Get Involved

person cleaning loon's beak with brush

California is home to a diverse community of wildlife rehabilitation professionals permitted by the Department. Interested in helping wildlife in need? There are several ways to get involved:

How To Volunteer

Contact your local wildlife rehabilitation facility see how you can become involved. Some wildlife rehabilitators have year-round volunteer opportunities while others may rely on seasonal volunteers. Volunteers may assist in various wildlife rehabilitation facility needs such as phone lines, laundry, food preparation, enclosure cleaning, and possibly animal care.

  • Donate Directly to a local Wildlife Rehabilitation Facility
    Financial or other requested donations are a great option to support your local wildlife rehabilitation facility. Many facilities have items which they need year round, or seasonally during baby season. Contact your local wildlife rehabilitation facility on how to make a financial or supply donation.
  • California Native Wildlife Voluntary Tax Fund Contributions
    Donate directly to California's Native Wildlife Rehabilitation Facilities through your annual California Income Tax Form. Line 439 allows you to provide a tax deductible donation which funds the Native Wildlife Rehabilitation Grant Program. This program has provided over $1.7 million dollars, aiding in the treatment and care of sick, injured, or orphaned wildlife.

How to Become a Wildlife Rehabilitator

Proper care of wildlife in distress requires special knowledge, training, and experience not possessed by the general public. A wildlife rehabilitator may operate a permitted facility at one location, use satellite facilities, or an approved home site to perform wildlife rehabilitation. Interested in becoming a wildlife rehabilitator? There are several steps to consider.

  • Is there a "need" for a new wildlife rehabilitation facility in your local area?
  • Are you able to obtain two letters of need from nearby permitted facilities?
  • Do you have the minimum required experience (400 hours)?
  • Would a new facility or satellite facility violate any city of county zoning ordinances?

Wildlife Health Lab
1701 Nimbus Road Suite D, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
(916) 358-2790 |