Restoration Grant Opportunities – Accepting Concepts


CDFW is now accepting concept proposals on an ongoing basis for its Restoration Grant Programs and Proposition 68 Grant Programs. Additional information can be found in the Call for Concepts (PDF)(opens in new tab). A single concept application may be submitted for consideration under each funding sources.

CDFW Restoration Grant Opportunities five phase application flow chart. first phase - concept proposal, where applicant submits a concept proposal. Second phase - CDFW review and discussion, CDFW staff will consult with applicant if necessary. Third phase - Funding Decision, which includes executive review or selection panel review. Funding decisions are made in this stage. fourth phase - grant agreement, once approved CDFW will work with grantee to finalize a grant agreement. Fifth phase - project start, once agreement is executed

Application and Selection Process

Concept Proposal - CDFW is accepting proposal applications (continuous)

The application process begins with a concept proposal submitted through CDFW's WebGrants(opens in new tab) portal. CDFW will review concept proposals as received. Upon review, CDFW will contact applicants regarding next steps. Applicants awarded funding will work with CDFW to develop a grant agreement. If applicable, CDFW will contact applicants if proposals are deemed not sufficient and need additional information.


Applicants may consult with CDFW staff at any time, including before submitting a concept proposal to discuss their projects. To request a consultation, email Include the following information: project title, county, project location, type (planning, implementation, land acquisition), description, questions for CDFW, and dates/times you are available to meet.

Supplemental Applications

Eligible concept applicants may be invited to submit a supplemental application to some programs, such as Proposition 68 etc. The applicant will be required to provide additional project information to CDFW. CDFW will provide further instructions for the supplemental application to applicants on an invitation-only.

Award Schedule and Timelines

CDFW will review and award proposals on an ongoing basis, as often as monthly for eligible projects.

Eligibility Information

Unless otherwise limited by the funding sources or individual program guidelines, eligible applicants for funding include: Tribes, nonprofit organizations and public agencies.

Other entities that are not eligible to apply for funding to the programs may work as subcontractors for an eligible applicant.

Contingency Funding Requests

Grantees may request contingency funding by following the Restoration Grant Program Contingency Funding Guidelines