![Current Permits tab](/Portals/0/Images/HabCon-ERP/LSA/EPIMS External Help Menu Figures/CurrentPermitstab.png)
The Current Permits page contains the following columns. Permits can be sorted by clicking on a column header:
- ID: The EPIMS Permit Number
- Status: The statuses of permit and what the status means:
- Underway: The permit is in the process of being issued or has been issued.
- Year: The year the permit was issued
- Project Name: The title of the permit
- Organization: The organization associated with the permit
- Notification Type: The type of notification that was used to notify CDFW
- Duration: The permit term
- Permit Amount: The fee amount for permit
Permit Components Page
Click anywhere along the permit row to view the “Permit Components” page.
To print the permit components, click
in the upper-right corner of the “Permit Components” page. Select
in the top toolbar and choose, then click Print.
After selecting a component from the “Permit Components” page, the permittee can access other forms by clicking the tabs found at the top of the page. The Permit List tab will open the “Permit Components” page.
The available “Permit Components” will vary depending on the notification type that was selected but will generally include the following components:
- General Information: This component displays the contact information for the permit as well as the “Permit Number”, “Permit Title,” “Permit Status,” “Award Year,” “Region,” and “Project Term.” Only the permittee can edit this form.
- Draft Agreement: This component contains all versions of the Draft Agreement negotiated between the applicant and CDFW.
- Final Agreement: This component contains the final version of the agreement along with any attachments and the permittee’s and CDFW’s signature.
- Status Reports: When CDFW issues the permit CDFW may also request status reports due by specific dates within the project term. The permittee will use this component to submit any requested status reports.
- Amendments & Extension: The permittee may request CDFW to amend the Agreement or extend the term of the Agreement. The applicant will use this component to submit an Amendment/Extension.
- If the permittee submits an amendment request prior to the agreement’s expiration, the agreement may remain in effect until CDFW acts on the request or for one year after the agreement expires, whichever period is shorter.
- Correspondence: This form contains a copy of all documents that have been communicated to the permittee and may include Incomplete Letters, Notification Not Required Letters, Refund Letters, No Agreement Needed Letters, etc.
- The applicant can also upload documents to be communicated to CDFW regarding the project details.
- Notification Type: Read-only, printable version of the notification type details page.
- Notification: Read-only, printable version of all notification components completed during the notification process.