Alton Lane Conservation Bank |
Harvey O. Rich
Alton Preserve, LLC
336 Bon Air Center, Box 232
Greenbrae, CA 94904
Phone: (415) 472-1086 |
Sonoma |
California Tiger Salamander (CTS) |
Alton North Conservation Bank |
Harvey O. Rich
Alton Preserve, LLC
336 Bon Air Center, Box 232
Greenbrae, CA 94904
Phone: (415) 472-1086 |
Sonoma |
California tiger salamander; Burke’s goldfields; Sonoma sunshine |
Beach Lake Mitigation Bank |
CA Department of Transportation
District 3 Environmental Branch
703 "B" Street ( P.O. Box 911)
Marysville, CA 95901
Phone: (530)-741-4211 |
Sacramento |
Credits not for sale to the public. |
Brushy Creek Conservation Bank |
Julie Maddox
Wildlands, Inc.
3855 Atherton Rd.
Rocklin, CA 95765-3715
Phone: (916) 435-3555 |
Contra Costa |
Burdell Ranch Wetland Mitigation Bank |
Tony Georges
P.O. Box 2039
Mill Valley, CA 94942
Phone: (415) 602-4151 |
Marin/Sonoma |
Non-tidal wetlands |
Burke Ranch Conservation Bank |
Travis Hemmen
Westervelt Ecological Services
3636 American River Drive, Ste. 120
Sacramento, CA 95864
Phone: (916) 646-3644
Westervelt Ecological Services |
Solano |
California tiger salamander; Vernal pool preservation; Swainson's hawk; Burrowing owl foraging habitat |
Byron Conservation Bank |
J. Frank Davidson
CA Dept. of General Services
Real Estate Services Division
707 Third St., Ste 6-130
West Sacramento, CA 95605 Phone: (916) 376-1826
Fax: (916) 376-1833 |
Alameda |
Carinalli-Todd Road Mitigation Bank |
Kevin Carinalli
Carinalli Nature Preserve, L.L.C
520 Mendocino Avenue, Suite 250
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Phone: (707) 696-8588 |
Sonoma |
Wetlands; Sebastopol meadowfoam; Sonoma sunshine; California tiger salamander |
Cayetano Creek Mitigation Bank |
Mark Dawson
Water Hole Land Company
3170 Crow Canyon Place, Suite 260
San Ramon, CA 94583
Phone: (925) 202-9277 |
Alameda and Contra Costa |
California tiger salamander, California red-legged frog, Western burrowing owl, San joaquin kit fox, Congdon's tarplant, riparian, wetlands |
Desmond Mitigation Bank |
Christopher Desmond
4801 Llano Road
Sebastopol, CA 95472
Phone: (707) 824-9100 |
Sonoma |
Wetlands; Sebastopol meadowfoam |
Elsie Gridley Mitigation Bank |
Tim Degraff
Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC
1210 G Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (415) 259-9793 |
Solano |
California tiger salamander, Burrowing owl, Vernal pools, Swainson's hawk foraging habitat
To Project Proponents: We recommend that you consult with CDFW prior to purchasing Burrowing owl (BUOW) credits at this bank to ensure that any requirements for mitigation of impacts to BUOW will be met. This bank is not suitable to mitigate for impacts to BUOW breeding sites but is suitable to mitigate for impacts to overwintering and foraging habitat. |
Haera Wildlife Conservation Bank |
Julie Maddox
Wildlands, Inc.
3855 Atherton Rd.
Rocklin, CA 95765-3715
Phone: (916) 435-3555 |
Alameda/San Joaquin |
Hale Mitigation Bank |
Joy Kane
P.O. Box 14517
Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Phone: (707) 577-0425 |
Sonoma |
California tiger salamander; Sebastopol meadow foam; Sonoma sunshine; Wetlands |
Hazel Mitigation Bank |
Hazel Preserve, LLC
336 Bon Air Center, Box 232
Greenbrae, CA 94904
Phone: (415) 472-1086 |
Sonoma |
California tiger salamander; Wetlands |
Horn Avenue Mitigation Bank |
Charlie Traboulsi
Horn Avenue, LLC
3289 Regional Parkway
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Phone: (707) 577-0425 |
Sonoma |
Seasonal wetlands |
Jenny Farms Conservation Bank |
Julie Maddox
Wildlands, Inc.
3855 Atherton Rd.
Rocklin, CA 95765-3715
Phone: (916) 435-3555 |
Solano |
Kimball Island Mitigation Bank |
Julie Maddox
Wildlands, Inc.
