution of California angling effort in 1961. N. J. Abramson
  • California inland angling surveys for 1959 and 1960. C. M. Seeley, R. C. Tharratt, and R. L. Johnson
  • Effect of ocean temperature on the seaward movements of striped bass, Roccus saxatilis, on the Pacific coast. J. Radovich
  • Grain preference of captive waterfowl. L. Z. McFarland, H. George, and H. McKinnie
  • A fantail sole, Xystreurys liolepis, in Monterey Bay. J. B. Phillips
  • More giant squids from California. A. G. Smith
  • A second large catch of Pacific round herring. J. C. Carlisle, Jr.
  • New northern records for ocean whitefish, Caulolatilus princeps (Jenyns). T. Jow
  • Greenland halibut, Reinhardtius hippoglossoides (Walbaum), added to California fauna. E. A. Best
  • A second pinto lobster from California. J. E. Fitch
  • A record-size daggertooth taken off northern California. T. Jow
  • A Guide to the Study of Fresh-water Biology (Book Review). W. A. Evans
  • A Treasury of Birdlore (Book Review). W. D. Hawes
  • Fish Capture (Book Review). E. A. Best
  • Fish Culture (Book Review). W. M. Richardson
  • Fishing Secrets of the Experts (Book Review). C. E. von Geldern, Jr.
  • These We Inherit, the Parklands of America (Book Review). M. L. Johnson
  • Growing Wings (Book Review). W. F. Hart
  • Land, People, and History (Book Review). A. Calhoun

California Fish and Game 49(2). Spring 1963.

  • An evaluation of five tag types used in a striped bass mortality rate and migration study. H. K. Chadwick
  • Commercial freshwater fisheries of California. S. P. Davis
  • Brush manipulation on a deer winter range. R. P. Gibbens and A. M. Schultz
  • The names of tunas and mackerels. P. M. Roedel
  • Abyssal Crustacea (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Between Pacific Tides (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Discovery—Great Moments in the Lives of Outstanding Naturalists (Book Reviews). W. A. Evans
  • Island in Time: The Point Reyes Peninsula (Book Review). W. A. Evans
  • Management of Artificial Lakes and Ponds (Book Review). H. K. Chadwick
  • Meet Flor Mexicana (Book Review). P. H. Young
  • Methods of Testing Chemicals on Insects, Vol. II (Book Review). H. E. Pintler
  • Shark! Unpredictable Killer of the Sea (Book Review). M. L. Johnson
  • Silent Spring (Book Review). H. L. Thomas
  • The Saltwater Fisherman's Bible (Book Review). W. L. Craig
  • Whales (Book Review). A. E. Daugherty

California Fish and Game 49(1). Winter 1963.

  • Abundance and scarcity in California deer. W. P. Dasmann and R. F. Dasmann
  • Trout survival in Taylor Creek, a tributary of Lake Tahoe, California. G. I. Murphy
  • Synonymy, characters, and variation of Gila crassicauda, a rare California minnow, with an account of its hybridization with Lavinia exilicauda. R. R. Miller
  • Mission Bay, a review of previous studies and the status of the sportfishery. G. A. Chapman
  • Variant hemoglobin and electrophoretic whole blood studies in two tunas and three other fish species. A. C. Smith
  • A new northern record of the smooth stargazer. H. L. Fierstine and R. G. Werner
  • The first California record of Sierra, Scomberomorus sierra Jordan and Starks. B. B. Collette, F. H. Talbot, and R. H. Rosenblatt
  • The schooling behavior of Pacific yellowfin and skipjack tuna held in a bait well. J. Joseph and I. Barrett
  • Common Seashore Life of the Pacific Northwest (Book Review). C. H. Turner
  • Fisheries Hydrography (Book Review). E. A. Best
  • Growth and Regulation of Animal Populations (Book Review). J. R. Calaprice
  • Handbook of North American Birds. Vol. 1 Loons through Flamingos (Book Review). W. D. Hawes
  • Practical Freshwater Fishing (Book Review). J. D. Stokes
  • The Giant Snakes (Book Review). A. E. Daugherty
  • The Wonderful World of Nature (Book Review). M. L. Johnson
  • Whose Woods These Are: The Story of the National Forests (Book Review). H. L. Thomas
  • Why Fish Bite and Why They Don't (Book Review). R. L. Butler


California Fish and Game 48(4). Fall 1962.

  • A sea urchin, a lobster, and a fish, new to the marine fauna of California. J. E. Fitch
  • The southern California mackerel fishery and age composition of the Pacific mackerel catch for the 1958–59 season. H. Hyatt
  • California sea lion census for 1958, 1960 and 1961. W. E. Ripley. K. W. Cox, and J. L. Baxter
  • Age and length composition of the sardine catch off the Pacific Coast of the United States and Mexico in 1959–60. D. E. Gates and R. S. Wolf
  • The nesting of Chromis punctipinnis (Cooper) and a description of their eggs and larvae. C. H. Turner, and E. E. Ebert
  • The nesting behavior, eggs and larvae of the bluespot goby. E. E. Ebert and C. H. Turner
  • Estimating the number of angling license purchasers. N. J. Abramson
  • Potential profits in the California salmon fishery. D. H. Fry, Jr.
  • The response of browse plants to fertilization. E. P. Gibbens and R. D. Pieper
  • The occurrence and distinction of threadfin shad in southern California ocean waters. J. C. Thomas
  • Retirement: Richard S. Crocker
  • Retirement: William C. LaMarr
  • The Physiology of Crustacea. Volume II—Sense Organs, Integration and Behavior (Book Review). J. D. Messersmith
  • Fishes of the Pacific Coast of Canada (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Illustrated Dictionary of Tropical Fishes (Book Review). J. A. St. Amant
  • All About Camping (Book Review). W. L. Craig
  • California Desert Wildflowers (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Manual of Ski Mountaineering (Book Review). J. L. Hiehle

California Fish and Game 48(3). Summer 1962.

  • Change in Editorship
  • Catch records from the striped bass sportfishery in California. H. K. Chadwick
  • The 1960 preseason albacore survey in the northeastern Pacific Ocean. W. L. Craig and r. H. Caneday
  • The electrophoretic characteristics of albacore, bluefin tuna, and kelp bass eye lens proteins. A. C. Smith
  • Bitterbrush stocking and minimum spacing with crested wheatgrass. R. L. Hubbard, P. Zusman, and H. R. Sanderson
  • An unusual catch of a large number of Pacific round herring off Long Beach, California. J. G. Carlisle, Jr.
  • A range extension for the Mexican scad to Monterey Bay, California. H. W. Frey
  • Animal Behaviour (Book Review). A. Calhoun
  • The Natural History of the Lewis and Clark Expedition (Book Review). A. Calhoun

California Fish and Game 48(2). Spring 1962.

  • Food habits of the mourning dove in California. B. M. Browning
  • A method of distinguishing mountain and valley quail by skeletal analysis. R. Mead
  • Effects of sardine spawning stock size and environment on year-class production. J. Radovich
  • Introduction of pond smelt from Japan into California. J. H. Wales
  • Deep Sea Trawling and Wing Trawling (Book Review). E. A. Best
  • The Salmon (Book Review). H. E. Pintler
  • Porpoises and Sonar (Book Review). A. E. Daugherty
  • The Natural History of North American Amphibians and Reptiles (Book Review). A. E. Daugherty
  • Dolphins, the Myth and the Mammal (Book Review). W. L. Craig
  • Animal Ecology (Book Review). J. B. Cowan
  • Birds of the World (Book Review). C. M. Ferrel
  • The Living Land (Book Review). R. L. Butler
  • Parasitology of Fishes (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Mollusks of the Tropical Eastern Pacific, Panamic-Pacific Pelecypoda (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • 130 Feet Down; Handbook for Hydronauts (Book Review). M. L. Johnson

California Fish and Game 48(1). Winter 1962.

  • Recognition and return of the trout tags by California anglers. R. L. Butler
  • The names of certain marine fishes of California. P. M. Roedel
  • The Pismo clam in 1960. J. L. Baxter
  • Age determination of the Pacific albacore of the California coast. R. R. Bell
  • Manipulation of shrub form and browse production in game range improvement. R. P. Gibbens and A. M. Schultz
  • Importance of northwest coastal California to waterfowl. C. F. Yocom and E. P. Denson, Jr.
  • Water velocities tolerated by spawning Kokanee salmon. G. E. Delisle
  • Observations of the food habits of juvenile white sturgeon. M. R. Schreiber
  • Purse seining for Pacific Albacore. J. A. Shaver
  • Atlantic Ocean Fisheries (Book Review). E. A. Best
  • Living Fishes of the World (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • The Great Barrier Reef and Adjacent Isles (Book Review). W. L. Craig
  • Things to Do in Science and Conservation (Book Review). W. A. Evans
  • Man and Dolphin (Book Review). A. Calhoun
  • Animal Sounds and Communications (Book Review). J. B. Kimsey
  • New Mexico Birds (Book Review). C. M. Ferrel


California Fish and Game 47(4). Fall 1961.

  • A method of predicting tuna catch by using coastal sea-surface temperatures. F. J. Hester
  • A mechanical net-puller for skill fishing with gill nets. E. J. Smith, Jr.
  • Occurrence of the round stingray, Urolophus halleri Cooper, in Humboldt Bay, California. E. A. Best
  • Observations on a die-off of molas (Mola mola) in Monterey Bay. D. W. Gotshall
  • History of yearling king salmon marked and released at Nimbus Hatchery. G. H. Warner, D. H. Fry, Jr., and A. Nelson Culver
  • Brush management in relation to fire and other environmental factors on the Tehama deer winter range. H. H. Biswell and J. H. Gilman
  • Grass reduces bitterbrush production. R. L. Hubbard and H. R. Sanderson
  • Castle Lake investigation—Third phase: Rainbow Trout. J. H. Wales and D. P. Borgeson
  • New northern record for black skipjack (Euthynnus lineatus). J. C. Nowell
  • Two unusual cephalopods taken near Monterey. J. B. Phillips
  • Range extensions for two California fishes, with a note on a rare fish. J. B. Phillips
  • An inexpensive well microtome for laboratory use. R. A. Iselin
  • Retirement: Earl Leitritz
  • Retirement: Donald D. McLean
  • Ecology of Inland Waters and Estuaries (Book Review). J. B. Kimsey
  • Ring of Bright Water (Book Review). A. E. Daugherty
  • Soil and Water Conservation (Book Review). J. B. Kimsey
  • Western Forest Industry (Book Review). A. Clahoun

California Fish and Game 47(3). Summer 1961.

  • Survival, mortality and movements of white catfish and brown bullheads in Clear Lake, California. G. W. McCammon and C. M. Seeley
  • Salmo evermanni a synonym of Salmo clarkii henshawi. S. B. Benson and R. J. Behnke
  • The use of the sediment bottle collector for monitoring polluted marine waters. D. J. Reish
  • Age and length composition of the sardine catch off the Pacific Coast of the United States and Mexico in 1958–59. R. S. Wolf and A. Daugherty
  • The distribution of the California sea otter. R. A. Boolootian
  • Multiple purulent abscess (Corynebacterium pyogenes) of deer. M. N. Rosen and Frances F. Holden
  • Shovelers nesting in Humboldt County, California. C. F. Yocom
  • A method of immobilizing bear for ear tagging. J. L. Hiehle and J. R. Slosson
  • Party boat logs show how skindivers fared during 1958 and 1959. P. H. Young
  • Traite de Pisciculture—third edition (in French) (Book Review). J. B. Kimscy
  • Under the Deep Oceans, Twentieth Century Voyages of Discovery (Book Review). E. A. Best
  • Conetco Commercial Fishing Gear Manual, Volume I (Book Review). E. A. Best
  • Guide to Marine Fishes (Book Review). W. L. Craig
  • Land for the Future (Book Review). W. A. Evans

California Fish and Game 47(2). Spring 1961.

  • Manipulation of chamise brush for deer range improvement. H. H. Biswell
  • Deer movements of the McCloud Flats herds. G. C. Ashcraft, Jr.
  • Results of the 1955 to 1959 Pismo clam censuses. J. L. Baxter
  • Life-history and ecological notes on the black croaker. C. Limbaugh
  • Descriptions of postlarval and juvenile bonito from the Eastern Pacific Ocean. L. Pinkas
  • The influences of inorganic sediment on the aquatic life of streams. A. J. Cordone and D. W. Kelley
  • Recreational Use of Wild Lands (Book Review). W. A. Evans
  • This Land of Ours—Community and Conservation Projects for Citizens (Book Review). W. A. Evans
  • Trout Farming (Book Review). D. Ward
  • The Trumpeter Swan. Its History, Habits and Population in the United States (Book Review). W. Anderson
  • The Craft of Technical Writing (Book Review). M. N. Rosen
  • Aquatic Plants of the Pacific Northwest with Vegetative Keys (Book Review). W. C. Johnson

California Fish and Game 47(1). Winter 1961.

  • Mortality rates and movement in the channel catfish population of the Sacramento Valley. G. W. McCammon and D. A. LaFaunce
  • Observations on the natural spawning of eastern brook trout. P. R. Needham
  • Correlation of food habits and abundance of waterfowl, Humboldt Bay, California. C. F. Yocom and M. Keller
  • King salmon spawning stocks of the California Central Valley, 1940–1959. D. H. Fry, Jr.
  • Report on a co-operative, preseason survey of the fishing grounds for albacore (Thunnus germo) in the Eastern North Pacific, 1959. W. L. Craig and J. J. Graham
  • Construction and operation of a small boat trawling apparatus. W. J. Baldwin
  • The first recorded mass stranding of pelagic red crabs, Pleuronocodes planipes, at Monterey Bay, California since 1959 with notes on their biology. P. W. Glynn
  • The external morphology of the first zoeal stages of the crabs, Cancer magister (Dana), Cancer antennarius (Stimpson), Cancer anthonyi (Rathbun). R. D. Mir
  • Waterfowl botulism outbreak in San Jacinto Valley, Riverside County, California. H. M. Hill and L. M. Graham
  • Manual of Game Investigational Techniques (Book Review). F. L. Jones
  • Northern Fishes (Book Review). A. Calhoun
  • The Sea off Southern California, a Modern Habitat of Petroleum (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • List of the Marine Fishes of Canada (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • A List of Common and Scientific Names of Fishes from the United States and Canada (Second Edition) (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • The Marine Fishes of Rhode Island (Book Review). E. A. Best
  • Diagnosis of Veterinary Parasitisms (Book Review). M. N. Rosen
  • The Biologists Handbook of Pronunciations (Book Review). J. L. Hiehle
  • The Physiology of Crustacea. Volume I—Metabolism and Growth (Book Review). J. D. Messersmith
  • The Biology of Marine Animals (Book Review). E. A. Best
  • Kingdom of the Octopus (Book Review). E. A. Best


California Fish and Game 46(4). Fall 1960.

  • Review of the abalone of California. K. W. Cox
  • The use of anesthetics for the handling and the transport of fishes. W. N. McFarland
  • Notes on the life history of the barred surfperch, Amphisticus argenteus Agassiz and a technique for culturing embiotocid embryos. E. L. Triplett
  • The families and genera of the Lampridiform (Allotriognath) Suborder Trachipteroidei. V. Walters and J. E. Fitch
  • Keys to the freshwater and anadromous fishes of California. J. B. Kimsey and L. O. Fisk
  • A waterfowl nesting study on Tule Lake and Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuges, 1957. W. C. Rienecker and W. Anderson
  • Propagation of quail brush (saltbrush). I. I. McMillan
  • In Memoriam—Brian Curtis
  • Marine Biology (Book Review). E. A. Best
  • Alaska in Transition—The Southeast Region (Book Review). R. Haley
  • The Forest Ranger (Book Review). A. Calhoun
  • Fisherman's Summer (Book Review). H. E. Pintler
  • How to Make Fish Mounts and Other Fish Trophies (Book Review). G. H. Warner
  • This is the American Earth (Book Review). W. A. Evans
  • Complete Field Guide to American Wildlife. East, Central and North (Book Review). W. D. Hawes

California Fish and Game 46(3). Summer 1960.

  • The wood duck in California with special reference to the use of nest boxes. A. E. Naylor
  • Use of desert shrubs by jackrabbits in northeastern California. S. McKeever and R. L. Hubbard
  • The age and growth of striped bass (Roccus saxatilis) in California. J. B. Robinson
  • The importance of the ocean sport fishery to the ocean catch of salmon in the states of Washington, Oregon, and California. H. O. Wendler
  • Tuna tagging in the Eastern Tropical Pacific, 1952–1959. C. E. Blunt, Jr. and J. D. Messersmith
  • Toxicity of Tricon oil spill eradicator to striped bass (Roccus saxatilis). H. K. Chadwick
  • A range extension of the California halibut (Paralichthys californicus). E. G. Gunderson
  • Oceanography and Marine Biology (Book Review). H. B. Clemens
  • Natural Resources (Book Review). W. A. Evans

California Fish and Game 46(2). Spring 1960.

  • Exploratory longline fishing for tunas in the Eastern Tropical Pacific, September, 1955 to March, 1956. K. F. Mais and t. Jow
  • A comparative study of unstable and stable (artificial channel) spawning streams for incubating king salmon at Mill Creek. H. A. Gangmark and R. G. Bakkala
  • Northerly occurrences of the scorpid fish Medialuna californiensis (Steindachner), with meristic data, life history notes, and discussion of the fisheries. W. I. Follett, D. Gotshall, and J. G. Smith
  • Observations on the growth rate of the spiny lobster. J. Backus
  • Age composition of the southern California catch of Pacific mackerel, Pneumatophorus diego for the 1957–58 season. H. Hyatt
  • Age and length composition of the sardine catch off the Pacific Coast of the United States and Mexico in 1957–58. A. Daugherty and R. S. Wolf
  • Notes of four specimens of the Pacific sardine taken in August, 1957 off British Columbia and Oregon. C. F. Reid
  • An economic evaluation of California's sport fisheries. J. Mahoney
  • Observations on the spawning of Sacramento hitch in a lacustrine environment. J. B. Kimsey
  • A study of waterfowl nesting in the Suisun Marshes. W. Anderson
  • The interpretation of the protein level in the ruminal contents of deer. A. J. Wood, W. D. Kitts, and I. McT. Cowan
  • Note on spring food habits of the Lake Trout, Salvelinus namaycush. J. B. Kimsey
  • How to Make Fishing Lures (Book Review). G. Seymour
  • Wildlife Conservation—Second Edition (Book Review). F. L. Jones
  • Boy's Book of Turtles and Lizards (Book Review). A. Calhoun
  • Hunting Pronghorn Antelope (Book Review). F. L. Jones
  • Wildlife of Mexico—The Game Birds and Mammals (Book Review). J. B. Cowan
  • All About Tropic Fish (Book Review). H. Wolf
  • The Earth Beneath the Sea (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Methods of Testing Chemicals on Insects. Vol. I. (Book Review). H. E. Pintler
  • A California Flora (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • How to Hunt Deer and Small Game (Book Review). T. A. Wright
  • California Natural History Guides (Book Review). W. A. Evans

California Fish and Game 46(1). Winter 1960.

  • A survey of fish transportation methods and equipment. K. S. Norris, F. Brocato, F. Calandrino, and W. N. McFarland
  • The Morro Bay otter trawl and party boat fisheries August, 1957 to September, 1958. R. F. G. Heiman and D. J. Miller
  • Catch records for seventeen shark derbies held at Elkhorn Slough, Monterey Bay, California. E. S. Herald, W. Schneebeli, N. Green, and K. Innes
  • Observations on the food habits of longline caught bigeye and yellowfin tuna from the Tropical Eastern Pacific, 1955–1956. C. E. Blunt, Jr.
  • A diagnostic technic and treatment for lead poisoning in swans. M. N. Rosen and R. A. Bankowski
  • Inimical effects on wildlife of periodic DDD applications to Clear Lake. E. G. Hunt and A. I. Bischoff
  • Recovery of tagged bluefin tuna (Thunnus saliens). B. M. Chatwin and C. J. Orange
  • Principles of Fisheries Development (Book Review). E. A. Best
  • River Pollution—1: Chemical Analysis (Book Review). W. M. Kier
  • Dangerous Marine Animals, That Bite—Sting—Are Nonedible (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Shark Attach (Book Review). E. A. Best


California Fish and Game 45(4). Fall 1959.

  • A survey of anadromous fish losses in irrigation diversions from the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers. R. J. Hallock and W. F. Van Woert
  • California sturgeon tagging studies. H. K. Chadwick
  • The use of probability sampling for estimating annual number of angler days. N. Abramson and J. Tolladay
  • An ecological study of the food habits of the mourning dove. B. M. Browning
  • Game water development on the desert. R. A. Weaver, F. Vernoy, and B. Craig
  • Immunization of pheasants with botulinum toxoid. M. N. Rosen
  • Occurrence of the giant kidney worm, Dioctophyma renale, in the coyote of California. O. A. Brunetti
  • Record silver salmon taken in Papermill Creek, Marin County. A. F. Giddings
  • Striped bass introduced into the Colorado River. J. S. St. Amant
  • Handbook of Computations for Biological Statistics of Fish Populations (Book Review). H. K. Chadwick
  • Environmental Conservation (Book Review). H. D. Bissell
  • The Conservation of Natural Resources (Book Review). W. A. Evans
  • Marine Ecology (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • We Come from the Sea (Book Review). C. H. Turner

California Fish and Game 45(3). Summer 1959.

  • History of kelp harvesting in California, W. L. Scofield
  • A revised checklist of the freshwater and anadromous fishes of California. L. Shapovalov, W. A. Dill, and A. Cordone
  • Changes in a river's physical characteristics under substantial reductions in flow due to hydroelectric diversion. B. Curtis
  • Movement of the ring-necked pheasant in the Sutter Basin of California. R. D. Mallette and J. C. Bechtel
  • A field study of the relative visibility of various colors. L. E. Lahr, A. C. Heinsen, Jr. H. G. Anderson, and Col. E. F. Sloan, U.S.A., Rtd.
  • Observation of porpoise predation on a school of Pacific sardines. B. D. Fink
  • A southern range extension of the American shad to Todos Santos Bay, Baja California, Meixoc. L. G. Claussen
  • Deer forage from common mistletoe. H. H. Biswell.
  • Resignation—Joseph H. Wales
  • Salmon of the Pacific Northwest—Fish vs. Dams (Book Review). W. A. Evans
  • Principles of Field Biology and Ecology (Book Review). A. Calhoun
  • Poisons: Properties, Chemical Identification, Symptoms and Emergency Treatment (Book Review). E. G. Hunt

California Fish and Game 45(2). Spring 1959.

  • Color-marking white geese for determining migration routes. R. M. Kozlik, A. W. Miller, and W. C. Rienecker
  • Some parasites and infectious diseases in a black-tailed jackrabbit population in the Sacramento Valley, California. R. R. Lechleitner
  • California inland angling estimates for 1954, 1956, and 1957. J. H. Ryan
  • Experiments with a vertical baffle fishway. L. O. Fisk
  • In Memoriam—H. B. Nidever
  • Guide to the Fishes of New Mexico (Book Review). A. Calhoun
  • The Freshwater Fishes of Canada (Book Review). A. Calhoun
  • Living Resources of the Sea (Book Review). J. Radovich
  • Birds of Alaska (Book Review). A. E. Naylor
  • The Bobcat of North American (Book Review). W. H. Thomson
  • Statistical Theory (Book Review). H. L. Huddle
  • Conservation in America (Book Review). W. A. Evans
  • Fishing America (Book Review). L. Shapovalov
  • The Angler's Companion (Book Review). L. Shapovalov
  • Angler's Guide to the Salt Water Game Fishes, Atlantic and Pacific (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Sea Shells of Tropical West America; Marine Mollusks from Lower California to Columbia (Book Review). J. E. Fitch

California Fish and Game 45(1). Winter 1959.

  • Status of the animal food fishery in northern California, 1956 and 1957. E. A. Best
  • A review of the lingcod, Ophiodon elongatus. J. B. Phillips
  • The systematics and distribution of crayfishes in California. J. A. Riegel
  • An interspecies chain in a fowl cholera epizootic. M. N. Rosen and E. E. Morse
  • Interpreting chemical analyses of browse. H. Bissell
  • A 15-foot man-eater from San Miguel Island, California. K. W. Kenyon
  • In Memoriam—Norman B. Scofield
  • The Presentation of Technical Information (Book Review). R. L. Butler
  • On the Dynamics of Exploited Fish Populations (Book Review). N. Abramson
  • Insects and Mites of Western North America (Book Review). H. Leach
  • Eels, A Biological Study (Book Review). L. Anguilles
  • Experiences with Living Things (Book Review). W. A. Evans
  • Listening Point (Book Review). F. L. Jones
  • Wildlife of the Intermountain West (Book Review). T. A. Wright


California Fish and Game 44(4). Fall 1958.

  • The control of pH buffers in fish transport. W. N. McFarland and K. S. Norris
  • An all-plastic dart-type fish tag. D. T. Yamashita and K. D. Waldron
  • Conditions of existence, growth and longevity of brook trout in a small, high-altitude lake of the eastern Sierra Nevada. N. Reimers
  • Responses of brush seedlings to fertilizers. A. M. Schultz, H. H. Biswell, and J. Vlamis
  • Southerly occurrences of three northern species of fish during 1957, a warmwater year on the California coast. J. B. Phillips
  • Intestinal flukes as a possible cause of mortality in wild trout. J. H. Wales
  • Seals, Sea Lions, and Walruses. A Review of the Pinnipedia (Book Review). E. J. Smith, Jr.
  • Snakes in Fact and Faction (Book Review). T. A. Wright
  • San Francisco Bay: A Pictorial Maritime History (Book Review). J. E. Skinner
  • Surf Fishing (Book Review). N. Abramson
  • Elements of Mathematical Biology (Book Review). R. R. Bell
  • Portage Bay (Book Review). R. L. Butler
  • Living Silver (Book Review). E. A. Best
  • Treatise on Marine Ecology and Paleoecology, Volume 1: Ecology (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Fishes of the World (Book Review). A. Calhoun

California Fish and Game 44(3). Summer 1958.

  • Effects of vegetation removal on spring flow. H. H. Biswell and A. M. Schultz
  • California's first general either-sex deer hunting season. W. P. Dasmann, H. A. Hjersman, and D. Gilsenan
  • Productivity in some California deer herds. A. I. Bischoff
  • Mendocino National Forest stream improvement. E. L. Braun and T. J. Beland
  • The shortnose spearfish, Tetrapturus angustirostris Tanaka, a species new to the near shore fauna of the Eastern Pacific Ocean. W. L. Craig
  • First record of the agonid fish, Pallasina barbata air Starks, from California. D. V. Hemphill and W. I. Follett
  • Fleas, Flukes and Cuckoos (Book Review). M. N. Rosen
  • San Francisco Bay (Book Review). J. E. Skinner
  • Vertebrates of the United States (Book Review). J. H. Ryan
  • North American Head Hunting (Book Review). G. D. Seymour

California Fish and Game 44(2). Spring 1958.

  • Chemical control of rough fish in the Russian River drainage, California. H. E. Pintler and W. C. Johnson
  • Two new blood fluke parasites of trout. J. H. Wales
  • A review of the Eastern Pacific sharks of the genus Carchrhinus, with a redescription of C. malpeloensis (Fowler) and California records of C. remotus (Duméril). R. H. Rosenblatt and W. J. Baldwin
  • Amphipod crustaceans as fouling organisms in Los Angeles-Lon Beach Harbors, with reference to the influence of seawater turbidity. J. L. Barnard
  • Albinism and ambicoloration in the California halibut (Paralichthys californicus). K. L. McKeever
  • Starving the condors? R. B. Cowles
  • Marking deer with bells. P. A. Jordan
  • Relation of the adrenal cortex to condition of deer. E. Hughes and R. Mall
  • Resignation—William P. Dasmann
  • Sea Fisheries: Their Investigation in the United Kingdom (Book Review). P. H. Young
  • The Physiology of the Pituitary Gland of Fishes (Book Review). H. Wolf
  • Sea Angler's Fishes of New Zealand (Book Review). P. M. Roedel
  • Handbook of Snakes of the United States and Canada (Book Review). H. E. Pintler
  • Water for America: The Story of Water Conservation (Book Review). W. A. Evans
  • A Flora of the Marshes of California (Book Review). H. R. Leach
  • California Range Land (Book Review). H. A. Hjersman
  • The Pacific Coastal Wildlife Region: Its Common Wild Animals and Plants (Book Review). A. Calhoun
  • How to Know the Freshwater Fishes (Book Review). J. B. Kimsey
  • The Fishes of Ohio (Book Review). D. W. Kelley
  • The Physiology of Fishes. Volume 2: Behavior (Book Review). A. J. Cordone

California Fish and Game 44(1). Winter 1958.

  • The chukar partridge in California. H. T. Harper, B. H. Harry, and W. D. Bailey
  • Deer survival and range forage trends on eastern California winter ranges. W. P. Dasmann and H. A. Hjersman
  • A note on the food of sage grouse in the Madeline Plains Area of California. H. R. Leach and B. M. Browning
  • A technique for obtaining food habits material from nestling doves. W. G. Macgregor
  • The fishery for sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria. J. B. Phillips
  • The Search beneath the Sea (Book Review). H. B. Clemens
  • A Contribution to the Heritage of Every American (Book Review). H. E. Pintler


California Fish and Game 43(4). Fall 1957.

  • Food habits of the king salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum) in the vicinity of San Francisco, California. T. J. Merkel
  • The use of wire fyke traps to estimate the runs of adult salmon and steelhead in the Sacramento River. R. J. Hallock, D. H. Fry, Jr., and D. A. LaFaunce
  • Fishes collected in the Tropical Eastern Pacific, 1954. H. B. Clemens
  • Calculating the percentage of kill from sex and age ratios. D. M. Selleck and C. M. Hart
  • Second record of the green sturgeon in southern California. K. S. Norris
  • The Physiology of Fishes. Volume 1: Metabolism (Book Review). A. J. Cordone
  • Trout Fishing and Trout Flies (Book Review). A. Calhoun
  • The Galathea Deep Sea Expedition (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Sea Treasure (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Hawks, Owls and Wildlife (Book Review). W. G. Macgregor
  • Animal Navigation (Book Review). H. D. Bissell
  • America's Natural Resources (Book Review). W. A. Evans
  • The Living Sea (Book Review). J. L. Baxter

California Fish and Game 43(3). Summer 1957.

  • Food habits of the Tehama deer herd. H. R. Leach and J. L. Hiehle
  • Report on a survey of bighorn sheep in the Santa Rosa Mountains, Riverside County. F. L. Jones, G. Flittner, and R. Gard
  • An improved device for capturing deer. G. Ashcraft and D. Reese
  • The development of a vinyl plastic subcutaneous tag for trout. R. L. Butler
  • Classification, variation, and distribution of the sculpins, Genus Cottus, inhabiting Pacific slope waters in California and southern Oregon, with a key to the species. C. R. Robins and R. R. Miller
  • The reported emergence of fishes from California's subterranean waters. E. S. Hearld
  • Tomorrow's Birthright (Book Review). W. A. Evans
  • Cowry Shells of World Seas (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Duck Shooting along the Atlantic Tidewater (Book Review). J. R. Slosson
  • Audubon Western Bird Guide (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • The Book of Flowering Trees and Shrubs (Book Review). P. H. Young
  • The Ornithologists' Guide (Book Review). R. D. Mallette
  • Fishes: A Guide to Familiar American Species (Book Review). A. J. Cordone
  • Animal Agents and Vectors of Human Disease (Book Review). M. N. Rosen

California Fish and Game 43(2). Spring 1957.

  • Largemouth bass tagging at Clear Lake, Lake County, California. J. B. Kimsey
  • Survival of precociously mature king salmon male parr (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Juv.) after spawning. O. H. Robertson
  • Determining the sex of dressed pheasants. M. Hildebrand
  • Studies on the incidence of poultry diseases in wild ducks. E. R. Quortrup, M. E. Goetz, J. W. Dunsing, and M. N. Rosen
  • Studies on the incidence of poultry diseases in coots. M. N. Rosen, E. R. Quortrup, M. E. Goetz, and J. W. Dunsing
  • Tagged Dover sole (Microstomus pacificus) at liberty six years. E. A. Best
  • In Memoriam—Charles R. Clothier
  • Pheasants in North America (Book Review). H. B. Clemens
  • The Last Passenger (Book Review). W. G. Macgregor
  • Hunting Our Biggest Game (Book Review). H. B. Clemens
  • Salt Water Fishing Is Easy (Book Review). P. H. Young
  • The Underwater Guide to Marine Life (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • How to Know the Seaweeds (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • "Whale Off!" The Store of American Shore Whaling (Book Review). P. H. Young
  • Here come the Whales! (Book Review). C. R. Clothier
  • Rattlesnakes: Their Habits, Life Histories, and Influence on Mankind. Volumes 1 and 2 (Book Review). A. E. Daugherty
  • Wildlife Law Enforcement (Book Review). J. O. Rhien
  • Dictionary of Poisons (Book Review). H. D. Bissell
  • Living off the Country (How to Stay Alive in the Woods) (Book Review). A. Calhoun
  • Responses of Vegetation to Fire (Book Review). W. P. Dasmann
  • Fishbait Culture and Care (Book Review). L. Shapovalov
  • Fresh and Salt Water Fishing (Book Review). L. Shapovalov
  • Kingdom of the Beasts (Book Review). J. D. Stokes
  • Man and the Underwater World (Book Review). J. W. Scott

California Fish and Game 43(1). Winter 1957.

  • A six-year study of the survival and vitality of hatchery-reared trout of catchable size in Convict Creek, California. R. S. Nielson, N. Reimers, and H. D. Kennedy
  • Some aspects of the relation between stream foods and trout survival. N. Reimers
  • A waterfowl nesting study in the Sacramento Valley, California, 1955. W. Anderson
  • The breeding season of some California deer herds. A. I. Bischoff
  • Recent occurrences of the red brotula, Brosmophycis marginata (Ayres), in California waters. E. A. Best
  • An extension of the range of the long-finned smelt. P. T. Jensen
  • The status of the redeye bass in California. J. B. Kimsey
  • An outrigger type deer fence. J. A. Blaisdell and R. L. Hubbard
  • The Euphausiacea (Crustacea) of the North Pacific (Book Review). J. Radovich
  • The Book of Reptiles and Amphibians (Book Review). J. Mahoney
  • Aquatic Insects of California, with Keys to North American Genera and California Species (Book Review). E. P. Pister
  • Classification of Fishes, Both Recent and Fossil (Book Review). W. L. Craig
  • Lures: The Guide to Sport Fishing (Book Review). J. Mahoney
  • The Art of the Aqualung (Book Review). J. W. Schott
  • Seamanship (Book Review). R. B. Mitchell
  • The Deer of North America (Book Review). H. A. Hjersman


California Fish and Game 42(4). Fall 1956.

  • Food habits of the Great Basin deer herds of California. H. R. Leach
  • Average lunar month catch of sardine fishermen in southern California 1932–33 through 1954–55. F. N. Clark
  • A tagging experiment with channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) in the Lower Colorado River. G. W. McCammon
  • Largemouth bass tagging. J. B. Kimsey
  • A simple optic bench for scale photomicrography. H. M. Mekjian and J. W. Schott
  • Conditioned space response in an aquarium tank by the California yellowtail, Seriola dorsalis. E. S. Herald
  • The Spirit of the Wild (Book Review). A. J. Cordone
  • Resources and the American Dream (Book Review). W. A. Evans
  • Fishing with Natural Insects (Book Review). R. Haley
  • Forest and Range Policy (Book Review). F. L. Jones
  • The Singing Wilderness (Book Review). F. L. Jones
  • Experimental Design (Book Review). J. B. Kimsey
  • Laboratory Manual of Mammalogy (Book Review). H. A. Hjersman
  • Travels and Traditions of Waterfowl (Book Review). J. B. Cowan
  • Handbook of Tropical Aquarium Fishes (Book Review). H. Wolf

California Fish and Game 42(3). Summer 1956.

  • Report on the distribution and abundance of Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) along the coast of central and southern California. D. J. Miller and J. Schmidtke
  • An undescribed type of migration in king salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum). H. McCully
  • Single-gate deer trap. M. R. Clover
  • An evaluation of stream improvement devices constructed eighteen years ago. R. Ehlers
  • The yellow perch, Perca flavescens (Mitchill), in the Klamath River. M. Coots
  • A bisexual steelhead. E. D. Gibbs
  • Unusual occurrence of the ring-tailed cat. A. E. Naylor and G. W. Wilson
  • Retirement—Frances N. Clark
  • Fish Saving: A History of Fish Processing from Ancient to Modern Times (Book Review). A. Calhoun
  • Matching the Hatch (Book Review). R. M. Paul
  • The Marine and Fresh Water Fishes of Ceylon (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • North American Birds of Prey (Book Review). J. L. Hiehle
  • Recent Studies in Avian Biology (Book Review). A. W. Miller
  • A Bibliography of References to Diseases of Wild Mammals and Birds (Book Review). M. N. Rosen

California Fish and Game 42(2). Spring 1956.

  • Castle Lake investigation—Second phase: Eastern Brook Trout. J. H. Wales and E. R. German
  • An evaluation of Creel census methods. E. A. Best and H. D. Boles
  • A waterfowl nesting study on the grasslands, Merced County, California. W. Anderson
  • The Great Basin tent caterpillar in relation to bitterbrush in California. E. C. Clark
  • Age composition of the southern California catch of Pacific mackerel for the 1954–55 season. J. E. Fitch
  • Early larvae of four species of rockfish, Sebastodes. R. W. Morris
  • Retirement—W. L. Scofield
  • The Edge of the Sea (Book Review). W. L. Craig
  • Fishes of Japan (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Wild America (Book Review). C. M. Ferrel
  • California Grizzly (Book Review). W. Macgregor
  • The Beast That Walks Like a Man (Book Review). W. P. Dasmann
  • The Elements of Chromatography (Book Review). R. R. Bell
  • Outdoor Hazards Real and Fancied (Book Review). W. L. Craig
  • The Outdoorsman's Cookbook (Revised Edition) (Book Review). P. H. Arend

California Fish and Game 42(1). Winter 1956.

  • Chronic toxicity of DDT, toxaphene, and dieldrin to ring-necked pheasants. R. E. Genelly and R. L. Rudd
  • Characteristics of the pelvic girdle in relation to sex in black-tailed and while-tailed deer. R. L. Taber
  • Progress report on white sturgeon studies. R. L. Pycha
  • Further observations on stream survival of king salmon spawn. H. A. Gangmark and R. D. Broad
  • An ecological study of lower San Gabriel River, California, with special reference to pollution. D. J. Reish
  • A new method of attaching Petersen disk tags with monofilament nylon. J. E. Randall
  • Rearing larval scombrid fishes in shipboard aquaria. H. B. Clemens
  • Blue-winged teal in Del Norte County, California. C. F. Yocom and W. A. Wooten
  • Conserving Natural Resources: Principles and Practice in a Democracy (Book Review). J. B. Kimsey
  • Soil (Book Review). J. B. Kimsey
  • Aspects of Deep Sea Biology (Book Review). D. C. Joseph
  • Modern Spearfishing (Book Review). J. G. Carlisle, Jr.
  • The Underwater Naturalist (Book Review). J. G. Carlisle, Jr.
  • Pacific Salmons, Trouts, and Fresh Water Fishes (Book Review). L. Shapovalov
  • A Manual of the Dragonflies of North America (Anisoptera) (Book Review). J. B. Kimsey
  • Mammals (Book Review). G. D. Seymour
  • Bird Navigation (Book Review). D. D. McLean


California Fish and Game 41(4). Fall 1955.

  • Second progress report on the tagging of white catfish (Ictalurus catus) in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. D. E. Pelgen and G. W. McCammon
  • Fluctuations in abundance of certain fishes in south San Francisco Bay as indicated by sampling at a trash screen. E. S. Herald and D. A. Simpson
  • Tolerance of the San Francisco topsmelt, Atherinops affinis affinis, to conditions in salt-producing ponds bordering San Francisco Bay. L. H. Carpelan
  • Age and length composition of the sardine catch off the Pacific coast of the United States and Mexico in 1954–55. F. E. Felin, J. MacGregor, A. E. Daugherty, and D. J. Miller
  • Nesting studies of ducks and coots in Honey Lake Valley. E. G. Hunt and A. E. Naylor
  • Nesting and reproduction of the band-tailed pigeon in California. W. G. Macgregor and W. M. Smith
  • Skeletal differences between deer, sheep, and goats. M. Hildebrand
  • White sturgeon with seven rows of scutes. A. D. Bajkov
  • A record of an attack by a leopard shark (Triakis semifasciata Girard). J. W. DeWitt
  • Second known shark attack on a swimmer in Monterey Bay. T. N. Fast.
  • The Complete Book of Striped Bass Fishing (Book Review). A. Calhoun
  • Homemade Fishing (Book Review). P. A. Douglas
  • Tilapia and Its Culture (Book Review). J. B. Kimsey
  • Streams, Lakes, Ponds (Book Review). H. A. Hanson
  • The Distribution and Abundance of Animals (Book Review). D. C. Joseph
  • The Western End of Lake Erie and Its Ecology (Book Review). P. A. Douglas
  • Water: A Study of Its Properties, Its Constitution, Its Circulation on the Earth, and Its Utilization by Man (Book Review). R. M. Paul
  • Analysis of Development (Book Review). R. R. Bell
  • Introducing Sea Shells (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • North American Moose (Book Review). F. L. Jones
  • M Is for Moose (Book Review). C. M. Ferrel

California Fish and Game 41(3). Summer 1955.

