Conservation and Mitigation Banking CDFW Banking Guidelines Instructions and Templates Fees for CDFW Review Laws and Policies Publications and Resources Who to Contact Established Banks Subscribe to Mitigation Banking News Reports to the Legislature California Conservation and Mitigation Banking- January 2023 for the year 2022 (PDF)(opens in new tab) California Conservation and Mitigation Banking- January 2022 for the year 2021 (PDF)(opens in new tab) California Conservation and Mitigation Banking- January 2021 for the year 2020 (PDF)(opens in new tab) California Conservation and Mitigation Banking - January 2020 for the year 2019 (PDF)(opens in new tab) California Conservation and Mitigation Banking - January 2019 for the year 2018 (PDF)(opens in new tab) California Conservation and Mitigation Banking - January 2018 for the Year 2017 (PDF)(opens in new tab) California Conservation and Mitigation Banking - January 2017 for the Year 2016 (PDF)(opens in new tab) California Conservation and Mitigation Banking - January 2016 for the Year 2015 (PDF)(opens in new tab) California Conservation and Mitigation Banking - January 2015 for the Year 2014 (PDF)(opens in new tab) California Conservation and Mitigation Banking - January 2014 for the Year 2013 (PDF)(opens in new tab) California Wetlands Mitigation Banking - 2012 (PDF)(opens in new tab) California Wetlands Mitigation Banking - 2010 (PDF)(opens in new tab) California Wetlands Mitigation Banking - 2007 (PDF)(opens in new tab) California Wetlands Mitigation Banking - 2005 (PDF)(opens in new tab) California Wetlands Mitigation Banking - 2003 (PDF)(opens in new tab) California Wetlands Mitigation Banking - 2001 (PDF)(opens in new tab) Further Reading Maximizing the Ecological Contribution of Conservation Banks (PDF)(opens in new tab) (2014) State of Biodiversity Markets: Offset and Compensation Programs Worldwide by Ecosystems Market Place (PDF)(opens in new tab) (2010) Compensating for Aquatic Losses Final Rule (PDF)(opens in new tab) (2008) Bucks in the bank .... land bank that is (PDF)(opens in new tab) (1997)