Western Joshua Tree Conservation Act Incidental Take Permit Application and Review Process

Application Submission

Having a clear understanding of your project will help CDFW process your application more efficiently. First, conduct a western Joshua tree census. Then fill out the Western Joshua Tree Conservation Act Incidental Take Permit (WJTCA ITP) application form and collect all other required attachments as detailed in the application form.

Follow the instructions within the application form to fill out all application fields. Submit the filled-out and signed application form, census, and attached materials to the CDFW Regional Office that serves the area where your project is located. You may submit your application and materials through email (preferred) or via postal service. If your application package is too large to email, please contact the regional office for assistance or transmit the files to CDFW by uploading it into the Environmental Permitting Information Management System (EPIMS). Look for the opportunity named “Document Repository - HREA, CESA CDs, SERP and WJTCA ITPs.”

Region Office Address Email Phone Number
1* 601 Locust St., Redding, CA 96001 askregion1@wildlife.ca.gov (530) 225-2300
2* 1701 Nimbus Road, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 R2Info@wildlife.ca.gov (916) 358-2900
3* 2825 Cordelia Road, Suite 100, Fairfield, CA 94534 askbdr@wildlife.ca.gov (707) 428-2002
4 1234 E. Shaw Avenue Fresno, CA 93710 reg4assistant@wildlife.ca.gov (559) 243-4005 ext. 151
5 3883 Ruffin Road, San Diego, CA 92123 r5cesa@wildlife.ca.gov (858) 467-4201
6 3602 Inland Empire Blvd, Suite C-220, Ontario, CA 91764 AskRegion6@wildlife.ca.gov (909) 484-0167

*These Regions’ jurisdiction is outside of the natural habitat in which western Joshua trees are found; verify you are contacting the correct Region for where your project is located.

Application Review and Follow-up

After your application is submitted, CDFW staff will review the application and contact you if any clarification or site visit is needed.

Statutory Deadlines

Unlike Western Joshua Tree Hazard Management Permits, which require CDFW to issue a permit or denial within 30 days for most permits or within 10 days for permits relating to an imminent threat to public health or safety, WJTCA ITPs do not have statutory deadlines. CDFW will process the applications as expeditiously as possible.

Draft Permit and Fee Payment

Once the number of trees and size classes that will be authorized for take are finalized, the CDFW Region will provide you an invoice for the required mitigation fee. The mitigation fee for each tree size class is identified in Fish and Game Code section 1927.3 (d) and (e)(opens in new tab) and adjusted annually in compliance with Fish and Game Code section 1927.8(b). Note that both dead and living trees authorized for take will require mitigation fee payment.

You will then mail your mitigation fee to the appropriate CDFW Regional office by check or money order with the invoice attached to the address in the table above.

Compliance With the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)

Issuance of a WJTCA ITP is a discretionary permit, therefore CDFW must comply with CEQA. If a CEQA Environmental Document (e.g., Mitigated Negative Declaration, Environmental Impact Report, etc.) has been prepared by a CEQA Lead Agency, please include a link to or electronic copy of the document with your application. You must provide CDFW with a copy of the Notice of Determination and an Environmental Document Filing Fee receipt prior to issuance of the incidental take permit. If there is currently no CEQA lead agency, the applicant should contact the applicable CDFW Regional office to discuss the appropriate approach to CEQA.

Final Permit Issuance

When your mitigation fee is received and deposited by the CDFW Regional office, CDFW can proceed with finalizing your incidental take permit. Once your incidental take permit is finalized you will receive a signed copy via email. The incidental take permit will contain a description of your project and avoidance and minimization measures to reduce the project’s impact on western Joshua trees. Please read all the conditions in your incidental take permit prior to implementing your project and reach out to the CDFW Regional office that issued your incidental take permit if you have any questions.

Habitat Conservation Planning Branch
P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090