  • Observations on the feeding habits of the opaleye, Girella nigricans. G. C. Williams. D. C. Williams
  • Results of the 1954 Pismo clam census. J. E. Fitch
  • Multiple caudal spines in the round stingray, Urobatis halleri. F. E. Russell
  • The male flapjack devilfish. S. S. Berry
  • A comparison of four deer census methods. R. F. Dasmann and R. D. Taber
  • Sexing day-old ring-necked pheasant chicks by a color characteristic. R. W. Lassen, K. E. Doty, R. D. Saucerman
  • Experimental hatching of king salmon in Mill Creek, a tributary of the Sacramento River. H. A. Gangmark and R. D. Broad
  • Hydrostatic pressure tests on rainbow trout. W. E. Rowley, Jr.
  • The use of vital stains in marking Pacific coast starfish. H. M. Feder
  • Resignation—William A. Dill
  • In Memoriam—Harry Phylander Chandler
  • Favorite Flies and Their Histories (Book Review). W. A. Dill
  • Spinning in America (Book Review). C. S. Kabel
  • Principles of General Ecology (Book Review). R. L. Butler
  • Elements of Ecology (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • The Natural Regulation of Animal Numbers (Book Review). R. R. Bell
  • Stray Feathers from a Bird Man's Desk (Book Review). P. H. Young
  • The Composition of Scientific Words (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Timber in Your Life (Book Review). R. M. Paul
  • Why Not Survive? (Book Review). R. M. Paul
  • Conservation Law and Administration (Book Review). P. M. Roedel

California Fish and Game 41(2). Spring 1955.

  • Rearing bighorn lambs in captivity. O. V. Deming
  • The crude protein variations in the browse diet of California deer. H. D. Bissell and H. Strong
  • The status of the pumpkinseed, Lepomis gibbosus (Linné), in California. W. A. Dill, M. Coots, and P. A. Douglas
  • Fishes collected in the Tropical Eastern Pacific, 1952–53. H. B. Clemens
  • Early development stages of the California barracuda, Sphyraena argentea Girard. G. L. Orton
  • On recent Californian occurrences of the rare octopod Ocythoc. S. S. Berry
  • Three protozoan diseases of trout in California. J. H. Wales and H. Wolf
  • River otter noted east of Sierran crest. J. Laughlin
  • The Elementary Chemical Composition of Marine Organisms (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Family Circle's Guide to Trout Flies and How to Tie Them (Book Review). W. A. Dill
  • Amphibians and Reptiles of Western North America (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • The Mammal Guide (Book Review). W. Macgregor
  • Mammals of California and Its Coastal Waters (Book Review). J. B. Cowan
  • Forestry (Book Review). H. A. Hjersman
  • Fishes of the Western North Atlantic. Part Two. Sawfishes, Guitarfishes, Skates, Rays and Chimaeroids (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • The Way to Better Angling (Book Review). W. A. Dill
  • The American Angler (Book Review). W. A. Dill
  • Steelhead to a Fly (Book Review). W. A. Dill
  • American Game Birds of Field and Forest (Book Review). W. Macgregor

California Fish and Game 41(1). Winter 1955.

  • Economic values of striped bass, salmon, and steelhead sport fishing in California. D. E. Pelgen
  • California state-wide angling estimates for 1953. J. E. Skinner
  • Waterfowl hunting areas operated by the California Department of Fish and Game. F. M. Kozlik
  • The digestibility of certain natural and artificial foods eaten by deer in California. H. D. Bissell, B. Harris, H. Strong, and F. James
  • Exploratory oceanographic observations in the Eastern Tropical Pacific, January to March, 1953. W. S. Wooster and F. Jennings
  • Tuna longlining: results of a cruise to the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean. R. C. Wilson and B. M. Shimada
  • Notes on the feeding habits of subsurface yellowfin and bigeye tunas of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean. R. Juhl
  • Separation of eggs of Synentognath and Allotriognath fishes in early embryonic stages. G. L. Orton
  • Age composition of the southern California catch of Pacific mackerel for the 1953–54 season. J. E. Fitch
  • The pharyngeal pockets of the sardine, Sardinops caerulea (Girard). T. Iwai
  • Rainbow trout spawn twice a year. L. C. Hume
  • The Pacific lamprey, Entosphenus tridentatus, above Copco Dam, Siskiyou County, California. M. Coots
  • A comment on the use of red tags on fish. E. R. German and D. A. La Faunce
  • Retirement—Edward L. Macaulay
  • All about Brook Trout, from Main to California (Book Review). W. A. Dill
  • Sea-Birds (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Wildlife Management, Volume II: Fur Bearers, Waterfowl and Fish (Book Review). A. W. Miller
  • Animals of the Southwest Deserts (Book Review). C. M. Ferrel
  • The Duck Hunter's Manual (Book Review). C. M. Ferrel


California Fish and Game 40(4). Fall 1954.

  • The use of a blanket net in sampling fish populations. J. Radovich and E. D. Gibbs
  • A portable deer trap and catch-net. M. R. Clover
  • Recent extension of the range of muskrats in California. G. D. Seymour
  • The sage grouse in California, with special reference to food habits. H. R. Leach and A. L. Hensley
  • The life history of the tui chub, Siphateles bicolor (Girard), from Eagle Lake, California. J. B. Kimsey
  • A comparison of Japanese and Hawaiian specimens of the black skipjack, Euthynnus yaito. H. C. Godsil
  • The effect of aurofac-enriched diet (Aureomycin and B12) upon young king salmon. E. S. Herald, R. P. Dempster, and H. McCully
  • Age and length composition of the sardine catch off the Pacific coast of the United States and Mexico in 1953–54. F. E. Felin, J. MacGregor, A. E. Daugherty, and D. J. Miller
  • A record-size thresher from southern California. D. C. Joseph
  • Ocean recoveries of Sacramento River tagged steelhead. E. D. Bailey
  • Delayed decomposition of a trout carcass. E. R. German
  • A blue crayfish from California. C. Hand
  • Biological Conservation (Book Review). W. A. Evans
  • Intertidal Invertebrates of the California Coast (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • American Seashells (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • The Book of Wild Pets (Book Review). F. G. Evenden
  • Tricks That Take Fish (Book Review). C. Woodhull
  • Traité de Pisciculture, Second Edition (Book Review). J. B. Kimsey

California Fish and Game 40(3). Summer 1954.

  • Deer and forage relationship on the Lassen-Washoe Interstate winter deer range. W. P. Dasmann and J. A. Blaisdell
  • Eighth progress report on the cooperative study of the Devils Garden Interstate deer herd and its range. Interstate Deer Herd Committee
  • Notes on the habitat of the desert bighorn in the San Gabriel Mountains of California. C. S. Robinson and F. P. Cronemiller
  • Native postlarval fishes of the Lower Colorado River Basin, with a key to their identification. H. E. Winn and R. R. Miller
  • Establishment of a forage fish, the red shiner (Notropis lutrensis), in the Lower Colorado River System. C. L. Hubbs
  • Tagging experiments on the yellowtail, Seriola dorsalis (Gill). R. D. Collyer
  • Progress report on the tagging of white catfish (Ictalurus catus) in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. D. E. Pelgen
  • Field tests of stainless steel and tantalum wire with disk tags on striped bass. J. E. Skinner and A. J. Calhoun
  • A survey of coast cutthroat trout, Salmo clarki clarki Richardson, in California. J. W. DeWitt, Jr.
  • Salmo rosei, not a valid species. W. A. Dill and L. Shapovalov
  • Two Mid-Pacific recoveries of California-tagged albacore. C. E. Blunt, Jr.
  • Another large black sea bass caught in Monterey Bay. J. B. Phillips
  • Abnormal fetal development from a mule deer. A. I. Bischoff
  • Striped Bass Fishing in California and Oregon (Book Review). R. S. Croker
  • Our Wildlife Legacy (Book Review). D. E. Wohlschlag
  • The Practical Fly Fisherman (Book Review). W. A. Dill
  • Baja California (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Handbook of Freshwater Fishery Biology with the First Supplement (Book Review). G. W. McCammon
  • The Black River Studies (Book Review). G. W. McCammon

California Fish and Game 40(2). Spring 1954.

  • Creel returns from Rush Creek test stream, Mono County, California, 1947–1951. E. H. Vestal
  • The ecology of Alamitos Bay, California, with special reference to pollution. D. J. Reish and H. A. Winter
  • The status of introduced wild turkeys in California. G. V. Burger
  • Mountain lions in California. D. D. McLean
  • Field reporting of suspected wildlife poisoning by agricultural chemicals. R. L. Rudd
  • Deer marking devices. M. R. Clover
  • Data on the life history, variation, ecology, and relationships of the kelp perch, Brachyistius frenatus, an embiotocid fish of the Californias. C. L. Hubbs and L. C. Hubbs
  • The Pismo clam in 1952 and 1953. J. E. Fitch
  • The introduction of the redeye black bass and the threadfin shad into California. J. B. Kimsey
  • A Guide to Bird Finding West of the Mississippi (Book Review). J. Gilman
  • Hunting and Fishing in North America (Book Review). H. A. Hjersman
  • Hunting Crows Year Round (Book Review). G. Seymour
  • Land and Water Trails (Book Review). H. Leach
  • Lives of Game Animals (Book Review). F. L. Jones
  • Keeping and Breeding Aquarium Fishes (Book Review). J. H. Wales
  • How Animals Move (Book Review). J. E. Fitch

California Fish and Game 40(1). Winter 1954.

  • A nesting study and population survey of Canada geese on the Susan River, Lassen County, California. A. E. Naylor and E. G. Hunt
  • A nesting study of ducks and coots on Tule Lake and Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuges. A. W. Miller and B. D. Collins
  • Observations on the saury (Cololabis saira) seen near the California coast during 1950–52. R. L. Eberhardt
  • Observations on the sexual behavior and spawning of the squid, Loligo opalescens, at La Jolla, California. J. A. McGowan
  • The Pacific mackerel fishery in the 1951–52. R. L. Eberhardt
  • A note regarding the toxicity of the fishes of the skipjack family, Katsuwonidae. B. W. Halstead
  • The summer food of some intertidal fishes of Monterey County, California. R. F. Johnston
  • On the supposed stenobathic habitat of the California sea-mussel. S. S. Berry
  • An apparatus for collection of ectoparasites from mammals. R. E. Ryckman, K. C. Fisher, and C. T. Amers
  • Underwater explosions not harmful to salmon. W. J. Baldwin
  • A kelp bass, Paralabrax clathratus (Girard), with abnormal fins. J. L. Baxter
  • Retirement—Edward Clessen
  • How to Fish the Pacific Coast (Book Review). S. Gordon
  • Methods and Principles of Systematic Zoology (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Culture and Diseases of Game Fishes (Book Review). J. H. Wales


California Fish and Game 39(4). Fall 1953.

  • Tuna marking, a progress report. R. C. Wilson
  • California-tagged albacore recovered off Japan. D. Granssle and H. B. Clemens
  • The use of monofilament nylon for attaching Petersen disk fish tags. P. H. Young, J. W. Schott, and R. D. Collyer
  • Creel census at Millerton Lake, California, 1945–1952. D. L. Abell and C. K. Fisher
  • The 1950 largemouth black bass and bluegill tagging program in Millerton Lake, California. C. K. Fisher
  • The electric fence as an aid in field studies of rodents and their ectoparasites. R. E. Ryckman, K. C. Fischer, C. T. Ames, and C. C. Lindt
  • Response of brush seedlings to sprays of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T on burned chamise areas. D. W. Hedrick
  • Report on southern California's January deer season. J. Laughlin
  • A study of the food habits of the ring-necked pheasant on irrigated pasture in California. H. R. Leach, C. M. Ferrel, and E. E. Clark
  • A study of the possible extent of predation on heavy concentrations of valley quail with special reference to the bobcat. H. R. Leach and W. H. Frazier
  • Extensions to known geographical distributions of some marine fishes on the Pacific coast. J. E. Fitch
  • Age composition of the southern California catch of the Pacific mackerel for the 1952–53 season. J. E. Fitch
  • Additional Pacific cod taken off central California. J. B. Phillips
  • In Memoriam—Clarence W. Chansler
  • Retirement—George McCloud
  • Fresh-water Invertebrates of the United States (Book Review). H. P. Chandler
  • Fundamentals of Limnology (Book Review). J. B. Kimsey
  • Resource Conservation: Economics and Policies (Book Review). R. L. Eberhardt
  • A Herd of Mule Deer (Book Review). W. P. Dasmann
  • Advanced Fly Fishing (Book Review). W. A. Dill
  • Woodsmoke (Book Review). D. D. McLean
  • On Eastern Empidonaces with Particular Reference to Variation in E. traillii (Book Review). D. D. McLean
  • Studies of the Food Habits and the Habitat of Moose in Ontario (Book Review). W. P. Dasmann
  • Possums (Book Review). F. L. Jones

California Fish and Game 39(3). Summer 1953.

  • Distribution of striped bass fry in relation to major water diversions. A. J. Calhoun
  • Food habits of the coyote in California. C. M. Ferrel, H. R. Leach, and D. F. Tillotson
  • An evaluation of the marine sportfishing record system in California. J. L. Baxter and P. H. Young
  • The use of larval and adult brine shrimp in aquarium fish culture. R. P. Dempster
  • The removal of abandoned dams in the Upper Klamath River drainage, California. J. Handley and M. Coots
  • The rare cirrhitid fish genus Oxycirrhites in American waters. J. Böhlke and J. C. Briggs
  • Spotted cusk-eel, the strange fish that stands on its tail. E. S. Herald
  • A nesting study of Canada geese on Tule Lake and Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuges, Siskiyou County, California. A. W. Miller and B. D. Collins
  • A nesting study of the band-tailed pigeon (Columba f. fasciata) in northwestern California. F. A. Glover
  • Age and length composition of the sardine catch off the Pacific coast of the United States and Mexico in 1952–53. F. E. Felin, and J. MacGregor, A. E. Daugherty, and D. J. Miller
  • An Angler's Anthology (Book Review). J. B. Kimsey
  • New Handbook of Freshwater Fishing (Book Review). W. A. Dill
  • Fly Fishing for Trout (Book Review). W. A. Dill
  • The Sage Grouse in Wyoming (Book Review). J. L. Hiehle
  • Salt Water Fishing (Book Review). P. H. Young
  • Bob White (Book Review). W. G. Macgregor
  • Spearfishing (Book Review). P. H. Young
  • Natural Salt Water Fishing Baits (Book Review). J. L. Baxter
  • Fun with Trout (Book Review). W. A. Dill
  • Water (Book Review). P. H. Young

California Fish and Game 39(2). Spring 1953.

  • Nutritive value for deer of some forage plants in the Sierra Nevada. H. L. Hagen
  • Studies of black-tailed deer reproduction on three chaparral cover types. R. D. Taber
  • A possible method of increasing western mountain mahogany on game ranges. H. H. Biswell, A. M. Schultz, and D. W. Hedrick
  • Progress report on a study of the kelp bass, Paralabrax clathratus. R. D. Collyer and P. H. Young
  • Aquarium tests of tags on striped bass. A. J. Calhoun
  • The effect of the commercial canning process upon puffer poison. B. W. Halstead and N. C. Bunker
  • A preliminary report on the toxicity of the Gulf puffer, Sphoeroides annulatus. D. R. Goe and B. W. Halstead
  • Observations on the effect of black powder explosions on fish life. D. H. Fry, Jr. and K. W. Cox
  • The 1952 shark derbies at Elkhorn Slough, Monterey Bay, and at Coyote Point, San Francisco Bay. E. S. Herald
  • New fishways on the Yuba and Feather rivers. J. A. Aplin
  • Official common names of certain marine fishes of California. P. M. Roedel
  • New records of Pacific sardine and Pacific mackerel in the Gulf of California. B. W. Walker
  • Survival of some fishes recently introduced into the Salton Sea, California. P. A. Douglas
  • The bramble shark (Echinorhinus brucus) at Guadalupe Island, Mexico. R. D. Collyear
  • The Miami Conservancy District (Book Review). H. E. Pintler
  • Freshwater Fishery Biology (Book Review). L. Shapovalov
  • A Field Guide to Shells of the Pacific Coast and Hawaii (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • The Ocean River (Book Review).
  • Our Amazing Birds: The Little-known Facts about Their Private Lives (Book Review).

California Fish and Game 39(1). Winter 1953.

  • The fish populations of Salt Springs Valley Reservoir, Calaveras County, California. D. E. Wohlschlag and C. A. Woodhull
  • The jack mackerel, Trachurus symmetricus: a review of the California fishery and of current biological knowledge. P. M. Roedel
  • Eleotris picta added to the fish fauna of California. C. L. Hubbs
  • The venom of Urobatis halleri (Cooper), the Round Stingray. J. E. Holloway, N. C. Bunker, and B. W. Halstead
  • Production of the Canada goose on Honey Lake Refuge, Lassen County, California. A. E. Naylor
  • Numbers and winter distribution of Pacific black brant in North America. A. S. Leopold and R. H. Smith
  • State-wide California angling estimates for 1951. A. J. Calhoun
  • California marine and fresh water sport fishing intensity in 1951. F. N. Clark
  • Food of marlin in 1951 off San Diego, California. C. H. Hubbs and R. L. Wisner
  • An unusual mortality of California yellowtail (Seriola dorsalis) in a marine aquarium. C. H. Oppenheimer
  • The effect of channelization on the fishery of the Lower Colorado River. R. D. Beland
  • Age composition of the southern California catch of Pacific mackerel for the 1951–52 season. J. E. Fitch
  • Sleeper shark, Somniosus pacificus, caught off Fort Bragg, California. J. B. Phillips
  • The occurrence of two additional centrarchids in the Lower Colorado River, California. R. D. Beland
  • Land for Tomorrow (Book Review). R. M. Paul
  • How to Take Trout on Wet Flies and Nymphs (Book Review). H. E. Pintler
  • Between Pacific Tides (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Life of the Shore and Shallow Sea (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Fish and Fisheries of Australia (Book Review). P. M. Roedel


California Fish and Game 38(4). Fall 1952.

  • Management of chamise brushlands for game in the North Coast region of California. H. H. Biswell, R. D. Taber
  • Life history of the blue rockfish, Sebastodes mystinus. J. H. Wales
  • The Tomales Bay herring fishery. W. L. Scofield
  • Life history and productivity of a population of western mourning doves in California. J. B. Cowan
  • Tooth development of the Nelson bighorn sheep. O. V. Deming
  • Food habits of California striped bass. W. C. Johnson and A. J. Calhoun
  • A sampling program for recovery of marked king and silver salmon. D. H. Fry, Jr. and E. P. Hughes
  • The Pismo clam in 1951. J. E. Fitch
  • Notes on the embryology and behavior of the flyingfishes (Cypselurus) off the coast of southern and Baja California. D. J. Miller
  • Distributional notes on some Pacific coast marine fishes. J. E. Fitch
  • The fanfish, Pteraclis velifera, found in California. G. A. Nobe and C. O. Blodgett
  • Variations in the wolf eel, Anarrhichthys ocellatus Ayres, a fish inhabiting the eastern North Pacific Ocean. R. H. Kanazawa
  • Food of the Pacific sardine, Sardinops caerulea, from central Baja California and southern California. J. Radovich
  • Development through the prolarval stage of artificially fertilized eggs of the Pacific sardine (Sardinops caerulea). D. J. Miller
  • Pheasant cooperating hunting area results, 1951. C. M. Hart, J. F. Davis, and W. F. Meyers
  • Amphibians of Western North America (Book Review). W. Macgregor, Jr.
  • Range Management, Principles and Practices (Book Review). W. P. Dasmann
  • Tropical Fish as a Hobby (Book Review). T. D. Westfall
  • Game Birds and Mammals of California (Book Review). E. R. Schneegas
  • A Field Guide to the Mammals (Book Review). J. F. Davis
  • The Bamboo Rod and How to Build It (Book Review). C. Woodhull
  • The Best Loved Trees of America (Book Review). D. J. Miller
  • Flowers of the Southwest Mountains (Book Review). L. Pinkas

California Fish and Game 38(3). Summer 1952.

  • Retirement—Alan C. Taft
  • The pronghorn antelope of California with special reference to food habits. C. M. Ferrel and H. R. Leach
  • The effects of sodium fluoroacetate (1080) on California quail. K. Sayama and O. Brunetti
  • California's part in a three state salmon fingerling marking program. R. J. Hallock, G. H. Warner, and D. H. Fry, Jr.
  • Report on experiments designed to determine effects of underwater explosions on fish life. C. L. Hubbs and A. B. Rechnitzer
  • Review of the California sardine fishery. F. N. Clark
  • The decline of the Pacific mackerel fishery. J. E. Fitch
  • Annual migrations of California striped bass. A. J. Calhoun
  • A new mechanical fish screen for hatchery ponds. E. Leitritz
  • Introduction of suckers into the upper San Joaquin River drainage, California. R. V. Beck
  • A guide to the grunion. B. W. Walker
  • Some diseases and parasites of American coots. G. W. Gullion
  • Cleaning losses in king and silver salmon. D. H. Fry, Jr.
  • Age and length composition of the sardine catch off the Pacific coast of the United States in 1951–52. F. E. Felin, R. Anas, A. E. Daugherty, and L. Pinkas
  • Yellow Sablefish (Black Cod) taken in Monterey Bay. J. B. Phillips
  • An occurrence of the natural destruction of Hake in Humboldt County. J. W. De Witt, Jr.
  • The case of the Artesian Sticklebacks. G. A. Noble
  • The Lure and Lore of Trout Fishing (Book Review). H. E. Pintler
  • Survey of Marine Fisheries of North California (Book Review). P. M. Roedel
  • Waves and Tides (Book Review). F. N. Clark
  • Mexican Birds: First Impressions (Book Review). P. M. Roedel
  • Under the Sea-wind (Book Review). P. M. Roedel
  • Adventures with Reptiles. The Story of Ross Allen (Book Review). A. E. Daugherty

California Fish and Game 38(2). Spring 1952.

  • Notes on the spawning of the Humpback sucker, Xyrauchen texanus (Abbott). P. A. Douglas
  • Results of the examination of four small yellowfin tuna, Neothunnus macropterus. E. C. Greenhood
  • Crustacea collected during the 1950 bottom-fish investigations of the M. V. N. B. Scofield. D. G. Goodwin
  • The flapjack devilfish, Opisthoteuthis, in California. S. S. Berry
  • The northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax mordax) in the California fishery. F. N. Clark and J. B. Phillips
  • Two unusual records of marine fishes at Monterey, California. R. L. Bolin
  • Food habits, productivity and condition of the Doyle mule deer herd. R. W. Lassen, C. M. Ferrel, and H. Leach
  • Methods for estimating deer populations from kill data. R. F. Dasmann
  • Results of the 1950 special deer hunt on Mineral King National Game Refuge. H. F. Bryan and W. I. Long
  • Observations on the occurrence of tunas in the Eastern and Central Pacific. H. C. Godsil and E. C. Greenhood
  • Toxicity and taxonomic notes on the squaretail, Tetragonurus cuvieri. J. E. Fitch
  • A review of the Pacific mackerel (Pneumatophorus diego) fishery of the Los Angeles region with special reference to years 1939–1951. P. M. Roedel
  • Pink salmon in Prairie Creek, California. S. C. Smedley
  • The Oyster Industry of Willapa Bay, Washington (Book Review). H. G. Orcutt
  • Waterfowl and their Food Plants in Washington (Book Review). J. B. Cowan
  • The Clever Coyote (Book Review). F. Ross
  • The Fly and the Fish (Book Review). H. E. Pintler
  • Outline of Upland Game Bird Management (Book Review). C. M. Hart
  • The Shell Book (Book Review). J. E. Fitch

California Fish and Game 38(1). Winter 1952.

  • A new fish and game era. S. Gordon
  • Bait fishes of the lower Colorado River from Lake Mead, Nevada to Yuma, Arizona, with a key for their identification. R. R. Miller
  • Mechanical aids for bird banding. A. W. Miller and R. Henry
  • Stopping them: the development of fish screens in California. E. Leitritz
  • Estimation of fish populations in a fluctuating reservoir. D. E. Wohlschlag
  • Weekday angling pressure in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, 1948 and 1949. O. B. Cope and L. R. Erkkila
  • Average lunar month catch by California sardine fishermen, 1949–50 and 1950–51. F. N. Clark and A. E. Daugherty
  • Sarcoystis in deer and elk of California. K. Sayama
  • An analysis of silver salmon counts at Benbow Dam, South Fork of Eel River, California. G. I. Murphy
  • An annotated check list of the fishes of Nevada. I. La Rivers and T. J. Trelease
  • Recent changes in purse seine gear in California. A. E. Daugherty
  • The 1951 shark derby at Elkhorn Slough, California. E. S. Herald and R. P. Dempster
  • Golden Dover sole taken at Eureka. R. B. McCormick and W. J. Baldwin
  • Packages "Silver Smelt". W. L. Scofield
  • In Memoriam—Paul Bonnot
  • Water—Or Your Life (Book Review). H. A. Hanson
  • Guide to the John Muir Trail and the High Sierra Region (Book Review). E. H. Vestal
  • Fisherman's Spring (Book Review). W. A. Dill
  • Flowers of the Southwest Desert (Book Review). L. Pinkas
  • American Wildlife and Plants (Book Review). C. M. Ferrel
  • Practice of Wildlife Conservation (Book Review). J. B. Cowan


California Fish and Game 37(4). Fall 1951.

  • An outline of California fishing gear. W. L. Scofield
  • The sea lions, seals and sea otter of the California coast. P. Bonnot
  • An abnormal carp, Cyprinus carpio, from California waters. J. L. McHugh and W. E. Barraclough
  • Pheasant cooperative hunting area results, 1950. C. M. Hart, F. L. Jones, and D. E. Shaffer
  • The fishery of Clear Lake, Lake County, California. G. I. Murphy
  • The fresh-water mussels of California. P. Bonnot
  • A remarkable sea journey by a rainbow trout (Salmo gairdnerii) of "interior stock". L. Shapovalov
  • An annotated list of the clupeoid fishes of the Pacific coast from Alaska to Cape San Lucas, Baja California. J. L. McHugh and J. E. Fitch
  • A preliminary analysis of northern California salmon and steelhead runs. G. I. Murphy and L. Shapovalov
  • Noteworthy southern California records of four species of marine fishes. P. M. Roedel
  • Observations on pinnipeds of San Miguel Island. R. D. Collyer and J. L. Baxter
  • Recovery of a tagged soupfin shark. W. E. Ripley
  • Round herring off central California. J. B. Phillips
  • In Memoriam—Peder Stockland
  • In Memoriam—Herbert F. Jordan
  • In Memoriam—Donald D. White
  • American Resources (Book Review). P. M. Roedel
  • The Elk of North America (Book Review). J. L. Hiehle
  • Australian Shells (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Fresh-water Fishes of the Pacific Coast—Identification (Book Review). L. Shapovalov
  • Audubon Water Bird Guide (Book Review). P. M. Roedel
  • Fishing Flies and Fly Tying (Book Review). W. A. Dill
  • Marine Products of Commerce (Book Review). L. Pinkas
  • The Sea around Us (Book Review). P. M. Roedel
  • Water, Land, and People (Book Review). R. M. Paul
  • Going Light with Backpack or Burro (Book Review). W. A. Dill
  • The Emigrations of Animals from the Sea (Book Review). P. M. Roedel

California Fish and Game 37(3). Summer 1951.

  • The Devils Garden deer herd. Interstate Deer Herd Committee
  • Notes on Kokanee spawning in Donner Lake, California, 1949. J. B. Kimsey
  • Early development of the cottid fish, Clinocottus recalvus (Greeley). R. W. Morris
  • Plastic deterioration and metal corrosion in Peterson disk fish tags. A. J. Calhoun, D. H. Fry, Jr., and E. P. Hughes
  • The relative abundance of sharks and bat stingrays in San Francisco Bay. E. S. Herald and W. E. Ripley
  • Results of the Pismo clam censuses, 1948, 1949, and 1950. R. D. Collyer
  • Pseudofins on the caudal peduncle of juvenile scombroids. E. S. Herald
  • Age and length composition of the sardine catch off the Pacific coast of the United States and Canada in 1950–51. F. E. Felin, A. E. Daugherty, and L. Pinkas
  • The whale shark, Rhineodon typus, off northern Baja California. J. E. Fitch
  • Pacific cod off central California. J. B. Phillips
  • Retirement—Harry Cole
  • Wildlife Management (Book Review). R. L. Eberhardt
  • Geography of the Pacific (Book Review). P. M. Roedel
  • The Sea Shore (Book Review). P. M. Roedel
  • Fishing in the West (Book Review). R. M. Paul

California Fish and Game 37(2). Spring 1951.

  • Studies and notes on some California marine fishes. J. E. Fitch
  • Lampara net-pulling gurdies. J. B. Phillips
  • The introduction of Kokanee red salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka kennerlyi) into Lake Tahoe, California and Nevada. J. C. Fraser and A. F. Pollitt
  • The embryonic and early larval stages of the tui chub, Siphateles bicolor (Girard), from Eagle Lake, California. R. R. Harry
  • The M. V. yellowfin, an addition to California's marine fisheries investigations. R. C. Wilson
  • Effects of hunting pressure and game farm stocking on pheasant populations in the Sacramento Valley, California, 1946–1949. H. T. Harper, C. M. Hart, and D. E. Shaffer
  • Food habits of feral house cats in the Sacramento Valley. E. L. Hubbs
  • Toxicity of zinc for rainbow trout (Salmo gairdnerii). J. R. Goodman
  • Toxicity of the roe of the cabezon, Scorpacnichthys marmmoratus. C. L. Hubbs and A. N. Wick
  • Yield of hatchery trout in California lakes. B. Curtis
  • A noticeable absence of bladder worms in Catalina deer. M. N. Rosen
  • Composition of deer milk. H. L. Hagen
  • Observations on the failure of Gambel's quail to breed. W. Macgregor, Jr. and M. Inlay
  • In Memoriam—Sam R. Gilloon
  • Handbook of Freshwater Fishery Biology (Book Review). S. M. Soule
  • The Pursuit of Plenty: The Story of Man's Expanding Domain (Book Review). R. M. Paul
  • Name That Animal (Book Review). H. R. Leach
  • Field Book of Seashore Life (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Streamer Fly Fishing in Fresh and Salt Water (Book Review). W. A. Dill
  • Natural History of Marine Animals (Book Review). R. L. Eberhardt
  • A Modern Dry-Fly Code (Book Review). W. A. Dill
  • Flies (Book Review). W. A. Dill
  • The Sandhill Cranes (Book Review). F. L. Jones
  • Conservation of Our Natural Resources (Book Review). P. M. Roedel
  • Fishing in Many Waters (Book Review). P. M. Roedel

California Fish and Game 37(1). Winter 1951.

  • An investigation of the California sand dab, Citharichthys sordidus (Girard). H. L. Arora
  • Some deer range survey methods. W. P. Dasmann
  • An easy method of separating king and silver salmon. F. B. Hagerman
  • Notes on the squaretail, Tetragonurus cuvieri. J. E. Fitch
  • The brown shark, Apristurus brunneus, in California. P. M. Roedel
  • The sea lion population of Santa Barbara Island, California, in the 1950 breeding season. G. A. Bartholomew, Jr., R. D. Collyer, and W. R. Dawson
  • California state-wide angling catch estimates for 1949. A. J. Calhoun
  • The 1948 surveys of California's hunting take and their significance. H. A. Hjersman
  • In Memoriam—Frank Schulmeyer
  • Retirement—Alice M. Rankin
  • Retirement—Ross A. McCloud
  • The Angler's Handbook (Book Review). W. A. Dill
  • Trout Waters and How to Fish Them (Book Review). W. A. Dill
  • Trout Fishing (Book Review). W. A. Dill
  • The Complete Fly Tier (Book Review). W. A. Dill
  • Birds of the West (Book Review). P. M. Roedel
  • Black Bass (Book Review). C. K. Fisher
  • Tracks and Trailcraft (Book Review). A. A. Hightower
  • The Quails (Book Review). F. L. Jones
  • A Sand County Almanac (Book Review). F. L. Jones
  • Doves and Dove Shooting (Book Review). F. L. Jones
  • The Sea Fishes of Southern Africa (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • Wildlife Management Bulletins (Book Review). F. M. Kozlik
  • Raising Game Birds in Captivity (Book Review). F. W. Hein
  • North American Waterfowl (Book Review). F. L. Jones


California Fish and Game 36(4). Fall 1950.

  • The California mule deer in chaparral forests. F. P. Cronemiller and P. s. Bartholomew
  • A preliminary report on the fishery and on the biology of the squid Loligo opalescens. W. G. Fields
  • Winter injury to young fur seals on the northwest coast. V. B. Scheffer
  • Netting bait and cannery fish with the aid of lights. P. H. Young
  • A check list of the fresh-water and anadromous fishes of California. L. Shapovalov and W. A. Dill
  • Perforated plate fish screens. J. H. Wales, E. W. Murphey, and J. Handley
  • Upland game cooperative hunting areas. H. T. Harper, G. Metcalfe, and J. F. Davis
  • Swimming speed of the western sucker, Catostomus occidentalis Ayres. J. H. Wales
  • Notes on fishes recently introduced into southern California. W. A. Evans and P. A. Douglas
  • Introduction of Kamloops rainbow trout into California. J. H. Wales
  • Some Lahontan fishes in the Sacramento River Drainage, California. J. B. Kimsey
  • Pacific cod off northern California. J. B. Phillips
  • The Nature of Natural History (Book Review). P. M. Roedel
  • The Fisherman's Encyclopedia (Book Review). P. M. Roedel
  • The Sea and Its Mysteries (Book Review). P. M. Roedel
  • The American Wild Turkey (Book Review). F. L. Jones
  • Taking Larger Trout (Book Review). W. A. Dill
  • Fishing Is Fun (Book Review). S. M. Soule
  • The Shell Collector's Handbook (Book Review). J. E. Fitch
  • The Eastern Brook Trout (Book Review). H. E. Pintler
  • The Way to Game Abundance, an Explanation of Game Cycles (Book Review). F. L. Jones
  • Bobwhites on the Rise (Book Review). H. A. Hjersman
  • North American Fresh Water Sport Fish (Book Review). W. A. Dill

California Fish and Game 36(3). Summer 1950.

  • California angling catch records from postal card surveys: 1936–1948; with an evaluation of postal card nonresponse. A. J. Calhoun
  • Food habits of a California deer herd. C. M. Ferrel and H. R. Leach
  • Age and length composition of the sardine catch off the Pacific coast of the United States and Canada 1949–50. F. E. Felin, A. E. Daugherty, and L. Pinkas
  • Basic deer management (a story with pictures). W. P. Dasmann
  • The Pisco clam. J. E. Fitch
  • A second record of the whale shark, Rhineodon typus, in Panama Bay. E. W. Gudger
  • The artificial roost—a new management tool for California quail. W. G. Macgregor
  • Recent records of the wolverine (Gulo luscus luteus) in California. F. L. Jones
  • Ground squirrels and horned larks as predators upon grunion eggs. A. C. Olson, Jr.
  • California antelope reproductive potentials. J. E. Chattin and R. Lassen
  • Notes on two species of sharks from Baja California. P. M. Roedel
  • Notes on the occurrence of the Bigmouth Buffalo in southern California. W. A. Evans
  • Retirement—Benjamin R. Saunders
  • In Memoriam—Rudolph Gerhardt
  • In Memoriam—Fred W. Hecker
  • In Memoriam—Earl I. Hiscox
  • In Memoriam—Henry Ocker
  • An Illustrated Key to the Lizards, Snakes and Turtles of the West (Book Review). H. L. Hagen

California Fish and Game 36(2). Spring 1950.

  • Notes on some Pacific fishes. J. E. Fitch
  • Duck banding at Tulare Lake. D. D. McLean
  • The life history of the greaser blackfish (Orthodon microlepidotus) of Clear Lake, Lake County, California. G. I. Murphy
  • Striped bass reproduction in the Sacramento River system in 1948. A. J. Calhoun, C. A. Woodhul, and W. C. Johnson
  • The life history of the Sacramento squawfish (Ptychocheilus grandis). A. C. Taft and G. I. Murphy
  • The extension of the range of the deep sea flounder, Embassichthys bathybius (Gilbert). F. B. Hagerman
  • Retirement—Elvin C. Anderson
  • A Conservation Handbook (Book Review). W. Dasmann
  • The Voice of the Coyote (Book Review). A. A. Hightower
  • The Game Birds of Hawaii (Book Review). C. M. Ferrel
  • In Memoriam—General H. H. Arnold

California Fish and Game 36(1). Winter 1950.

  • Life history notes and the early development of the bonefish, Albula vulpes (Linneaus). J. E. Fitch
  • Pacific sharpnose shark (Scoliodon longurio) in California and Baja California. C. L. Hubbs and J. L. McHugh
  • Control of gapeworm infection in game farm birds. C. M. Herman and R. Kramer
  • Papilloma, skin tumors in deer. C. M. Herman and A. I. Bischoff
  • Food habits of the prong-horn antelope of California. C. M. Ferrel and H. R. Leach
  • Fourth progress report on the cooperative study of the Interstate Deer Herd and its range. Interstate Deer Herd Committee
  • Small boat stabilizers. W. L. Scofield
  • In Memoriam—Abe Woodard
  • In Memoriam—Charles S. Bauder
  • United States Mollusca (Book Review). P. Bonnot


California Fish and Game 35(4). Fall 1949.

  • California striped bass catch records from the party boat fishery: 1938–1948. A. J. Calhoun
  • The warm-water game fishes of California. B. Curtis
  • A brief account of the Monterey Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus concolor). J. E. Fitch and A. O. Flechsig
  • Movements of Pacific mackerel as demonstrated by tag recoveries. P. M. Roedel
  • The duration of Haemoproteus infection in California quail. C. M. Herman and A. I. Bischoff
  • A progress report on pheasant hunting season studies for the years 1946, 1947 and 1948. C. M. Ferrel, H. Harper, and J. Hiehle
  • The control of avian tuberculosis in a state game farm. M. N. Rosen and E. D. Platt
  • Tagged flatfish recovered at Eureka. F. B. Hagerman
  • Pipefishes and seahorses as food for tuna. E. S. Herald
  • Retirement—Brian Curtis
  • Retirement—C. S. Bauder
  • Retirement—Cliff S. Donham
  • Retirement—Carlos O. Fisher
  • Retirement—Charles Sibeck
  • In Memoriam—Arthur Stager
  • In Memoriam—Eugene D. Platt
  • The Life Story of the Fish. His Morals and Manners (Book Review). J. H. Wales
  • Mammals of Lake Tahoe (Book Review). G. L. Bolander
  • Man on the Landscape (Book Review). H. A. Hjersman

California Fish and Game 35(3). Summer 1949.

  • Notes on the spawning grounds and early life history of the Pacific Mackerel. P. M. Roedel
  • Observations and notes on some California marine fishes. J. E. Fitch
  • The food of young largemouth black bass (Micropterus salmoides) in Clear Lake, California. G. I. Murphy
  • Age and length composition of the sardine catch off the Pacific Coast of the United States and Canada in 1948. F. E. Felin, J. B. Phillips, and A. E. Daugherty
  • The 1948–49 outbreak of fowl cholera in birds in the San Francisco Bay area and surrounding counties. M. N. Rosen and A. I. Bischoff
  • Disease investigations on mammals and birds by California Division of Fish and Game. C. M. Herman and M. N. Rosen
  • Large Dover sole taken off Eureka. F. B. Hagerman
  • Trout Fisheries in New Zealand, Their Development and Management (Book Review). H. A. Hanson
  • Trapping (Book Review). J. A. Wallace
  • The Ruffed Grouse (Book Review). H. A. Hjersman
  • Big Game Hunting (Book Review). J. D. Stokes
  • Shots at Whitetails (Book Review). J. D. Stokes
  • Wildlife Management: Upland Game and General Principles (Book Review). A. S. Leopold
  • Know Your Ducks and Geese (Book Review). C. M. Herman

California Fish and Game 35(2). Spring 1949.

  • The first four years of king salmon maintenance below Shasta Dam, Sacramento River, California. J. W. Moffett
  • Interstate winter deer range management plan. Interstate Deer Herd Committee
  • Third progress report on the cooperative study of the interstate deer her and its range. Interstate Deer Herd Committee
  • The great white shark, Carcharodon carcharias (Linnaeus) in California waters during 1948. J. E. Fitch
  • A new host for the eye worm, Thelazia californiensis. C. M. Herman
  • In Memoriam—August Bade
  • Road to Survival (Book Review). C. M. Herman
  • My Land and Your Land Conservation Series (Book Review). C. M. Herman
  • How to Know the Birds (Book Review). C. M. Herman

California Fish and Game 35(1). Winter 1949.

  • A progress report on the tuna investigations. H. C. Godsil
  • A new type of field key applied to the flatfishes of California. H. McCully
  • Age and length composition of the sardine catch off the Pacific Coast of the United States and Canada in 1947–1948. K. H. Mosher, F. E. Felin, and J. B. Phillips
  • Some unusual occurrences of fish on the Pacific Coast. J. E. Fitch
  • Food habits of the ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) in the Sacramento Valley, California. C. M. Ferrel, H. Twining, and N. B. Herkenham
  • Woodchuck Ways (Book Review). H. A. Hjersman
  • Spinning for American Game Fish (Book Review). C. Woodhull


California Fish and Game 34(4). Fall 1948.

