Accordion side navigation California Plants Laws Protecting Native Plants Permits for Plants CDFW Plant-related Programs Native / Invasive Plants Native Plants and Climate Change California's Unique Vernal Pools Native Plant Threats: Invasive Species Don't Plant Me! External Resources Rare, Threatened & Endangered Plants Contact External Native Plant Resources Pleuropogon californicus. CDFW Photo by Jeb Bjerke. Below are several helpful links to information on California native plants. Calflora. A helpful search tool for information on California native plants. CalPhotos. A collection of plant and animal photos from California and around the world. California Native Plant Society Inventory of Rare, Threatened and Endangered Plants of California. A search tool for information regarding California’s rare and endangered plants. California Native Plant Society Vegetation Program. A collection of information and resources on California's plant communities. Calscape. A search tool for information on selecting appropriate native plants for your garden. Consortium of California Herbaria. A gateway to information from California vascular plant specimens that are housed in herbaria throughout California. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Endangered Species Program. A search tool and information on federally-listed species. California Invasive Species Council. A collection of information and resources on invasive species.