When citing BIOS data layers, the following minimal information should be included:
- The Title (name) of the data layer
- The Originator (or contact) of the layer
- The Publication Date of the layer
- Where the layer was accessed from (BIOS)
- When the layer was accessed
The Title, Originator, and Publication Date can all be found in the metadata for the data layer. This can be accessed in the BIOS Data Viewer either through the dataset listing in the Add Data: BIOS tool by clicking once on the dataset, or from the Metadata button on the dataset once loaded into BIOS.
The Originator will be listed in the Publication section of the metadata, if one exists. If there isn't an Originator, use the Primary Person listed in the Point of Contact section.
The format and style of the citation will vary depending on the context, but below are two examples:
APA style:
Gould, G. (2005, Jul. 12). California Red Tree Vole [ds33]. Calif. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife. Biogeographic Information and Observation System (BIOS). Retrieved April 10, 2006 from https://bios.dfg.ca.gov
MLA style:
Gould, Gordon. "California Red Tree Vole [ds33]." 12 Jul 2005. Biogeographic Information and Observation System (BIOS). Calif. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife. 10 Apr 2006, https://bios.dfg.ca.gov