  • The abalones of California. P. Bonnot
  • Progress report on studies of striped bass reproduction in relation to the Central Valley Project. A. J. Calhoun and C. A. Woodhull
  • A critical review of range survey methods and their application to deer range management. W. P. Dasmann
  • Fertility of eggs of the ring-necked pheasant. H. Twining, H. A. Hjersman, and W. Macgregor
  • Do lobsters shrink when cooked? W. L. Scofield
  • Deep dragging by Eureka otter trawlers. E. K. Holmberg
  • Use of dukw's in the fishery for Basking Sharks, Cetorhinus maximus. J. E. Fitch
  • Retirement—S. Howard Dado
  • Retirement—H. C. Jackson
  • Retirement—William C. Malone
  • One Day at Teton Marsh (Book Review). J. F. Ashley
  • The Ways of Fishes (Book Review). B. Curtis
  • Animals Alive (Book Review). J. A. Aplin
  • Fire (Book Review). C. M. Herman
  • The Great Forest (Book Review). C. M. Herman
  • How to Live in the Woods (Book Review). C. M. Herman

California Fish and Game 34(3). Summer 1948.

  • The California sea lion census for 1947. P. Bonnot and W. E. Ripley
  • A contribution to the life history of the Sacramento perch (Archoplites interruptus) in Clear Lake, Lake County, California. G. I. Murphy
  • Notes on the biology of the Sacramento hitch (Lavinaia e. exilicauda) of Clear Lake, Lake County, California. G. I. Murphy
  • Kokanee in California. B. Curtis and J. C. Fraser
  • Experiments on the management of Colorado River beaver. A. L. Hensley and B. C. Fox
  • Some new and unusual fishes from southern California. J. E. Fitch
  • Hermaphroditism in Chinese ring-necked pheasant. M. N. Rosen
  • Retirement—Commission President, General H. H. Arnold
  • Appointment—Commissioner Edwin L. Carty
  • Resignation—Emil J. N. Ott Jr., as Executive Officer
  • Appointment—E. L. Macaulay as Executive Officer

California Fish and Game 34(2). Spring 1948.

  • California's fish screen program. J. H. Wales
  • Use and effect of explosives in California coastal waters. J. E. Fitch and P. H. Young
  • A review of the southern California spiny lobster fishery. R. C. Wilson
  • Observations on the mudsucker, Gillichthys mirabilis. G. F. Weisel
  • 1947 Pismo clam census. Bureau of Marine Fisheries
  • Landings of sardines along the Pacific Coast.

California Fish and Game 34(1). Winter 1948.

  • Summary of recovery of California sardine tags on the Pacific Coast. J. F. Jansen, Jr.
  • Basking shark fishery revived in California. J. B. Phillips
  • Breeding season and productivity in the Interstate Deer Herd. J. E. Chattin
  • The California valley quail in New Zealand. H. A. Hjersman
  • Sablefish run at Monterey Bay. K. W. Cox
  • Rearing marine fishes in the laboratory. J. L. McHugh and B. W. Walker
  • Occurrence of the black skipjack (Euthynnus lineatus) off southern California. P. M. Roedel
  • Extension of the range of Luvaris imperialis Rafinesque. W. E. Ripley
  • Retirement—A. E. Burghduff
  • Retirement—Louie I. Phillips


California Fish and Game 33(4). Fall 1947.

  • A system for classifying vegetation in California. H. A. Jensen
  • Castle Lake Trout investigations: 1946 catch, and chemical removal of all fish. J. A. Wales
  • Second progress report on the cooperative study of the Interstate Deer Herd and its range. Interstate Deer Herd Committee

California Fish and Game 33(3). Summer 1947.

  • Pismo clam increase. J. A. Aplin
  • The status of pine martens in California. H. Twining and A. L. Hensley
  • Ecology and life history of the California gray squirrel. L. G. Ingles
  • Ecology of a cottontail rabbit (Sylvilagus auduboni) population in central California. H. S. Fitch
  • Distinctive characters of the species of anadromous trout and salmon found in California. L. Shapovalov
  • Rare fishes taken near Los Angeles. J. E. Fitch
  • In Memoriam—John H. Davis
  • In Memoriam—George Neale
  • In Memoriam—Walter R. Krukow

California Fish and Game 33(2). Spring 1947.

  • Report on fisheries resources in connection with the proposed Yolo-Solano development of the United State Bureau of Reclamation. L. Shapovalov
  • A new transplant of the Piute trout (Salmo clarkii seleniris) from Silver King Creek, Alpine County, California. E. H. Vestal
  • Spawning habits of the striped bass (Roccus saxatilis) in California waters. C. Woodhull
  • A field study of a rattlesnake population. H. S. Fitch and B. Glading

California Fish and Game 33(1). Winter 1947.

  • A history of the establishment of the ring-necked pheasant in California. H. A. Hjersman
  • Vitamin A requirements in game birds. N. B. Nestler, R. Stow, and W. R. Kaufmann
  • California sea lion census for 1946. Bureau of Marine Fisheries
  • The effect of explosives on marine life. J. A. Aplin
  • Pismo clams of San Quintin, lower California. J. A. Aplin
  • Publications of the California Fish and Game Commission
  • The range of the ruffed grouse in California. A. H. Miller
  • Further observations on deer foot worm infection. C. M. Herman
  • In Memoriam—John O'Connell


California Fish and Game 32(4). Fall 1946.

  • Observations on tuna-like fishes in the tropical Pacific. W. M. Chapman
  • Some early summer observations on muskrats in a northeastern California marsh. A. L. Hensley and H. Twining
  • The foot worm parasite of deer. C. M. Herman and A. I. Bischoff
  • Resignation—Gordon H. True, Jr.
  • Notice of Commission Meeting. E. J. N. Ott, Jr.
  • Notice to Duck Hunters. C. M. Herman
  • In Memoriam—Brice L. Hammack

California Fish and Game 32(3). Summer 1946.

  • Castle Lake trout investigation. First phase: interrelationships of four species. J. H. Wales
  • Observations on Cooper's hawk nesting and predation. H. S. Fitch, B. Glading, and V. House
  • New Commissioners: General H. H. Arnold and William J. Silva
  • Retirement—August Bade
  • Alaska codfish from California waters. J. B. Phillips
  • Rare fishes taken near Los Angeles. A. E. Daugherty
  • In Memoriam—Edward Judson Johnson

California Fish and Game 32(2). Spring 1946.

  • Twenty-five Years of the California Fish and Game Commission. J. S. Hunter
  • A preliminary report on the fishery of Lake Millerton, California. W. A. Dill
  • Duck disease at Tulare Lake. D. D. McLean
  • Wandering of pink salmon and other salmonid fishes into southern California. C. L. Hubbs
  • A progress report on beaver management in California. A. L. Hensley
  • Effect of red water on marine life in Santa Monica Bay, California. H. Sommer and F. N. Clark
  • Recovery of a tagged soupfin shark. W. E. Ripley
  • In Memoriam—Hiram L. Ricks

California Fish and Game 32(1). Winter 1946.

  • Oxygen consumption of trout and salmon. P. A. Shaw
  • Trespass. R. W. Kenny
  • The nose bot fly of deer. C. M. Herman
  • Warm-water fish management. A. S. Hazzard
  • Notes on the former presence of grizzly and black bears in Marin County, California. C. E. Van Atta
  • Twenty-five years ago in "California Fish and Game." B. Curtis
  • Notes on an epizoic alga. J. H. Wales
  • Fungus in air bladder of Striped Bass. J. H. Wales
  • Sturgeon from Shasta Lake. J. H. Wales
  • An albino California sardine. J. B. Phillips
  • Pheasants flown to Guam. J. Quinn


California Fish and Game 31(4). Fall 1945.

  • In the service of their country
  • Valley quail under primate management at the Dune Lakes Club. B. Glading, D. M. Selleck, and F. T. Ross
  • The Pacific tunas. H. C. Godsil
  • California searobin (Prionotus stephanophrys), a fish new for the fauna of southern California. C. L. Hubbs
  • Some worm parasites of deer in California. C. M. Herman
  • The shark, Carcharhinus azureus, in southern California waters. D. H. Fry, Jr., and P. M. Roedel
  • Two unusual flatfishes from Monterey Bay. J. B. Phillips
  • Late spring spawning of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tschawytscha). D. D. McLean
  • Twenty-five years ago in California Fish and Game. B. Curtis
  • In Memoriam—W. L. Hare
  • In Memoriam—Victor E. Van Arx

California Fish and Game 31(3). Summer 1945.

  • In the service of their country
  • Program of the Bureau of Marine Fisheries. R. Van Cleve
  • The Kettleman Hills quail project. B. Glading, R. W. Enderlin, and H. A. Hjersman
  • A new fish screen for hatchery use. J. H. Wales

California Fish and Game 31(2). Spring 1945.

  • In the service of their country
  • A preliminary report on the fishery resources of California in relation to the Central Valley Project. R. Van Cleve
  • The bounty system and predator control. W. C. Jacobsen
  • Occurrence of the bramble shark (Echinorhinus brucus) in California. C. L. Hubbs and F. N. Clark
  • Gapeworm in California quail and chukar partridge. C. M. Herman
  • Fisheries and the Central Valley Project. B. Curtis
  • Twenty-five years ago in California Fish and Game. B. Curtis

California Fish and Game 31(1). Winter 1945.

  • In the service of their country
  • Studies on the condition of California mule deer at Sequoia National Park. J. S. Dixon and C. M. Herman
  • The "balloon" type otter trawl for rockfishes. W. L. Scofield
  • Hippoboscid flies as parasites of game animals in California. C. M. Herman
  • Origin and nature of an unusual red pigmentation in canned mackerel. E. Geiger and G. Schnakenberg
  • Twenty-five years ago in California Fish and Game. B. Curtis
  • Retirement—E. H. Obert
  • In Memoriam—Ray Diamond
  • In Memoriam—Webb Toms
  • In Memoriam—Alex Chappieu


California Fish and Game 30(4). Fall 1944.

  • In the service of their country
  • The prong-horned antelope in California. D. D. McLean
  • The fur catch in California, 1940–1941. H. Twining
  • Twenty-five years ago in California Fish and Game. B. Curtis
  • In Memoriam—E. Clarence Moore

California Fish and Game 30(3). Summer 1944.

  • In the service of their country
  • The fishery of the Lower Colorado River. W. A. Dill
  • Destruction of surfgrass, Phyllospadix, in southern California in the summer of 1943. V. B. Scheffer
  • Twenty-five years ago in California Fish and Game. B. Curtis
  • In Memoriam—Milton S. Clark

California Fish and Game 30(2). Spring 1944.

  • In the service of their country
  • Effect of hunting on a valley quail population. B. Glading and R. W. Saarni
  • The food of the black-spotted trout (Salmo clarkii henshawi) in two Sierra Nevada lakes. A. J. Calhoun
  • The bottom fauna of Blue Lake, California. A. J. Calhoun
  • Selective breeding of rainbow trout at Hot Creek Hatchery. R. C. Lewis
  • Skull of a California grizzly. B. Lawrence
  • A "specimen" of grizzly ear from Alameda County, California. S. B. Benson
  • Diamond-back terrapin introduced into California. A. C. Taft
  • In Memoriam—Richard DeLarge

California Fish and Game 30(1). Winter 1944.

  • In the service of their country
  • John Otterbein Snyder, 1867–1943. A. C. Taft
  • The comparative osteology of the herring-like fishes (Clupeidae) of California. W. McLeod Chapman
  • Black-spotted tuna in Blue Lake, California. A. J. Calhoun
  • Fresh ocean fish as a trout diet. J. H. Wales
  • Extensions of range for blennioid fishes in southern California. C L. Hubbs and P. S. Barnhart
  • Record of the oilfish (Ruvettus pretiosus) in California. P. S. Barnhart and C. L. Hubbs
  • The trench in California. L. Shapovalov
  • Eye worm (Thelazia californiensis) infection in deer in California. C. M. Herman
  • Trout fishing restored to Modoc County Reservoir. J. H. Wales
  • Hesperoleucus symmetricus reported from Clear Lake, Lake County, California. G. Murphy
  • Twenty-five years ago in California Fish and Game. B. Curtis


California Fish and Game 29(4). Fall 1943.

  • In the service of their country
  • A self-filling quail watering device. B. Glading
  • A bee repellent for use in quail watering devices. B. Glading and D. M. Selleck
  • Epidemiological studies on coccidiosis of California quail I. Occurrence of Eimeria in wild quail. C. M. Herman and J. E. Chattin
  • Deer refuges under the Buck Law. F. P. Cronemiller
  • Golden trout propagation in California. G. McCloud
  • The relationship of fish to the Clear Lake gnat, in Clear Lake, California. A. W. Lindquist, C. C. Deonier, and J. E. Hancey
  • James Moffit, 1900–1943. B. Curtis
  • An outbreak of mycotic pneumonia in mallards. C. M. Herman
  • A record yellowtail. G. Bakker, Jr.
  • Twenty-five years ago in California Fish and Game. B. Curtis
  • In Memoriam—Curtis Lee Bundock
  • In Memoriam—Alvin Granstrom
  • In Memoriam—Charles R. Love
  • In Memoriam—Arthur Boeke

California Fish and Game 29(3). Summer 1943.

  • In the service of their country
  • Salmon at Friant Dam—1942. G. H. Clark
  • Raptor pellets as indicators of food habits. B. Glading, D. F.  Tillotson, and D. M. Selleck
  • Food habits of nesting barn owls and marsh hawks at Dune Lakes, California, as determined by the "cage nest" method. D. M. Selleck and B. Glading
  • Fish rescue in California. C. Woodhull
  • Anatomical differences between the ring-necked pheasant and the domestic chicken as an aid in law enforcement. J. Laughlin
  • A parasite in the muscles of ducks in California. C. M. Herman and G. L. Bolander
  • Resignation—G. H. Clark
  • Young sperm whale beached at Monterey. J. B. Phillips
  • Twenty-five years ago in California Fish and Game. B. Curtis
  • Mussel poisoning twenty-five years ago and today. B. Curtis

California Fish and Game 29(2). Spring 1943.

  • In the service of their country
  • Creel returns from the hatchery trout in June Lake, California. E. H. Vestal
  • Distribution of muskrats in California. H. Twining and A. L. Hensley
  • The fish-eating bats of the Gulf of California. E. W. Gudger
  • Grunion in Monterey Bay. J. B. Phillips
  • Another wall-eyed pollack at Monterey. J. B. Phillips
  • Rehabilitation of a Modoc County Reservoir for trout fishing. J. H. Wales
  • Twenty-five years ago in California Fish and Game. B. Curtis

California Fish and Game 29(1). Winter 1943.

  • In the service of their country
  • A study of nesting Canada geese in Honey Lake Valley, California. J. S. Dow
  • Twelfth annual black brant census in California. J. Moffitt
  • The effect of mining silt on yield of fry from salmon spawning beds. P. A. Shaw and J. A. Maga
  • Special regulations affecting the 1942 deer season
  • Twenty-five years ago in California Fish and Game. B. Curtis
  • Retirement—J. C. Lewis
  • Retirement—Henry Lencioni
  • Retirement—J. D. Dondero


California Fish and Game 28(4). Fall 1942.

  • A game fish for the Salton Sea, the ten-pounder, Elops affinis. W. A. Dill and C. Woodhull
  • Latent marine fisheries resources of California and western Mexico. R. S. Croker
  • The latent fisheries of Washington and Alaska. W. M. Chapman
  • The kelp resources of southern California. J. F. Wohnus
  • Plant resources of the sea along the Northwest Coast and Alaska
  • The biotic and economic relations of the plankton. T. Kincaid
  • Fish and Game boats go to war. L. F. Chappell
  • Resources of the sea in wartime. B. Curtis
  • Salmon caught in Mexican waters. R. D. Byers
  • Twenty-five years ago in California Fish and Game. B. Curtis
  • In Memoriam—Alden R. Ainsworth
  • In Memoriam—James L. Stinnett

California Fish and Game 28(3). Summer 1942.

  • Reclamation with rotenone of Crystal Lake, Los Angeles County, California. E. H. Vestal
  • Gestation period in the fisher with recommendations for the animal's protection in California. E. R. Hall
  • Reducing coccidiosis in California valley quail during captivity. C. M. Herman and H. Jankiewicz
  • The protozoan blood parasite Haemoproteus lophortyx O'Roke in quail at the San Joaquin Experimental Range, California. C. M. Herman and B. Glading
  • Fish and Game and the war. G. P. Miller
  • Twenty-five years ago in California Fish and Game. R. S. Croker
  • Wall-eyed pollack caught in Monterey Bay. J. B. Phillips
  • Tongue sole in Monterey Bay. J. B. Phillips
  • Sea of Cortez (Book Review). R. S. Croker
  • Under the Sea-Wind (Book Review). R. S. Croker
  • Musings of an Angler (Book Review). R. S. Croker
  • Representative North American Fresh-water Fishes (Book Review). R. S. Croker

California Fish and Game 28(2). Spring 1942.

  • A fishery survey of the Colorado River below Boulder Dam. J. W. Moffett
  • Fox ranching in southern California. E. L. Vail
  • Relationship of the fresh-water mussel to trout in the Truckee River. G. Murphy
  • Economic and geographical relations of aboriginal fishing in northern California. G. W. Hewes
  • Progress report on adult salmon tagging in 1939–1941. G. H. Clark and S. Ross Hatton
  • A second progress report on the Central Valley fisheries investigations. S. R. Hatton and G. H. Clark
  • Twenty-five years ago in California Fish and Game. R. S. Croker
  • Mackerel shark (Lamna nasus) taken in California. R. S. Croker
  • Potassium hydroxide (KOH) as an aid in food habits research. W. W. Dalquest
  • Compilation of information on wildlife research
  • Pond, Lake and Stream Fishing (Book Review). R. S. Croker
  • Who's Who and What's What in Fly and Bait Casting in the United States, 1864–1941. R. S. Croker

California Fish and Game 28(1). Winter 1942.

  • The general situation and the biological effects of the introduction of alien fishes into California waters. B. Curtis
  • Alien fishes in the water of the Pacific Northwest. W. M. Chapman
  • Economic appraisal of introduced fishes in the waters of California. G. H. Clark
  • Problems arising from the transplantation of trout in California. O. R. Smith and P. R. Needham
  • Carp control work in Lake Almanor, 1941. J. H. Wales
  • Rough fish control in Gull Lake, Mono County, California. E. H. Vestal
  • Introduction of exotic animals. R. S. Croker
  • Twenty-five years ago in California Fish and Game. R. S. Croker
  • Striped bass spawning areas in California. S. R. Hatton
  • The 1941 Pismo clam census. P. M. Roedel
  • Return to the Rivers: A Story of the Chinook Run (Book Review). J. W. Hedgpeth
  • A Field Guide to Western Birds (Book Review). R. S. Croker


California Fish and Game 27(4). Fall 1941.

  • The vertebrate animals of Friant Reservoir Basin with special reference to the possible effects upon them of the Friant Dam. D. H. Hubbard
  • Eleventh annual black brant census in California. J. Moffitt
  • Results of the southern California quail branding program. F. Richardson
  • Development of steelhead trout eggs. J. H. Wales
  • Prices of sea otter pelts. E. M. Fisher
  • Twenty-five years ago in California Fish and Game. R. S. Croker
  • Retirement—H. B. Nidever
  • Canned rockfish. J. B. Phillips
  • Squid canning at Monterey, California. J. B. Phillips
  • Occurrence of the tiger shark in California. W. L. Scofield
  • Occurrence of Elops affinis in the Colorado River. E. H. Glidden
  • Wildlife Conservation (Book Review). R. S. Croker
  • Marine Food and Game Fishes of California (Book Review). R. S. Croker
  • Studies of the Striped Bass (Roccus saxatilis) of the Atlantic Coast (Book Review). R. S. Croker
  • In Memoriam—Harrison A. Laws
  • In Memoriam—Byron Sylvester
  • In Memoriam—I. Zellerbach

California Fish and Game 27(3). Summer 1941.

  • Livingston Stone and fish culture in California. J. W. Hedgpeth
  • California's game management area law. A. Bade
  • Observations on duck disease at Tulare Lake Basin, 1940. A. S. Mays
  • A key to the fishes of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Basin. G. Murphy
  • The Squaw Creek test stream. A. C. Randle and F. K. Cramer
  • Creel counts in California. B. Curtis
  • Twenty-five years ago in California Fish and Game. R. S. Croker
  • A sturgeon in southern California waters. P. M. Roedel

California Fish and Game 27(2). Spring 1941.

  • The feeding habits of California garter snakes. H. S. Fitch
  • Valley quail census methods and populations at the San Joaquin Experimental Range. B. Glading
  • "N. B. Scofield": Progress report for 1940. H. C. Godsil
  • First record of the hybrid flounder, Inopsetta ischyra, from California. E. S. Herald
  • Twenty-five years ago in California Fish and Game. R. S. Croker
  • Results of the 1940 Pismo clam census. P. M. Roedel
  • Black brant in lower California, February, 1941. P. M. Roedel
  • California's Natural Weather: A Conservation Guide for Secondary Schools (Book Review). R. S. Croker
  • Fishing the Surf (Book Review). R. S. Croker

California Fish and Game 27(1). Winter 1941.

  • The burro deer (Odocoileus hemionus eremicus). W. M. Longhurst and J. E. Chattin
  • Trends in California's game kill, 1935–1938. J. S. Hunter and D. H. Fry, Jr.
  • Pacific cutlassfish, Trichiurus nitens Garman. C. L. Hubbs and C. Hubbs
  • Mackerel tagged in lower California in fall and winter of 1939–1940. D. H. Fry, Jr.
  • Twenty-five years ago in California Fish and Game. R. S. Croker
  • The sea otters of California did not reappear. W. L. Scofield
  • Freak antlers of mule deer. E. Raymond Hall
  • Elk teeth in California deer. G. Nordquist
  • A fishing record. R. S. Croker
  • American Mammals: Their Lives, Habits and Economic Relations (Book Review). G. H. True, Jr.
  • Salt Water Fishing Tackle (Book Review). R. S. Croker
  • A Handbook of Salt-water Fishing (Book Review). R. S. Croker
  • Development of the Eggs and Early Larvae of Six California Fishes (Book Review). R. L. Bolin
  • The World under the Sea (Book Review). R. S. Croker
  • A Manual of Aquatic Plants (Book Review). R. S. Croker
  • In Memoriam—Merrill W. Brown


California Fish and Game 26(4). Fall 1940.

  • Progress report on game kill statistics. J. S. Hunter and D. H. Fry, Jr.
  • Progress report on the Central Valley fisheries investigations, 1939. S. R. Hatton
  • The utilization of the California crab resource. G. H. Clark and P. Bonnot
  • Tenth annual black brant census in California. J. Moffitt
  • Black brant on San Quentin Bay, Lower California. O. B. Cope
  • Twenty-five years ago in California Fish and Game. R. S. Croker
  • A curious mutation in a coyote from Kern County, California. E. R. Hall
  • Capture of a coati (Nasua narica) in San Diego County, California. E. R. Hall
  • Golden shiner reported in Shasta area. G. Murphy
  • Distributional note on the European tench, Tinca tinca. J. C. Marr
  • Note on the northern green abalone, Haliotis walallensis Stearns. H. McCully

California Fish and Game 26(3). Summer 1940.

  • California abalones. P. Bonnot
  • The edible bivalves of California. P. Bonnot
  • The mammals of Napa County, California. W. M. Longhurst
  • Planting for California wildlife. A. C. Hawbecker
  • Death comes to a sea otter. E. M. Fisher
  • A redescription of Luvarus imperialis Rafinesque based upon a specimen from Monterey, California. R. L. Bolin
  • Twenty-five years ago in California Fish and Game. R. S. Croker
  • High-powered engines for central California jig boats. J. B. Phillips
  • A "self canned" shark. L. E. Herz
  • Brown Ragfish taken at Monterey. R. L. Bolin
  • A California needlefish recorded at Monterey. J. B. Phillips
  • The Fishes of the Family Sciaenidae (Croakers) of California (Book Review). W. L. Scofield
  • Report on Returns of Drift Bottles Released off Southern California, 1937 (Book Review). W. L. Scofield
  • In Memoriam—James H. Vogt

California Fish and Game 26(2). Spring 1940.

  • The trouts of California. J. O. Snyder
  • The deer of California, with particular reference to the Rocky Mountain mule deer. D. D. McLean
  • A report of predatory animal control activities for the year ending June 30, 1939. G. H. True, Jr.
  • Dr. Joseph Grinnell, February 7,1877–May 29, 1939. D. D. McLean
  • Twenty-five years ago in California Fish and Game. R. S. Croker
  • Results of the 1939 Pismo clam census. P. M. Roedel
  • A spiny lobster (Panulirus interruptus) recovered in Monterey Bay. J. B. Phillips
  • A true smelt found near Los Angeles Harbor. F. N. Clark
  • North Pacific Fisheries, with Special Reference to Alaska Salmon (Book Review). R. S. Croker
  • Veiled Horizons; Stories of Big Game Fish of the Sea (Book Review). R. S. Croker
  • In Memoriam—Captain William Lippincott

California Fish and Game 26(1). Winter 1940.

  • Hydraulic mining and debris dams in relation to fish life in the American and Yuba rivers of California. F. H. Sumner and O. R. Smith
  • The California shark fishery. R. D. Byers
  • The application of sardine life-history to the industry. F. N. Clark
  • California salmon catch records. G. H. Clark
  • The "N. B. Scofield": a progress report. H. C. Godsil
  • Tall tales of the sea. W. L. Scofield
  • Retirement—N. B. Scofield
  • Twenty-five years ago in California Fish and Game. R. S. Croker
  • Appearance of black brant at San Quentin Bay, Lower California. J. A. Aplin
  • Pribilof fur seal on California coast. E. R. Hall
  • Transplantation of the Douglas ground squirrel. E. R. Hall
  • A northern record for a Central American Pompano. D. H. Fry, Jr.
  • North American Big Game (Book Review). G. H. True, Jr.
  • Strange Fish and Their Stories (Book Review). R. S. Croker
  • The Migration and Conservation of Salmon (Book Review). R. S. Croker
  • In Memoriam—R. L. Sinkey


California Fish and Game 25(4). Fall 1939.

  • General report of investigations on the McCloud River drainage in 1938. J. H. Wales
  • A brief history and identification of the three species of Black Bass now occurring in California. M. W. Brown
  • California fresh-water fishes and their possible use for aquarium purposes. W. A. Dill and L. Shapovalov
  • Is the purse seine an engine of destruction? W. L. Scofield
  • The crab industry at Eureka. L. E. Lahr
  • Ninth annual black brant census in California. J. Moffitt
  • Another record of the Monterey Spanish Mackerel. P. M. Roedel
  • The occurrence of sauries in southern California. J. A. Aplin
  • Between Pacific Tides (Book Review). R. S. Croker
  • Animals without Backbones (Book Review). R. S. Croker
  • In Memoriam—Ernest V. Cassell
  • In Memoriam—Charles A. Holzhauser

California Fish and Game 25(3). Summer 1939.

  • One hundred issues of California Fish and Game. R. S. Croker
  • The Rockfish of the Monterey wholesale fish markets. J. B. Phillips
  • An unappreciated California game fish, the Rocky Mountain Whitefish, Prosopium williamsoni (Girard). W. A. Dill and L. Shapovalov
  • The Opah (Lampris regius) and its occurrence off the California coast. C. R. Clothier
  • The grizzly bear of California. E. R. Hall
  • A winter influx of sea lions from lower California. D. H. Fry, Jr.
  • The Bureau of Marine Fisheries was founded twenty-five years ago. W. L. Scofield
  • The Louvar in California waters. R. S. Croker
  • Assistance rendered by works progress administration to U.S. National Park Service
  • Field and Laboratory Technic in Wildlife Management (Book Review). G. H. True, Jr.
  • Deserts (Book Review). G. H. True, Jr.
  • Report on the International Law of Pacific Coastal Fisheries (Book Review). G. H. Clark
  • Speckled Nomads, a Tale of Trout in Two Rivers (Book Review). R. S. Croker

California Fish and Game 25(2). Spring 1939.

  • A survey of desert bighorn in Death Valley National Monument, summer 1938. J. S. Dixon and E. L. Sumner, Jr.
  • Deer kill records, a guide to management of deer hunting. F. W. Johnson
  • Progress report a trout hatchery experiments, 1938. J. H. Wales and E. S. Lewis
  • Can the supply of sardines be maintained in California waters. F. N. Clark
  • The Pismo clam in 1938. P. M. Roedel
  • Cattle and fish. W. L. Scofield
  • Seattle halibut boats catch Monterey Sharks. R. D. Byers
  • Monterey purse seiners extend fishing area. R. D. Byers
  • The Bird Life of Louisiana (Book Review). G. H. True, Jr.
  • The Nation's Forests (Book Review). G. H. True, Jr.
  • Trout Streams (Book Review). R. S. Croker
  • Fishing Memories (Book Review). R. S. Croker
  • Native Woody Plants of the United States (Book Review). G. H. True, Jr.
  • Life Histories of North American Birds of Prey (Part 2) (Book Review). G. H. True, Jr.
  • In Memoriam—J. W. Dinsdale

California Fish and Game 25(1). Winter 1939.

  • Progress report on tagging Pacific Mackerel. D. H. Fry, Jr. and P. M. Roedel
  • The market crab of California and its close relatives. J. B. Phillips
  • Some opinions of early California quail hunters. H. Twining
  • Occurrence of the Wolf-fish, Alepisaurus aesculapius (Bean) in southern California. P. M. Roedel and H. McCully
  • N. B. Scofield
  • The 1938 salmon catch. G. H. Clark
  • Gift from Perry B. Clark to library of California State Fisheries Laboratory. W. L. Scofield
  • WPA Clerical Project. W. L. Scofield
  • Survival of fish after pack transportation. B. Curtis
  • Survival of transplanted Piute Trout. B. Curtis
  • 1938 recoveries of California sardine tags in northern waters. J. F. Janssen, Jr.
  • Giant leatherback turtle taken near San Pedro, California. D. H. Fry, Jr.
  • Catfish in Bixby Slough. W. L. Scofield
  • Striped Bass at Oceanside, southern California. W. L. Scofield
  • Arrival of Black Sea brant in lower California in 1938. J. B. Phillips
  • A New Bulletin on the Mackerel Fishery (Book Review). W. L. Scofield
  • Stanford Ichthyological Bulletin (Book Review). R. S. Croker
  • Field Book of Fresh-water Fishes of North America North of Mexico (Book Review). R. S. Croker
  • The Snakes of San Diego County (Book Review). R. S. Croker
  • In Memoriam—Samuel H. Lyons
  • In Memoriam—James H. Groves
  • In Memoriam—George E. West


California Fish and Game 24(4). Fall 1938.

  • Studies on the nesting cycle of the California valley quail in 1937. B. Glading
  • Eighth annual black brant census in California. J. Moffitt
  • Brant census of San Quentin Bay, lower California. D. H. Fry, Jr.
  • Hunting seasons in Germany. T. I. Storer
  • A study of the trout (Salmo irideus Gibbons) from Waddell Creek, California. C. O. Snyder
  • Second report of sardine tagging in California. J. F. Janssen, Jr.
  • Reduction processes for sardines in California. S. R. Hatton and G. R. Smalley
  • California sea lion census for 1938. P. Bonnot, G. H. Clark, and S. R. Hatton
  • Whale Sharks struck by fishing boats off the coast of lower California. E. W. Gudger
  • Notes on the Ribbon-fish, Trachypterus rex-salmonorum. P. M. Roedel
  • Record-size Mackerel in Santa Monica Bay. P. M. Roedel
  • The High Seas Tuna Fishery of California (Book Review). W. L. Scofield
  • Improvement of Lakes for Fishing—A Method of Fish Management (Book Review). R. S. Croker

California Fish and Game 24(3). Summer 1938.

  • Sardine oil and our troubled waters. W. L. Scofield
  • A fisheries library and its uses. K. Karmelich
  • Duck hunting on the San Diego Lakes. E. H. Glidden
  • Recent disastrous effects of oil pollution on birds in the San Francisco region. J. Moffitt and R. T. Orr
  • Tuna tagging. H. C. Godsil
  • Tuna canning methods in California. P. M. Roedel
  • Notes on growth of Golden Trout (Salmo aqua-bonita) in two high Sierra lakes. P. R. Needham and E. H. Vestal
  • Let's go fishing. R. S. Crocker
  • Changes in personnel of the Fish and Game Commission. H. C. Davis
  • New patrol boat placed in service. E. L. Macaulay
  • Voluntary closed season for Mackerel canning. W. L. Scofield
  • Must the scientist always be on the defensive? Anonymous
  • Radio telephones on fishing boats. J. F. Janssen, Jr.
  • Air bubbles as a fish scare. J. F. Janssen, Jr.
  • Rubber floats for nets. J. F. Janssen, Jr.
  • The Life Story of the Fish (Book Review). R. S. Croker
  • Giant Fishes, Whales and Dolphins (Book Review). R. S. Croker
  • The Small-Mouthed Bass (Book Review). R. S. Croker

California Fish and Game 24(2). Spring 1938.

  • Trout fishing in southern California streams—Instructions for the beginner. D. H. Fry, Jr.
  • Homing instinct and staying among Steelhead Trout (Salmo gairdnerii) and Silver Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). A. C. Taft and L. Shapovalov
  • Progress report of trout feeding experiments, 1937. J. H. Wales and M. Moore
  • Quail range extension in the San Bernardino National Forest—Progress report, 1937. N. M. Rahm
  • The muskrat as native and alien: a chapter in the history of animal acclimatization. T. I. Storer
  • Weight and age determination of Striped Bass. G. H. Clark
  • "Christmas Trees" in the California sardine fishery. J. F. Janssen, Jr.
  • An outline of fishing gear. W. L. Scofield
  • Report on the California oyster industry for 1937. P. Bonnot
  • The 1937 Pismo clam census. P. M. Roedel
  • Pink salmon in California. A. C. Taft

California Fish and Game 24(1). Winter 1938.

  • Observations on waterbirds in California. J. M. Linsdale
  • Notes on hatching and rearing game birds in California. A. Bade
  • Grunion in southern California. F. N. Clark
  • Red water, its cause and occurrences. P. Bonnot and J. B. Phillips
  • The salmon migration in the Shasta River (1930–1934). M. W. Brown
  • Bathylagus wesethi, a new argentinid fish from California. R. L. Bolin
  • Tag recoveries from the first thousand sardines. W. L. Scofield
  • Northern recoveries of California sardine tags. J. F. Janssen, Jr.
  • Small sardines taken off Oregon. F. N. Clark
  • Fish Bulletin No. 50 on sardine sizes, a review. W. L. Scofield
  • In Memoriam—Charles M. Bouton
  • In Memoriam—McPherson Lough


California Fish and Game 23(4). Fall 1937.

  • Water pollution problems in California. P. A. Shaw and C. L. Towers
  • Notes on the deer of California Redwood State Park. R. T. Orr
  • Seventh annual black brant census in California. J. Moffitt
  • The changing abundance of the Pacific mackerel, Pneumatophorus diego. A preliminary boat catch study. D. H. Fry, Jr.
  • Yield per area of the California sardine fishing grounds, 1935–1937. F. N. Clark
  • A biological survey of Lake Arrowhead, California. P. R. Needham
  • A metal plankton net. D. H. Fry, Jr.
  • Occurrence of mackerel-scad in southern California. R. S. Croker
  • Editorials and Notes
    • Ducks Unlimited, being principally a letter from John B. Coleman
    • Ocean sunfish in San Pablo Bay. W. L. Scofield
    • Record mackerel taken at Monterey. J. B. Phillips
    • Fur-bearing Mammals of California (Book Review). R. S. Croker
  • Reports
    • Statement of Revenue
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Violations of Fish and Game
    • Commercial Fishery Products

California Fish and Game 23(3). Summer 1937.

  • First report of sardine tagging in California. J. F. Janssen, Jr.
  • Trout and salmon marking in California. L. Shapovalov
  • Fishways. J. Spencer
  • Notes on sardine gear changes at Monterey. J. B. Phillips
  • Setting and survival of spat of the Olympia oyster, Ostrea lurida on upper and lower horizontal surfaces. P. Bonnot
  • The chukar partridge of Asia. G. H. True, Jr.
  • The chukar partridge of California. A. Bade
  • California's Junior Game Patrol. M. F. Joy, Jr.
  • Editorials and Notes
    • Bureau of Marine Fisheries
    • Two new patrol boats placed in service. E. L. Macaulay
    • In Memoriam—B. D. Marx Greene
    • The mollusks of Lake Tahoe. G. D. Hanna and A. G. Smith
    • A Silver Salmon at Los Coronados Islands. W. L. Scofield
    • Monterey Spanish Mackerel taken at Long Beach. R. S. Croker
    • Snake Eel, Ophichthus triserialis, taken off San Pedro. F. N. Clark
    • Further notes on the jumbo squid, Dosidicus gigas. R. S. Croker
    • Two New Sardine Bulletins (Book Review). W. L. Scofield
    • Graphic History of the Commercial Fish Catch (Book Review). R. S. Croker
    • Marine Game Fishes of the Pacific Coast (Book Review). R. S. Croker
  • Reports
    • Statement of Revenue
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Violations of Fish and Game
    • Commercial Fishery Products

California Fish and Game 23(2). Spring 1937.

  • Eleven years of progress at the California state game farms. A. Bade
  • California sea lion census for 1936. P. Bonnot
  • Fish and Game statistics. G. Conner
  • Magnetic recovery of fish tags. D. H. Fry, Jr.
  • Tagging Pacific mackerel. D. H. Fry, Jr.
  • The relation between surface water temperature and the distribution of spawn of the California sardine, Sardinops caerulea. R. B. Tibby
  • Progress report of trout feeding experiments, 1936. J. H. Wales and R. Bliss
  • Sestonosis, a gill irritation in trout. J. H. Wales and D. Evins
  • The relative susceptibility of various strains of trout to furunculosis. J. H. Wales and W. Berrian
  • Notes on food of trout of Yosemite National Park. H. J. Rayner
  • Weight loss in barracuda during preparation for market. J. F. Janssen, Jr.
  • Has the closed area increased the Pismo clam population? F. N. Clark and R. S. Croker
  • Report on the California oyster industry for 1936. P. Bonnot
  • Editorials and Notes
    • Resignation—J. O. Snyder
    • In Memoriam—John P. Babcock
    • The Works Progress Administration. W. L. Scofield
    • Study of ocean currents. R. B. Tibby
    • Occurrence of egrets near Long Beach. W. L. Scofield
    • Marked silver salmon from Waddell Creek caught near Fort Bragg. A. C. Taft
    • A red salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). taken in the Klamath River. A. C. Taft
  • Reports
    • Statement of Revenue
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Violations of Fish and Game
    • Commercial Fishery Products

California Fish and Game 23(1). Winter 1937.

Transactions of the Sixteenth Annual Conference, Western Association of State Game and Fish Commissioners, San Francisco, California, July 22 and 23, 1936

  • Address. E. S. Barker
  • History of the Western Association. R. G. Parvin
  • Game and fish management as applied in California. H. C. Davis
  • Management of big game through special season. N. B. Cook
  • California's Junior Game Patrol. A. T. Jergins
  • Progress in administration of the public domain. G. M. Kerr
  • Repairing the duck factory. J. C. Huntington
  • A program of wildlife restoration and regulation on Indian reservations. R. Nash
  • Progress of the General Wildlife Federation. J. N. Darling
  • Pending and prospective wildlife legislation. C. D. Shoemaker
  • What the Oregon game farms are doing. G. M. Simpson
  • The salmon industry of the Columbia River. W. J. Finley
  • The Soil Conservation Service. E. D. Eaton
  • Game management. I. N. Gabrielson
  • Necessity for uniform bounties on predators. K. F. MacDonald
  • Latest developments in fish food studies. F. J. Foster
  • The Roosevelt elk of the Olympic Peninsula. H. D. Hinkley
  • Address. D. H. Madsen
  • Address. W. L. Dutton
  • Forest Service policy in game management. H. L. Shants
  • Committee Reports
  • Editorials. H. C. Davis
  • Reports
    • Statement of Revenue
    • Statement of Expenditure
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Commercial Fishery Products


California Fish and Game 22(4). Fall 1936.

  • Food of the striped bass. L. Shapovalov
  • A second report on striped bass tagging. G. H. Clark
  • Report of the oyster investigation at Humboldt Bay for 1935. P. Bonnot
  • Sixth annual black brant census in California. J. Moffitt
  • Prevention of fish loss in water diversions. J. Spencer
  • The construction of the purse seine as used in the San Pedro sardine fishery. R. B. Tibby
  • Embryonic and early larval stages of California anchovy. R. L. Bolin
  • Editorials and Notes
    • The twenty year index. J. O. Snyder
    • Experimental introduction of salmon into Klamath River. J. O. Snyder
    • King salmon in southern California, 1936. R. S. Croker
    • New method of shipping tuna from Japan. L. G. Van Vorhis
    • In Memoriam—Carl Westerfled
  • Reports
    • Statement of Revenue
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Commercial Fishery Statistics

California Fish and Game 22(3). Summer 1936.

