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    • December 18, 2018

    An update to the California's Known Wolves - Past and Present document and a depredation report from Dec. 5 have been posted to the CDFW Gray Wolf website. CDFW was notified by ODFW that OR-59, a male dispersing wolf approximately 1.5 years old, had crossed the state line into Modoc County on Sunday, Dec. 2, 2018. On Dec. 5, a calf that died from natural causes was scavenged in the area, and evidence at the scene (as well as GPS data) indicate that OR-59 was in the immediate vicinity. On Dec. 9, CDFW was notified by ODFW of a mortality signal for OR-59. CDFW Wildlife Officers responded to the last known location and found OR-59 deceased. This is now under a criminal investigation conducted by wildlife officers from CDFW’s law enforcement division. CDFW takes very seriously any threats to this recovering wolf population, and will investigate fully any possible criminal activity in these deaths. CDFW reminds the public that killing a wolf is a potential crime and subject to serious penalties including imprisonment.

    Categories: General
    • December 5, 2018

    CDFW has posted a depredation investigation report from November 27, 2018 to the CDFW Gray Wolf web page.

    Categories: General
    • December 3, 2018

    CDFW has posted a "Considerations for Classification of Reported Wolf Depredation Incidents" document with revised technical guidance to the CDFW Gray Wolf web page. The categories and definitions considered when investigating and classifying reported wolf depredations have been updated. The USDA Wildlife Services contributed to the revision. The revised document will help livestock producers, stakeholders, and the interested public to better understand wolf depredation determinations made by CDFW. The new categories are effective December 3, 2018.

    Categories: General

    Wildlife Branch - Wildlife Diversity Program
    1010 Riverside Parkway, West Sacramento, CA 95605