It is unclear whether the populations within MPAs should be considered when assessing depletion levels and setting harvest limits (Field et al. 2006). Given state mandates to rebuild populations, there is an incentive for managers to count protected biomass in stock assessments to demonstrate increased stock health (Field et al. 2006). However, some research has shown that including protected fish when calculating catch limits based on the total vulnerable biomass may lead to unsustainable fishing mortality rates in the fished region because in reality only a portion of the stock is targeted (Hilborn et al. 2004, 2006). Conversely, in some cases, opposition to MPAs has been tempered via predictions of healthier spawning stocks and increased yields, and so there may be pressure from the fishing industry to count the fraction of population in MPAs as part of the total stock when setting catches. While the Nearshore FMP contemplated the use of MPAs in management, the recently adopted Spiny Lobster FMP is the first instance in which the Department has integrated MPAs through the use of a SPR model. The model accounts for the percentage of lobster habitat protected by MPAs that prohibit take of lobster; thus, providing a reproductive benefit that reflects the importance of MPAs to the reproductive potential of lobster (CDFW 2016b).
The effects of overfishing on the vulnerable stock biomass may negate the benefits of the MPA population because overfishing reduces the age structure of the population, impacting both the YPR and the lifetime spawning output of each individual (Greenstreet et al. 2009). Conversely, not considering protected populations when determining stock status is likely to lead to a reduction in MSY, resulting in reduced catch limits, and can extend the rebuilding period for overfished stocks. All these outcomes may have severe economic impacts on the fishery participants. Movement and larval dispersal between the closed and open populations can alter these predictions.
A primary objective of California’s MPA network was to improve the existing design and management of MPAs relative to the goals and requirements of the MLPA. The MPAs are intended to be used as potential tools to complement fisheries management to maintain and improve ocean resources (CDFW 2016a). While MPAs have several potential benefits for fisheries, they are not a panacea for fisheries management (Sainsbury and Sumaila 2003; Willis et al. 2003; Hilborn et al. 2004; Kaiser 2005). Multiple studies have shown that the ability of MPAs to benefit fisheries requires that very specific conditions be met, including: 1) the presence of specific habitat and life history characteristics; 2) the source-sink dynamics between closed and open areas; and 3) properly siting MPAs to take advantage of these conditions (Agardy et al. 2011).
Monitoring within MPAs is essential to integrating MPAs into existing fishery management frameworks. This appendix has highlighted some of the informational needs that must be met to ensure that MPAs benefit nearby fisheries. They include, but are not limited to, an understanding of the following:
Moving forward, the Department and the OPC are collaborating to develop a statewide MPA Monitoring Action Plan. This Action Plan will provide an opportunity for the Department to ensure that long-term monitoring design and data collection efforts assist in the management of California’s fisheries.
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