Gray Wolf Updates

  • September 20, 2019

CDFW, with the assistance of USDA Wildlife Services, recently captured and collared a second wolf from the Lassen Pack.  The female pup from the pack’s 2019 litter weighed 53 pounds at the time of capture and was in excellent condition. Radio collars are important to monitor California’s wolf population and to help deter wolf-livestock conflicts. Photos of the capture can be found on the CDFW Gray Wolf webpage.

Categories: General
  • September 17, 2019

CDFW has posted a depredation investigation report from August 28, 2019 to the CDFW Gray Wolf web page.

Categories: General
  • August 23, 2019

CDFW has posted a depredation investigation report from August 16, 2019 to the CDFW Gray Wolf web page.

Categories: General
  • August 12, 2019

CDFW has posted a depredation investigation report from August 4, 2019 to the CDFW Gray Wolf web page.

Categories: General
  • February 1, 2019

CDFW has posted its Quarterly Wolf News Updates, including the California's Known Wolves - Past and Present document and Wolf Activity Map, on the CDFW Gray Wolf webpage.

Categories: General
  • December 18, 2018

An update to the California's Known Wolves - Past and Present document and a depredation report from Dec. 5 have been posted to the CDFW Gray Wolf website. CDFW was notified by ODFW that OR-59, a male dispersing wolf approximately 1.5 years old, had crossed the state line into Modoc County on Sunday, Dec. 2, 2018. On Dec. 5, a calf that died from natural causes was scavenged in the area, and evidence at the scene (as well as GPS data) indicate that OR-59 was in the immediate vicinity. On Dec. 9, CDFW was notified by ODFW of a mortality signal for OR-59. CDFW Wildlife Officers responded to the last known location and found OR-59 deceased. This is now under a criminal investigation conducted by wildlife officers from CDFW’s law enforcement division. CDFW takes very seriously any threats to this recovering wolf population, and will investigate fully any possible criminal activity in these deaths. CDFW reminds the public that killing a wolf is a potential crime and subject to serious penalties including imprisonment.

Categories: General
  • November 14, 2018

The CDFW Gray Wolf web page has updated information on the Lassen Pack provided in the documents titled “California’s Known wolves – Past and Present” and the Quarterly Wolf News Update posted in October. The Lassen female produced a new litter in April 2018. In mid-August, the Lassen pack count was a minimum of 2 adult wolves, 2 yearlings (2017 litter), and 5 pups. The 2018 litter estimate is based on two eye witness observations in August, including one from a partner agency. CDFW has not yet confirmed 5 pups by trail cam this year.

Categories: General
  • July 31, 2018

The CDFW Gray Wolf web page has new information on the Lassen Pack posted in the documents titled “California’s Known wolves – Past and Present” and the Quarterly Wolf News Update. The breeding female is suspected to have given birth to pups on April 18, as indicated by both ground and satellite tracking data. On June 29, trail camera video confirmed reproduction with a minimum count of two pups. Surveys for count data are ongoing.

Categories: Uncategorized
  • July 12, 2018

CDFW has posted two depredation investigation reports from June 27 and July 1, 2018 to the CDFW Gray Wolf web page.

Categories: Uncategorized
  • June 28, 2018

CDFW has posted two depredation investigation reports from June 17, 2018 to the CDFW Gray Wolf web page.

Categories: Uncategorized

Wildlife Health Lab
1701 Nimbus Road Suite D, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
(916) 358-2790 |