  • Distribution and variation in deer (genus Odocoileus) of the Pacific coastal region of North America. I. M. Cowan
  • Editorials
    • Trawler investigations, station line. G. H. Clark
    • Cooperative tests on mesh size. G. H. Clark
    • Trawler catch. G. H. Clark
    • The Pismo clam in 1935. F. N. Clark and R. S. Croker
    • Sardine fishing fleet at Monterey. W. L. Scofield
  • Reports
    • Statement of Revenue
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Commercial Fishery Statistics

California Fish and Game 22(2). Spring 1936.

  • Life history of Hesperoleucus venustus. D. H. Fry, Jr.
  • The Waddell Creek Experimental Station for trout and salmon studies. A. C. Taft
  • Progress report of trout feeding experiments, 1935. J. H. Wales and R. C. Lewis
  • The Hot Creek rearing ponds. P. R. Needham
  • The wild fowl sanctuary at Lake Merritt, California. M. H. McAllister
  • Notes on the 1930 catch of King salmon in Klamath River. J. O. Snyder
  • Editorials
    • California conservationist. H. C. Davis
    • Rough fish. J. O. Snyder
    • Sharks and Rays of California (Book Review). W. L. Scofield
    • Shrimps. W. L. Scofield
    • Blenny eel in southern California. F. N. Clark
    • Pilot fish in California. R. S. Croker
    • Commercial use of the jumbo squid, Dosidicus gigas. F. N. Clark and J. B. Phillips
    • Marlin and broadbill swordfish. R. S. Croker
  • Reports
    • Statement of Revenue
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Seizures of Fish and Game
    • Violation of Fish and Game Laws
    • Commercial Fishery Statistics

California Fish and Game 22(1). Winter 1936.

  • Smoked, salted, and dried sea foods of California. R. S. Croker
  • The California trawl fishery and its conservation. G. H. Clark
  • A description of the eggs and larvae of the Pacific Mackerel. D. H. Fry, Jr.
  • A preliminary summary of the life history of the Pacific Mackerel. D. H. Fry, Jr.
  • What is the world's greatest fishing port? R. S. Croker
  • Replacement of teeth in deer as a means of age determination. D. D. McLean
  • Editorials
    • A. T. Jergins, new Fish and Game Commissioner
    • In Memoriam—W. H. Shebley
    • In Memoriam—K .J. Ransdell
    • Two new patrol boats launched
    • New methods for commercial fisheries statistics. G. H. Clark
    • Big-eyed bass taken at Monterey. J. B. Phillips
    • Notes on the ocean sunfish, Mola mola. R. B. Tibby
    • A jack smelt (Atherinopsis californiensis Girard) with a rubber band encircling its body. R. L. Bolin
    • The frigate mackerel. H. C. Godsil
  • Reports
    • Statement of Revenue
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Seizures of Fish and Game
    • Violation of Fish and Game Laws
    • Commercial Fishery Statistics


California Fish and Game 21(4). Fall 1935.

  • Life history study of the California quail, with recommendations for its conservation and management. E. L. Sumner, Jr.
  • Fifth annual black brant census in California. J. Moffitt
  • Reports
    • Statement of Income
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Hunting Accidents
    • Seizures of Fish and Game
    • Fresh Fish Landings
    • Violation of Fish and Game Laws
    • Fresh Fish Importations

California Fish and Game 21(3). Summer 1935.

  • A life history study of the California quail, with recommendations for its conservation and management. E. L. Sumner, Jr.
  • Editorials
    • Reorganization of the Division of Fish and Game
    • Forecast for the 1935–1936 sardine season. California State Fisheries Laboratory
    • Whale caught in Carquinez Straits. E. A. Stoner
    • A large northern halibut in Monterey. J. B. Phillips
    • New mackerel canneries. R. S. Croker
    • A new net development. R. S. Croker
    • Increased utilization of fish livers. R. S. Croker
    • Notes from the State Fisheries Laboratory. W. L. Scofield
    • Sizes of sardines taken by gear and area. G. H. Clark
  • Reports
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Statement of Revenue
    • Fresh Fishery Statistics

California Fish and Game 21(2). Spring 1935.

  • The golden trout of Cottonwood Lakes. B. Curtis
  • Progress report of trout feeding experiments. J. H. Wales and R. C. Lewis
  • Restoration and conservation program of Mt. Ralston Fish Planting Club. F. E. Brolliar
  • Some stream improvements in Sequoia National Park. W. N. Powell
  • Water dogs eat trout eggs. A. E. Borell
  • Experiment to determine the feasibility of the use of trammel nets in Monterey Bay. J. B. Phillips
  • Editorials
    • Newly appointed commissioners. E. D. Blake
    • Small mouth bass propagation. J. O. Snyder
    • Hatchery feeding experiments. J. O. Snyder
    • From the forest home hatchery. J. O. Snyder
    • The Imperial Valley Game Refuge. J. S. Hunter
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. F. N. Clark
    • Cutlass fish (Trichiurus lepturus) in the San Pedro Fishery
    • The 1934 Pismo clam census. F. N. Clark
  • Reports
    • Fresh Fish Importations and Landings
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Statement of Income
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws

California Fish and Game 21(1). Winter 1935.

  • A summary of the life history of the California sardine and its influence on the fishery. F. N. Clark
  • Sardine cannery methods in California. R. S. Croker
  • San Francisco trawl fishery. G. H. Clark
  • The crab fishery of California. J. B. Phillips
  • The harvesting of kelp in California. W. L. Scofield
  • The California oyster industry. P. Bonnot
  • Editorials and Notes
    • Changes in personnel—Herbert C. Davis, Appointed Executive Officer
    • 1934 legal deer kill. O. L. Warner
    • Fish culture employees' convention. J. O. Snyder
    • Black bears released in southern California. A. E. Burghduff
    • Commercial fishery notes. W. L. Scofield, F. N. Clark, and G. H. Clark
    • Maturity and spawning of the California sardine. C. S. F. L.
  • Reports
    • Statement of Income
    • Statement of Expenditure
    • Eight Year Record of Deer Kill in California
    • Hunters Killing Two Deer, 1934
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Fresh Fishery Products


California Fish and Game 20(4). Fall 1934.

  • A study of the life history an food habits of mule deer in California. Part II. Food habits. J. S. Dixon
  • Fourth annual black brant census in California. J. Moffitt
  • An experiment in quail importation. G. H. True, Jr.
  • Quail banding returns for 1932 and 1933. G. H. True, Jr.
  • The freshwater commercial fisheries of California. R. S. Croker
  • Editorials
    • Retirement—George Neale
    • Federal migratory waterfowl regulations, 1934. O. L. Warner
    • Western Association of Fish and Game Commissioners' Meeting, 1934. A. E. Burghduff
    • Plant silver salmon in Eagle Lake. J. O. Snyder
    • Water storage in Santa Clara County. J. O. Snyder
    • Addition to list of totally excluded birds, state importation law
  • Commercial Fishery Notes
    • Summer oceanographic work. W. L. Scofield
    • Uncommon fish taken at San Pedro. F. N. Clark
    • Albacore. L. G. Van Vorhis
    • Bluefin tuna. L. G. Van Vorhis
  • Reports
    • Angling License Sales
    • Statement of Income and Expenditures
    • Violation of Fish and Game Laws
    • Fresh Fish Landing and Importations

California Fish and Game 20(3). Summer 1934.

  • A study of the life history and food habits of mule deer in California. Part I. Life history. J. S. Dixon
  • Editorials and Notes
    • New Forest Service fish and game regulation. J. L. Farley
    • Funds for federal wildlife restoration program shrink. J. Moffitt
    • Game warden conference. E. L. Macaulay
    • In Memoriam—F. W. Van Sicklen
    • More tule elk planted in Owens Valley. G. W. Dow
    • Early black-tailed deer breeding record. J. Moffitt
    • Antelope doe covers fawns to conceal them. F. R. Starr
    • Unusual age attained by wild geese. J. Moffitt
    • Sand-grouse liberated in California. J. Moffitt
    • Notes on stream survey work in California. P. R. Needhma
    • Change in form of fishery statistics. N. B. Scofield
    • Giant squid taken at Laguna Beach. A. A. Alstrom
    • The 1934–1935 sardine season. California State Fisheries Laboratory
    • The catch of sardines in California. W. L. Scofield
  • Reports
    • Statement of Income
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Fresh Fish Landings and Importations

California Fish and Game 20(2). Spring 1934.

  • A new California trout. J. O. Snyder
  • Stream improvement. A. E. Burghduff
  • Notes on the food of trout. P. R. Needham
  • Stream and bay pollution studies. P. A. Shaw
  • The Lake Almanor hatchery. J. H. Vogt
  • Changes in sardine fishing gear in the Monterey region, with a note on the expansion of fishing grounds. J. B. Phillips
  • The Kern County Elk Refugre. L. A. Burtch
  • Porcupine control on forests of Calfiornia. J. Keyes
  • Editorials and Notes
    • G. D. Nordenholt appointed Director, Department of Natural Resources
    • New angling and hunting license buttons. O. L. Warner
    • Notes on California trout investigations. P. R. Needham
    • Pacific coast wholesale fish dealers convention. G. H. Clark
    • Two mackerel records broken. R. S. Croker
    • An unusual sardine. F. N. Clark
    • Ground fish. G. H. Clark
    • The Pismo clam in 1933. R. S. Croker
    • The life history of the Bay Smelt. F. N. Clark
    • Notes on the sardine fishery. N. B. Scofield
    • Fresh fish marketing activities. A. A. Alstrom
    • Federal wildlife restoration program. J. Moffitt
    • 1933 deer kill statistics. J. Moffitt
    • Deer herd winters well. J. Moffitt
    • Division imports quail from Mexico. A. E. Burghduff
    • Revised estimate of 1933 California waterfowl abundance. J. Moffitt
    • Addition to list of totally excluded animals state importation law. J. Moffitt
  • Reports
    • Statement of Income
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Number of Hunters Killing Two Deer, 1933
    • Hunting Accidents, 1933
    • Seven-year Record of Deer Kill in California
    • Statistics on Deer Kill, Season 1933
    • Fresh Fishery Products

California Fish and Game 20(1). Winter 1934.

  • A preliminary survey of Mission Bay State Park. D. H. Fry, Jr. and R. S. Croker
  • Tagging of striped bass. G. H. Clark
  • Octopi of California. J. B. Phillips
  • Predator animal studies. D. D. McLean
  • History of the Yosemite elk herd. J. Moffitt
  • Mule deer study program. J. Moffitt
  • Editorials and Notes
    • Personnel changes in the Bureau of Education and Research
    • New Fish and Game Code
    • Regulations governing importation of certain wild birds and animals. J. Moffitt
    • C. W. A. work to aid Division activities. O. L. Warner
    • Commercial fishery notes. N. B. Scofield
    • Fresh fish marketing. A. A. Alstrom
    • Klamath River spawning conditions in 1932. J. O. Snyder
    • Report on black bass propagation work. J. O. Snyder
    • Large-mouthed black bass introduced into lake Merced. O. L. Warner
    • First California pheasant season a success. O. L. Warner
    • 1933 quail season. O. L. Warner
    • Oregon adopts upland game bird landowner contract law. J. Moffitt
    • Waterfowl abundance in California in 1933. J. Moffitt
    • Deer tag returns for 1933. O. L. Warner
    • Deer as carriers of a cattle disease. W. H. Boynton
    • Another "new" deer for California. J. Moffitt
    • Death of buck deer result of fighting in rut. J. Moffitt
    • Deer fencing law repealed. J. Moffitt
    • Deer hunting success in Angeles National Forest. J. Moffitt
    • Sheldon's deer in California. J. Moffitt
    • Grinnell's review of California mammal fauna. J. Moffitt
    • The pronghorn antelope in Los Angeles County. H. T. Anderson, Jr.
    • Mountain sheep found mummified in Yosemite glacier. M. E. Beatty
    • Heron chocked to death by catfish. J. H. Gyger
  • Reports
    • Statement of Income
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Fresh Fishery Products


California Fish and Game 19(4). Fall 1933.

  • Swordfishing. R. Bandini
  • More about the quail refuges. G. H. True, Jr.
  • A steelhead migration in Shasta River. J. O. Snyder
  • Third annual black brant census in California. J. Moffitt
  • Operation of a California shrimp trawl. D. H. Fry, Jr.
  • Editorials
    • Fish and game legislation. O. L. Warner
    • Personnel of the Division is reduced. O. L. Warner
    • State fish exchange merges with Division. O. L. Warner
    • Waterfowl regulations for 1933 season. E. L. Macaulay
    • Federal duck feeding survey. J. Moffitt
    • Open pheasant season. O. L. Warner
    • Study of Pacific Coast deer. J. Moffitt
    • Wild animal importation law. J. Moffitt
    • Trappers placed in mule deer area. J. S. Hunter
    • Second state fair deer head exhibit. J. Moffitt
  • Reviews
    • California Mackerel Fishery (Book Review). K. K.
    • New York Biological Surveys of Streams (Book Review). J. O. Snyder
    • Game Management (Book Review). J. Moffitt
    • Food of Seals (Book Review). H. C. Godsil
    • Food Habits of Coyotes (Book Review). J. Moffitt
    • Shaw on Toxicity of Thallium in Game Birds (Article Review). P. A. Shaw
  • Commercial Fishing Notes
    • Mackerel eggs taken off the southern California coast. D. H. Fry, Jr.
    • California flying fish eggs. D. H. Fry, Jr.
    • Improved process for fish meal. W. L. Scofield
  • Reports
    • Statement of Income
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Fishery Products, April, May, and June, 1933

California Fish and Game 19(3). Summer 1933.

  • The saga of big game fishing. R. Bandini
  • The commercial uses of sharks and rays. L. A. Walford
  • In defense of pelicans. B. S. Thompson
  • California steelhead trout problems. A. G. Taft
  • Condition of the yellowtail fishery. S. S. Whitehead
  • Frogs and their commercial uses. T. I. Stover
  • Editorials
    • William H. Shebley—50 years of service
    • Retirement—Captain Walter R. Welch
    • A correction
    • Bullfrogs for sport
    • Webb Toms and rattlesnakes
  • Commercial Fishery Notes
    • Tuna by railway from Mexico. W. L. Scofield
    • The mackerel industry. R. S. Croker
    • A marine drama. C. F. Maddox
    • Tuna tenders at the equator. S. S. Whitehead
    • Clams from lower California. R. S. Croker
  • Division Activities
  • Reports
    • Deer Kill for Six Years
    • Statement of Income
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Fresh Fishery Products

California Fish and Game 19(2). Spring 1933.

  • California trout. J. O. Snyder
  • The California Trout Investigations. P. R. Needham
  • Methods for counting small fish in hatcheries. A. C. Taft
  • Destruction of wild life in the Mantilija Fire. W. I. Hutchinson
  • Description of a giant squid taken at Monterey, with notes on other squid taken off the California coast. J. B. Phillips
  • Changing abundance of the California sardine, measure by length of scouting time. F. N. Clark
  • Report of the Commissioners of Fisheries of the State of California for the years 1872 and 1873
  • Editorials
    • The trout number
    • Hunting accidents, 1932
  • Commercial Fishery Notes
    • "Fish for Food"
    • The Pismo clam. R. S. Croker
    • Fisheries research in Russia. R. S. Croker
    • Rare whale taken at San Pedro. D. H. Fry, Jr.
  • Division Activities
  • Reports
    • Statement of Income
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Fishery Products, October, November, and December, 1932

California Fish and Game 19(1). Winter 1933.

  • Some facts about predatory animal control. C. G. Poole
  • Parasites of fishes. P. Bonnot
  • The management of duck marshes. L. K. Wilson
  • The quail replenishment program. G. H. True, Jr.
  • New method developed for thallium determination. P. A. Shaw
  • Rock bass (Paralabrax) in the California commercial fishery. F. N. Clark
  • The Bureau of Fish Culture conventions. A. E. Burghduff
  • The life history of the California barracuda and its bearing on the conservation of the fisheries. L. A. Walford
  • Report to the Commissioners of Fisheries of the State of California for the years 1870 and 1871
  • Editorials
    • The Audience (poem). T. A. Daly
    • E. Lingenfelder, new assistant executive
    • In Memoriam—Warden A. J. Stanley
    • The first biennial report
    • Deer head exhibit
  • Life History Notes
    • Rattlesnake and plumed quail. W. M. Pierce
    • Protection for our hawks. H. R. Eschenburg
    • Unseasonal breeding of deer. G. Tonkin
  • Division Activities
  • Reports
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Statement of Income
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Fishery Products, July, August, and September, 1932


California Fish and Game 18(4). Fall 1932.

  • Conservation as formerly practiced by the Indians in the Klamath River Region. R. K. Roberts
  • The life history and the control of the cropworm, Capillaria contorta in quail. A. Hobmaier
  • The striped bass supply past and present. G. H. Clark
  • Second annual black brant census in California. J. Moffitt
  • Atavism in a California halibut. J. B. Phillips
  • Sporting tackle for sportive steelheads. T. Powell
  • The white sea-bass and related species that are sold in California fish markets. R. S. Croker
  • Improvements in sardine fishing gear in the Monterey region. J. B. Phillips
  • Editorials
    • The Out-of-doors (poem)
    • Is California's game a revenue producing resource? R. H. Blood
    • A correction
    • The hunter's daily dozen don'ts
    • Hunting accidents, 1931
    • Fishermen repair their own boats. J. B. Phillips
  • Life History Notes
    • Deer feed and its relation to hunting. C. S. Robinson
    • Crabs. T. J. Hoover
    • Pheasants lay eggs in close confinement. H. Van Roekel
    • The white pelican. G. Neale
  • Division Activities
  • Reports
    • Statement of Income
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Fishery Products, April, May, and June, 1932

California Fish and Game 18(3). Summer 1932.

  • Diseases of the wild life transmissible to man. K. F. Meyer
  • A survey of the destructiveness of sardine nets used in the Monterey region. J. B. Phillips
  • Relative destructiveness of sardine circle nets in southern California. G. H. Clark
  • Parasitism of the California valley quail by Haemoproteus lophortyx, a protozoan blood parasite. E. C. O'Roke
  • Fishways in California. J. Spencer
  • Barge fishing, a southern California sport. D. H. Fry, Jr.
  • Deer meat investigation. H. W. Estill
  • The cruise of the "Mayflower." C. F. Maddox
  • Editorials
    • Nature's Care of Her Own (poem)
    • Important notice
    • Change of address
    • New patrol administration
    • In Memoriam—George Albert Coleman
  • Life History Notes
    • A mended needle fish. D. H. Fry
    • Two ectoparasites of the California valley quail. G. H. True, Jr.
    • The pronghorn antelope. H. T. Anderson
    • On the desert. D. A. Clanton and A. E. Burghduff
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • Fishing conditions, Monterey County. R. F. Classic
    • Big-eyed Bass and Striped Bass. L. A. Walford
  • Division Activities
  • Reports
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Statement of Income
    • Fishery Products, January, February, and March, 1932

California Fish and Game 18(2). Spring 1932.

  • Artificial methods for propagating game birds. A. Bade
  • Fifty-five years ago on the McCloud River. E. N. Moor
  • Damage by deer to crops in California. G. H. True, Jr.
  • Oyster pests in California. H. C. McMillin and P. Bonnot
  • Circle gill netting for smelt. J. B. Phillips
  • Repellents and deer damage control. G. H. True, Jr.
  • Cooking and cleaning losses in canning tuna. D. H. Fry, Jr.
  • A simple method of age determination of striped bass. E. C. Scofield
  • The present status of the Pismo clam (Tivela stultorum). F. N. Clark
  • Editorials
    • Meeting of the Fish and Game Commission
    • Suggested season on waterfowl
    • Resignation—H. L. Betten
    • Opie L. Warner, New Publicist
    • A correction
    • Revised mailing list
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
  • Division Activities
  • Reports
    • Statement of Income
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Fishery Products, October, November, and December, 1931

California Fish and Game 18(1). Winter 1932.

  • Southern California dove shooting. E. McGaffey
  • Conditions and control of botulism (duck disease) in waterfowl. M. Hobmaier
  • Unusually good fishing in and off Monterey Bay. J. B. Phillips
  • The California quail sanctuary and game refuge campaign. W. R. Welch
  • Studies of thallium poisoning in game birds. P. A. Shaw
  • An outline of the habits of the striped skunk and little spotted skunk with some directions for trapping. E. L. Summer, Jr.
  • Giant kelp utilized at Monterey. J. B. Phillips
  • Fifty years ago on the Suisun Marsh. W. W. Richards
  • Editorials
    • Reorganized Fish and Game Commission
    • The retiring commissioner, C. R. Bell
    • Grahame B. Ridley, New Assistant Executive Officer
    • Personnel change
    • Duck clubs cooperate
    • Change in handling of state bird-banding permits
    • Deer damage relief
    • In Memoriam—David Starr Jordan
    • In Memoriam—Alexander Eugene Culver
    • A.A.A. starts drive to save all wild life
    • A correction
    • State has many refuges
  • Game Fish
    • New egg collecting stations
    • Trout create "striking" fund
    • "Flying fish"
    • Trout live longer in rearing ponds
    • Striped Bass in Newport Bay
    • Atlantic Salmon in northern California
    • Don't import or transplant fish
    • Ancient fish hooks
    • Returned fish survive
    • Worm farm
    • Snagged streams make better fishing
  • Commercial Fishery Notes
    • Decision on Striped Bass case. J. Thompson
    • Los Angeles enlarges its fish harbor
    • Introduction of Mexican fishes into southern California waters. N. B. Scofield
    • Soft shell clam beds in the vicinity of San Francisco Bay. P. Bonnot
    • New fish bulletins in demand by public
    • Salmon protective measures upheld
    • Catching sea lions on the lower California coast
    • New fish bulletin
    • Harbor improved for Fort Bragg fishing fleet
    • Oyster very popular
  • Upland Game Birds
    • Study life habits of quail
    • Quail bring new interest to hospital patients
    • California quail in Montana
    • Catalina cats and quail
    • Increase game birds in south
    • Doves and pheasants on refuge
    • Doves show increase
    • Don't shoot homing pigeons
    • Hungarian partridges in Fresno County
    • Citizens protect wild turkeys
  • Waterfowl
    • Conservation of our waterfowl. Herbert Hoover, President of the United States of America
    • Close bird refuges to hunting
    • Waterfowl shooting regulations
    • State wardens assist federal service
    • $25,000,000 five-year waterfowl program proposed by the American Game Association
    • Mounted police protect migratory game birds
    • Man-made drought
    • Duck marsh posted in Michigan
  • Mammals
    • The tule elk
    • Does have antlers
    • Investigate sheep death
    • Excellent deer season
    • Deer in cave
    • Shotguns wound deer
    • Bruin and the flume
    • Bear meat should be cooked
    • Alaskan bears protected
    • Don Coyote steps fast
  • Miscellaneous
    • Glen-Colusa appeal
    • Report bird bands to U.S.
    • First eggs of Harris's sparrow are discovered
  • Division Activities
  • Life History Notes
    • Bass travels thirty miles with line. S. A. Magistrini
    • Mountain plover and killdeer in large flocks. D. D. McLean
    • Quail nest on front porch. H. A. Post
    • Prairie falcons. D. D. McLean
    • Effect of emasculization. J. W. Thornburg
    • Eagle attacks workmen. Pacific Gas & Electric Company
    • White coyote. O. Philbrick
    • Food habits of the Pacific harbor seal. P. Bonnot
    • A note on the fishing of the California sea lion. P. Bonnot
    • Monterey Spanish mackerel landed in Monterey. J. B. Phillips
    • Wolf-fish taken at Monterey. J. B. Phillips
    • Ribbon-fish taken at Monterey. J. B. Phillips
    • Record skipjack landed at San Pedro. R. S. Croker
  • Reports
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Deer Killed in California
    • Statement of Expenditure
    • Statement of Income
    • Fishery Products, July, August, and September, 1931


California Fish and Game 17(4). Fall 1931.

  • Food habits and economic status of the brewer and red-winged blackbirds. P. S. Soriano
  • First annual black sea brant census in California. J. Moffitt
  • Northward occurrence of southern fish off San Pedro in 1931. L. A. Walford
  • A review of new publications on California fisheries
  • Sacramento perch. G. Neale
  • Some protected birds the duck hunter should know. J. Moffitt
  • The propagation of California quail in open breeding grounds. W. R. Welch
  • Place names of famous shooting ponds. W. W. Richards
  • Editorials
    • Glenn-Colusa decision
    • In Memoriam—G. H. Lambson
    • Game and Fish on crop basis is aim in national forests
    • Forest fire hazard
    • Limit
    • Hold dogs in check
    • Conservation of wild life in Australia
    • Report after game investigation
    • Aviation helps conservation work
    • Sportsmanship
    • Forest fires and game conservation
  • Game Fishes
    • Drought creates problem
    • More leisure and more trout
    • Rescue work started in 1928
    • Trout rescued early
    • Many food fish rescued
    • Freak fish common
    • Trout spawn many eggs
    • Fish hubby good nurse but babes soon go bye-bye
    • Trout lives 19 years
    • Fishing as an escape
    • Boys' Club helps save fish
    • Feeling warm? Then pity the little fishes
    • Reckless motorboating hit by new state laws
    • How to preserve trout
  • Commercial Fishery Notes
    • New salmon laws
    • State rights upheld by court
    • The effect of haddock flesh and skin on gastric juice
    • Basking sharks on the Pacific Coast
    • The 1931 tuna catch
    • Permanent quarantine on clams and mussels
    • Fig tagging experiments develop
    • Clams plentiful
    • Fish landings at North Pacific ports
    • Caught biggest clam
    • Crabs real home lovers
    • Conserving whales is whale of a job
  • Upland Game Birds
    • California's state bird
    • Increase in supply of quail
    • Catalina cats and quail
    • Pheasant egg record
    • Pheasant population growing
    • Pheasant released on school property
    • Pheasants do not kill baby rabbits
    • Booming note of grouse
    • The last heath hen
    • Dove survey
    • Turkeys do well
    • Plant winter feed to assist birds
    • Don't burn off land
    • Crippled bird is lure to golfers to play new game
  • Waterfowl
    • The dry season and ducks
    • New refuge
    • A price of progress
    • Sprig nest on refuge
    • New refuge under development
    • Describe local bird refuges
    • Reduced waterfowl kill forseen by officials
    • Herding geese by plane
    • Geese and swans
  • Mammals
    • Eliminate fences to save deer
    • Kills deer with knife
    • More deer, more tourists, claim hunting critics
    • Fawns appear early
    • Save the fawn
    • Few caribou in United States
    • Tragedy
    • Bears feed all afternoon
    • Bruin shocked
    • Coyote dines on bobcat
    • Tells how to trap bobcats
    • Big game animals pass million mark in the National Forests
    • Lion hunting dangerous sport
    • Cats are factors in spread of rabies
    • Poor little skunk craves human love
  • Miscellaneous
    • Protect homing pigeon
    • Birds the fliers
    • Carbon monoxide kills birds
    • Data on bird pest drives
    • Birds prey on rodents
    • Gordon addresses league convention
    • How hunting aided Cellini
    • Volunteer deputy reviews convention
    • Nature hatches eggs
    • Forest Service established primitive areas
    • Rattlesnakes are born
    • Rocky Mountain spotted fever not confined to Pacific Northwest
    • Fleas may transmit endemic typhus fever
    • Insects hibernate like bears
    • Wood ticks carry disease
  • Division Activities
  • Life History Notes
    • Striped bass at San Diego. N. B. Scofield
    • Striped bass. L. A. Walford
    • A pug-headed rainbow trout. R. S. Croker
    • An unusual record of the bonito (Sarda chilensis). P. Bonnot
    • Killer whale in Carquinez Straits. P. Bonnot
    • Trout and water temperature. P. Bonnot
    • Fall shore bird migration starts early. D. D. McLean
    • Bird weaves own noose. E. S. Cheney
    • Chivalry among squirrels. S. Ward
    • Deer apparently wander in search of water. D. D. McLean
    • White quail. B. B. Williams
    • Crabs and spiny lobster. C. Maddox
  • Hunting Accidents, 1930
  • Reports
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Statement of Income
    • Fishery Products, April, May, June, 1931

California Fish and Game 17(3). Summer 1931.

  • Early history of introduction and distribution of spiny fishes in California waters. G. Neale
  • Ground squirrel control in California. W. C. Jacobsen
  • Oyster culture in California. H.C. McMillin and P. Bonnot
  • An outline of the habits of the bobcat with some directions for trapping. E. L. Sumner, Jr.
  • Game reminiscences of yesteryear. W. R. Welch
  • Deer proof fences in California. T. I. Storer and G. H. True, Jr.
  • Some notes on the birds and animals of the Los Banos Duck Refuge with special reference to predatory species. E. L. Sumner, Jr.
  • Counting deer on the California National Forest. C. S. Robinson
  • The coyote and his control. E. R. Hall
  • Governor James Rolph, Jr.—Conservationist and Sportsman
  • Editorials
    • Imported fish and game
    • Forest fires destructive to wild life
    • Our game is an asset
    • In Memoriam—Harry Irwin Pritchard
    • Selling nature short
    • Wild-life refuges at training camps
    • Railroads turn to conservation
    • Increasing wild-life problems
    • Better years forecast
    • Billion dollar industry
  • Game Fishes
    • Steelhead runs light
    • Fish need shade
    • New fish-tag method
    • Science may discover fish diet
    • Black Bass habits
    • Truckee-Tahoe
    • Snagged streams and fishing
    • Keep refuse away from water
    • Big hooks catch big fish
    • Barbless hook advocated
    • When not to take fish
    • Bathe fish in Maine
  • Commercial Fishery Notes
    • The 1930 shrimp catch
    • Tuna fishing at Cape San Lucas and Guadalupe Island
    • Fish catch figures
    • Scientific cruise of the "Bluefin" in Mexican waters
    • Lobster quite a traveler
    • Basking Shark grows large
    • Restore salmon without treaty
    • Fish forecast season
    • Fish industry large
  • Upland Game Birds
    • Enemy drives dangerous
    • Game bulletin travels
    • Quail in Sonoma County
    • Many birds imported into United States
    • Quail survey in Georgia
    • Dove crop good
    • Food habits of pheasant
    • Separate wild and domestic birds
    • Preservation of the turkey
    • Inventions kills birds
  • Waterfowl
    • Duck season shortened by government
    • Ducks and agriculture
    • Gold-bearing duck
    • Ducks destroyed by radio
    • Ducks and black flies
    • Duck travels fast
    • Banded ducks should be reported
    • Bag-limit gossip
    • Swan creates short-circuit
    • Pelicans must learn to fish
    • Further occurrences of emperor geese in California
    • Refuges authorized by government
  • Mammals
    • Game plentiful in early days
    • Deer get transferred
    • Latest in deer damage
    • Tagged deer killed in Michigan
    • Deer hunters chivalrous
    • Raining hay in Alaska
    • Protect rare animals
    • Antelope ranch in Montana
    • Unusual winter data on elk
    • Grasses kill mammals
    • Bears on trial in New Hampshire
    • Buffalo killed by arrow
    • Wild hog hunts
    • Carries his own dining table
    • Uniform fur laws urged
    • Badger in bad with airmail
    • Twelve-pound house cat
    • Pugnacious squirrels in Alabama
    • No visitors wanted
  • Miscellaneous
    • How to treat for snake bite
    • How about these rough fish?
    • Horsehair scarce for bird nests
    • Don't be a careless hunter
    • Archery and three-shot guns
    • Menu of 1890
    • Conservation body may disband
    • Trying to save the Everglades
    • Conditions in south
    • Nature guardians
    • Veterinary field needs more trained workers
    • Bird's nest found in skin of hare
    • Fish shoots insect with drop of water
    • American game mammals and birds
  • Life History Notes
    • Diseases reducing tree squirrel population in southern California. J. Moffitt
    • Sport fishing in southern California. R. S. Corcker
    • Lion—From forest to table. E. Soto
    • White-tailed deer in California. D. D. McLean
  • Division Activities
  • Reports
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Statement of Expeditures
    • Statement of Income
    • Fishery Products, January, February, and March, 1931

California Fish and Game 17(2). Spring 1931.

  • Field trials in California. H. L. Betten
  • "Albacore" in thirteenth year. J. Terry
  • Trouting. E. R. Kauffman
  • The California sea lion census for 1930. P. Bonnot
  • History of zoological explorations of the Pacific Coast. D. S. Jordan
  • Prawn fishery started at Monterey. J. B. Phillips
  • Has the pheasant a credit balance with the farmer? A. A. Oliver
  • "Ranger". E. Soto
  • Antelope on the Shasta National Forest. F. W. Johnson
  • How Turkey Point, on Wingo Sough, got its name. J. Stringer
  • Editorials
    • In Memoriam—Deputy Rupert J. Sadler
    • In Memoriam—Clarence Albert Nixon
    • Hunting license test
    • Mental test for hunters
    • Game raising and farm relief
  • Game Fishes
    • Trout hatching has worries
    • Fish culture
    • Michigan plants trout
    • Charge for fishing
    • Irrigation ditches destroy fish in Montana
    • Progress in Wisconsin
    • Size of trout flies
    • Indoor trout fishing
    • How to stain your rods
    • Helgramites
    • Frozen fish
    • Ice smothers fish
    • Storms help Steelhead
    • Good Steelhead run
    • A record Striped Bass
  • Commercial Fishery Notes
    • The sardine season of 1930–1931
    • Fall and winter fishery at San Pedro
    • Spiny lobsters sent to Hawaii
    • Cessation of tuna fishing
    • Southern California sardines
    • Shark-liver oil excels
    • Use of "fish flour" in diet is predicted
    • United States–Canada treaty sought
    • A record catch of smelt
    • How to prevent halibut from discoloring
    • Heavy herring run
  • Upland Game Birds
    • Disabled veterans and quail
    • Quail refuges
    • Quail's span of life
    • Plant quail feed
    • New quail bulletin
    • Quail taken in south
    • Pheasant chases cat
    • Male not wise
    • Speaking of partridges
    • School children feed birds
    • From Missouri
    • Winter feeding in Massachusetts
    • Newspaper pleads for cooperation
    • Wild turkey can come back
    • Hints on raising grouse
  • Waterfowl
    • Refuge developed
    • Study duck breeding areas
    • Ducks on ice
    • Hundreds of ducks banded in California
    • Blinds spaced by law
    • Divergent views
    • Herons extend range
  • Mammals
    • How to tag a whale
    • Deer too plentiful
    • Antelope sanctuaries
    • Texas man saves doomed animals
    • Moose-elk in Montana
    • Women shoot bison in Arizona
    • Grizzly bear is mild mannered
    • Horse disease under control
    • Snow and lions
    • Shoe a la carte
    • War on house cat
    • Gloves for rabbits
    • A nest of the California gray squirrel (Sciurus griseus)
    • Rat problems
  • Miscellaneous
    • Fight of birds
    • Game in southern California
    • Care of the sporting dog's nose
    • Montana—increased license fee
    • Michigan spends $12,000,000
    • "Ghost Wardens"
    • Planes and autos for poachers
    • Wisconsin game laws enforced
    • Hunting accidents in Pennsylvania
    • Hunting accidents in New York
    • Sparrows struck by lightning
    • Passenger pigeon
  • Division Activities
  • Life History Notes
    • The type locality of the California quail. D. D. McLean
    • Elk in Suisun Marshes in late fifties. R. S. Ellsworth
    • Flat fish eat crabs. P. Bonnot
    • Carp chokes bass. A. Granstrom
    • Sea lion and sea ducks. E. Soto
  • Reports
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Statement of Income
    • Fishery Products, October, November, and December, 1930

California Fish and Game 17(1). Winter 1931.

  • The spiny-rayed game fishes of the California inland waters. G. Neale
  • Mexican cabrilla and groupers. L. A. Walford
  • The status of the Canada goose in California. J. Moffit
  • The mountain sheep of California. E. H. Ober
  • California seaweeds. P. Bonnot
  • Netting operations on an irrigation canal. J. B. Phillips
  • The relative efficiency of the semipurse seine compared with the round haul net. H. C. Godsil
  • Game birds and citrus fumigation. G. H. True, Jr.
  • Editorials
    • Research accomplishments summarized
    • Slaughter of game birds in Europe lamented
    • In Memoriam—Deputy I. L. Koppel
    • Study fish problems
    • Hungarian partridges arrive in California
    • Lions land on back
    • Judge Lucas decides case
    • Oil pollution
    • Altitude of bird flights
    • Values of wild life
    • Is water a necessity?
    • Conservation problems
    • Who pays the bills?
    • Poison campaigns dangerous
    • Pocket gopher does damage
    • New picture reel of antelope
    • Ducks in California
    • Deer killed in morning
    • Mule deer hunting on the Modoc
    • Bears in California
    • Unite to protect whale
    • Striped bass in California
    • Fishing areas for the California sardine
    • Daily average lengths of the California sardine
    • Important conference
    • Sportsmen plant clams
    • Winter work at hatchery
    • Fish rescued
    • Fish travel great distances
    • Measures clams
    • Brush fires destroy game
    • Send specimens
    • Ducks in California—mallard
    • Good duck hunting reported
    • Duck hunting at Salton Sea
    • Ducks in Suisan and San Pablo Bays
    • New York banded duck shot in California
    • Report all banded ducks
    • Ducks migrate after a freeze
    • Coots are clean feeders
    • An example others should follow
    • Quail easily tamed
    • Quail scarce on Mount Diablo
    • Quail increase in southern California
    • Mountain quail in motion pictures
    • Pheasants not destructive
    • More pheasants next year
    • Warm weather helps pheasants
    • Turkeys do well at game farms
    • Plant turkeys in south
    • Turkeys in Humboldt County
    • Many doves in Imperial Valley
    • Doves remain in north
    • Asiatic mynah in California
    • Grasshoppers
    • Concerning owl attacks
    • Goat and deer
    • Advice on care of gun
    • Hunters like double-barreled guns
    • How to weatherproof in a tent
    • Waterproofing fish lines
    • Home-made camp light
    • Mosquito dope
    • Eradicate stray cats
    • California and France
    • Federal refuges
    • Reserve land near Death Valley
    • Open new sport lands
    • Horse disease
    • Animal diseases in the United States
    • Expert diagnosis
    • Decrease in hunting licenses
    • Wild ducks on Potomac affected by disease
  • Commercial Fishery Notes
    • Increasing scarcity of clams on Pismo Beach
    • Changes in Monterey sardine fishery described
    • Live boxes for abalones at Monterey
    • Albacore at Monterey
    • Another wolf fish taken at Monterey
  • Life History Notes
    • Reminiscences of a hunter and collector. R. S. Ellsworth
    • Condors on the Santa Barbara National Forest. R. St. John
    • Black-crowned night heron in California. E. Soto
    • Spiny-rayed fish, San Diego County lakes. E. Glidden
  • Conservation in Other States
    • One-day hunting season
    • Turkeys plentiful in Maryland
    • To prevent waste of game
    • Raise wild ducks
    • Game farms progress in Wisconsin
    • Plant fingerling bass in Florida
    • Protecting wild life of Maine
    • Wardens carry binoculars
    • Hunt deer with shotguns
    • Pheasants in South Dakota
    • Shortage of pheasants in Missouri
    • Increase of swan
    • Beavers in Florida and California
    • Beaver goes to prison
    • Hungarian partridges in Oklahoma
    • "Red Carp"
  • Reports
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Deer Kill Statistics, 1930
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Statement of Income
    • Fishery Products, July, August, and September, 1930


California Fish and Game 16(4). Fall 1930.

  • The early history of duck clubs in California. M. H. McAllister
  • Duck disease caused by the poison of the Bacillus botulinus. M. Hobmaier
  • Angling for striped bass. C. E. Cole
  • Black bass fishing tackle—using the right tackle is more than half of angling pleasure. E. R. Kauffman
  • Fish rescue and reclamation work. G. Neale
  • Conservation through contact with living things. R. S. Ellsworth
  • Game refuges, preserves and sanctuaries. W. R. Welch
  • Rambling thoughts of a perverted Britisher. Capt. P. R. Creed
  • California halibut. G. H. Clark
  • Review of a report on the migration of the Pacific halibut. F. N. Clark
  • Size at first maturity of the white sea bass. F. N. Clark
  • The smaller fishing ports of central California. R. S. Croker
  • Editorials
    • Changes in personnel
    • Dr. M. Hobmaier, Division Pathologist
    • The duck limit problem
    • Sportsmen observe duck laws
    • In Memoriam—Deputy George Oscar Laws
    • Drought and duck season
    • Sanctuaries assure a future for state bird
    • California wilds in miniature
    • Propagate black bass
    • Conservation problems
    • Farmers' aid solicited
    • When man must reduce natural enemies
    • Salton Sea bass
    • Remove sandbar
    • Close Shasta River
    • Black bass in Feather River
    • True sportsman
    • Success in fishing
    • No Tahoe fishermen
    • Cave-dwelling magazine
    • Miles per deer
    • Save young trout
    • Closed mountain road
    • Deer dangerous to cars
    • Must shelter game birds
    • Water game birds
    • Wood ducks—how to distinguish them
    • Blue jay
    • Wood tick
    • Small-mouth bass in lake
    • Month-old pheasants
    • Partridges in California
    • Dead trees and conservation
    • Droughts make all suffer
    • Cars destroy game
    • Trapping licenses
    • License to protect fish
    • Fur-bearing animals
    • Dogs—sore feet
    • Parasite study is intricate
    • Game birds and poultry diseases
    • Prevent smothering of fry
    • What some pheasants eat
    • Bird's nest makes bee's nest
    • Birds sanctuaries in golf courses
    • Free hunting licenses in Pennsylvania
    • Quail experiment
    • Bird sanctuary in Michigan
    • Timber for game protection
    • Game farms successful
    • Pennsylvania acquires lands
    • Hunting-dog hints
    • Prussian bird and wild-flower laws
    • Musk oxen
    • What to do when lost
    • Pollution problems and ducks
    • Women excel with rod and gun
    • Control English sparrows
    • Migratory bird refuges
  • Division Activities
  • Life History Notes
    • Hunting elk for the market in the forties. R. S. Elssworth
    • Doe has antlers. E. Soto
    • Mother does know best. H. Abbey
    • An ethnological woodrat's nest. D. D. McLean
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • Studies in mackerel published
    • An English view of fishing
    • Wolf fish found on Humboldt Bay beach
    • A bibliography of the tunas
  • Hunting Accidents, 1929
  • Reports
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Fishery Products, April, May, and June, 1930
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Statement of Income

California Fish and Game 16(3). Summer 1930.

