Information on the biology, distribution, and status of California’s rare, threatened, and endangered plant species is available from the links below. Lists of California’s rare, threatened and endangered plants, bryophytes, and lichens are also described and available below.
Species Information
Fritillaria roderickii. CDFW Photo by Clare Golec.
Species Lists
- The List of State and Federally-Listed Endangered, Threatened and Rare Plants of California (PDF) includes all of the plant species that have been designated as rare, threatened, endangered, or candidate by the California Fish and Game Commission under California law, and all plant species that both occur in California and have been designated as threatened, endangered or are proposed for listing under the federal Endangered Species Act.
- The Special Vascular Plants, Bryophytes, and Lichens List (PDF) includes all of the plant species in the list above and all other plant species tracked by CDFW’s California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB), including high priority bryophytes (mosses, liverworts, and hornworts), plant species that are considered endangered or rare under section 15380 of CEQA, plant species that are considered sensitive by federal agencies, or other plant species that are biologically rare, very restricted in distribution, or declining throughout their range. Some lichens are also included on the list.