3855 Atherton Rd.
Rocklin, CA 95765-3715
Phone: (916) 435-3555 |
Sacramento |
Laguna (Carinalli) Mitigation Bank |
Nathan Botwinik
Vernal Pool Technologies, LLC
475 Noonan Ranch Lane
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Phone: (707) 569-9404 |
Sonoma |
Liberty Island Conservation Bank |
Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC
1210 G Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (415) 259-9793
RES' California Bank
Credit Sales Inquiries:
Peggy Lee |
Yolo |
Chinook salmon; Central Valley steelhead; Delta smelt; Longfin smelt; Tule Marsh shaded riverine aquatic |
Martin Conservation Bank |
Harvey Rich
Martin Conservation
Preserve, LLC
336 Bon Air Center,
Box 232
Greenbrae, CA 94904
Phone: (415) 472-1086 |
Sonoma |
California tiger salamander |
Margaret West Conservation Bank |
Harvey Rich
Margaret Preserve, LLC
336 Bon Air Center,
Box 232
Greenbrae, CA 94904
Phone: (415) 472-1086 |
Sonoma |
California tiger salamander; Sebastopol meadowfoam |
Mountain House Conservation Bank |
Betsy Fletcher Kelly
Fletcher Conservation Lands
1141 Catalina Drive, #279
Livermore, CA 94550
Phone: (415) 309-9218 |
Alameda |
Burrowing owl; Swainson's Hawk breeding; |
Muzzy Ranch Conservation Bank |
Steve Foreman
LSA Associates
157 Park Place
Pt. Richmond, CA 94801 |
Solano |
California tiger salamander; Burrowing owl; Swainson's Hawk; Conservancy fairy shrimp; Vernal pool fairy shrimp; Vernal pool tadpole shrimp; San Joaquin Orcutt grass; Stream preservation |
North Delta Fish Conservation Bank |
Liberty Island Holdings II, LLC
2125 19th Street, Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95818
Credit Sales Inquiries:
Peggy Lee |
Yolo |
Delta Smelt; Longfin smelt; Central Valley steelhead; Chinook salmon; Tidal emergent marsh
Note: All CDFW-approved credits at this bank are for enhanced or created
habitat. This bank does not have CDFW-approved preservation credits. |
North Suisun Mitigation Bank |
Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC
1210 G Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
Credit Sales Inquiries:
Peggy Lee |
Solano |
Vernal pools; California tiger salamander
To Project Proponents: We recommend that you consult with CDFW prior to purchasing California tiger salamander (CTS) credits at this bank to ensure that your CESA permit requirements for mitigation of impacts to CTS will be met. |
Ohlone Preserve Conservation Bank |
Betsy Fletcher Kelly
Fletcher Conservation Lands
1141 Catalina Drive, #279
Livermore, CA 94550
Phone: (415) 309-9218 |
Alameda |
California red-legged frog; Alameda whipsnake; California tiger salamander
To Project Proponents: We recommend that you consult with CDFW prior to purchasing California tiger salamander (CTS) credits at this bank to ensure that your CESA permit requirements for mitigation of impacts to CTS will be met. |
Ohlone West Conservation Bank |
Betsy Fletcher Kelly
Fletcher Conservation Lands
1141 Catalina Drive, #279
Livermore, CA 94550
Phone: (415) 309-9218 |
Alameda |
California red-legged frog; Alamenda whipsnake, California tiger salamander
To Project Proponents: We recommend that you consult with CDFW prior to purchasing California tiger salamander (CTS) credits at this bank to ensure that your CESA permit requirements for mitigation of impacts to CTS will be met. |
Oursan Ridge Conservation Bank |
Jonathan Bauer
East Bay Municipal Utility District
Water & Natural Resources Dept.
375 Eleventh St. M.S. 902
Oakland, CA 94607
Phone: (510) 287-1192 |
Contra Costa |
Alameda whipsnake; California red-legged frog |
Pleasanton Ridge Conservation Bank |
East Bay Regional Park District
2950 Peralta Oaks Court
P.O. Box 5381
Oakland, CA 94605-1417
Phone: (510) 562-7275 |
Alameda |
Credits not yet released for sale |
Pope Ranch Conservation Bank |
Julie Maddox
Wildlands, Inc.
3855 Atherton Rd.
Rocklin, CA 95765-3715
Phone: (916) 435-3555 |
Yolo |
Slippery Rock Conservation Bank |
Chris Peterson
Rivendale Homes
1160 N. Dutton Ave. Ste. 100
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Phone: (707) 695-1874 |
Sonoma |
Southwest Santa Rosa Vernal Pool Preservation Bank |
CDFW - Bay Delta Region
Phone: (209) 835-6910 |
Sonoma |
Springtown Natural Community Reserve |
Terry Huffman
Huffman-Broadway Group
828 Mission Ave
San Rafael, CA 94901
Phone: (415) 925-2000 |
Alameda |
Wetland species |
Swift/ Turner Conservation Bank |
Harvey O. Rich
Davis Preserve, L.L.C
336 Bon Air Center, Box 232
Greenbrae, CA 94904
Phone: (415) 472-1086 |
Sonoma |
Sebastopol meadowfoam; Sonoma sunshine; Burke’s goldfields; California tiger salamander
Vieira Ranch Conservation Bank |
Julie Maddox
WildHeron Holdings, LLC
6558 Lonetree Blvd.
Rocklin, CA 95765
Phone: (916) 435-3555 |
Alameda |
California Tiger Salamander (CTS); California Red-Legged Frog (CRLF); San Joaquin Kit Fox (SJKF) movement/foraging |
Wikiup Wetlands Mitigation Bank |
CDFW - Bay Delta Region
Phone: (209) 835-6910 |
Sonoma |
Wright Preservation Bank |
CDFW - Bay Delta Region
Phone: (209) 835-6910 |
Sonoma |