  • Wild rice for wild ducks. W. W. Mackie
  • California Fish and Game wardens—today and yesterday. W. R. Welch
  • Game conservation in southern California. C. S. Bauder
  • Crayfish. P. Bonnot
  • The French mackerel fishery. G. Corwin
  • A biological survey of Clear Lake, Lake County. G. A. Coleman
  • Feeding young pheasants and quail. A. Bade
  • California bluefin tuna. S. S. Whitehead
  • Tai and carp. L. A. Walford
  • Luminescent fishing. M. J. Lindner
  • Editorials
    • Volunteer wardens hold convention
    • Editor accepts new post
    • Band-tail pigeons cause damage in vineyards
    • Experimental test of size of trout controversy
    • New patrol boat
    • New studies on salmon and trout planned
    • Quail refuges basis of experiment
    • Jetty work progressing
    • Important screen case in court
    • The cost of fish restoration
    • The proposed tourist angler's license
    • Minnows as bait
    • Minnow seines illegal
    • Loaning of licenses decried
    • Plenary powers for division proposed initiative measure
    • In Memoriam—Alan G. Curry
    • Game wardens lose lives doing duty
    • California game breeders
    • The age of striped bass
    • A sportsman's view of the duck situation
    • Are deer hunters deteriorating?
    • Quail refuges urged
    • Additional clams need protection
    • Another shipment of Hungarian partridges received
    • Large trout gives record number of eggs
    • Deputies issue information cards
    • Hunters bag 3,428 Kiabab deer
    • Seeks better protection for pheasants
    • Concentration limits hunting
    • Mountain lions not wholly responsible for loss of deer
    • Wanted—a home for elk
    • A code of ethics adopted
    • Michigan trout tagging report
    • Special committee on wild life resources of the United States Senate
    • Shallow-feeding waterfowl collect lethal doses of spent shot
    • Skins worth more than $4,500,000 shipped from Alaska in 1929
    • Trapping and hunting regulations for 1930–31 approved for Alaska
    • Not all foreign game birds suitable for naturalizing
    • Observance of game laws essential to future hunting
    • Biologists to study wild life in forests
    • New leaflet tells how to make a cat trap
  • Division Activities
  • Life History Notes
    • Deer in Sacramento Valley. H. C. Bryant
    • Black brant on Tomales Bay. M. Hall
    • Pheasant nests in Arroyo Grande Valley. W. C. Blewett
  • Commercial Fishery Notes
    • California salmon for 1929
    • Wolf fish captured at Monterey
    • Large black sea bass caught in Monterey Bay
    • Sardine fishing at San Diego
    • 1929–1930 season disastrous for Monterey sardine fleet
    • Change in fishing for Monterey sardines
    • Salmon spawning in drainage canals in the San Joaquin Valley
    • The sardine fishing industry
    • The commercial fish catch of California
  • Reports
    • Violations of Fish and Game Law
    • Fishery Products, January, February, March, 1930
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Statement of Income

California Fish and Game 16(2). Spring 1930.

  • The rights of the amateur sportsman. W. R. Welch
  • Biological survey of the lakes, reservoirs and streams of San Diego County. G. A. Coleman
  • The burro deer in California. D. D. McLean
  • Preliminary report on the early life history of the California sardine. E. C. Scofield and M. J. Lindner
  • Report on the relative merits and demerits of purse seines vs. lampara nets in the taking of sardines. P. Bonnot
  • The California whitebait fishery. P. Bonnot
  • A shocking fish tale. C. F.. Maddox
  • Salt-water perch in the San Pedro wholesale fish markets. F. N. Clarks
  • The lily-iron returns to Monterey Bay. G. R. Chute
  • Conservation through visual education: a list of educational films for loan by the Division of Fish and Game, California Department of Natural Resources
  • Editorials
    • Employee's convention
    • Is free hunting doomed in America?
    • Areas closed to hunting
    • Are the days of free sport gone?
    • Waterfowl bag limit reduced
    • Who is going to enforce the 15 bag limit on ducks?
    • More Atlantic salmon for California
    • In Memoriam—Edward D. Ricketts
    • Streams closed to fishing, 1930
    • Club plants more than a million trout
    • California's deer
    • Pheasants planted in Mono County
    • Confiscated game
    • Seek protection for bald eagle
    • California's take of fur-bearing animals
    • The new Los Banos Refuge
    • Serranos Game Farm dedicated
    • It is unlawful to kidnap fawns
    • California quail selected as state birds
    • Establishment of quail refuges urged
    • Deer damage to be investigated
    • Ducks in San Diego County
    • The limit of true sport
    • Winter feeding of game begun
    • New speed boat
    • Hunting licenses
    • The latest bird banding experiment
    • Here's the proper term to apply
    • Mussel and clam quarantines lifted
    • Cooperation in law enforcement
    • Importations of game birds
    • Experiments on increasing birds on the farm
    • Economic value of predatory animals and birds be studied at state university
    • Western fish survey proposed
    • Non-proof fences for deer
    • Regulations under which commercial duck clubs may be operated
    • Valley quail hunters find birds scarce
    • The chukor partridge
    • Volunteer deputies
    • Pheasant banding gives valuable information
    • Laws necessary
    • Volunteer press agents
    • A national wild life policy drafted
    • What is a sportsman?
    • Program for elk protection
    • Beneficial effect of federal laws
    • Collection of loch level trout eggs
    • Mus ox refuge safeguarded
    • Fish refuges in Wisconsin
    • Biologists to study wild life in forests
  • Division Activities
  • Life History Notes
    • The migration of the western mourning dove (Zenaidura macroura marginella) in California. J. M. Robertson
    • Colorado River trout captured in Imperial County. H. C. Bryant
    • Opossum taken at San Diego. The Natural History Museum Bulletin
    • Breeding habits of mule deer. O. L. Barnum
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • How abalones are sometimes planted
    • Should the swordfish be protected
    • Abalones in demand
    • Transporting totuava by trains
    • New commercial fisheries patrol boat
    • Methods of conserving fishing resources
    • Pismo clam census
    • Proportions of king and queen fish in the San Pedro wholesale fish markets
    • A recent publication on white sea bass. Fish Bulleting No. 21
    • Herring in Carquinez Straits
    • Canning of mackerel during sardine season at San Pedro
    • Mexican fish in San Pedro markets
    • Large Pismo clams
    • Relation between cod and herring catches in the Danish waters of the Baltic Sea
    • Russia comments on California's commercial fisheries
    • Sea lions protected in Alaska
    • Some notes on the food of seals and sea lions
  • Reports
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Statement of Income
    • Fishery Products, October, November, December, 1929

California Fish and Game 16(1). Winter 1930.

  • Results of feeding experiments with trout fry. G. A. Coleman
  • Fish planting in the high Sierra in 1929. O. P. Brownlow
  • Conservation laws provide ample protection for abalones. N. B. Scofield
  • Abalones in California. P. Bonnot
  • Seen kow, a regal soup-stock. G. R. Chute
  • Hydrobiological survey of the Hopkins Marine Station. T. Skogsberg
  • Halibut—some facts about the king of the banks. J. P. Babcock
  • A dialogue on fish and game protection. Capt. W. B. Sellmer and Mrs. W. B. Sellmer
  • Editorials
    • First game refuge purchased
    • In Memoriam—William Herring Armstrong
    • The American Game Conference
    • Wild life committee enlarged
    • Joint convention considers problems of international interest
    • Survey of game refuges in other states
    • Convention of associated sportsmen
    • Sportsmen advocate full regulatory powers
    • Deer kill for 1929
    • Importance of deer tags to science
    • Game law abstracts
    • Striped bass introduced in Salton Sea
    • The Montana grayling in California
    • Salmon bulletin published
    • European canneries studied
    • American legion and conservation
    • Sportsmen defend Klamath River
    • A sportsman's creed
    • Veteran fish and game club
    • Popularity of striped bass fishing
    • Fish collection secured
    • Carp in ponds
    • Montana bars salmon eggs as bait
    • Whaling off San Clemente
    • Royal decree saves whales
    • Alaska red-salmon investigated
    • A swordfish photographed
    • Good business insurance
    • Careless gunners warned
    • Sea gulls aid farmer
    • New danger threatens western deer
    • Agricultural settlement in Canada and the waterfowl survey
    • Saving the game
    • Study of pheasant foods
    • The automobile and conservation
    • Longevity of pintail ducks
    • Names of ducks change
    • Rainbow trout travels 140 miles in 60 days
    • An unique record
    • Badgers and the fur trade
    • The fur seal crop
    • Introduction of plant-eating species threatening forest growth
    • Airplanes and game
    • Menace of floating reduction plants
    • The spiritual resources of nature
    • Education vs. Force
    • The roots of wild life
    • Audubon bird pictures and leaflets for bird study
    • Mountain beaver subject of new bulletin
    • Research, conservation and control activities of the Bureau of Biological Survey
    • Swans do not damage duck-food plants
    • Help wanted in protecting wild life from insects
  • Division Activities
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • Scarcity of small sardines
    • Pismo clam census
    • Albacore off Oregon and Washington coasts
    • How abalones are sometimes planted
    • Sardine boat lost
    • Unusual fish at San Pedro, California
    • Depletion of southern halibut probable
    • Japan studies fish boat types
  • Life History Notes
    • Grouse respond to protection
    • Desert mountain sheep of the Inyo Mountains
    • Elk thriving in Shasta County
    • Severe winter threatens Plumas County deer
    • Female deer has antlers
  • Conservation in Other States
    • Science aids conservation in Wisconsin
    • Pennsylvania studies deer
    • Michigan studies duck foods
    • Will codify game laws
    • Minnesota and Wisconsin cooperate
    • Pheasant propagation in two states
    • Arkansas builds mammoth fish hatchery
    • Michigan requires permit for introduced species
    • Antelope season in Wyoming
    • Colorado opens season on elk
    • Washington protects famous steelhead
    • Michigan has good pheasant hatch
    • Moose in New Zealand
    • Wisconsin favors duckless Wednesday
    • Violater fined $2,000
  • Reports
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Statement of Income
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Deer Kill Statistics, Season 1929
    • Fishery Products, July, August, and September, 1929


California Fish and Game 15(4). Fall 1929.

  • Diseases observed in game bird raising. H. Van Roekel
  • Parasitism in deer. H. Van Roekel
  • An experiment in restocking a bass lake with trout. A. Muehleisen
  • Monterey squid fishery. R. F. Classic
  • Methods used by states to collect fisheries statistics. G. Corwin
  • Comparison of England and United States fishing ports, 1926–1927. G. Corwin
  • Legislation plus education equals conservation. W. R. Welch
  • Editorials
    • Western commissioners meet in San Francisco
    • Civil service examination given wardens
    • Research program delayed
    • Duck sickness
    • Summer resort educational program
    • Pheasants liberated on Santa Catalina Islands
    • Environmental controls
    • A nation begins but once
    • Electric brooders used at game farm
    • Statistical report on fresh and canned fishery products
    • Necessary facts
    • The new Los Serranos Game Farm
    • California's duck kill
    • What is conservation?
    • Salmon seek home stream
    • Conservation begins at home
    • Temperature and trout
    • Predatory animal control
    • Method of wholesale control unwise
    • Bureau of Land and Game Refuges
    • Hydrobiological survey continued
    • Sea limits important
    • The deer season
    • Boundaries of game districts defined
    • Forest fires and game
    • The creel limit on trout
    • Our men on patrol
    • Whales commercially extinct on California coast
    • New danger threatens western deer and elk
    • Water for quail
    • The value of wilderness
    • Sea lions wrongfully accused
    • Lion bounties increase
    • Committee appointed to administer Migratory Bird Conservation Act
    • Fort Seward hatchery tries new fish food
    • Statement of the American Museum of National History in regard to a pamphlet entitled a crisis in conservation
    • Airplane "smokes" menace California fields and forests
  • Division Activities
  • Life History Notes
    • The antelope of Lassen County. C. O. Fisher
    • The antelope near Fresno. H. Larsen
    • Tuna seen off Vancouver, B.C. W. L. Scofield
    • Big-eyed bass (Xenistius californiensis) and dolphin (Coryphaena hippurus) caught off San Pedro. F. N. Clark
    • A racial comparison of California, Hawaiian and Japanese albacore (Germo germo). F. N. Clark
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • New patrol boat planned
    • Albacore at San Diego
    • Bibliographies
    • Sardine season opens
    • New publications
    • The tuna fishery in western Spanish Sahara
    • Purse seine boats
    • Unloading of sardines simplified
  • Reports
    • Statement of Income
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Fishery Products, April, May, and June, 1929
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws

California Fish and Game 15(3). Summer 1929.

  • History of the fish and fishing conditions of Lake Tahoe. W. H. Shebley
  • The whales of California. P. Bonnot
  • Wild goose shooting in California twenty-five years ago. M. H. McAllister
  • A biological survey of Salton Sea. G. A. Coleman
  • The reproduction of fishes. P. Bonnot
  • Acetic acid as a control agent for Cyclochaete and Gyrodactylus in hatchery trout. H. Van Roekel
  • The northward occurrence of southern forms of marine life along the Pacific coast in 1926. C. L. Hubbs and L. P. Schultz
  • Recent Legislation
  • Disease preventative measures for game farms
  • Editorials
    • Streams closed to fishing, 1929
    • Convention of volunteer wardens
    • California's fish catch
    • Federal game departments consolidated
    • Biological survey forms new division of land acquisition
    • States consent to acquisition of lands for federal migratory bird refuges
    • First discovery of sardine eggs
    • Volunteer deputy injured
    • Hungarian partridges transported by airplane
    • Perpetuating a natural resource
    • Salmon conservation
    • Who owns the game?
    • Proposed change in opening of trout season unsatisfactory
    • Annual deer crop
    • Safety of migratory fish threatened
    • Trout food
    • San Diego County pays bounty on mountain lions
    • Pheasants help farmers and horticulturists
    • Airplanes and feeding of game
    • Education one primary need
    • Identification of deer meat now possible
    • Striped bass to be planted in Salton Sea
    • Scientific Collecting Permits
    • Mexican quail sent to Italy
    • Automobiles a menace to wild life
    • Salmon discussed at meeting
    • Deputies thwart novel methods of violators
    • Force and persuasion
    • Sockeye salmon successfully introduced
    • Tularemia in Siberia
    • Beaver thrives in former range where stocked
    • Public sentiment and conservation
    • Big game counted from airplane
    • It takes four years to produce one pound of trout
    • Minnesota recognizes a new land service
    • Age and movements of elk studied
    • Feeding of game
    • Exploitation bad policy
    • Economic importance of the great horned owl
    • Bay shore hunters have better sport
    • Quail and orange tree fumigation
    • Steelhead fishing in California
    • Information for fur farmers
    • The wisdom of doe killing
    • Free shooting versus clubs
    • Brown trout thrive in Russian River
    • New disease among fish
    • Tuna scarcity
    • Migratory Bird Conservation Commission appointed
    • Elaborate plans for banding of ducks
    • Returns on banded bald eagles
    • Buffalo shipped to Alaska reported in good condition
    • Mule deer offered for sale
    • Bird regulation amendments
    • Protection of swans not to be diminished
  • Division Activities
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • An act regulating the packing of sardines in Maine
    • Steelhead trout appearing in southern California
    • Oyster cultivation on Puget Sound
    • Canada to study Pacific pilchard and herring industries
    • Sea lions and fisherman
  • Life History Notes
    • Weed burning and Tule Lake pheasants. F. R. Starr
    • Some early plantings of trout. W. E. Colby
    • Pelican swallows large striped bass. C. F. England
    • Antelope in Kern County. W. W. Mackie
    • Lack of food causes loss of deer. C. L. Brown
  • Conservation in Other States
    • Louisiana begins fish culture
    • Michigan makes important purchase
    • New York's new game sanctuary
    • A game census in North Carolina
    • Georgia still lacks anglers' license
    • Public shooting grounds for Illinois
    • Michigan continues its "creel census"
    • North Carolina breeding fur-bearers
    • Bear regarded asset in Wyoming
    • Pheasant survey
    • Questionnaire of game conditions in New Jersey
    • Oklahoma states plans
    • Wisconsin gives publicity to violators
    • Nevada antelope to be studied
    • Pheasants on increase in North Dakota
    • Washington takes inventory of waterfowl area
  • Reports
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Statement of Income
    • Canned, Cure, and Manufactured Fishery Products
    • Fishery Products, January, February, and March, 1929

California Fish and Game 15(2). Spring 1929.

  • A biological survey of Lake Tahoe. G. A. Coleman
  • A sportsman visits the Yountville Game Farm. F. W. Lochne
  • Some cruises of the albacore. P. Bonnot
  • The spawning season for the California barracuda. L. A. Walford
  • The Spanish cerco real or "royal blockade net." G. R. Chute
  • Editorials
    • Fourth Annual Convention Employees Division Fish and Game
    • Convention Addresses
      • Address of I. Zellerbach, President of California Fish and Game Commission
      • Address of Eugene D. Bennett, Executive Officer
      • Address of Senator Sanborn Young, Chairman Senate Committee of Fish and Game
      • Address of Assemblyman Hubert Scudder, Chairman Assembly Committee on Fish and Game
    • New administrative officers
    • Fish and Game districts
    • Hungarian partridges imported
    • Sardine litigation
    • The Norbeck-Andresen Game Refuge Bill
    • Trout feeding experiments
    • Disease investigations
    • Banded ducks recovered
    • A vice presidential proclamation
    • Accomplishments of a volunteer system
    • Deer hunting and sportsmanship
    • Some values of game resources
    • Importance of scientific research
    • Pennsylvania's deer problem
    • The duck season
    • Steelhead fishing conditions
    • Right to fish demanded in federal bill
    • Financial statements
    • Fish resources in Lake Elsinore
    • Trout rescued
    • Self-cleaning fish screen
    • Guadalupe fur seals
    • The common cat—bird killer and destroyer of wild life
    • The game-bird supply
    • Research boon to hawk and owl
    • New method developed for planting bobwhite quail
    • Federal legislation asked on interstate fur shipments
    • Imported game birds
    • Striped bass introduced in Japan
    • Montana ducks winter on Pacific coast
    • Wisconsin wardens given rigid test
    • Outdoor manners
    • Scientists help solve conservation problems
    • The possibility of tularemia in the ruffed grouse
    • Sportsman and farmer
    • Striped bass on trial
    • Fish ducks and fish
    • Report on banded wild fowl
    • Hunting accidents 1928
    • Exploitation bad policy
    • Learning the ways of fish
    • Virginia's game worth millions
    • New "wilderness" areas established
    • Increase of deer raises game management problem
    • Surplus elk offered by government
    • European starling rapidly spreading
    • Protest against Kodiak bear protection answered
  • Division Activities
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • Albacore imported from Japan
    • Conditions in the sardine fishery at San Pedro
    • Tuna packing in Tunis
    • Night fishing with lights on the coast of Africa
  • Life History Notes
    • Prong-horned antelope in California. E. S. Cheney
    • Specimens of milk fish, Chanos chanos, delivered at San Pedro. F. N. Clark
    • Some notes on the basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus). P. Bónnot
    • Albino sardine. M. J. Linder
    • Huge skipjack taken at San Diego
    • A brief note on a green alga Ankistrodesmus. F. Klyver
  • Conservation in Other States
    • Food planted for migratory waterfowl in Oregon
    • Wisconsin spares the hawks
    • Guinea fowl to be tried in Oregon
    • Missouri supports education
    • Ten-point bull moose legal in New Brunswick
    • Minnesota adopts refuge policy
    • Michigan bands trout
    • Michigan opens season on pheasants
    • Wisconsin hunters warned to be careful with loaded guns
    • Broadened viewpoint in Wisconsin
    • Beaver planting on Upper Missouri River
    • Missouri shipped over 3,500,000 rabbits to nations markets for Christmas
    • Wisconsin hunters and trappers must wear buttons
  • Reports
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Plants of Game Birds
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Fishery Products, October, November, and December, 1928

California Fish and Game 15(1). Winter 1929.

  • Sacramento River salmon fishery. G. H. Clark
  • Wild duck disease. H. Van Roekel
  • The status of salmon in California. N. B. Scofield
  • Trout fishing in California today and fifty years ago. W. Welch
  • Golden trout planting in 1928. O. P. Brownlow
  • The crab fishery of Monterey Bay, California—Catching the Cancer magister with nets. G. R. Chute
  • San Diego tuna industry. C. F. Maddow
  • The food of trout. G. A. Coleman
  • New accessions at the library of California State Fisheries Laboratory
  • Editorials
    • The future
    • The thirtieth biennial report
    • The National Committee on Wild Life Legislation
    • Deer kill for 1928
    • Requisites for California waterfowl
    • Sentiment and force
    • Southern volunteers convene
    • New association urges international and interstate commission
    • Passage of federal refuge bill urged by leading conservationists
    • Past and present justification for the utilization of wild life resources
    • Interstate high dam prevents use of fishway
    • The use of fish eggs for bait
    • Diversity of fisheries an aid to conservation
    • Refuges effective in perpetuating game
    • Slaughter methods still exist
    • Cottonwood lakes closed to angling
    • Game and forestry
    • Aerial survey of waterfowl conditions
    • Small game refuges expressions of constructive effort
    • The most modern of violators
    • Statistical report on fresh and canned products for 1927
    • Game bird faming in California
    • Local hunters most successful in killing deer
    • Holding ponds
    • Deer herds on increase
    • The mystery of game wardens
    • Rainbow trout in New Zealand
    • Game Refuge 1-Q
    • Fish diseases
    • New game farm for Catalina Island
    • Destruction of undesirable fish
    • Klamath fishing accorded high praise
    • Hunting ethics
    • Sportsmen requested to report banded birds
    • Mountain lion control
    • The deer situation in Pennsylvania
    • Some facts about fish
    • Sportsmen's club and the law
    • Some returns from California banded birds
    • Resolutions of the American Fisheries Society
    • Tule Lake bird refuge
    • Need for game and bird refuge stressed
    • "Light burning" menace to California forests
  • Division Activities
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • The northern range of the albacore
    • Whaling industry prosperous
    • An unappreciated food fish
    • Opening date for the 1928–1929 sardine season
    • Pismo clam census
  • Life History Notes
    • A close encounter with a mountain sheep. E. H. Glidden
    • Lampreys injure striped bass. N. B. Scofield
    • Mountain lion seen killing a doe. J. G. Wade
    • Black brant again on Mission Bay. A. B. Pearson
  • Conservation in Other States
    • Game conditions in Atlantic states
    • Wisconsin given power to close season
    • Missouri urges sportsmen to assist in vermin control
    • New York succeeds in conserving deer
    • Canadian park receives buffalo
    • Nature guards organizing in south states
    • Another game refuge for Missouri
    • Michigan studies black duck migrations
    • New York reports on Hungarian partridges
    • Montana has first open season on pheasants
    • Arkansas biennial report highlights
    • Oregon rescues millions of fish
    • Nevada sportsmen aid state
    • Wisconsin studies age of fish
  • Reports
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Statement of Income
    • Deer Kill Statistics
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Fishery Products, July to September, 1928


California Fish and Game 14(4). Fall 1928.

  • The striped bass supply of California. J. A. Craig
  • Grunion on Cabrillo Beach. F. N. Clark
  • The totuava fishery of the California Gulf. G. R. Chute
  • A note on the squawfish and one of its relatives. W. I. Follett
  • The bonefish—overlooked by California sportsmen. W. I. Follett
  • Intestinal parasites of wild ducks and geese. E. C. O'Roke
  • Fish rescue and reclamation. G. Neale
  • Editorials
    • Head office moved
    • Game restoration
    • Obligations
    • More state parks needed
    • Division's work subject of visual study
    • In Memoriam—Eugene William Hunt
    • In Memoriam—George Thompson
    • Game commissioners meet at Seattle
    • Hunter vs. farmer
    • A changed viewpoint needed
    • Conservation training camp for boy scouts opened in Yosemite
    • Deputy killed by violator
    • State lion hunter seriously injured
    • New bureau established
    • The building of dams
    • National waterfowl refuge law
    • A new game farm
    • Folsom fishway repaired
    • State fair exhibit, 1928
    • Lumber companies protect mule deer
    • Muskrats in Kern County
    • The Bear River project
    • Game administration
    • The restoration of marshes
    • Winter feeding
    • Migration of trout studied
    • To study life history of Pacific eel
    • Giant tortoise brought to San Diego
    • Mexican game bird propagated
    • Fry and fingerlings
    • Teachers' bulletin No. 10
    • Sea lion bulletin prepared
    • A game survey
    • Duck time
    • Resolution demands study of whale
    • Waterfowl censuses of biological survey developing valuable conservation data
  • Division Activities
  • Commercial fishery notes. N. B. Scofield
    • Crab season correct
    • Season on salmon and bass resulted in poor catch
    • Library of California State Fisheries Laboratory
    • The effects of stream pollution on fishes and their food
    • Regulation of halibut fishery proposed
  • Life history notes
    • Duck migration begins. A. B. Pearson
    • Female pheasant assumes male plumage. W. F. Peacock
  • Conservation in other states
    • Maine closes season on moose
    • Pennsylvania releases 80,000 rabbits
    • Reestablishment of bird refuge in Wyoming
    • License buttons for Michigan hunters
    • North Carolina secures deer
    • Mississippi refuge enlarged
    • State supplies pheasant eggs
    • Outstanding accomplishments of New Mexico Conservation Commission
    • A worthy bill that failed
    • Entomologist employed by Missouri State Game and Fish Commission
    • New type of fish food
    • Oregon adopts continuing program
  • Reports
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Statement of Income
    • Fishery Products, April to June, 1928
    • Statement of Expenditures

California Fish and Game 14(3). Summer 1928.

  • Parasites and parasitic disease in the California Valley quail. E. C. O'Roke
  • Sardine seasons at Monterey and Los Angeles Harbor. W. L. Scofield
  • Mussel poisoning in California. K. F. Meyer
  • Oysters in California. N. B. Scofield
  • Fish screens in California irrigation ditches. J. Spencer
  • Editorials
    • A look to the future
    • Sound value
    • In Memoriam—D. E. Roberts
    • In Memoriam—F. Machado
    • More knowledge needed
    • Advisory committee appointed
    • Senate passes federal game refuge bill
    • Pack train to transport golden trout
    • A full program for summer resorts
    • More state parks mean more game refuges
    • Conservation lessons as aids to classroom instruction
    • How birds respond to protection
    • Another blue jay hunt
    • Looking backward
    • Deputies face new problem
    • Wild fowl refuge functioning
    • Streams closed to angling
    • State parks and game propagation
    • Boy scouts and conservation
    • Association states aims
    • Destruction of ducks' nests by irrigation water
    • Protecting orchards from deer
    • Cause of ruffed grouse epidemics still unknown
    • A solution suggested
    • What deer eat
    • A plea for shorebirds
    • Game law enforcement
    • Sportsmen versus landowner
    • A nature almanac
    • Gamekeepers' school established
    • Nesting habits of band-tailed pigeon
    • Carp Catch increased by novel method
    • Wood ducks increasing
    • Refuges most important in saving wild life
    • Imported wild birds not easily established here
    • Upper Klamath wild life refuge established
    • Migratory Bird Treaty Act regulations amended
    • Forest Service plans novel campaign
    • Bear River Marshes, Utah, saved for migratory birds
    • Utah man will head Bear River Bird Refuge project
    • Fox distemper being investigated
  • Division Activities
  • Commercial fishery notes. N. B. Scofield
    • Record catch recorded
    • Grunion and smelt
    • Albacore
    • Why California sardines are caught at night rather than by day
    • Mackerel canning
    • Fishing off southern beaches growing in popularity
  • Life history notes
    • Humboldt County elk
    • Screech owl vs. flicker. D. D. McLean
    • White-winged dove in the Imperial Valley. E. D. Ricketts
    • Canada geese nest on Honey Lake. C. O. Fisher
    • A tick-infested deer. G. M. Wright
    • A striper strangles. P. C. Meakin
  • Conservation in other states
    • Florida enacts advanced law
    • New Brunswick gains important addition to refuge system
    • Recent legislation in Kentucky
    • New York providing food for game
    • Missouri imports quail
    • Idaho to introduce eggs of freshwater smelt
    • Pathfinder Bird Refuge reestablished in Wyoming
    • Upper Mississippi refuge enlarged
    • New antelope preserve for Nevada
    • North Carolina undertakes a game bag census
    • Georgia creates refuges
    • Hungarian partridges in Pennsylvania

California Fish and Game 14(2). Spring 1928.

  • Facts you should know about animal diseases—an elementary talk. K. F. Meyer
  • Our policies. E. D. Bennett
  • Posting of game refuges. J. S. Hunter
  • Volunteer deputies. W. R. Welch
  • A continent-wide waterfowl census. H. C. Oberholser
  • California trout. J. O. Synder
  • Quail shooting in California today and fifty years ago. W. R. Welch
  • The relation of parasitism to wild life conservation. E. C. O'Roke
  • Various conditions regulating bird population and migration. D. D. McLean
  • Report of the Committee on Species Destructive to Game. National Game Conference
  • Editorials
    • High lights of the Convention
    • Game farm will experiment with new birds
    • Reflooding of Klamath Lake considered impracticable
    • Game wardens' duties multifarious
    • Johnson bill would provide wildfowl refuges
    • Klamath River salmon epidemic
    • Crowding and the birthrate
    • The annual kill of ducks
    • Museums help in nature education
    • Bird banding on Lake Merritt
    • Salvaging ducks on Buena Vista Lake
    • A remarkable display of wildfowl
    • Accomplishment of a private game farm
    • Desert mountain sheep
    • Japanese sportsmen organize protective association
    • The buck law
    • Accomplishments of a woman game warden
    • Still game to eat
    • Wild questions
    • Bounty paid on muskrats to save irrigation ditches
    • Viewpoint changes on route taken by ducks
    • Schools take interest in conservation
    • Pointed paragraphs on Fish and Game Administration
    • Test given to Fortuna Union High School students
    • Dangers attendant upon introduction of foreign birds
    • Fur research at University of Minnesota
    • Coyote not strictly carnivorous
    • California's kill of furbearers
    • County wardens help enforce game laws
    • The lecture program
    • Major conservation projects
    • What is a forked horn?
    • The wealth of the sea
    • California hummingbirds
    • Canada leads in buffalo conservation
    • The Irish elk
    • By the President of the United States of America, a proclamation
    • Public warned to guard against tularemia
    • Denmead and Goldman discuss problems of game preservation
    • Tern banded in Labrador found dead in France
    • New leaflet tells how to raise minks in captivity
    • Bird-census takers wanted
  • Commission activities
  • Commercial fishery notes. N. B. Scofield
    • Untangling the names of fishes
    • Fish canners organize
  • Life history notes
    • A plea for the white-tailed kite. W. M. Pierce
    • Misleading names in various common birds. D. D. McLean
    • The pigeon hawk's bill of fare. D. D. McLean
    • A note on the food of the long-billed curlew. D. D. McLean
    • Unusually large wild cat captured. S. M. Wiley
    • Black Sea brant on Mission Bay. A. B. Pearson
    • Notes on a captive turkey vulture. J. M. Robertson
    • Muskrats and beaver in Imperial County. E. H. Glidden
  • Conservation in other states
    • New York introduces varying hares
    • New York plans series of refuges
    • New York succeeds in stocking area with mallards
    • Nova Scotia creates sanctuary
    • Yellowstone elk thrive in Canada
    • Rearing vs. purchasing game
  • Reports
    • Statement of Income and Expenditures
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Statistical Report Annual Kill Fur-Bearing Mammals in California
    • Statistics, Deer Killed in California
    • California Fishery Products, October to December, 1927

California Fish and Game 14(1). Winter 1928.

  • The sea lions of California. P. Bonnot
  • The smelts of the San Pedro wholesale fish markets. F. N. Clark
  • How a natural resource is being administered. W. L. Scofield
  • Salmon investigation. J. O. Snyder
  • Striped bass studies. E. C. Scofield
  • Catch figures and fish supply. J. A. Craig
  • An historical review of the legal aspects of the use of food fish for reduction purposes. B. D. Marx Greene
  • Biological requisites for Lake Trout. G. A. Coleman
  • Progress in halibut investigations. R. M. Thompson
  • Editorials
    • Eugene D. Bennett, new executive officer
    • The retiring executive office
    • Special fish planting truck
    • A correction
    • Commercial duck clubs licensed
    • Patrol conference
    • KMN goes on the air
    • Kill of deer, season 1927
    • Hungarian partridges purchased
    • Associated sportsmen's convention
    • Trout distribution for 1928 planned
    • Outbreak of duck disease
    • Pot-hunting and shooting ethics
    • What is a "forked-horn"?
    • New plan for duck conservation
    • An elk refuge needed
    • Volunteer wardens
    • Education in California
    • Express shipments of ducks inspected
    • Tahquitz Game Refuge
    • Opening of duck season encouraging
    • Fish planting
    • Sage hen given protection
    • A famous animal blind
    • Two speed boats added to patrol
    • Resolutions of Western Association
    • Government to take waterfowl census
    • Habits of the California clapper rail
    • Maintenance of wild life on reservations
    • Pheasants and cats
    • A costly lesson
    • The food of fishes
    • Court decision divides jurisdiction over Kaibab deer
    • Lion hunter Bruce breaks record
    • Mosquito fish a success
    • Seashore animals of the Pacific Coast
    • State bird to be selected
    • Game restoration program inaugurated
    • Reflooding of Lower Klamath Lake held impracticable
    • Distemper on Fox Farms to receive careful study
    • Beaver farming in cut-over lands promises profit and interesting work
    • Biological Survey seeks cooperation of hunting clubs
    • Waterfowl shooting permitted on parts of Upper Mississippi
    • Forests play important role in regulation of streamflow
    • Game animals killed in forest seven by slow ground fires
    • Study made of magpie in relation to agriculture
    • Annual fur law summary issued
  • Commission Activities
  • Commercial fishery notes. N. B. Scofield
    •  Sardine scarcity at Monterey
    • Bootleg barracuda
    • Drag-net fishing has depleted halibut supply
    • South Africa wants herring
    • Louisiana shrimp industry
    • Pismo clam census
    • European biological stations
    • Abalone safe from extermination
    • To save the fisheries of the Great Lakes
  • Life history notes
    • Northern halibut in southern California. L. A. Walford
    • Gunion at La Jolla. F. N. Clark
    • Albino quail. H. C. Bryant
    • Humpback salmon taken off Santa Monica. L. A. Walford
    • White-tailed kits near Hollister. D. D. McLean
    • Acorns as a duck food. D. D. McLean
    • Birds and grapes. D. D. McLean
  • Conservation in other states
    • Maine opens season on moose
    • Kansas after wildfowl refuge
    • Missouri increases warden force
    • New Mexico undertakes fishing water survey
    • New bird refuge in Florida
    • New Zealand uses educational method
    • Mountain sheep successfully introduced in Montana
    • Special license needed to kill bear in New Mexico
    • Auxiliary game refuges for Missouri
    • Lost fish receipt books
  • Report on sardine canneries, 1926–27
  • Reports
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Statement of Income and Expenditures
    • Fishery Products, July to September, 1927


California Fish and Game 13(4). Fall 1927.

  • The deer of California. E. R. Hall
  • Bagging broadbills in California waters. C. F. Maddox
  • Fishing conditions in Lake Tahoe. G. A. Coleman
  • Poachers and game law violators. W. R. Welch
  • Editorials
    • New commissioners appointed
    • Four-year program inaugurated
    • Department of Natural Resources
    • Survey of game refuge boundaries planned
    • Deer kill, season 1927
    • An unappreciated natural resource
    • The value of the trappers' catch
    • Game management
    • Hatcheries to serve full time
    • Mountain lion control
    • Summer resort educational work
    • Yosemite nature guide service, eighth season, 1927
    • Safety for pheasants
    • Pheasants a benefit
    • The new salmon law
    • A new bird book
    • Hawk bulletin available to teachers
    • Fisheries statistics furnish basis for legislation
    • Photographic evidence
    • Deer licks
    • Personnel file improved
    • State fair exhibit
    • Home grown ducks plentiful
    • New films of state game farm secured
    • The shad in Oregon
    • Deer violator apprehended
    • Scout service to wild life
    • A novel type of duck refuge
    • Public shooting grounds suggested
    • Floating reduction factories
    • A brief for the cormorant
    • How duck supply may be increased
    • Striped bass gaining in public favor
    • Trumpeter swans survive
    • Fur farming in British Columbia
    • State game refuge requisites
    • Experimental rabbit farm at Fontana, California
    • Bird minding made easier and cheaper by improved methods
  • Commission Activities
  • Life history notes
    • Pike and trout. C. L. Hubbs
    • Domesticated Mexican chachalaca. J. W. Classen
    • European trout gets older scientific name
  • Conservation in other states
    • Fisheries merged with conservation commission in North Carolina
    • Kaibab deer numerous
    • Mississippi wild life refuge
    • Thirty-fifth refuge just purchased
  • Reports
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Fishery Products, April to June, 1927

California Fish and Game 13(3). Summer 1927.

  • History of fish planting in California. W. H. Shebley
  • Four new hatcheries for California. W. H. Shebley
  • Hunting and fishing reminiscences. W. R. Welch
  • Food habits of the Chinese pheasant. A. Bade
  • Recent Legislation
  • Editorials
    • Increased license fees provide for enlarged program
    • Ear marks of progress
    • Commission given power to close streams to fishing
    • Experience best teacher
    • The new Department of Natural Resources
    • Deserted fawns
    • Do you know your game warden?
    • Fish distribution
    • Natural history instruction in the schools
    • The duck fund
    • Plans for increasing the duck supply
    • Quail receive added protection
    • Game farm a busy place
    • Game censuses
    • Pheasant plantings
    • Sport for the angler in San Francisco Bay
    • Depredations of birds in fruit orchards
    • Millions of hunters
    • Mixing faunas
    • Directory of bird-life of the San Francisco Bay region
    • California fishery statistics lauded
    • The relation of birds to forests
    • A "jerky" hermit
    • Game propagation in Washington
    • Specifications for state game preserves
    • Vermin and quail
    • A brief for the pheasant
    • The food of terns in England
    • Game and fur farmers aided by U.S. scientists
    • Revised hunting and trapping regulations issued for Alaska
    • Unified plan for elk conservation
    • Reedbirds, or bobolinks, no longer permitted to be killed
    • Count of Jackson Hole elk made by officials
    • California forests, one of the state's greatest natural resources
  • Commission Activities
  • Commercial fishery notes. N. B. Scofield
    • California's fishery statistics
    • Pearl essence in San Pedro
    • Keeping small sardines firm by refrigeration
    • A trial shipment of fish from the Atlantic coast
    • A new tuna boat
    • The sardine industry
  • Life history notes
    • A California badger. W I. Follett
    • The ratfish or elephant fish. H. W. Clark
    • Doves winter in Siskiyou County. W. Lippincott
    • Eastern crayfish in San Diego County. F. F. Gander
    • Possible disease in mountain sheep. E. Jaeger
    • The eastern bullfrog in southern California. F. A. George
  • Conservation in other states
    • A new refuge for Illinois
    • Grayling nearly extinct in Michigan
    • Idaho furnishes salt for deer
    • Idaho's game refuges
    • Pheasants increasing in Nebraska
    • The British Wild Birds Protection Bill
    • Arkansas introduces beaver
    • The Associated Committees for Wild Life Conservation in New England
    • Idaho's open season
    • Elk brought back to old haunts in Blue River County, Arizona
    • New bird refuge and fur preserve in Alaska
    • New bird refuge created along Savannah River, South Carolina
  • Reports
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Fishery Products, January to March, 1927

California Fish and Game 13(2). Spring 1927.

  • Game bird farming. A. Bade
  • We must produce if we destroy. G. M. Simpson
  • Dollar-a-year wardens. W. R. Welch
  • Believe it or not. A. Bade
  • Game propagation. A. Bade
  • Section Annual Convention Employees of the California Fish and Game Commission. R. S. Ellsworth
  • The Department of Commercial Fisheries. N. B. Scofield
  • The viewpoint of an onlooker. C. Dunwoody
  • Editorials
    • Increased hunting  and fishing license fees needed
    • Discretionary powers
    • Accomplishments vs. future program
    • Conservation necessities
    • In Memoriam—Deputy W. J. Green
    • Another game farm contemplated
    • Qualifications of a game keeper
    • Insect food for young pheasants
    • Pheasant season disappointing
    • A new book on game bird propagation
    • Importation of quail from Mexico
    • Experiment with tropical game birds
    • Pheasant fills needed in Iowa
    • State refuges for wild fowl
    • Confiscation of net declared legal
    • What do sea lions eat?
    • Argentina prohibits the exportation of tinamous
    • Complete your file
    • Varieties of tunnies and swordfishes described
      • The leaping tuna, bluefin
      • Long-finned albacore
      • Yellowfin tuna
      • Barred marlin
      • Broadbill swordfish
    • Cane gun illegal in California
    • African conservationists have new troubles
    • Duck disease
    • Scientific data secured by lion hunter Bruce
    • Storm damage
    • An Indian brush dam for the taking of fish
    • The value of wild fowl
    • Deer increasing in Stanislaus Forest
    • Classification of vermin
    • Survey of duck conditions planned
    • Worse than a crime—a mistake
    • A comparison of game conditions
    • A uniformed patrol force
    • Opossum depredations increasing
    • The real enemy
    • The relation of forests and forestry to human welfare
    • Mount Tamalpais Refuge
    • Rabbit bounty fails in Kansas
    • California quail in New Zealand
    • Duck drives
    • Striped bass in Maryland
    • Migratory wild fowl in Mexico
    • Eastern brook trout planted in Moraine Lake, Tulare County
    • Reindeer industry promises to be important to Alaska
    • Heavy wild fowl loses result of reduced water areas
    • Paul G. Redington is name Chief of Biological Survey
    • 1926 fire recorded for national forests of California
    • Forest conservation, a national opportunity
  • Facts of current interest
  • Commission activities
  • Commercial fishery notes. N. B. Scofield
    • The occurrence of the Japanese herring
    • Wanted: hooks found in albacore and tunas
    • San Diego's lobster catch exceeds that of 1926
    • Albacore caught near Monterey
    • Visitors to the California State Fisheries Laboratory
    • California sardine investigations
    • Serials newly acquired by the California State Fisheries Laboratory
  • Life history notes
    • Male crabs legal in California
    • The opossum reaches San Diego County
    • Annual census of waterfowl at Lake Merritt, Oakland, California
    • Notes on the food of the western robin, kingfisher, and other birds
    • Food habits of trout
  • Game propagation in other states
    • New York
    • New Jersey
    • Pennsylvania
    • Vermont
    • Rhode Island
    • Maryland
    • West Virginia
    • South Carolina
    • Michigan
    • North Dakota
    • South Dakota
    • Missouri
    • Arkansas
    • Idaho
    • Wyoming
    • Oregon
    • Washington
    • Nevada
  • Reports
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Fishery Products, October to December, 1926

California Fish and Game 13(1). Winter 1927.

  • An historical review of the legal aspects of the use of food fish for reduction purposes. B. D. Marx Greene
  • Effect of the recent law prohibiting the taking of barracuda in California waters with purse seine or round haul nets. J. A. Craig
  • Striped bass as I know them. C. E. Hubback
  • Believe it or not. A. Bade
  • Interesting books on fish, fisheries and related subjects. R. Miller Thompson
  • Educational films and lantern slides of the California Fish and Game Commission
  • Editorials
    • Time element important in conservation
    • Predictions of game abundance needed
    • Striped bass once more
    • Deputies receive new manual
    • Something more than protection
    • Pike and trout
    • Ayu eggs imported
    • Chumming is legal but—
    • California salmon may feed off British Columbia coast
    • The warden's viewpoint
    • Weeds or wildfowl
    • Game warden's job a dangerous one
    • Local game refuges
    • Two sides of a question
    • Whaling operations start in southern California waters
    • Better protection for steelhead needed
    • Some resolutions of the Western Fish and Game Commissioners' Association
    • How many fish will a stream support
    • Fish ladder on Sacramento River being installed
    • Tree squirrels in the Laguna Mountains to receive winter food supply
    • Bird and Arbor Day
    • A new book on pheasants
    • Migration of bonitos in the North Pacific
    • Audubon Society reports on educational work
    • Deer hunters numerous in coast range
    • Biological Survey chief surveys the duck situation
    • Safety screen to be installed at Lake Almanor
    • Spot whales by airplane
    • Cats eat birds
    • The goats of Guadalupe Island
    • Regulation of shooting devices discussed
    • Our ranch folks
    • New bulletin on fur laws issued
    • The tule goose
    • Horns and antlers
    • Chief of patrol attends eastern convention
    • Canadian regulations regarding sanctuaries
    • New fish planting film secured
    • Ocean industries vs. California Fish and Game Commission
    • Reindeer industry in Alaska
    • Fewer fish in Great Lakes
    • President increases area of wild life reservation
    • Federal and state governments cooperate to enforce game laws
  • Facts of current interest
  • Commission Activities
  • Life history notes
    • Status of the golden eagle in southern California
    • Bringing back the quail
    • A meat eating trout
    • Pilot fish
    • The mountain sheep in the San Jacinto region
  • Conservation in other states
    • Five man commission appointed in Virginia
    • Deer in New York
    • Ohio's auxiliary game refuges
    • Louisiana rich in furbearers
    • Progress reported in West Virginia
    • New Mexico increases refuge system
    • Kansas plans to build and stock artificial lakes
    • An Antarctic sanctuary
    • In sanctuary
    • New federal bird refuge created in Columbia River
  • Reports
    • Financial Report
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Fishery Products, July to September, 1926


California Fish and Game 12(4). Fall 1926.

  • Conservation of the grunion. F. N. Clark
  • A new fishery in Mexico. J. A. Craig
  • No more waste land. A. Rutledge
  • Life history and habits of the western mourning dove. H. C. Bryant
  • Editorials
    • New motion picture films obtained
    • State game farm dedicated
    • Yosemite fish hatchery dedicated
    • Wardens have no special privileges
    • License numbers of game violators' cars needed
    • Alkali poisoning of ducks
    • Duck disease to be studied
    • State fair exhibit
    • New dollar-a-year wardens help law enforcement
    • President Zellerbach receives gold medal
    • Duck season shortened
    • What would you do?
    • Federal power and duck bag limits
    • Audubon Society head lauds sportsmen's organizations
    • True sportsmen
    • Rarest of bird's eggs discovered in Alaska
    • Buffalo once native of California
    • Beaver disappearing in San Joaquin Valley
    • Ducks successfully reared
    • Chemical composition of fish changes with age
    • Area added to Sequoia National Park
    • Kaibab forest to be opened to deer hunters during October
    • Dr. Jordan discusses fish and game conservation
    • Adverse factors menacing wild fowl
    • New tuna boat to be cork lined
    • The elimination of "Haff sickness"
    • H. P. Sheldon appointed chief U.S. game warden
    • Chief U.S. game warden Sheldon says conservationists are winning
    • Plover season closed by federal regulation
    • International Congress held in Copenhagen
    • Economize on pink salmon
    • Chemical composition of Pacific coast crabs
    • Marked fish return
    • Salmon marking experiments in Oregon
    • Correction
    • New bulletin issued on game laws
  • Facts of current interest
  • Commission Activities
  • Life history notes
    • Prey of the versatile rainbow. W. I. Follett
    • Shrike attacks young quail. H. C. Godsil
    • Gray squirrel disease still exists. H. C. Bryant
    • Young antelope rescued. W. Lippincott
  • Conservation in other states
    • Oregon commission able to close streams
    • Stream pollution in Oregon
    • Massachusetts game farm adopts new system
    • Oregon succeeds with Hungarian partridges
    • Montana reports activities
    • Canada to protect antelope
    • Missouri plants grain in state refuges
    • Montana plants duck food
    • Missouri has unique law
    • Wise investment by Wisconsin
    • Michigan closes grouse hunting for year
    • Missouri increases hatchery facilities
    • Missouri introduces white-tailed deer
  • Reports
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Financial Report
    • Fishery Products, April to June, 1926

California Fish and Game 12(3). Summer 1926.

  • Depletion of Pismo clam in California. W. C. Herrington
  • Suggested dates of open season on deer in California. J. Moffitt
  • Fish and Game Commission adopts new policy of fish planting. B. D. Marx Greene
  • A bird house colony. G. M. French
  • Editorials
    • An important court decision
    • N. B. Scofield attends meeting of International Fisheries Commission
    • Grunion needs protection
    • Two new fish hatcheries
    • Economic value of the Mexican free-tailed bat
    • Conditions affecting migrating wild fowl
    • Destruction of predatory birds
    • Golden eagle extermination in England
    • Ruffed grouse disease
    • San Benito County receives Mexican bob white quail
    • Committee to study game conditions
    • Exceeding bag limits
    • Human capture of furbearers
    • Common sense vs. sentimentalism in relation to sports
    • Recreational lands
    • New botanical garden
    • Boy Scouts make game case
    • New teachers' bulletin on fish and game laws
  • Fact of current interest
  • Commission Activities
  • Commercial fishery notes. N. B. Scofield
    • A questionnaire on salmon
    • Casting nets
  • Life history notes
    • Barbed wire fence causes death of deer. E. R. Hall
    • Forage habits of pocket gopher. E. R. Hall
    • Return on banded goose.
    • Beaver in Modoc County
    • Destruction of golden eagle in California. W. C. Hanna
  • Conservation in other states
    • Arkansas still has no protection on fish
    • Missouri introduces game
    • New method of predatory mammal control
    • Steelhead is game fish in Washington
    • Oil pollution
    • Nevada game refuge
    • Bird protection in Switzerland
  • Reports
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Financial Report
    • Fishery Products, January to March, 1926

California Fish and Game 12(2). Spring 1926.

  • The striped bass in California. N. B. Scofield and H. C. Bryant
  • A spiny lobster season at San Diego. C. F. Maddox
  • The California ring-tailed cat. W. Fry
  • Editorials
    • A striped bass number
    • Plan determination of age and rate of growth of striped bass
    • Trout tackle for striped bass
    • Convention of Fish and Game employees
    • Brief reports on current activities will appear under new department heading
    • Screen and ladder conference
    • California man appointed on advisory committee on fisheries
    • A new international fisheries commission
    • The new Yosemite hatchery
    • Violators take notice!
    • New rearing ponds constructed
    • Our great task
    • Piecing out the bag limit
    • Hunting accidents, 1925
    • Hunting accident data, 1924 and 1925
    • District attorney warns hunters
    • The issue of the range
    • Wild turkeys tried in San Diego County
    • Water pollution
    • The best game warden
    • A new pollution problem
    • A rare trout from lower California
    • Meager information on game violations leads to conviction
    • Alaska has game commission
    • Real results in bird banding
    • Effect of oil pollution on marine and wild life
    • Sonoma County schools hold bird study contest
    • Protective association formulates principles
    • Lumbering town has many hunters
    • Lower Klamath Lake still a problem
    • Migratory insectivorous birds are the farmers' friends
    • Beavers rapidly exterminated in Oregon
    • To a boy with a gun
    • Six rules for sportsmen
    • The homing instinct in red salmon
    • Hunting licenses swell state revenues
    • Use black powder to frighten birds
    • Market growing for game propagated in captivity
    • Federal bag limits reduced
  • Facts of current interest
  • Watch for marked salmon
  • Commission activities
  • Commercial fishery notes. N. B. Scofield
    • Fishery statistics for 1925
    • Salmon to be tagged on California coast
    • New Mexican treaty includes fisheries regulation
    • Patrol boat albacore gets new engine
  • Life history notes
    • Mountain sheep taken captive. O. P. Brownlow
    • Investigations of deer disease in Mendocino County. H. C. Bryant
    • Reports on antelope favorable. H. C. Bryant
    • Siskiyou County pays a bounty on coyotes. W. Lippincott
    • Salmon favored by unusual conditions. W. J. Green
    • Sturgeon on increase. W. J. Green
  • Conservation in other states
    • Oregon has new bag limit on trout
    • Illinois exterminating woodchucks
    • Oregon closes certain lakes
    • Missouri increases refuge system
    • Pennsylvania issues educational bulleting
    • Missouri closes season on deer
    • Illinois licenses hunting clubs
    • Indiana's educational work
  • Reports
    • Statement of Income and Expenditures
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Statistical Report Annual Kill Fur-Bearing Mammals in California
    • Statistics, Deer Killed in California
    • California Fishery Products, October to December, 1925

California Fish and Game 12(1). Winter 1926.

  • The economic value of birds. H. C. Bryant
  • California's new state game farm. H. C. Bryant
  • Money in the bank. W. L. Scofield
  • Purse seines for California sardines. W. L. Scofield
  • Barge fishing on the southern California coast. W. C. Van Deventer
  • Hunting with animal blinds in Merced County. J. E. Newsome
  • Conditions of existence of fish in Lake Tahoe and tributary streams. G. A. Coleman
  • Editorials
    • Ralph H. Clock, Fish and Game Commissioner
    • Fish and Game Commission reorganized
    • The new executive officer
    • Commission's work reorganized
    • Service bulletin will be issued
    • Commission's work praised
    • In Memoriam—Henry J. Abels
    • In Memoriam—Bernard Luttrell
    • Ducks die from alkali poisoning
    • Hatchery water supply
    • Game laws become popular
    • New plans for game refuge bill
    • The game warden needs support, not criticism
    • Plan biological survey of Lake Tahoe
    • The annual kill of mule deer in Modoc County
    • The world's record broad-billed swordfish
    • Violator heavily fined
    • Are we coming to close seasons on trout?
    • Pelicans and fish
    • California leads in fisheries
    • Mountain sheep introduced
    • Fishing at Catalina
    • Fur conservation essential
    • Black-tailed deer successfully reared
    • Open seasons for fur bearers
    • An anti-pollution platform
    • Causes of fur depletion
    • Arizona escapes game law muddle
    • "The code of an angler"
    • The real sportsman and the bag limit
    • Warden posts signs
    • The life history of the grunion
    • California's game birds enjoy winter in Alaska
    • Back to primitive methods
    • Organization seeks limitation of firearms
    • Food of phalaropes, avocets, and stilts
    • Committee to investigate status of ruffed grouse
    • Proposed sanctuary for wild animals in South Africa
    • Vireos deserve encouragement
    • Conservation of wild life presents complex problems
    • A fisherman to his son
  • Facts of current interest
  • Commercial fishery notes. N. B. Scofield
    •  Purse seining in southern California
    • A closed season for northern halibut
    • Frozen fish imported from Japan
  • Conservation in other states
    • Minnesota plans to plant fingerlings
    • British Columbia tries acclimatization experiments
    • Illinois now has Department of Conservation
    • Conservation agencies reorganized in Minnesota
    • Alabama introduces forestry into public schools
    • Minnesota Game Department uses sled dogs
    • Michigan violators pay high price for game
  • Life history notes
    • A horned doe. F. A. Bullard
  • Reports
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Financial Report
    • Fishery Products, July to September, 1925


California Fish and Game 11(4). Fall 1925.

  • Quail poisoning experiments. H. C. Bryant
  • Distribution of the pronghorned antelope in California. E. W. Nelson
  • The role of oxygen in water pollution. C. M. McCay
  • Educating the vacationing public. H. C. Bryant
  • The 1924 commercial catch of fish in California. W. L. Scofield
  • Government report on suggestion that bag-limits be reduced
  • Editorials
    • Your patience requested
    • A correction
    • State Fair exhibit
    • Efficiency in administration
    • Fish for fertilizer
    • Dollar-a-year deputies
    • California's Fish and Game
    • 5,000 pheasants distributed
    • Hatcheries to be repaired
    • Fish rescue work needed
    • In Memoriam—George H. Anderson
    • Conservation of the young
    • Hunting rights
    • Modesto judge aids game protection
    • 75,000 fish saved
    • First Western Outdoor-life Conference
    • Playing tag with whales
    • International Convention for the Protection of Birds
    • Something to shoot at
    • Discuss Lake Tahoe conditions
    • Mild curing of salmon in California
    • The Rainbow Club
    • Game management
    • Outdoor Recreation Conference resolutions on fish
    • Sportsmen's Clubs affiliate
    • Vermont policies
    • Life histories of North American wild fowl
    • Bird sanctuary dedication
    • G. A. Lawyer resigns as chief U.S. game warden
    • Large wild-life refuge being established on upper Mississippi
    • Only 30,000 antelope survive in North America
    • New bulletin on game laws issued
    • President reserves islands for new wild-life refuge
    • Game-law violators fined heavily
  • Facts of Current Interest
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • Common names of commercial fishes
    • Albacore appear near San Francisco
  • Conservation in Other States
    • New refuges for many states
    • Minnesota shoots deer in even numbered years only
    • Pennsylvania continues to increase deer kill
    • Law changes in Montana
    • Oregon Game Commission reorganized
    • Minnesota acts on fish refuge
    • New Jersey at last protects bobolink
    • England still fights for Wild Birds Protection Bill
  • Life History Notes
    • Wolf fish taken at Pacific Grove. W. A. Selle
    • Wolverine disputes trail. N. Clyde
  • Reports
    • Game Cases
    • Fish Cases
    • Seizures of Fish and Game
    • Statement of Income
    • Statement of Expenses
    • California Fresh Fishery Products

California Fish and Game 11(3). Summer 1925.

  • Upland game birds in the state of Washington, with a discussion of some general principles of game importation. W. P. Taylor
  • The Pismo clam crop. W. C. Herrington
  • Ocean pasturage. W. E. Allen
  • New laws relating to game
  • New laws relating to commercial fisheries
  • An awful lot to fishin'. R. C. Calloway
  • Conservation Briefs
  • Editorials
    • The hunting and angling license increase
    • Six new game refuges
    • Protection taken from beaver
    • Pioneer wardens
    • In Memoriam—Tom W. Birmingham
    • In Memoriam—William J. Moore
    • The public shooting grounds—game refuge bill
    • Three predatory birds worth saving
    • Fish numerous in Clear Lake
    • Oregon Commission opposes Columbia River dam
    • The adverse comments of the Rod and Gun Department of the San Francisco Examiner
    • Friends demand justice
    • Hunting accidents, 1924
    • A trainer without equal
    • Violator of deer law captured
    • Lower California ducks are banned in closed season
    • Deer conditions on the Kaibab Forest
    • Boy anglers encouraged
    • Destruction by waste oil prohibited
    • A pretentious game preserve
    • What do fish eat?
    • Conservationists still fight to restore lower Klamath Lake
    • Confessions of a market fisherman
    • The reason for the ban on night shooting
    • Oregon, like California, has inadequate funds
    • The white pine blister rust
    • Some farm workers still come cheap
    • Bird slaughter in Italy
    • The reason for game laws
    • European hare on increase in eastern states
    • Eastern division of Angeles Forest becomes San Bernardino National Forest
    • Big-horn mountain sheep may again frequent the West
  • Fact of Current Interest
  • Commission Activities
  • Hatchery Notes. W. H. Shebley
    • Spawning operations on the Klamath
    • California purchases rainbow eggs
    • New station yields more than million eggs
    • Culture of golden trout continued
    • Disease takes Eel River trout
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • Record run of shad
    • California's fishery products in 1923
    • Some figures on the Monterey fisheries
    • Mexico interested in fisheries conservation
    • Department chief investigates eastern fisheries
    • Abalones have sufficient protection
    • Test Oil Pollution Act of 1924
    • Old whaler passes
  • Conservation in Other States
    • Oregon adds to game refuges
    • Minnesota needs 144 field men
    • Pennsylvania's game refuges
    • More help for the antelope in South Dakota
    • Utah prohibits use of salmon eggs
    • Arkansas begins educational campaign
    • Game laws by referendum
    • Idaho plans brood ponds for fish
    • Minnesota demands increase of warden force
    • Predatory animal bounties in Pennsylvania
    • Utah bars salmon eggs as bait
    • Louisiana's muskrat crop
    • Idaho to plant Mackinaw trout
  • Life history notes
    • The California grizzly
    • A few Roosevelt elk still exist in Del Norte County. E. Barnes
    • Del Norte County elk. H. S. Prescott
  • Reports
    • Seizures of Fish and Game
    • Game Cases
    • Fish Cases
    • Statement of Income
    • Statement of Expenses
    • California Fresh Fishery Products

California Fish and Game 11(2). Spring 1925.

  • The half-pounder of Eel River, a steelhead trout. J. O. Snyder
  • Game, hunter, and landowner. J. P. Holman
  • Biological survey of the Rae Lakes region. G. A. Coleman
  • Mild curing salmon in California. W. L. Scofield
  • Report on games farms. G. Neale
  • Editorials
    • Governor Richardson praises Commission in biennial message
    • The wherewithal
    • A plain statement
    • Why increase the cost of hunting and angling licenses, and some history therof
    • Commission urges unification of fish and game protective associations
    • Demand for conservation lectures increasing
    • Commission enforces game refuge bill
    • Several counties demand closing of quail season
    • Bounty law again demanded
    • "Caught with the goods"
    • Bureau of Fisheries successful with black bass
    • The Kaibab deer drive
    • Pheasants on decrease in San Benito County
    • A scientific viewpoint
    • Automobiles as animal killers
    • Valley quail forty years ago
    • The predatory mammal
    • Canners approve scientific work
    • Record catch of whales
    • In the days of no limit
    • Captive elephant seal dies
    • San Diego County wants wild turkeys
    • Judge fines three men for killing spike buck
    • Are elephant seals destructive?
    • Whales abundant along coast of Mexico
    • Oysters, clams and fish killed by pollution at Moss Landing
    • The hunter's reward
    • Eating lead shot causes poisoning of many ducks
    • More cooperators needed to count breeding birds
    • Local names of birds
    • Trumpeter swans are now protected completely in United States
    • Sportsmen form state fish and game league
  • Facts of Current Interest
  • Hatchery Notes. W. H. Shebley
    • Brown trout planted on Catalina Island
    • Brown trout planted in San Diego County
    • Trout fry versus trout fingerlings
    • Sportsmen aid in planting fish
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • Average length of Monterey sardines
    • Sardine fishery of India
    • Sardine possibilities in New South Wales
    • To survey the ocean
    • The killer
    • Purification of oysters and clams
    • Sardines and herring may be used for fertilizer in British Columbia
    • Marine Products of Commerce (Book Review)
  • Life History Notes
    • The opossum reaches Sequoia National Park
    • The return of the antelope in Lassen County. W. R. Horne
    • Mountain lion kills boy in Washington. H. C. Bryant
    • Some banded birds taken last season. H. C. Bryant
    • Elk in Del Norte County. E. P. Barnes
  • Conservation in Other States
    • Washington reports good year
    • West Virginia starts game bird farm
    • The deer-kill in Vermont
    • Oregon's accomplishments
    • Finland passes protective laws
    • New York anglers demand better protection for fish
    • Pennsylvania orders Mexican quail
    • Pollution kills fish in Chesapeake Bay
    • Pennsylvania blacklists violators
    • New Mexico advocates farm refuges
    • Minnesota demands greater field force
  • Reports
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Seizures of Fish and Game
    • California Fresh Fishery Products
    • Statement of Income
    • Statement of Expenditures

California Fish and Game 11(1). Winter 1925.

  • The problem of mountain lion control in California. J. Bruce
  • A biological and physiographic survey of California lakes and streams. G. A. Coleman
  • A closed season needed for fisher, marten, and wolverine in California. J. Dixon
  • Editorials
    • Commission's twenty-eighth biennial report issued
    • Klamath River measure wins by 197,127
    • Patrol force augmented
    • State versus federal control of game
    • Deer killed by locomotives
    • Yosemite furnishes second large trout
    • Modoc deer disease
    • Disease makes serious inroads on number of mule deer
    • San Diego established bird sanctuary
    • The weight of a mule deer
    • Klamath Lake to be reflooded
    • Game farms not entirely successful
    • World's record swordfish caught a Catalina
    • Rodents consume large quantities of pine seeds
    • Age of shad studied
    • Missouri duck killed in Alameda County
    • Napa River famous striped bass fishing ground
    • Crayfish discovered in southern California
    • The ingenious violator
    • Black bass in Bear Lake
    • Proposed Tahquitz National Game Preserve
    • Los Angeles County helps in law enforcement
    • National game refuge in Oregon proposed
    • Committee on Kaibab deer makes report
    • King salmon in eastern lakes
    • Fishery statistics
    • Game management
    • Predatory animal campaigns
    • Oil separator may solve oil pollution problems
    • Fur farming management studied
    • National forestry policy bill signed by President
  • Facts of current interest
  • Hatchery Notes. W. H. Shebley
    • New egg-collecting stations planned for Klamath
    • New egg-collecting station planned for Mono County
    • A new Feather River hatchery
    • Sunapee trout promised
    • Hatcheries undergoing needed repairs
    • Fort Seward Hatchery
    • Tallac Hatchery
    • Fall Creek Hatchery
    • Bear Lake stations
    • Domingo Springs and Clear Creek stations
    • Mount Shasta station
    • Ukiah Hatchery—Brookdale Hatchery
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • North Pacific halibut investigations under the new international treaty
    • Fresh fishery products, 1923
  • Conservation in Other States
    • Oregon Commission establishes educational department
    • West Virginia establishes refuges
    • Maryland attempts added protection for rabbits
    • Arkansas Commission explains how to help
    • Bird protection in Canada
    • British Columbia supposedly has the last breeding trumpeter swans
    • Virginia's game harvest
    • Wild wood bison given sanctuary
  • Reports
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Seizures of Fish and Game
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Statement of Income
    • California Fresh Fishery Products


California Fish and Game 10(4). Fall 1924.

  • Conservation Wins
  • Indian methods of fishing on the Trinity River and some notes on the king salmon of that stream. J. O. Snyder
  • The Sierra white-tailed jackrabbit. W. Fry
  • Squid at Monterey. W. L. Scofield
  • The purse seine. N. B. Scofield
  • Editorials
    • The Klamath River fish reserve
    • "Why let a paltry few fish destroy a ten million-dollar project?"
    • Misinterpretation
    • Study of trout food instituted
    • A visitor in court
    • Klamath Lake bird reservation may be restored
    • Commission will appeal decision
    • Pertinent resolutions from the President's Conference
    • Water supply injured by drainage
    • New York state has dam problem
    • Minnesota has fish refuges
    • The white-tailed jackrabbit
    • Deer die in Modoc County
    • Recreation use of National Forests restricted
    • Fish and Game Commission cooperates in fire prevention
    • Problem of Fishery Laboratory staff solved
    • Fish protected at Lake Almanor
    • Gold dredging injures fishing
    • State Fair exhibit
    • Passion for wild doves gets him jailed
    • President Coolidge creates two new eastern game refuges
    • New wild life refuges to be established
    • Paul J. Rainey memorial
    • What came out of a shell box
    • The game animals of Canada
    • Department of Agriculture seeks to insure safety of wild fowl
    • Committee to help solve Kaibab deer herd problem
    • New fur and game regulations promulgated for Alaska
    • Alaska game law now under Department of Agriculture
  • Facts of Current Interest
  • Notes from the State Fisheries Laboratory. W. F. Thompson
    • Jurel caught off San Pedro
  • Conservation in Other States
    • Minnesota now has non-resident angling license
    • Preperty damage in Pennsylvania
    • Idaho worried about sage hen
    • Louisiana's public shooting grounds
    • Bird protection in New Zealand
    • Louisiana's catch of shrimp
  • Reports
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Seizures of Fish and Game
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Statement of Income
    • California Fresh Fishery Products

California Fish and Game 10(3). Summer 1924.

  • Fish Conservation in California
  • Relation of wild birds to the foot and mouth disease. W. P. Taylor and H. C. Bryant
  • A third report on the return of king salmon marked in 1919 in Klamath River. J. O. Snyder
  • The future of the beaver. G. Neale
  • Loss of deer in the canal of the Western States Gas and Electric Company, El Dorado County. G. Neale
  • Editorials
    • Fish and Game Commission supports conservation measure
    • President Newbert's statement
    • Commission funds made available by Supreme Court decision
    • Commission wins Supreme Court decision on use of sardines in reduction plants
    • Safety of salmon not assured by building fishways
    • Supreme Court may decide Klamath River fight
    • The conservation of the Klamath River
    • Drainage of Lake Earl prevented
    • Demand for restoration of lower Klamath Lake as wildfowl breeding grounds
    • Klamath Lake bird preservation past and present
    • Reaction against drainage projects continues
    • "Act in haste and repent at leisure."
    • Deer contract foot and mouth disease
    • "Fundamental problems of game conservation"
    • Washington becomes worried about dams
    • Conference results
    • Postponement of angling season demanded
    • Only legislature could have changed trout season
    • Dry years emphasize need for discretionary powers
    • Crow and hawk prize contests
    • Arms companies adopt dangerous policy
    • Band-tailed pigeons destructive to cherries
    • Hearing on the Migratory Bird Refuge Act
    • Suisun lands made attractive for waterfowl
    • Hunting from airplanes continues
    • Ideals and purposes of the Izaak Walton League of America
    • "The children ask us."
    • Nevada introduces Kansas cottontails
    • To protect salmon and halibut
    • February nets large catch of sardines
    • California greatest of fish-producing states
    • A correction
    • Mountain sheep ranges posted
    • Recreation needs
    • Clever advertising
    • Antelope protection
    • Illegal to take fawns
    • Predatory animals poisoned in Trinity Game Refuge
    • Animal life in the Yosemite
    • International protection of birds planned
    • Pertinent resolutions
    • Hunting season dates on doves changed in two states
    • Are nesting birds on the increase?
  • Fact of Current Interest
  • Hatchery Notes. W. H. Shebley
    • The season
    • Water supply for hatcheries low
    • Snow Mountain Station
    • Mount Whitney Hatchery
    • Kaweah Hatchery
    • Bear Valley Hatchery
    • Klamath stations
    • Drouth conditions affect the Mount Shasta Hatchery less than any other
    • Salmon take one-fourth of normal
    • Mackinaw trout to be introduced
    • Cutthroat trout to be planted
    • Derby Dam investigation
  • Notes from the State Fisheries Laboratory. W. F. Thompson
    • San Pedro rarities
    • The future of world fisheries
    • Fisheries and the war
  • Life History Notes
    • Nasal parasites in deer. C. P. Russell
    • No birds to control grasshopper pest. H. C. Bryant
    • Rabies epidemic among gray foxes. H. C. Bryant
  • Conservation in Other States
    • New Jersey profits by a good deer law
    • Virginia attempts destruction of carp
    • Virginia's first uniform game law
    • Congratulations, Maryland!
    • Virginia starts educational campaign
    • Massachusetts protests crow shooting
    • Oregon Fish Commission protects clams and crabs
    • New Jersey changes game laws
    • The latest in sanctuaries
    • Wisconsin protects American lotus
    • Fish cultural operations in Idaho affected by drought
    • New Zealand boasts of American trout and salmon
  • United States Forest Service Cooperation. P. G. Redington
    • Help protect California's forest wealth
    • Forest facts for California
    • Take the old black pipe
    • Forage conditions in Game Refuge 1-D
  • Reports
    • Fresh Fishery Products, January, February, and March
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws, 1923–24
    • Statement of Income
    • Statement of Expenditures

California Fish and Game 10(2). Spring 1924.

  • Scientific investigation by the California Fish and Game Commission. H. C. Bryant
  • Young salmon taken at sea. J. O. Snyder
  • The effect of gunfire on fishes. W. F. Thompson
  • The lampara net. N. B. Scofield
  • Editorials
    • One's fair share
    • Cycles of abundance and scarcity
    • What will reclamation leave us?
    • In Memoriam—Earle Downing
    • In Memoriam—S. L. N. Ellis
    • Record fines given Los Angeles County violators
    • What are we going to do about it?
    • Unwise drainage affects wild life resources
    • Game conditions misrepresented
    • Grouse disease in New York state
    • Caught selling ducks
    • Grouse constitute program in New Hampshire
    • State lion hunter secures six lions in January
    • Lion hunter gets lioness and four cubs
    • Ducks to be banded in Arctic
    • Census of California's big game
    • Minnesota first state to establish season duck limit
    • Wide interest in Gould League of Bird Lovers, Australia
    • Klamath salmon marked in 1922
    • Crow shoots
    • Crows not so black as they are painted
    • Origin of strange bird bands now known
    • Power companies anxious to cooperate
    • Predatory animal control activity
    • Grebes not seriously destructive to fish
    • Former advocates of spring shooting now approve stand of biological survey
    • Valuable furs shipped from Alaska
    • Buffalo meat sent to Washington
  • Facts of Current Interest
  • Hatchery Notes. W. H. Shebley
    • Low water endangers fish life
    • Steelhead conditions on the Pajaro River
    • Steelhead operations in Santa Cruz County
    • Black bass endanger trout angling
    • Drought menaces trout streams
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • Fisheries of California, 1922
    • Steelhead caught off Monterey wharf
    • Mackerel at Monterey
    • Striped bass numerous in San Joaquin River
    • How to tell when fish is stale and unfit for food
    • Says vessels can prevent oil pollution
  • Notes from the State Fisheries Laboratory. W. F. Thompson
    • The State Fisheries Laboratory
    • The library of the State Fisheries Laboratory
    • The Scottish Fishery Board
  • Life History Notes
    • Shorebirds infested with intestinal parasites. A. Brooks
    • Tame desert mountain sheep. E. H. Ober
    • Deer conditions in Refuge 1-D. J. W. Nelson
    • Coyotes damage fruit crops in southern California. Department of Agriculture
  • Conservation in Other States
    • Virginia has effective dog law
    • Protection in New Mexico
    • League of Ohio sportsmen active
    • Michigan's game refuges
    • Minnesota wardens use educational methods
    • Bullfrogs considered game in Pennsylvania
    • Louisiana's public shooting ground
    • Relation of birds to forests will be studied in Louisiana
  • Reports
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Statement of Expenditures
    • Statement of Income
    • Fishery Products, October, November, and December

California Fish and Game 10(1). Winter 1924.

  • The present status of the band-tailed pigeon on the Pacific Coast. W. P. Taylor
  • An experiment relating to the homing instinct of king salmon. J. O. Snyder and E. C. Scofield
  • Deer hunting in California. J. S. Hunter
  • Editorials
    • Consistency
    • Relief
    • In Memoriam—James S. White
    • The migrations of ducks
    • Refuges need better patrol
    • Another albino deer
    • Fisheries investigations suffer
    • Fishing conditions on the Trinity River
    • One hundred and eighty-five thousand deer in California forests
    • The opossum continues to spread
    • Hunting accidents
    • The growth of fish
    • Birds and high voltage wires
    • Trinity County officials support fish planting
    • "Public funds and sport"
    • Alien violators fined for netting song birds
    • An anti-pollution league
    • Intensive studies needed
    • Gulls and mergansers destroy salmon eggs
    • Migratory game birds have many names
    • Estimate made of big game animals on National Forests
      • Arizona ranks sixth
      • Elk herds increase
      • Antelope herds scarce
      • Grazing permits curtailed
    • California leads United States in forest fires
    • What are National Forests and National Parks?
    • Three fined on trespassing charge
    • Wild birds protection bill
    • Wild life conservation in Europe
    • Colored pictures of California birds obtainable
    • Shooting migratory wild fowl not lawful after sunset
    • Who banded these ducks?
    • Alaska seals arrive for Steinhart Aquarium
    • Not all banded birds come from Washington
  • Facts of Current Interest
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    •  Alaska clams investigated
    • Another "Eat more fish" campaign
  • Conservation in Other States
    • Iowa violators benefit school fund
    • Law enforcement in Pennsylvania
    • A New Zealand refuge
    • Canada will profit from buffalo
  • Life History Notes
    • Opossums now plentiful in Ventura County. G. P. Austin
    • Antelope and mountain sheep in Nevada. C. P. Russell
  • Reports
    • Fishery Products, July, August, and September


California Fish and Game 9(4). Fall 1923.

  • The wolverine. W. Fry
  • Notes on the egg yield of Sacramento River king salmon. E. A. McGregor
  • A possible separation of the river races of king salmon. E. A. McGregor
  • A sheep-killing bear. L. N. Lorenzen
  • A salmon's lament at the Estacada Fishway. E. A. McGregor
  • Editorials
    • State Fair exhibit
    • Public Shooting Grounds—Game Refuge Bill
    • In Memoriam—John J. Barnett
    • Albacore fishery worries cannerymen
    • Court orders screens installed
    • Save the Klamath salmon and trout
    • The alien violator and education
    • Conservation sentiment is growing
    • California asked to introduce the American woodcock
    • Oregon has new commission
    • The crow and game
    • Jail sentence for violator
    • Connecticut board to investigate shad depletion
    • Game laws for plants
    • Will attempt domestication of wild turkey
    • The nation's game supply
    • Conserving the fur supply
    • Wood duck hunting prohibited
    • Human carelessness exacts heavy forest fire toll
    • Signs and simpletons
  • Facts of Current Interest
  • Hatchery Notes. W. H. Shebley
    • Trout eggs to be imported
    • Attempts made to secure new trout
    • Electric fish stop does not stop fish
    • Fish planted by the Commission furnish sport in national parks
    • Trout eggs hatched in gravel
    • What percentage of trout reach maturity?
    • Fish distribution, 1923
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • Who are the conservationists?
    • The lampara net
    • Protection of salmon essential
    • The sardine season at Monterey
    • Sardine fishermen's strike at Monterey and settlement
    • Halibut in California
    • Water pollution
  • Conservation in Other States
    • New game preserves for Louisiana
    • Hunting accidents reduced in Wyoming
    • Common sense
    • Depredations of deer in New Jersey negligible
    • New Jersey to introduce rabbits
    • Minnesota reports deer depletion
    • Vermont now has buck law
    • New Mexico provides resting areas for waterfowl
    • Favorite lake for birds saved to Minnesota
    • West Virginia establishes refuges
    • Increased license fees
    • Nevada establishes game refuges
    • Michigan hits hooting monopoly
    • France entertains protectionists
  • Reports
    • Income and Expenditures
    • Fishery Products, April, May, and June
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Seizures

California Fish and Game 9(3). Summer 1923.

  • Game refuges and game management on the National Forests. S. B. Locke
  • Review of Dr. Skogsberg's report on the purse seine fisheries of California. W. F. Thompson and Elmer Higgins
  • The band-tailed pigeon in Yosemite. M. H. McAllister
  • Why Canada and the United States combined to stop spring shooting. J. H. Fleming
  • Editorials
    • The most needed thing in game conservation
    • Klamath River power project hearing
    • Bureau of Fisheries supports Commission's stand on Klamath power project
    • In Memoriam—Wilard Odion Fassett
    • The Steinhart Aquarium
    • It all helps
    • Hawk and owl bounties
    • Game law abstracts
    • Violators mostly foreigners
    • Rabbit hunting and quail
    • Striped bass in Oakland Lake
    • Do not molest fawns
    • A warning
    • Water company destroys predatory animals
    • A defense of the coyote
    • The future of angling in the San Joaquin
    • Resolutions
    • Canada's introduced partridges
    • Early game conditions in the Great Valleys
    • Deer die Humboldt County
    • Shark meat sold as "white bass"
    • Growing activity of California fishermen along Mexican coast
    • United States leads in game refuges
    • Conditions in Refuge 1D
    • Pelagic sealing prohibited
    • The migration of ducks
    • Scientific work of the Commission appreciated
    • Louisiana's superlatives
    • Number of hunters increasing in United States. How about the game supply?
    • Trees and birds
    • Changes in federal game laws
    • Taking bird censuses
    • Encouraging conditions prevail in Alaska in 1922
  • Fact of Current Interest
  • Hatchery Notes. W. H. Shebley
    • The spawning season
    • Breeding ponds yield large number of eggs
    • Eastern brook trout eggs imported
    • Mackinaw trout secured
    • Steelhead and rainbow taken in Tahoe
    • Brown trout to be planted in Russian River
    • Many screens installed
  • Conservation in Other States
    • Arizona society interested in preserving heath hen
    • Michigan and the bounty system
    • North Carolina votes down new game bill
    • Texas introduces bob-white
    • New Mexico's new game code
    • Michigan institutes campaign of education
    • Idaho reorganizes fish and game department
  • Life History Notes
    • Ospreys in Modoc County, California. S. G. Jewett
    • Remarkable flight of hawks. G. Williamson, Jr.
    • Fresh Fishery Products, January, February, and March, 1923
    • Patrol Service

California Fish and Game 9(2). Spring 1923.

  • Rabies in a mountain lion. T. I. Storer
  • California's large game animals (continued). M. H. McAllister
  • Sardines abundant now—but what of the future? E. Higgins
  • Pending fish and game legislation
  • Editorials
    • Budget recommendations
    • Congress kills game refuge—public shooting grounds bill
    • Hiding behind the farmer
    • Violations of pigeon law numerous
    • Many defend black bear
    • California forest fire kills trout
    • Pheasants liberated in San Diego County
    • Quinnat salmon taken in Lake Ontario
    • Stricter laws necessary
    • Deer in relation to crops
    • Educational work
    • Education fundamental in conservation
    • "Let well enough alone" is motto that applies especially to the California Fish and Game Commission
    • Deer conservation
    • Non-sale of trout
    • Japan introduces rainbow trout
    • Woolgrowers would blacklist the black bear
    • Undersized trout
    • County co-operation
    • River patrol active
    • Pollution of coastal waters
    • What do trout eat?
    • California wild life
    • Under fire
    • Aliens arrested fore netting song birds
    • The future of the antelope
    • Many quail imported from Mexico
    • Bounty law in Pennsylvania
    • Hill and mountain club
    • Yukon salmon mature at later age than Sacramento salmon
    • Courts impose heavy fines for illegal duck hunting
    • Burning over waste lands a menace to wildfowl
  • Facts of Current Interest
  • Notes from the State Fisheries Laboratory. W. F. Thompson
    • The depletion of the northern halibut
    • The purse seine investigation
    • The moving of the laboratory
    • The Hawaiian "skipjack" in our waters
    • The use of fish as fertilizer
    • Mexican fish in Californian markets
  • Conservation in Other States
    • Nevada wakes up
    • New Jersey organizes conservation league
    • Montana introduces Hungarian partridges
  • United States Forest Service Cooperation. P. G. Redington
    • Forest officers arrest many game violators
    • Deer poachers fined
    • Summer homes in National Forests popular
    • Rangers war on forest outlaws
    • Indians fined for killing deer
  • Reports
    • Seizures
    • Violations
    • Income and Expenditures
    • Fishery Products

California Fish and Game 9(1). Winter 1923.

  • A second report on the return of salmon marked in 1915, in Klamath River. J. O. Snyder
  • The identification of trout. J. O. Snyder
  • California's large game animals. M. H. McAllister
  • The black bear in relation to stock. J. Bruce
  • Salmon fishcultural operations on the Klamath River. H. C. Bryant
  • Editorials
    • A new commissioner
    • 1922 biennial report
    • Western association of fish and game commissioners at Sacramento
    • Proposed legislation
    • Fish food needed in mountain lakes
    • Summer resort educational work a success
    • Bird banding
    • The open season on deer
    • New educational films
    • Fine of $100 and six months in jail for stealing traps
    • Predatory animal force renders service in Lassen
    • Whales disappearing along California coast
    • Many whales commercially extinct
    • Further tests in use of galvanized vessels in shipping fishes
    • Forest fires affect fish life
    • The wild pheasants of central California
    • Mule deer need further protection
    • Oregon sportsmen protest
    • Roosevelt wild life station
    • Santa Barbara to frame protective laws
    • Fox farm to be established near San Bernardino
    • Game law changes in other states
    • Mourning dove a migratory bird, court decides
    • Beaver farming promising if properly controlled
    • Life sentence for murder of federal game warden
    • Migratory bird law enforcement
    • Toads of some use in curbing certain pests
    • The body temperature of birds
  • Facts of Current Interest
  • Notes from the State Fisheries Laboratory. W. F. Thompson
    • The laboratory staff
    • The albacore run
    • The library
    • Depletion or fluctuation
  • Conservation in Other States
    • Open season on elk demanded in Washington
    • Southwestern Alaska fisheries reservation
    • Oregon introduces moose
    • West Virginia organizes wild life league
    • Nebraska enumerates extinct game
    • Large take of trout eggs obtained in fish lake, Utah
    • Montana plants whitefish
    • Oregon adopts policy of numerous small hatcheries
    • Bird protection in Italy
  • United States Forest Service Cooperation. P. G. Redington
    • Forest Service submits supplementary game report
    • Recommendations
  • Reports
    • Expenditures
    • Fishery Products
    • Patrol Service


California Fish and Game 8(4). Fall 1922.

  • Fishin'. R. E. Ludlum
  • Times have changed. J. D. Dondero
  • Conservation through education. W. B. Sellmer
  • Winter deer range in Game Refuge 1D. C. O. Fisher
  • Bits of history of Tulare  Lake fishing. S. L. N. Ellis
  • Careless deer hunting. F. A. Bullard
  • Fish and game history made and in the making in San Diego County. W. Toms
  • The automobile "concealed weapon." S. J. Carpenter
  • Trout conservation. D. E. Roberts
  • Game conservation in Trinity County. G. O. Laws
  • Seeking evidence. M. S. Clark
  • A patrolman's view on conservation. J. L. Bundock
  • The conservation of deer. H. N. Brittan
  • The eastern bullfrog in California. T. I. Storer
  • Editorials
    • A deputies' number
    • The deputy of the Fish and Game Commission
    • Legislation needed to prohibit use of long guns
    • True sportsmanship
    • New policy on fish distribution announced
    • A suggested system for conserving young trout
    • Different species of violators
    • Save the baby trout
    • Judge convicts man of own profession
    • Aliens and hunting licenses
    • Attitude of mountain people on game conservation
    • The small boy and the angler's license
    • Large proportion of voting population secure license
    • Antelope herd carefully protected
    • Trout must have chance to mature
    • Western Association of Game Commissioners will meet in Sacramento
    • Public shooting Ground-Game Refuge Bill
    • Law enforcement
    • Elk moved
    • Campers, a problem in California
    • Fry output will be large
    • State Fair exhibit
    • Predatory animal control on Spring Valley Water Company property
    • Fined for possession of under-sized abalones
    • Doves are migratory birds by law
    • Game an important part of menu only fifteen years ago
    • How far do birds go when they fly south?
    • Shell fish resources of the Northwest
    • Summary of 1922 laws relating to fur animals ready
    • Elk herds need protection and forage during winter
  • Facts of Current Interest
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • Salmon investigation
    • Mexico attempts fishery conservation
    • Canners will be forced to secure accurate weight
    • Commercial fishing laws enforced
    • Salmon fishery in danger
    • Federal Power Commission denies permit for Klamath dam
    • Funds insufficient for salmon conservation work
    • Striped bass decreasing
    • Baird Hatchery again open
  • Conservation in Other States
    • New York passes alien gun law
    • Unique hunting license in Maine
    • Lower California has new game regulations
    • Alberta reduces limit on sheep and goats
    • Maryland closes season on deer
    • Mississippi's new game law
    • Investigation of Alaska Peninsula Fisheries Reservation
    • Food of pelican to be investigated
    • Carp propagation in Ohio
    • Game refuges to be established in New York
  • Life History Notes
    • Opossums increase in Tulare County. F. P. Cunningham
    • Trout grow large in Lake Tahoe. J. Saunders
    • Four-point bucks numerous in Trinity County. C. O. Fisher
    • Does the mountain lion scream? L. S. Davey
    • An early flight of ducks. S. J. Carpenter
  • Reports
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Seizures
    • Income and Expenditures
    • Fishery Products

California Fish and Game 8(3). Summer 1922.

  • Migrating salmon at the Redding Dam. E. A. McGregor
  • Records of the capture of fur seals on land in California. E. C. Starks
  • Observations on the egg yield of Klamath River king salmon. E. A. McGregor
  • The fisheries of California and their care. W. F. Thompson
  • The cattleman's rights. R. M. Hagen
  • Posted property and a solution of the hunting problem. F. Winch
  • Editorials
    • United States Forest Service report on game conditions
    • Game refuges popular
    • The hunter and the landowner
    • Striped bass scarce in New York
    • Pond fish furnish many eggs
    • County use of license fees
    • Grazing endangers game refuges
    • Crappie fishing improves near Sacramento
    • The unappreciated shad
    • Severe winter hinders fishcultural operations
    • Predatory animals destroyed
    • Deer reported dying in several sections of state
    • Hearings held on use of food fish in reduction plants
    • Violators heavily fined
    • The ruralist's attitude on hunting
    • The game of the small boy
    • "Machine guns versus sea lions"
    • The cost of law enforcement
    • Principles of management
    • Handsome gift for wild life protection
    • Two game refuges recommended for Plumas National Forest
    • Game as a national resource
  • Conservation in Other States
    • Mississippi plans game laws
    • Landlocked salmon planted in Idaho
    • Conservation in Mexico
  • United States Forest Service Cooperation. P. G. Reddington
    • Elk increase on Cleveland National Forest
    • Game conditions on the Angeles National Forest
    • A few antelope left in southern California
    • Introduced elk thrive on Sequoia National Forest
    • Mountain sheep on the Inyo National Forest
    • Game introduced on the Mono National Forest
    • Many deer killed on Lassen National Forest
    • Mule deer in danger of extermination
    • Elk on the Shasta National Forest
    • Modoc County pays bounty on coyotes
    • Elk on the Klamath National Forest
    • Trinity County pays bounty on coyotes
    • California forest has biggest record of deer killed
  • Reports
    • Expenditures
    • Fishery Products
    • Violations
    • Seizures

California Fish and Game 8(2). Spring 1922.

  • A history of fishcultural operations in California. W. H. Shebley
  • Fishcultural department personnel. H. C. Bryant
  • The return of marked king salmon grilse. J. O. Snyder
  • The why and how of mountain lion hunting in California. J. Bruce
  • Black bass shipment to Mexico
  • Editorials
    • New executive officer
    • A hatchery number
    • Increasing demand for trout fry exhausts hatchery resources
    • Free fishing for all
    • Conditions should determine species of trout planted
    • The planting of fry
    • Electric fish screen
    • Many species of trout successfully reared
    • Fish transportation
    • Trout food introduced
    • In Memoriam—George McCloud
    • Rainbow trout thrive in Hawaiian Islands
    • Many lions secured in game refuges
    • Commission feeds deer and quail
    • Redding dam dispute settled
    • Mount dome antelope herd
    • Cold weather kills Pismo clams
    • Fisheries conference meets at San Pedro
    • Market hunters find watchful wardens
    • Fault found with the public shooting grounds bill
    • A resolution—Adopted by the Western Association of State Game Commissioners
    • Deer hunters shoot cattle
    • Educational work in Yosemite to continue
    • Stanford plans animal refuge
    • Big game in Sweden
    • A photograph of a rainbow trout
    • Danger to fisheries from oil and tar pollution of waters
    • Fish cookery
    • United States topographic maps
  • Facts of Current Interest
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • Chicago, Minneapolis, and St. Paul as fresh fish markets
    • Cold storage fish
    • California sardines considered herring by Chilean customs officials
    • Work of the California Laboratory of the Bureau of Fisheries
  • Life History Notes
    • Large mackinaw caught in Donner Lake. G. Neale
    • White pelicans meet death during cold wave. G. Neale
  • Conservation in Other States
    • Oregon kills sea lions
    • Conservation in education
    • Oregon has adopted new game code
    • Wisconsin's buck law faulty
    • Australia establishes refuge
    • Nature protection in Japan
    • New Mexico has new game laws
    • Game conditions in British Columbia
  • Reports
    • Expenditures
    • Seizures
    • Fishery Products
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws

California Fish and Game 8(1). Winter 1922.

  • California's game refuges. H. C. Bryant
  • A pioneer elk hunt. J. W. Revere
  • Editorials
    • Do we need more game refuges?
    • International bird protection
    • Important conviction secured
    • Hunting accidents—1921
    • "Public Shooting Ground-Game Refuge Bill"
    • Notable arrests and convictions
    • "Save now or lose forever"
    • Farmers' lamentations
    • For the violators' consideration
    • Canada enforcing Migratory Birds Convention Act
    • Additional protection for mule deer demand
    • Does the dove season open too early?
    • Trinity County backs game laws
    • A quotation from early California history
    • Blackbirds damage grain in Imperial Valley
    • Alaska salmon fishery
    • Alaska salmon investigations
    • Oil pollution
    • Justice to game wardens
    • Government hunters kill many predatory animals
    • Sale of government furs
    • Game shipments must be labeled
    • The fresh water mussel a parasite on fish
    • Limit on hunting licenses advocated to conserve big game
    • Deer conditions in the Trinity Refuge
    • Is the dove bag limit too large?
  • Facts of Current Interest
  • Hatchery Notes. W. H. Shebley
    • Trout distribution, 1921
    • Salmon distribution, 1921
  • Life History Notes
    • The opossum at El Monte, Los Angeles County. E. K. Lipking
    • Unique experience with mountain lion. H. C. Bryant
    • Capture of ocean sunfish off Catalina Island
    • Gray squirrel disease spreading. B. J. Shannon
  • Conservation in Other States
    • New hunting accident law in Pennsylvania
    • Public shooting grounds for Ohio
    • Oregon notes
    • Hungarian partridge in Washington
    • Nondrainage of Iowa lakes advocated
    • Wisconsin to record annual deer kill
    • Bird protection in Florida
    • New York legislation
    • Killing of antelope and moose in Wyoming prevented
  • United States Forest Service Cooperation.
    • Large annual kill of deer in the Santa Barbara National Forest. T. W. Sloan
    • Coyote bounties in Trinity County. A Tracy
    • Deer protection in Trinity National Forest. A. Tracy
    • New game refuge proposed for Santa Barbara National Forest. T. W. Sloan
    • Deer protection versus domestic stock on the California National Forest. B. H. Mace
    • Elk increase in Klamath National Forest. B. J. Shannon
    • Sagey taste may be removed from sage hens. W. S. Brown
    • Band-tailed pigeons abundant in Plumas National Forest. H. A. Kloppenburg
  • Reports
    • Expenditures
    • Fishery Products
    • Violation of Fish and Game Laws
    • Seizures


California Fish and Game 7(4). Fall 1921.

  • The sardine of California. W. F. Thompson
  • Historical review of the California sardine industry. W. F. Thompson
  • Fertilizer, stockfood, and oil from sardine offal. W. L. Scofield
  • Methods of sardine fishing in southern California. E. Higgins and H. B. Holmes
  • California sardine food products and their preparation. H. R. Beard
  • Inspection in the southern California fish canneries. N. Hendrickson
  • Notes on the sea lion. E. C. Starks
  • A distributional note of haliotis. S. S. Berry
  • A selected bibliography of chemical literature pertaining to the fish industry. H. R. Beard
  • Editorials
    • A sardine number
    • Comparison of sardine catch
    • Summer resort educational work, 1921
    • State Fair exhibit, 1921
    • Hunting accidents
    • Public shooting grounds
    • Unnatural natural history
    • Migratory birds in Latin America
    • Rainbow trout acclimatized in Australia
    • Australia seeks information on fishways
    • New bird law prohibits guides from making kill
    • Wire halts beaver
    • A sea elephant near San Clemente
  • Facts of Current Interest
  • Notes from the State Fisheries Laboratory. W. F. Thompson
    • The new laboratory
    • The albacore season
    • The laboratory staff
    • The surf-smelt, Hypoemsus
    • The library
    • A noteworthy book
    • Rare fish taken at San Pedro
  • Reports
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Fishery Products
    • Seizures
    • Expenditures

California Fish and Game 7(3). Summer 1921.

  • California hawks: how to identify them. H. C. Bryant
  • A royal silver trout caught in Lake Tahoe. J. O. Snyder
  • The new California State Fisheries Laboratory. W. F. Thompson
  • An important decision on the fishway law
  • Editorials
    • A hawk number
    • Some of the important changes in the laws affecting game
    • Summer resort work to be continued
    • Are bag limits too large?
    • Duck hunting from an airplane
    • Salmon depletion in British Columbia
    • Conservation and the scientific collector
    • Power project hearing
    • Trapping waterfowl allowed in England
    • Good black bass fishing in Lake County
    • Lake County sportsmen organize
    • Judge Clayton and the Migratory Bird Law
    • Resolution on the conservation of fisheries
    • Chinook salmon in Lake Ontario
    • The Fish and Game Commission patrol service
    • Municipal camps increase in National Forest parks
    • Establish quarantine on foxes imported for breeding
    • The silver fox ranch at Lake Tahoe, California
    • Wild fowl need protection and feeding grounds
    • Bird banding
  • Facts of Current Interest
  • Hatchery Notes. W. H. Shebley
    • Mount Shasta Hatchery
    • Fall Creek Hatchery
    • Bogus Creek Station
    • Hornbrook Station
    • Mount Whitney Hatchery
    • Lake Tahoe Hatchery
    • Mount Tallac Hatchery
    • Fort Seward Hatchery
    • Snow Mountain Station
    • Ukiah Hatchery
    • Scott Creek Station
    • Brookdale Hatchery
    • Domingo Springs Hatchery
    • Clear Creek Hatchery
    • Feather River Experimental Station
    • North Creek Hatchery
    • Wawona Hatchery
    • Kaweah Hatchery
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • New commercial fisheries legislation
    • Fisheries notes from San Pedro
    • Pacific Fisheries Society meeting
    • State Fair exhibit of fisheries
  • Notes from the State Fisheries Laboratory. W. F. Thompson
    • The personnel
    • The library for the new laboratory
    • The basking shark at Monterey
    • A rag fish at Monterey
    • A strange rag fish at San Pedro
    • Cutlass fish taken off Long Beach
    • The grunion
  • Life History Notes
    • Introduced dove thrives in Los Angeles. L. E. Wyman
    • Mountain lion swims river. J. C. Bruce
    • Curlew numerous. S. C. Church
    • Albino deer seen in the Stanislaus Forest. J. V. Wulff
    • A trapper's experiences. R. H. Blood
    • An opossum seen in Pacheco Pass. R. D. Libby
    • The opossum in Ventura County. G. P. Austin
  • Conservation in Other States
    • Muskrat season closed in Minnesota
    • Sportsmen's clubs in New York
    • Interest in fish and game conservation in Utah
    • Annual dividend from fur-bearing animals of New York state
  • Reports
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Seizures
    • Expenditures
    • Fishery Products, January, Februrary, March, 1921

California Fish and Game 7(2). Spring 1921.

  • A brief history of the California Fish and Game Commission. H. C. Bryant
  • Publications of the California Fish and Game Commission, 1870–1920. H. C. Bryant
  • The control of the mountain lion in California. J. S. Hunter
  • Hunting the wild boar in central France. W. L. Scofield
  • The abundance of young Pismo clams. F. W. Weymouth
  • Quarter-oils or half-pound ovals. W. F. Thompson
  • Whales and sardines. W. F. Thompson
  • Editorials
    • The 1918–1920 biennial report
    • New fish bulletins
    • Fishcultural methods upheld
    • In Memoriam—Frank Shook
    • The National Game Conference
    • The steelhead, a distinct species
    • Salmon destroyed on spawning beds
    • Blue jay hunt in San Benito County
    • More fines for hunting out of season
    • More and better fur
    • Rainbow trout in Hawaii
    • A decline in the consumption of fish
    • Buck law decreases hunting accidents in New York
    • A conservation reader for California public schools
    • President Harding in sympathy with wild life conservation
    • Fur-bearers protected in Trinity refuge
    • The fur supply and its maintenance
    • Camp sanitation
    • New York's annual game dividend
  • Facts of Current Interest
  • Hatchery Notes. W. H. Shebley
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • Shall we use food fish for fertilizer?
    • Fisheries, 1920
    • Sacramento River salmon marking, 1920
    • A new species of fish from Santa Catalina Island
    • Barbless fish hooks
  • Life History Notes
    • The porcupine as food. W. S. Brown
    • Tree squirrels infested with scabies. H. C. Bryant
    • Antelope show increase. J. O. Miller
  • Reports
    • Seizures
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Expenditures
    • Fishery Products, October, November, December, 1920

California Fish and Game 7(1). Winter 1921.

  • Three California marked salmon recovered. J. O. Snyder
  • An instance of adult, sea-run Chinook salmon found feeding in fresh water. W. H. Rich
  • Steelheads caught at sea off the coast near Fort Bragg. J. O. Snyder
  • The relative maturity of the Chinook salmon taken in the ocean along the Pacific Coast. W. H. Rich
  • Gear used for salmon trolling in California in 1920. W. L. Scofield
  • The future of the sardine. W. F. Thompson
  • Editorials
    • A salmon number
    • Klamath River salmon threatened with extermination
    • In Memoriam—Ralph W. Requa
    • The 1920 biennial report
    • Sportsmen's and anglers' organizations
    • Proposed federal hunting license
    • Golden trout
    • Why?
    • Nets confiscated
    • Bottom drops out of the fur market
    • Commission complimented by bureau officials
    • Hunting and angling licenses
    • Ducks move to new feeding grounds
    • Help save the wood duck
    • Game laws for 1920
    • Wrong season on doves
    • Two deer at one shot
  • Facts of Current Interest
  • Hatchery Notes. W. H. Shebley
    • Trout and salmon distribution
    • Salmon egg collecting, fall of 1919
    • San Joaquin River salmon
    • Salmon in the Eel River
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • Some considerations concerning the salting of fish
    • Salmon conservation and salmon trolling
    • Eel River problems
  • Notes from the State Fisheries Laboratory. W. F. Thompson
    • Changes in the personnel
    • The sardine season
    • Conferences on the sardine work
    • The progress of the new laboratory
    • The habits of sea gulls
    • A further note on the Monterey gulls
  • Life History Notes
    • Opossum killed on Mount Hamilton. W. H. Wright
    • Three mountain lion kittens captured. J. C. Bruce
    • How many eggs does a salmon lay? J. O. Snyder
    • Fulvous tree-duck shot near Colusa. A. C. Hansen
    • Black fish near Santa Catalina Island. H. B. Nidever
  • Conservation in Other States
    • Sanctuary for wild life deeded to Louisiana
    • Vermont establishes sanctuary for waterfowl
    • Value of Pennsylvania's annual kill of game
    • Quebec licenses fur dealers
    • Automobiles confiscated in Wisconsin
    • The system of conservation in Pennsylvania
    • The platform adopted by the Illinois Sportsmen's League
  • Reports
    • Violation of Fish and Game Laws
    • Seizures
    • Expenditures
    • Fishery Products, July, August, September, 1920


California Fish and Game 6(4). Fall 1920.

  • Distribution of the golden trout in California. S. L. N. Ellis and H. C. Bryant
  • The growth of the swell shark within the egg case. H. M. Edwards
  • Notes on dry-fly fishing—No. 5. R. L. M.
  • Editorials
    • Commission's duty to protect fish and game
    • Summer resort educational work
    • The grizzly
    • Beavers increase in the Adirondacks
    • State Fair exhibit
    • Law legalizes carrying of gun in closed season
    • More trained conservationists
    • Mud-hen stew "hunter style"
    • Making conservationists
    • Preservation of inland marshes
    • Another sportsmen's creed
    • The airplane violator
    • France demands game reparation
  • Facts of Current Interest
  • Hatchery Notes. W. H. Shebley
    • Trout die in Bear Lake
    • Small take of eggs
    • Golden trout lacks hardiness of other trout
    • The Tahoe Hatchery
    • The old and the new
    • Food for trout introduced
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • The status of the tuna
    • Bureau chief inspects California fisheries
    • Tuna fisheries investigated
    • United States Bureau of Fisheries, San Pedro Laboratory
    • Octopus fishing in Japan
    • Silver salmon at Monterey in 1920
    • Ocean and stream salmon catches
    • The salmon season at Monterey
  • Notes from the State Fisheries Laboratory. W. F. Thompson
    • The Fisheries Laboratory and its work
    • Progress of the albacore work
    • Progress of the clam work
    • Progress of the sardine work
    • Present status of the sardine investigation in the San Pedro District
    • The sardine problem in the Monterey Bay District
    • Large tuna
  • Life History Notes
    • Band-tailed pigeon nests in Sequoia National Forest. W. F. Derby
    • Large mackinaw caught in Donner Lake
    • Sparrows destroy gardens. C. D. Scott
  • Reports
    • Expenditures
    • Fishery Products, April, May, June, 1920
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Seizures

California Fish and Game 6(3). Summer 1920.

  • King salmon marking experiment at Klamath River, 1919. W. L. Scofield
  • Game in the San Joaquin Valley in 1853. A. J. Grayson
  • Notes on the dry-fly fishing—No. 4. R. L. M.
  • Editorials
    • A new executive officer
    • Optimism versus pessimism
    • The validity of the Migratory Bird Treaty sustained
    • Survey of the fur-bearing mammals of California
    • Adequate game protection
    • A national commission on the conservation of wild life
    • Guns used by duck pirates
    • Salmon fishing at Mendota Weir
    • Cheap sport for influential violators
    • Watch for banded ducks
    • Quail immune to strychnine poisoning
    • Biological Survey takes over work of American Bird Banding Association
    • New Zealand encourages fishing industry
    • Karakul sheep industry
    • Suggested bird reservation on Mono Lake
    • Fox farm a success
    • Deer protection in Siskiyou County
    • Bird censuses
    • Bear protection favored
  • Facts of Current Interest
  • Hatchery Notes. W. H. Shebley
  • Notes from the State Fisheries Laboratory. W. F. Thompson
    • The "day" and "night" surf-fishes of northern California
    • The grunion at Monterey
    • Enemies of the grunion at Long Beach
    • Albacore off San Francisco in December
    • Oil on Pismo Beach
  • Conservation in Other States
    • New York displays colored motion pictures
    • Heavy penalties for hunters in Michigan
    • Cooperative interest between states
    • Water pollution in Ohio
    • Game laws in Massachusetts
    • Game laws in Colorado
  • Life History Notes
    • A California condor seen near head of Deer Creek. P. G. Redington
    • Ducks in the Imperial Valley
  • United States Forest Service Cooperation
    • Steelhead trout in the California National Forest
    • Deer season too early on the El Dorado Forest
    • Mule deer on the Lassen Forest
  • Reports
    • California Fresh Fishery Products
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Seizures
    • Statement of Expenditures

California Fish and Game 6(2). Spring 1920.

  • The abalones of northern California. W. F. Thompson
  • Some notes on dry-fly fishing—No. 3. R. L. M.
  • The mullet fisheries of Salton Sea. W. F. Thompson and H. C. Bryant
  • Editorials
    • Additional game sanctuaries
    • The game warden at work
    • Dry years injure angling prospects
    • Government and Fish and Game Commission inaugurate free nature guide service
    • In Memoriam—Chester A. Scroggs
    • In Memoriam—Forest Nesbitt
    • Forest officers' reports
    • A bill to establish game sanctuaries in national forests
    • San Diego to make clean weep of the English sparrow
    • Fish pack, 1919
    • Sportsmen land many big fish
    • Forest officers to act as game wardens
    • Bird protection societies
    • Game abundant in early days
    • Sure punishment meted out to violators of Migratory Bird Treaty Act
    • Naval air station fish patrol opens idle canneries
  • Facts of Current Interest
  • Hatchery Notes. W. H. Shebley
    • Fish distribution, 1919
    • Mount Shasta Hatchery
    • Klamathon Station
    • Fall Creek Hatchery
    • Bogus Creek Station
    • Cottonwood Creek Station
    • Mount Whitney Hatchery
    • Tahoe Hatchery
    • Mount Tallac Hatchery
    • Fort Seward Hatchery
    • Ukiah Hatchery
    • Snow Mountain Station
    • Brookdale Hatchery
    • Scott Creek Station
    • Almanor Hatchery
    • Domingo Springs Hatchery
    • Clear Creek Hatchery
    • Bear Lake Hatchery
    • Kaweah Hatchery
    • Wawona Hatchery
    • Yosemite Hatchery
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • Investigation of halibut fisheries proposed
    • Sleeper shark captured
    • Marking sockeye salmon fry
    • Low rivers influence spawning habits of herring
    • Salmon packers fear salmon depletion
    • Kamaboko being manufactured at San Pedro
  • Notes from the State Fisheries Laboratory. W. F. Thompson
    • A scientific assistant employed
    • Progress of the sardine work
    • Occurrence of a deep sea fish at Monterey
    • Investigation of the Salton Sea
    • The recuperative power of the abalone
    • Occurrence of the green abalone in Monterey
    • Stream pollution in New York state
    • Gulls in Monterey Bay
    • Occurrence of a rare crab
    • Scientific work of the "albacore" in December
  • Life History Notes
    • Winter occurrence of the fulvous tree duck in the central San Joaquin Valley. J. E. Newsome
    • The pomfret, near Fort Bragg. J. O. Snyder
    • Where do deer sleep? O. P. Brownlow
  • United States Forest Service Cooperation
    • Fires and our forests
    • Game in the California National Forest
  • Reports
    • Fishery Products, October, November, December, 1919
    • Fishery Products for the Year 1919
    • Canned, Cured, and Manufactured Fishery Products for the Year 1919
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Seizures
    • Expenditures

California Fish and Game 6(1). Winter 1920.

  • Notes on dry-fly fishing—No. 2. R. L. M.
  • The young of the black sea bass. E. Higgins
  • The Pacific edible crab and its near relatives. F. W. Weymouth
  • The proposed investigation of the sardine. W. F. Thompson
  • The life history of the sage hen. E. H. Ober
  • Notes on the life history of the black-tailed deer. J. D. Coffman
  • Editorials
    • Five years old
    • We must capitalize our resources
    • Education versus law enforcements
    • Fur resources endangered
    • New game fish imported
    • California furnishes striped bass to Hawaiian Islands
    • Streams now stocked with golden trout
    • In Memoriam—Oscar H. Reichling
    • Save Klamath Lake Bird Reservation
    • The hunter's lament
    • Southern California fisheries filmed
    • Seven grizzlies formerly existed in California
    • When are greenheads most abundant?
    • California's first game refuge
    • Protect the wood duck
    • Fishes in relation to mosquito control
    • Bird protection in England
    • The fishing industry in California
    • A California fox farm
    • How many shooters in the United States today?
    • Ownership of wild life
    • The warden of game
    • Muskrat farm established in Ohio
    • Canada urges protection of game
    • Need for doe protection obvious
  • California's Game Sanctuaries
  • Facts of Current Interest
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • Many fishing boats destroyed
    • Fishermen's union at Fort Bragg
    • Newport Bay fisheries being developed
    • Fishing village compelled to move
    • Seaplanes to locate fish
    • Agar-agar to be manufactured in southern California
  • Notes from the State Fisheries Laboratory. W. F. Thompson and E. Higgins
    • The inauguration of scientific work on the sardine
    • Some recent fishery publications
    • A snipe-fish from Catalina
    • The "runner" fish in lower California
    • The occurrence of the Japanese herring
    • Deep sea "monster" captured
    • Mexican fishes in California ports
    • First appearance of the "crested band-fish"
  • Conservation in Other States
    • New York enforces conservation laws
    • Protection of sockeye salmon
    • Minnesota auctions confiscated gear
    • Virginia favors new type of refuge
    • Minnesota breaks record
    • Canada issues educational films
  • Life History Notes
    • Forest fires destroy game. C. G. Stivers
    • Doe with three fawns. W. S. Brown
    • Wild cat eats chickens. D. W. Maxey
    • Food of the bobcat. H. H. Hunt
    • Soup-fin shark eats abalone. A. R. Miller
    • Does the barrow golden-eye breed in the Sierras. H. C. Bryant
    • Meadowlarks control cricket pest. A. C. Burrell
  • Reports
    • Seizures
    • Fishery Products, July, August, September, 1919
    • Violation of Fish and Game Laws
    • Expenditures


California Fish and Game 5(4). Fall 1919.

  • Some notes on dry-fly fishing. R. L. M.
  • Note on the habits and use of the small sand crab (Emerita analoga). F. W. Weymouth
  • Game conditions in southern California thirty-five years ago. M. H. McAllister
  • A case of destruction of Pismo clams by oil. F. W. Weymouth
  • Accusations and the defense—the Eden Resolution and a reply
  • Editorials
    • Persuasion versus compulsion in fish and game conservation
    • The angler versus the net fisherman
    • Educational work in summer resorts
    • Tahoe public camp
    • Deer conservation in New York
    • Migratory Bird Treat Act constitutional
    • Waterfowl die from eating shot
    • Government needs deputy chief game warden
    • Anglers, attention
    • Additional migratory bird treaties needed
    • State Fair exhibit
    • Game censuses
    • Hatchery Department moves
    • Colored prints of golden trout available
  • Facts of Current Interest
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • The salmon of the Sacramento need more protection
    • Striped bass taken in Mission Bay, San Diego County, California
    • Kelp harvesting may be resumed
    • Sardine run at Monterey
    • Steelhead
    • Seaweed as food
    • Salmon at Monterey
    • Dry salting fish at Monterey
    • Squid at Monterey
    • Do fishermen go far enough to sea to get the fish?
    • Large salmon catch at Fort Bragg
    • The Sacramento run of salmon
  • Notes from the State Fisheries Laboratory. W. F. Thompson and E. Higgins
    • The recurrence of the frigate mackerel
    • The spawning of the grunion
    • Contributions to Canadian biology
    • Blue-fin and yellow-fin tuna
    • The occurrence of the louvar
    • The absence of the dolphin fish
    • Two rare fishes
    • The "day" and "night" surf-fishes of northern California
    • The occurrence of the albacore north of San Francisco
  • Conservation in Other States
    • New York opens new hatchery
    • Game refuges in Minnesota
    • Washington forms state sportsman's association
    • Quebec establishes bird refuges
    • Pennsylvania punishes violators
  • Life History Notes
    • Weights of mule deer. F. P. Cady
    • Deer captured at Lake Tahoe. J. H. Sanders
    • Oregon caesarian fawn a most healthy little one. J. F. Walsh
  • United States Forest Service Cooperation
    • Rangers co-operate with game wardens
    • Deer in the national forests
    • Owens Valley residents all go fishing
    • Strange deer killed
  • Reports
    • Seizures
    • Fishery Products, April, May, June, 1919
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Expenditures

California Fish and Game 5(3). Summer 1919.

  • California trout. B. W. Evermann and H. C. Bryant
  • Summer on the California trout streams. R. P. Lincoln
  • Parasites which affect the food value of rabbits. E. R. De Ong
  • Out Fishin' (a poem). E. A. Guest
  • Editorials
    • Vindication
    • Nature study libraries to be furnished summer resorts
    • The 1918 catch of fish
    • Maintain a supply
    • Rainbow trout acclimatized in Argentina
    • A college of fisheries established
    • Many lions killed
    • Airplanes to locate fish
    • Fishery products laboratory established
    • The ownership of wild life
    • Our fur resources
    • Black bass is not a true bass
  • Facts of Current Interest
  • Hatchery Notes. W. H. Shebley
    • Brookdale Hatchery
    • Snow Mountain Station
    • Mt. Tallac Hatchery
    • Fall Creek Hatchery
    • Bear Lake Hatchery
    • Almanor Hatchery
    • Domingo Springs Hatchery
    • Clear Creek Hatchery
    • Mt. Shasta Hatchery
    • Mt. Whitney Hatchery
    • Wawona Hatchery
    • Experimental hatcheries
    • New experiment on hatching salmon artificially
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • Fresh fish used by reduction plants at San Pedro
    • Better records of catch necessary
    • First tuna received May 14
    • Northern boats join fishing fleet
    • Fishermen receive 20 cents for first tuna
    • Floating cannery burns
  • Notes from the State Fisheries Laboratory. W. F. Thompson and E. Higgins
    • Goat fish taken in California
    • Spiny lobster larvae
    • Attempt to rear grunion
    • Life history of flat-fish
    • Porpoise captured
    • Halibut eats large rock
    • Young of the ladyfish discovered
    • Clam investigation
    • Shad caught a Seal Beach
    • Alaska black cod taken near San Pedro
    • Cannery receives Mexican fish
    • The breeding season of the sardine
  • Conservation in Other States
    • Reforms in Nova Scotia fishery service
    • Sturgeon to be protected in other states
  • Life History Notes
    • Nesting of the band-tailed pigeon. N. Moran
    • Wildcat eats birds. D. D. Mclean
    • A death struggle between bucks. J. C. Bruce
  • Reports
    • Canned, Cure, and Manufactured Fishery Products, 1918
    • Fishery Products, 1918
    • California Fish Products, January, February, and March, 1919

California Fish and Game 5(2). Spring 1919.

  • The conservation of our fisheries. W. F. Thompson
  • The basses and bass-like fishes. E. C. Starks
  • Bear hunting with bows and arrows. S. Pope
  • Notes on the artificial propagation of the spiny lobster. P. S. Barnhart
  • Is the herring gull insectivorous? A. C. Burrill
  • In Memoriam—Frank A. Shebley
  • Editorials
    • Our mailing list
    • Pending legislation
    • Fish and Game Commission inaugurates educational work at summer resorts
    • Preserve game resources
    • Large profits with slight outlay
    • "Now begins the season"
    • Conviction made under federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act
    • Mendocino rancher makes good kill
    • Game laws to be enforced in national forests
    • Beaver hides confiscated
    • Deputy acquitted at trial
    • War-time saving in cost of fish food
    • The Pacific coast whale industry
    • Food Administration regulations on fishing no longer effective
    • More bird treaties needed
    • Conservation of fish
    • Dependable information is needed
    • State Game District 1K
    • Is the porcupine worth saving?
    • Manicure the bird-catching cat
    • A plan to conserve Wyoming elk
    • Fur farming in Alaska
    • How do birds find their way?
    • A suggestion for California conservationists
    • The Game Birds of California (Book Review)
    • Passenger pigeons reported in eastern states
    • English game birds vindicated
    • The ground squirrels of California
    • The food of mallard ducks
    • Wild birds and legislation
    • Fly larvae suck blood of nestling birds
    • Importation of quail from Mexico
    • Federal migratory bird law
    • Long run of a tagged salmon
    • Night herons game in Louisiana
  • Facts of Current Interest
  • Hatchery Notes. W. H. Shebley
    • Mount Shasta Hatchery
    • Mount Whitney Hatchery
    • Mount Tallac Hatchery
    • Fort Seward Hatchery
    • Almanor Hatchery
    • Domingo Springs Hatchery
    • Snow Mountain Hatchery
    • Bear Lake Hatchery
    • Brookdale Hatchery
    • Fall Creek Hatchery
    • Yosemite Experimental Hatchery
    • Fish distribution
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • Biological stations want protection
    • Proposed change of shrimp law would menace fish life
    • Launch "albacore" attempts to aid fisherman
    • New cannery established in Ensenada
    • Japanese trawler in nets of law
  • Notes from the Long Beach Laboratory. W. F. Thompson and E. Higgins
  • Conservation in Other States
    • Wardens do detective work in New York
    • Illinois sportsmen dissatisfied
    • Washington Commission maintains permanent exhibit
    • Washington will open the season on elk
    • Vermont plans quarterly bulletin
  • Life History Notes
    • Elk in Shasta County. M. H. McAllister
    • Deer hunting poor in Mono County. W. M. Maule
    • Deer increasing in Trinity Game Refuge. G. O. Laws
    • Grouse in the Sequoia National Forest. F. P. Cunningham
    • River otter plays on moonlight nights. U. Boyle
    • Valley quail with egg in December. E. L. Bosqui
  • Wild life in relation to agriculture
    • Blackbirds and rice. W. O. Jacobson
    • Ducks destroy garden pests
    • Pheasants damage crops in Inyo County. E. L. Herzinger
    • Mole eats angleworms. W. N. Dirks
  • Reports
    • Fishery Products, October to December, 1918
    • Financial Report
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Seizures
    • Number of Deer Killed in Season 1917

California Fish and Game 5(1). Winter 1919.

  • Shrimp fisheries of California. N. B. Scofield
  • The fishes of the croaker family (Sciaenidae) of California. E. C. Starks
  • Note on the sand dab. E. C. Starks
  • The stickleback: a fish eminently fitted by nature as a mosquito destroyer. C. L. Hubbs
  • Early stages of the spiny lobster. W. L. Schmitt
  • The coyote as a deer killer. E. V. Jotter
  • Editorials
    • The 1916–1918 biennial
    • Fish and Game Commission needs plenary powers
    • California laws will be modified to agree with federal game laws
    • Violators make queer defense
    • Monterey streams stocked
    • Duck disease again appears
    • Federal permits
    • Fish cookery demonstrations
    • Increased consumption of fish necessary
    • Notes on the new game refuges
    • A new game farming project
    • Louisiana originates new duck
    • Alaska fishery products
    • Nova Scotia uses war methods to capture violators
    • California trappers and their catch
  • Facts of Current Interest
  • Hatchery Notes. W. H. Shebley
    • Fish distribution, 1918
    • Mt. Shasta Hatchery
    • Mt. Whitney Hatchery
    • Mt. Tallac Hatchery
    • Tahoe Hatchery
    • Fort Seward Hatchery
    • Domingo Springs Station
    • Ukiah Hatchery
    • Almanor Hatchery
    • Feather River Hatchery
    • Bear Lake Hatchery
    • Brookdale Hatchery
    • Wawona Hatchery
    • Clear Creek Hatchery
    • Klamath River Station
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • The conditions injure fisheries
    • The salmon industry menaced
    • Sperm whale taken off Monterey
    • Locating sardines by aeroplane
    • New whaling station on Monterey Bay
    • New fish net
  • Conservation in Other States
    • Conservation lessons from Massachusetts
    • Cats become game in New York
    • Minnesota game refuges
    • Minnesota distributes fish
    • New Jersey restocked with rabbits
  • Life History Notes
    • Tree-ducks successfully bred in Santa Clara County. J. V. DeLaveaga
    • Rare fish from Monterey Bay. E. C. Starks
    • Marlin-spike fish used as food. E. C. Starks
    • Breeding of the fulvous tree-duck in Santa Clara County. J. O. Snyder
    • Banded pintail taken in Alameda County. E. Downing
  • Reports
    • Fishery Products, July, August, September, 1918
    • Violation of Fish and Game Laws
    • Seizures
    • Financial Report


California Fish and Game 4(4). Fall 1918.

  • The flat-fishes of California. E. C. Starks
  • On common names of fishes. E. C. Starks
  • The spawning of the litte-smelt, Leuresthes tenuis (Ayres). P. S. Barnhart
  • Rare fish appear off southern California. W. F. Thompson
  • Hunting with bow and arrow. S. Pope
  • Editorials
    • Would slaughter ducks
    • Boy Scouts taught conservation
    • Our service flag
    • Important provisions of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act
    • What is expected from the new federal law
    • The dangers of the bounty system
    • Bounties paid in 1917
    • Bird study for Boy Scouts
    • Many fish rescued
    • Wild pigeons still protected
    • Deer answer to breakfast call
    • American Fisheries Society points out conservation measures
    • Game conditions in Alpine County
    • Fine for killing pigeons
    • Fish laws again modified
    • Fish protective association formed
    • Game sanctuaries in Pennsylvania
    • Aeroplane observations of migrating birds
    • The essentials in big game conservation
    • Distribution of game birds in Germany
  • Facts of Current Interest
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • Inshore trawl fishing not to be allowed
    • Tinker mackerel
    • Scotland's fishery products
    • English fishermen get high prices
    • Canada exports ninety-five percent of catch
    • Sockeye salmon run being re-established in the Columbia River
  • Life History Notes
    • Ring-necked pheasants in Santa Clara County. I. L. Koppel
    • Valley quail successfully reared. H. C. Bryant
    • A deer tragedy. J. C. Bruce
    • Yellow perch near Sacramento. G. Neale
  • Reports
    • Fishery Products, April, May, June, 1918
    • Seizures
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws

California Fish and Game 4(3). Summer 1918.

  • A review of the kelp industry. W. C. Crandall
  • The growth of kelp. E. Porteous
  • The mussels of the Pacific Coast. E. P. Rankin
  • The mackerel and mackerel-like fishes of California. E. C. Starks
  • Discretionary powers and game conservation . H. C. Bryant
  • California's "bit". J. N. Cobb
  • Editorials
    • Kelp
    • Who's to blame?
    • Talk vs. action
    • Shad become scarce
    • Fish scape from Bouldin Island
    • A dangerous statement
    • War profiteers
    • Is this justice?
    • State plumage law effective
    • United States Food Administration memorandum on the usage of game as food
    • How to help
    • Limits the rule
    • The pollution of public waters
    • How San Francisco backs the game laws
    • San Diego County now has trout fishing
    • Squirrel campaigns and quail
    • Research problems of the California Fish and Game Commission
    • Bureau of Education, publicity and research
    • Wild life films
    • Shooting the movies
    • Not appreciated here, shad are shipped east
    • Cheap fish are often the best
    • Few elk in 1859
    • Salt for deer
  • Fair Play
    • Wants sale of trout
    • Sale of trout prohibited
  • Facts of Current Interest
  • Hatchery Notes. W. H. Shebley
    • Fry distribution begins
    • Take of eggs below normal
    • Brookdale Hatchery
    • Ukiah and Fort Seward Hatcheries
    • Almanor Hatchery
    • Feather River Hatchery
    • Bear Lake Hatchery
    • Mount Whitney Hatchery
    • Wawona Hatchery
    • Tahoe Hatcheries
    • Ladders and screens
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • Kelp and potash manufacture
    • Fishery statistics
    • Increase working force
  • Conservation in Other States
    • Beaver wanted in Michigan
    • Minnesota helps in government's "Eat More Fish" campaign
    • Maryland to hatch striped bass
    • New York enforces fish and game laws
    • Washington game farms
    • Auto hunting stopped in New Jersey
    • Pennsylvania will protect ruffed grouse
  • Life History Notes
    • Lioness tracked to lair. J. C. Bruce
    • Quail suffered from lack of food. G. W. Courtright
    • An emperor goose taken in Glenn County. J. S. Hunter
    • Valley quail lays twenty-nine eggs. G. Neale
    • The barn owl as a gopher catcher. E. W. Smalley
  • United States Forest Service Cooperation
    • People favor Angeles game refuges
    • Elk increasing in Shasta National Forest
    • Game scarce in El Dorado National Forest
    • Grouse in the Plumas National Forest
    • Destruction of game by predatory animals
    • Bears numerous in Shasta National Forest
    • The fisher in the Trinity National Forest
  • Wild Life in Relation to Agriculture
    • Mountain rats injure young trees
    • It pays to destroy ground squirrels
  • Reports
    • Fishery Products, January, February, and March, 1918
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Seizures
    • Financial Report

California Fish and Game 4(2). Spring 1918.

  • The herrings and herring-like fishes of California. E. C. Starks
  • The herring and the development of the herring industry in California. N. B. Scofield
  • Ducks vs. rice. G. Neale
  • A lookouts view of Trinity Game Refuge. F. Hoffman
  • Conservation of forests increases game. G. W. Courtright
  • Supreme Court decision on parcel post shipment of game
  • Editorials
    • The underlying purpose of a "herring" number
    • Supreme Court upholds state law prohibiting shipment of game by parcel post
    • Market hunters make capital of the present emergency
    • Fish laws modified by food administration
    • Discretionary powers insure better conservation
    • Increased sheeping endangers wild life
    • Federal Migratory Bird Law being enforced
    • Still in the same class
    • Count the ducks
    • Another editor wonders
    • Conservation sentiment grows
    • New patrol boat "makes good"
    • Yosemite hatchery practically assured
    • Geese damage crops near Tulare Lake
    • A new aquarium for San Francisco
    • Many tons of sharks marketed
    • A new hatchery on Klamath River is planned
    • Few sturgeon left
    • An all-woman jury convicts night shooters
    • Whale meat nutritious
    • Lion bounties in 1917
    • New goose discovered in California
  • Fair Play
    • Raising rice for wild game consumption
    • The dine on the leavings
  • Facts of Current Interest
  • Hatchery Notes. W. H. Shebley
    • Mount Shasta Hatchery
    • Mount Whitney Hatchery
    • Bear Lake Hatchery
    • Tahoe Hatcheries
    • Wawona Hatchery
    • Almanor and Domino Springs Hatcheries
    • Fort Seward Hatchery
    • Snow Mountain Station
    • Brookdale and Scott Creek Stations
    • Screen and fishway surveys
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • Additional information on herring
    • Shad season approaching
    • Fresh sardines not appreciated
    • Clamor for sturgeon
    • Salmon catch in 1917
    • Patrol boat "Albacore" busy
    • Anchovies will be salted
    • The anchovy a fine food fish
    • Mackerel delicious but seldom eaten
    • Tuna investigations
    • Betting fishing methods needed
    • The government control of fisheries
  • Conservation in Other States
    • Ocean fish refuges
    • Fish and game administration in Washington
    • Washington's game refuges
    • No increase of bounties in Pennsylvania
    • $15,000 fine paid for trapping wild ducks
    • Dove protection in Texas
    • Penalties for violation of Oregon game laws
    • Nevada prohibits deer hunting with aid of dogs
    • Value of wild life enormous
    • Minnesota commission remodels fish and game laws
    • A successful sparrow campaign
    • New York has conservation school
    • Bird preserves in Russia
    • Gould League of Bird Lovers in Australia
    • Arkansas reforms
    • Louisiana opposes suspension of game laws
  • Life History Notes
    • Coyote kills quail. M. S. Clark
    • Hungarian partridges seen in Inyo County in 1913. J. J. Singlau
    • "Varmint" dogs clean out bobcats. C. H. Cooley
    • Adult deer with unbranched horns. W. N. Dirks
    • Swans rare this year. G. Neale 
  • United States Forest Service Co-operation
    • Forest fire kills fish
    • Antelope in Modoc County
    • Mountain quail scarce in Trinity County
  • Reports
    • Fishery Products, October to December, 1917
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Seizures
    • Financial Report

California Fish and Game 4(1). Winter 1918.

  • The skates and rays of California with an account of the rat fish. E. C. Starks
  • The Quinnat salmon in New Zealand. N. B. Scofield
  • Bighorn sheep in the vicinity of Claremont, California. L. L. Gardner
  • Deer licks of the Trinity National Forest Game Refuge. H. C. Bryant
  • Unappreciated friends. J. G. Tyler
  • Editorials
    • Fish and game endangered
    • Rice damage by ducks
    • New patrol boat for southern California
    • Bounties
    • Attention, trappers!
    • Forestry and fish and game exhibit at State Fair
    • The cost of raising pheasants and ducks
    • The enabling act of the Federal Migratory Bird Law
    • Saving deer for food
    • Novel fish and game legislation
    • Recreation
    • Mudhens good food
    • Wildfowlers lucky
    • How to dynamite a stream
    • Mt. Whitney Hatchery grounds to be improved
    • Fireworks used to frighten birds in rice fields
    • Black bear worth protecting
    • A way to curb hunting accidents
    • Hunting accidents
    • Fawn successfully reared
  • Facts of Current Interest
  • Fair Play
  • Hatchery Notes. W. H. Shebley
    • Trout and salmon distribution for 1917
    • A hatchery for Yosemite Valley
    • Insect food for trout introduced
    • Successful introduction of salmon in New Zealand
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • Output of California's fisheries doubled
    • The salmon catch on Eel River
    • Sea food wasted
    • No fixed price on salmon
    • Kelp harvest for 1917
  • Life History Notes
    • Ducks die at Salton Sea. C. E. Davis
    • Canada geese bred in Alameda County. F. M. Smith
    • White deer in Trinity County. G. O. Laws
  • Reports
    • Fishery Products, July, August, September, 1917
    • Violation of Fish and Game Laws
    • Seizures
    • Financial Report


California Fish and Game 3(4). Fall 1917.

  • The sharks of California. E. C. Starks
  • Temperature and the albacore. W. F. Thompson
  • Mountain lion hunting in California. H. C. Bryant
  • Editorials
    • High cost of fish
    • Valuable information for albacore industry
    • Bay region fishermen lucky
    • Millions of pounds of sardines canned
    • Whale meat—venison of the sea
    • Justice meted out
    • Brought to justice
    • In Memoriam—Leo N. Pettit
    • In Memoriam—Samuel Nickel: The Passing of a Pioneer
    • The clean record
    • Oregon liberates many game birds
    • Bird protection signs distributed
    • Age of deer determined by teeth
    • An object lesson
    • Ambergris
    • Science in the increase of bird life
    • A letter to a game warden
    • Civil War veterans obtain licenses free
    • The boy with a gun
    • Remember the buffalo
    • Canning sea mussels
    • Swordfish and tuna fishing excellent
    • Pets, their history and care
    • California condor on exhibition in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco
    • Function of the Game and Fish Department
    • Usual reports necessarily omitted
  • Hatchery Notes. W. H. Shebley
    • Trout fry distribution, 1917
    • Snow mountain station
    • Ukiah Hatchery
    • Fort Seward Hatchery
    • Brookdale Hatchery
    • Almanor Hatchery
    • Domingo Springs Station
    • Bear Lake Hatchery
    • Tahoe Hatcheries
    • Wawona Hatchery
    • Mount Shasta Hatchery
    • Mount Whitney Hatchery
    • Screen and fishway investigation
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • California's commercial fisheries
    • Commercial fisheries on the Mendocino Coast
    • Japan furnishes fish for army
    • Use of fish by our army advocated
    • "Eat More Fish"
    • Preserving fish without ice
    • Miscellaneous brine-salting
  • United States Forest Service Cooperation
    • Mountain lions kill deer. C. E. Jordan
    • Cleveland game refuge. J. B. Stephenson
    • Mountain sheep at head Kern River. F. P. Cunningham
  • Reports
    • Number of Deer Killed in Various Counties During the Open Seasons 1914–1916
    • Fishery Products, April, May, June, 1917

California Fish and Game 3(3). Summer 1917.

  • A Symposium on New Fish and Game Legislation
    • New Fish Legislation. W. H. Shebley
    • Legislation Affecting the Commercial Fisheries. N. B. Scofield
    • New Game Legislation. J. S. Hunter
  • Devilfish and squid. H. Heath
  • Neglected Pacific fishery resources. J. N. Cobb
  • Editorials
    • Legislation
    • Safety first during the hunting season
    • Rules for handling of loaded guns
    • Oil pollution
    • Our part in the crisis
    • Prevent waste
    • Wild life and food
    • The cost of fish and game conservation
    • An alien firearms bill
    • Boys injure fishing
    • Bird fountain dedicated
    • Five measures for increasing game
    • The use of the license funds
    • Winter vs. summer furs
    • Discontinue prizes for first deer or first limit on fish
    • Higher bounty to be paid on mountain lions
    • Results of coyote destruction
    • Pelts prove valuable
    • How to dress a deer
    • The hunting instinct
    • Deep snows cause starvation of many Yellowstone elk
    • The field that Silas plowed
    • Nature study outline for elementary schools
    • The real sportsman
    • Bots wanted
  • Hatchery Notes. W. H. Shebley
    • Prospects good for a record take of eggs
    • Mt. Shasta Hatchery
    • Tahoe Hatcheries
    • Fort Seward Hatchery
    • Almanor Hatchery
    • Snow Mountain Station
    • Ukiah Hatchery
    • Brookdale Hatchery
    • Bear Valley Hatchery
    • Mount Whitney Hatchery
    • Wawona Hatchery
    • Fish distribution
    • Screen and ladder surveys
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • The fish industry in California during the year 1916
    • Ciopino
    • Preparation of abalone for food
    • New commercial fisheries investigation
  • Conservation in Other States
    • Oregon makes numerous changes in game laws
    • Nevada and the Migratory Bird Law
    • Pheasants in Missouri
    • Maryland now has hunting license law
    • New York starts conservation magazine
    • Advisory board in wild life protection in Canada
    • Fur crop a large one
    • Permanent lecturer in Massachusetts
    • A new bird sanctuary in British Columbia
    • Bird-protection placards in military camps
    • The West Virginia license law
    • Texas needs reforms
  • Life History Notes
    • Lake Merritt—A refuge for waterfowl. W. W. Richards
    • A common malady among waterfowl. E. W. Nelson
    • Horseshoe crab. N. B. Scofield
    • Basking shark taken in Monterey Bay. N. B. Scofield
    • Ducks and geese plentiful in Plumas County. L. J. Warren
    • Deer in Calaveras County. J. G. O'Brien
    • Three eastern birds becoming abundant in Oregon
    • The shedding of antlers. W. N. Dirks
    • A winter catch of furs. G. Williamson, Jr.
  • United States Forest Service Cooperation
    • Mink in the Trinity National Forest. E. V. Jotter
    • Large catch of furs on the California forest. B. H. Mace
    • Trout planted in Mono County in 1967. T. J. Janes
    • Mountain quail. E. Bach
  • Boy Scout Cooperation
    • Why deer are decreasing
    • Advocates destruction of English sparrow
    • Boy scouts to become game wardens in Oregon
    • Philadelphia boy scouts as bird guardians
  • Reports
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Seizures
    • Fishery Products, January to April, 1917
    • Financial Report

California Fish and Game 3(2). Spring 1917.

  • In Memoriam—John Peter Fisher
  • In Memoriam—Paul Smith
  • An unfair attitude on game laws. F. B. Hoffman
  • Striped bass fishing. C. M. Boutan
  • The effect of power development on fishing in the high Sierras. A. D. Ferguson
  • My first trip into Big Bear Valley. W. C. Malone
  • What we can do to promote fish conservation . C. M. Blackford
  • Trinity National Forest Game Refuge. E. V. Jotter
  • The case of the sportsman vs. the case of the farmer
  • Editorials
    • The new commissioner
    • New game legislation
    • Two functions must be performed by Fish and Game Commission
    • Seventeen new game refuges for California
    • Prohibition of the sale of trout necessary
    • The spearing of steelhead trout
    • Power development in the high sierras benefits fishing conditions
    • The Tuolumne Fish and Game Protective Association
    • Headlight glare causes death of deer
    • A creed of wild-life conservation
    • The English sparrow campaign in Redlands
    • The hunting accidents of 1916
    • Maps for your summer vacation
    • Salisbury Fish and Game films now available
    • Nature study in Los Angeles public schools
    • Fur farming in British Columbia
    • The conservation of native fauna
    • The natural enemies of birds
    • Laws relating to fur-bearing animals, 1916
    • Death claims two noted scientists
  • Hatchery Notes. W. H. Shebley
    • Mount Shasta Hatchery
    • Fort Seward Hatchery
    • Mount Shasta Auxiliary Stations
    • Almanor Hatchery
    • Brookdale Hatchery
    • Scott Creek Station
    • Snow Mountain Station
    • Tahoe Hatcheries
    • Mount Whitney Hatchery
    • Bear Valley Hatchery
    • Ukiah Hatchery
  • Conservation in Other States
    • Oregon contemplates increase in anglers' license
    • Thirty fatal hunting accidents in Pennsylvania
    • Wanted, by New Mexico sportsmen
    • Utah bird sanctuary
    • Game wardens to be uniformed
    • Sixth National Conservation Congress
    • Minnesota attempts to rear pheasants
  • Life History Notes
    • More banded ducks taken in California. H. C. Bryant
    • The wolf-eel taken in San Francisco Bay. B. W. Evermann
    • Sea otters seen near Monterey. P. H. Coyer
    • Wild swans abundant. M. H. McAllister
    • White mallards. H. C. Bryant
    • Birds lose their way in fog. H. C. Bryant
    • Antelope appear in new locality. F. P. Cady
    • Sea otters near Catalina Island. G. Farnsworth
    • The leopard frog in California. H. C. Bryant
  • United States Forest Service Co-operation. L. H. Whiteman
    • Game refuge plan successful in New Mexico
    • The automobile a factor in game decrease in El Dorado National Forest. E. J. Kotok
    • Suggested change of present trout law. C. V. Brereton
    • Squirrel poison and rattlesnakes. C. V. Brereton
    • Trout planting in the Santa Barbara National Forest
  • Reports
    • Fishery Products, October to December, 1916
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Seizures
    • Financial Report

California Fish and Game 3(1). Winter 1917.

  • In Memoriam—Alonzo F. Lea
  • History of the introduction of food and game fishes into the waters of California. W. H. Shebley
  • The fish distribution of 1916. G. H. Lambson
  • Scientific nature study in the public schools. G. V. Miller
  • Editorials
    • Will you do your share?
    • What do you wish to know about fish and game?
    • New executive officer
    • The biennial report
    • How long?
    • The closed season
    • Boy Scout cooperation
    • Heavy penalty imposed for smuggling ducks
    • The food of ducks in California
    • State Fair exhibit
    • Practical education
    • The treaty with Canada
    • Migration records
    • Goat Island becomes national game preserve
    • A Tamalpais game refuge a possibility
    • Turkey buzzard and disease
    • Habits and food of the road-runner in California
    • A "pat on the back"
    • Game commissioners doing valuable work
    • Obtain an authoritative work on pheasant breeding free
  • Hatchery Notes. W. H. Shebley
    • Completion of hatchery operations for the season 1916
    • A new food and game fish for southern California coast counties
    • Screen and ladder operations
    • Preparations for next season's hatchery operations
    • Mount Whitney Hatchery
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • The 1916 tuna pack
    • A yellow-finned albacore from the Mexican coast
    • Mussels grow rapidly
    • A commercial fisheries tax bill
  • Conservation in Other States
    • Pennsylvania attempts to restock the state with rabbits
    • Anglers in Michigan worried
    • Minnesota Commission makes use of movies
    • Button law for hunters in New York state
  • Life History Notes
    • The snowy owl again invades California. H. C. Bryant
    • Ducks arrive early. H. E. Foster
    • Only a few ducks die at Tulare Lake. E. W. Smalley
    • Duck disease. T. Mathews
    • Gambel quail transplanted. J. S. Logan
    • Unusual ducks visit interior. G. Neale
    • The mountain lion an enemy of the skunk. D. D. McLean
  • United States Forest Service Cooperation. L. H. Whiteman
    • Quail becoming scarcer in the Stanislaus National Forest. E. D. Bach
    • Deer in the El Dorado National Forest. E. L. Scott
    • Effect of forest fires on fish. J. R. Hall
    • Forest officers destroy predatory animals
    • The spiked buck law. S. J. Rhyne
  • Boy Scout Cooperation
    • New York scouts told how to conserve wild life
    • Conservation and wild life
    • Certain cardinal principles
    • A sample of the work of one scout
  • Reports
    • Fishery Products, April to June, 1916
    • Fishery Products, June to September, 1916
    • Violation of Fish and Game Laws
    • Seizures
    • Financial Report


California Fish and Game 2(4). Fall 1916.

  • California clams. H. Heath
  • A possible enemy of the mosquito. C. H. Kennedy
  • Abalone pearl formation. J. H. Oliver
  • Fish and game in San Mateo County. J. S. Hunter
  • Shooting quail for market in San Mateo County. E. B. Ralston
  • Editorials
    • Our second birthday
    • A new department
    • A chain of game refuges for California
    • Fishing popular
    • Game resources of California advertised by Forest Service
    • Ranchers protect game
    • The campaign against the English sparrow
    • Regulations for the protection of migratory birds
    • Statement of the Federal Advisory Committee of the Migratory Bird Law
    • The Chamberlain-Hayden Game Sanctuary Bill
    • An Indian's view of burning and a reply
    • British Columbia has established the Hungarian partridge
    • Obtain an authoritative work on pheasant breeding free
    • Four classes of violators
    • Club urges protection of harmless snakes
    • A warden's duties in Pennsylvania
    • A new danger to birds in England
    • Some suggested changes in fish and game laws
    • For selfish reasons
    • Do cormorants eat fish?
  • Hatchery Notes. W. H. Shebley
    • The shad hatchery at Yuba City
    • Trout fry distribution, 1916
    • Eastern brook trout fry obtained in Nevada
    • New screen and ladder surveys
    • The Inyo Hatchery
  • Commercial Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • The fisheries conference at San Diego
    • A hearing at Eureka
    • San Francisco Bay oysters
    • Chlorinating oysters
    • Marked salmon liberated
    • An aquarium for San Francisco
    • Clams in San Francisco Bay
    • Calico bass, sharp-eared bass, and bluegill sunfish
  • Conservation in Other States
    • Conservation costs little in New York
    • Louisiana remodels conservation commission
    • United Anglers' League
    • Game wardens in Wisconsin furnished motorcycles
    • Pennsylvania tries the bounty system
    • Mississippi establishes game commission
  • Life History Notes
    • Band-tailed pigeons bred in captivity. H. R. Noack
    • Band-tailed pigeons alleged destroyers of grain. E. P. Barnes
    • The sooty grouse in Trinity County. J. D. Coffman
    • Coyote killed while in pursuit of a deer. W. M. Clingan
    • Mountain sheep seen in Oak Creek Pass. E. H. Ober
  • United States Forest Service Cooperation. L. H. Whiteman
    • Predatory animals being killed on California National Forest
    • Swat the coyote. B. H. Mace
    • Quail season. J. D. Coffman
    • Wild pigeons accused of carrying hog cholera. F. P. Cunningham
    • Improved conditions in California National Forest
    • Two birds with one stone
    • Trout to be rescued from streams
  • Wild Life in Relation to Agriculture
    • Blackbirds damage crops in Imperial Valley
    • Rabbits damage crops in San Diego County
    • Gulls destroy mice
    • Spread of the starling in New England
  • Reports
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Seizures
    • Financial Report

California Fish and Game 2(3). Summer 1916.

  • Malformed antlers of deer. F. C. Clarke
  • Early game conditions in Siskiyou County. A. E. Doney, P. Klink, and W. Russell
  • The timber wolf in California. J. Dixon
  • Will cutting the kelp injure the fisheries? N. B. Scofield
  • Fish and game conditions in southern California. E. L. Hedderly
  • Editorials
    • Look before you shoot
    • Deer hunter attention!
    • The educational function of the deputy
    • Venison can be distinguished from other meats
    • Advantages of a buck law
    • Deer die from peculiar disease
    • At least 12,000 deer killed in 1915
    • Salt licks for deer
    • War to be waged on English sparrow
    • Judges give severe sentences
    • Snow mountain dam hearing
    • Wild game and its preservation
    • Is it any wonder?
    • Boy scout co-operation
    • Fish and game lectures given to forestry students
    • Fish and game exhibit at Chico fair
    • Why antelope do not increase
    • Sea lions tried as carp-killers
    • The scientific collector
    • Suggestions for ornithological work
    • Attracting birds
    • The domestic cat
    • The breeding and shooting of the American pheasant
    • A great work on pheasants
    • To the sportsmen of California
  • Hatchery Notes. W. H. Shebley
    • Operations of the Department of Fish Culture
    • Goose-neck barnacles
    • Distribution of food fishes and mollusks to be studied
    • Flounders eat clam necks
    • Shad to be propagated in California
    • The first shad taken in the Columbia
    • Salmon to be tagged in Monterey Bay
    • Fish cannery statistics
    • Monterey fishery notes
    • New fishery plant at Monterey
    • Mendocino fisheries
    • Floods destroy fish
    • Black bass at San Diego
    • Commercial fishery statistics
    • Selection of shellfish
    • A good salmon conservation measure
    • Sting-rays destroyed
  • Conservation in Other States
    • A new conservation society
    • Sportsmen's organizations in Massachusetts
    • The ring-necked pheasant in Utah
    • Bird sanctuaries in Illinois
    • Pennsylvania pays bounties on predatory animals
    • The turkey a game bird in Pennsylvania
    • The European bison
    • Protection for the bear in Pennsylvania
    • New York prevents killing of does
    • Interstate commerce in game
    • Massachusetts will issue quarterly
    • Utah plans game sanctuaries for each county
    • Game conservation in New Mexico
  • Life History Notes
    • Coyote eats duck's eggs. G. Neale
    • The Columbian sharp-tailed grouse in northeastern California. H. C. Bryant
    • White pelicans formerly nested near Sacramento. G. Neale
    • Antelope increase in Siskiyou County. C. W. Courtright
    • Pheasants increase on Yerba Buena Island in San Francisco Bay. H. C. Bryant
    • Mourning doves bred in captivity. L. W. Hammond
    • Courting of the sage hen. G. W. Courtright
  • United States Forest Service Cooperation
    • Sage hens in the Mono National Forest. W. M. Manly
    • Beaver on the increase in Modoc County. W. S. Brown
    • All venison should be utilized. J. D. Coffman
    • Deer needed closed season. S. W. Wynne
    • Deer and the deer law in Trinity County. J. D. Coffman
    • Grouse in the Eldorado National Forest. E. L. Scott
    • The Angeles Forest Game Refuge. R. H. Charlton
    • Peculiar deer killed in Santa Barbara National Forest
    • Fishing in the Eldorado National Forest
    • Large trout taken at Stony Creek Dam
    • Trinity deer refuge. J. D. Coffman
  • Reports
    • Fishery Products, January to March 1916
    • Number of Deer Killed in Various Counties During Open Seasons 1914–15
    • Seizures
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Financial Report

California Fish and Game 2(2). Spring 1916.

  • Shad in California. H. B. Nidever
  • Does the grizzly bear still exist in California? J. Dixon
  • The California valley elk. B. W. Evermann
  • The need of co-operation in fish and game preservation. E. Schaeeffle
  • Habits and hunting of the sea otter. C. Littlejohn
  • California's prehistoric game. H. C. Bryant
  • Editorials
    • Forest Service co-operation
    • Commission feeds deer and quail
    • Parcel post shipments of game
    • Oregon protects fur-bearing mammals
    • Administrative changes
    • Notes from the Los Angeles District
    • Cold weather and game
    • Valuable information on fish and game
    • In Memoriam—John X. De Witt
    • A hearing at Santa Rosa
    • Game laws vs. knowledge
    • Song-birds are killed
    • Attempt to abolish Klamath Lake Bird Reservation
    • Breeding ducks for sport
    • Golden beavers to be driven from homes
    • Children taught to recognize birds
    • Who is responsible?
    • Cemeteries as bird sanctuaries
    • Game wardens and automobiles
    • Domesticating minks
    • 1915–16 duck season poorest in years
    • The effect of the war on birds
    • Hunting accidents
    • Reappearance of quail disease
    • A mixed ration for pheasants
    • 1917 National Sportsmen's Show
    • Feeding houses for deer and quail
  • Hatchery and Fishery Notes
    • The people to blame for the high cost of fish
    • New quarters for Department of Fish Culture
    • Hatcheries in full operation
    • Fishways to be installed
    • Screens in irrigation ditches
    • New fish products
    • Commercial fishermen of California
    • Commercial fishery statistics
    • Shad spawn to be furnished eastern states
    • Try shad as a food fish
    • Preparation of fillet of shad
    • The removal of bones from cooked shad
    • Shad recipes
  • Conservation in Other States
    • Pennsylvania game sanctuaries
    • Unique game law
    • Wild life protection fund increased
    • Italy stops bird slaughter
    • The trespass law in Alabama
    • Minnesota advocates feeding quail
    • Edible birds' nests
  • Life History Notes
    • Ducks from the Great Salt Lake taken in California. H. C. Bryant
    • The opossum in Alameda County. E. Downing
    • Fawns born in winter
    • Nesting of the sooty grouse. B. H. Mace
    • Wilson snipe unusually abundant in Alameda County. E. Downing
    • The opossum in Amador County. C. E. Tubbs
  • United States Forest Service Co-operation.
    • Fish killed by mud flow. H. G. Merrill
    • Elk in Shasta County. M. R. Tillotson
    • Trapping for fur in the Shasta National Forest. M. R. Tillotson
    • Sierra mountain sheep in the Mono National Forest. W. M. Manly
    • Two cinnamon bears killed in Modoc County. W. S. Brown
    • Rabid coyotes in Modoc County. W. S. Brown
    • Trout in Goose Lake. W. S. Brown
    • Grey squirrels in the Plumas National Forest. A. J. Stanley
    • Good case made by Lassen ranger. H. G. Merrill
    • Deer scarce in Descanso District of the Cleveland National Forest. C. O. Brenner
  • Reports
    • Seizures
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Lion Bounties
    • Financial Report

California Fish and Game 2(1). Winter 1916.

  • Game conditions in Great Britain vs. conditions in California. C. Westerfled
  • The effect of strychnine sulphate on California valley quail. C. C. Pierce and M. T. Clegg
  • Fishing at Santa Catalina Island—its development and methods. D. G. French
  • Science and progress in the protection of forest, fish and game. C. C. Adams
  • Contributions to the life history of the Pacific coast edible crab. F. W. Weymouth
  • Editorials
    • Do we want Scotland's game laws?
    • Fish and game deputies given instruction
    • In Memoriam—Dr. Charles Frederick Holder
    • Are we coming to this?
    • Game farm exhibit at exposition
    • Deer receive added protection in Contra Costa County
    • Predaceous birds and mammals
    • Leading fish and game commissions of the United States
    • Ring-necked pheasants reared at game farm planted in different parts of the state
    • California Fish and Game Commission exhibit in Panama-Pacific International Exposition
    • Squirrel poisoning and valley quail
    • Wild duck foods
    • Our annual catch of fur-bearing mammals
    • Incomplete record of fur-bearers killed in national forests in 1914
    • Shore birds and their future
    • Game refuges
    • California and spiked bucks
    • Violators of the game laws
    • A distributional list of the birds of California
    • Lectures on wild life
  • Hatchery and Fishery Notes
    • Crab fisheries and the crab law
    • Summer migration of edible crabs
    • Soft-shelled clams planted in Morro Bay
    • Reports on the sale of fish
    • New fish cannery on San Diego Bay
    • Caviar from salmon and shad eggs
    • Fisheries of lower California unprotected
    • The humpback and dog salmon taken in San Lorenzo River
    • The fall run of salmon
    • Do hooked fish die after being returned to stream?
    • Fly-caught fish not injured
  • Conservation in Other States
    • Bull frogs introduced into Oregon
    • A Connecticut poster
    • Counties may close seasons on game in Pennsylvania
    • Sharp-tailed grouse in Oregon
    • Protection removed from buzzards and cormorants
    • State laws harmonized with federal regulations
    • The "Oregon Sportsman" in new form
    • Bison herd increased
  • Life History Notes
    • Green-winged teal nesting in Alameda County. W. N. Dirks
    • The opossum in Los Angeles County. E. V. Little
    • Canada geese successfully bred in California. H. C. Bryant
    • Valley quail successfully propagated. L. A. Ward
    • Fall arrival of the Wilson snipe. H. E. Foster
    • Malformed antlers. F. D. Hoyt
  • Wild Life in Relation to Agriculture
    • Artificial vs. natural methods of insect control
    • The ring-necked pheasant as an insect destroyer
    • Ducks vs. rice
    • Black bass eat mosquitoes
  • Comparison on the Leading Fish and Game Commissions of the United States
  • Reports
    • Violation of Fish and Game Laws
    • Seizures
    • Financial Report


California Fish and Game 1(5). Fall 1915.

  • The administration of fish and game laws. E. Schaeffle
  • Some hints on making photographs for illustration. T. I. Storer
  • The meaning of nature study. C. D. Scott
  • Some precautions in the planting of trout. J. P. Fisher
  • Editorials
    • Beavers to be transplanted to Yosemite Valley
    • Over 12,000 deer killed in California last year
    • Same fishing laws apply in national parks
    • The army of hunters
    • Migratory bird law
    • Good photographers
    • Mortality among waterfowl around Great Salt Lake, Utah
    • The propagation of game birds
    • Salisbury's wild life pictures
    • The Macomber pheasantry
    • A protest against the introduction of Wyoming elk in San Luis Obispo County
    • To game breeders in California
    • Notes from the game farm
    • Native birds furnished food
    • How to skin a bird for mounting
    • California deputy takes new position
  • Hatchery and Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • Fish and the mosquito problem
    • Fish die in many parts of the state
    • An effort to rehabilitate the American River
  • Conservation in Other States
    • A new deer law for Louisiana
    • Summer courses in bird study
    • Game conservation in Oklahoma
    • Oregon Fish and Game Commission reorganized
    • Vermont passes a fishing license law
    • Louisiana takes protection from turkey buzzard
    • Wisconsin protects does
    • The automobile and game
  • Life History Notes
    • Thriving beaver colonies near Mendota, Fresno County, California. H. C. Bryant
    • Sierra mountain sheep on the increase. E. H. Ober
    • Harlequin ducks in the Sierras in 1915. J. E. Newsome
    • A nesting colony of American egrets in Stanislaus County. H. C. Bryant
    • Bald eagles killing fawns. G. W. Giddings
    • The fulvous tree duck in Alameda County. W. N. Dirks
    • Hybrid geese. H. C. Bryant
    • A record hatch of valley quail. R. Squire
    • Deer in Trinity County increase. G. O. Laws
  • Wild Life in Relation to Agriculture
    • A spray for preventing damage by deer. H. C. Wagner
    • A deer spray. Editor
    • Ohio takes a step backward
    • Do buzzards carry disease? H. C. Bryant
  • Reports
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Seizures and Searches
    • Number of Deer Killed During the Open Seasons 1911–1914
    • Financial Report

California Fish and Game 1(4). Summer 1915.

  • In Memoriam—Manuel L. Cross
  • The equity of the game laws. C. A. Vogelsang
  • The California valley quail and introduced game birds. G. Neale
  • The Sisson Fish Hatchery. H. C. Bryant
  • Two kinds of conservationists. W. P. Taylor
  • Recent fish legislation. N. B. Scofield
  • Recent game legislation. H. C. Bryant
  • Books and Pamphlets Relating to California Birds
  • Editorials
    • What the Bureau of Education publicity and research has been doing
    • New legislation
    • What is the future of game in California?
    • Need for accurate information
    • Lectures on game conservation given forestry students
    • Nature study in the public schools
    • The national forests and wild life
    • Crude oil—a trap for birds
    • More game refuges for California
    • Early nesting dates of ducks
    • Fur market improves
    • Fish expert to edit "Hatchery and Fishery Notes"
    • The practical jokester gain
    • Correspondence relative to "California Fish and Game"
  • Hatchery and Fishery Notes. N. B. Scofield
    • Output of the fish hatcheries in 1915
    • The spiny lobster in Monterey Bay
    • Storm wrecks fishing boats
    • Monterey Fishermen's Association
  • Conservation in Other States
    • A school of fisheries
    • A new bird sanctuary in Connecticut
    • Minnesota Commission takes up educational work
    • Missouri's new game law
    • Stringent hunting laws proposed in Massachusetts
    • A sportsmen's league for Oregon
  • Life History Notes
    • A record of the nesting of the wood duck in California. G. Neale
    • Do some of our migrant ducks come from the Great Basin? S. L. N. Ellis
    • Cinnamon teal and spoonbill nesting on April 15. H. C. Bryant
    • Mallards' nest at game farm. H. C. Bryant
    • California clapper rail breeds in Alameda salt marshes
    • At the end of the migration season
    • Nesting of the sora and Virginia rail in Alameda County. H. C. Bryant
    • Fish-catching mussels. E. E. Johnston
    • Opossums near San Jose continue to increase. I. L. Kopel
  • Wild Life in Relation to Agriculture
    • Robins and bluebirds proved friends of the farmer. H. C. Bryant
    • The roadrunner omnivorous. H. C. Bryant
    • Cottontail rabbit reported as pest in San Diego County
    • The European starling in the eastern United States
  • Reports
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Seizures
    • Lion Bounties
    • Financial Report

California Fish and Game 1(3). Spring 1915.

  • An attempt to save California elk. B. W. Evermann
  • California's fur-bearing mammals. H. C. Bryant
  • Wardens and warden work. T. S. Palmer
  • The Tennessee possum has arrived in California. J. Grinnell
  • The halibut fishery of the Pacific coast. E. P. Rankin
  • Public fishing vs. private hunting. F. M. Newbert
  • Editorials
    • "Conservation through education"
    • Organizations defending wild life
    • Is bird protection wholly sentimental?
    • City parks as game refuges
    • Breeding deer for their horns
    • Pheasant farming
    • A guide book for the scientific travelers on the Pacific Coast
    • The protection of non-game birds
    • An outbreak of quail disease
    • Is the house cat a destroyer of birds?
    • Prices drop on raw furs
    • Keep your file of California Fish and Game
  • Hatchery and Fishery Notes
    • Hatchery activity in 1915. W. H. Shebley
    • Identifying fish by their scales. N. B. Scofield
    • Annual fishery products of California
    • Tuna industry
    • A new fish hatchery for San Bernardino County
    • Market fishermen dissatisfied with fish laws
  • Conservation in Other States
    • A new device to protect birds
    • More wild life refuges
    • How to attract birds in northeastern United States
    • Boy Scouts become game wardens
    • An European experiment in protecting birds
    • Applied Ornithology
  • Life History Notes
    • Whistling swans in the Sacramento Valley. H. E. Foster
    • Canada geese numerous in Sacramento Valley. S. C. Church
    • Ring-necked pheasant breeds near San Bernardino. E. Wall
    • Why ducks are decreasing. G. Neale
    • Strange hybrids. H. C. Bryant
    • Sea otters near Point Sur. H. C. Bryant
    • An animal which lives without water. H. C. Bryant
  • Wild Life in Relation to Agriculture
    • Economic status of the sea gull
    • Ducks eat oysters in Washington
    • Why protect the sea gull?
    • English investigator defends the English sparrow
  • Reports
    • Seizures and Searches
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Financial Report

California Fish and Game 1(2). Winter 1915.

  • Introduced game in New Zealand. J. S. Hunter
  • An object lesson in game conservation. H. Chase
  • The wood duck in California. J. Grinnell and H. C. Bryant
  • A California Indian hunting legend. A. L. Kroeber
  • The new angler's license. E. Schaeffle
  • The catfish in California. G. Neal
  • Editorials
    • A good start
    • The non-sale of game
    • Game resources vividly portrayed by moving pictures
    • Last passenger pigeon dies
    • How the Migratory Bird Law works
    • Market ducks in San Francisco and Oakland
    • 26,000 miles of running streams in California
    • Newspaper publicity
    • Recommend changes in game laws
    • "The good old days"
    • The alien hunter
    • A correction
  • Hatchery and Fishery Notes
    • Superintendent's report of fish distribution
    • The Pacific Fisheries Society
    • A permanent record of fish planting
    • Tuna disappear
    • Fish live two months in ice
    • New ruling relative to fishing in navigable waters
  • Conservation in Other States
    • The annual meeting of the National Association of Game Commissioners
    • Organization of sportsmen in Pennsylvania do fine work
    • The economic preservation of birds
    • More movies of the salmon industry
    • Disease attacks mountain sheep and goats
    • Moving pictures of wild life in Oregon
    • The din of war and the feathered tribe
  • Life History Notes
    • Ducks die on Tulare Lake. H. C. Bryant
    • Two records of the nesting of the Wilson snipe in California. H. C. Bryant
    • Present status of the prong-horned antelope. H. C. Bryant
    • Queer specimens of deer from the Whitney region. S. L. N. Ellis
    • Deer season too early. J. H. Hill
    • A porcupine in the foothils of the Sierras
  • Wild Life in Relation to Agriculture
    • Pennsylvania pays tribute to frogs, toads, and salamanders. H. C. Bryant
    • Directions for preparing and shipping game and non-game birds or stomachs for scientific purposes. T. I. Storer
  • Reports
    • Violation of Fish and Game Laws
    • Seizures and Searches
    • Financial Report

California Fish and Game 1(1). Fall 1914.

  • A brief history of the non-sale of game in California. H. C. Bryant
  • Some notes on the non-sale of game. E. Schaeffle
  • Efforts to conserve the game and control the violator. F. M. Newbert
  • Our responsibility for the preservation of the game and fish. F. M. Rutherford
  • Fish and game conservation dependent on conservation of other natural resources. G. C. Pardee
  • Attempts to protect the sea fisheries of southern California. C. F. Holder
  • Bird life as a community asset. J. Grinnell
  • Editorial
    • Our program
    • The federal Migratory Bird Law
    • Commendation
    • Game protection and propagation in America
    • A plan for using the revenue from licenses
    • Live game prices
    • Our vanishing wild life
    • A Department of Commercial Fisheries
  • Conservation in Other States
    • Hungarian pheasants in Ohio
    • Political ring cripples Game Commission in Minnesota
    • 2,075 deer killed in New Brunswick
    • The European war and game
    • Illinois adopts the refuge idea
    • A shooting license law for Texas
    • Maryland will try for a no-sale law
  • Life History Notes
    • Ducks' nest in grain fields
    • Ring-necked pheasants in Alameda County
    • Stilts prove to be wise birds
    • Predaceous animals destroy ducks' nests
  • Wild Life in Relation to Agriculture
    • Wild geese not a menace to rice crops
    • Deer and apple trees
  • Reports
    • Seizures and Searches
    • Violations of Fish and Game Laws
    • Lion Bounties
    • Financial Report