Request Amendments and/or Extension

An Amendment or Extension request cannot be submitted until after a final agreement has been issued.

Step-by-step instructions for submitting an amendment and/or extension request

  1. From the left navigation panel, select Permits button in left navigation panel.
  2. Select the “Project Name” for the Agreement that you want to submit an amendment and/or extension request for.
  3. Select the Amendments & Extension component from the “Permit Components” list.
  4. Highlight and copy the permit number and project name at the top of the page, then click Add Amendment button.
  5. In the “Title” field, paste the permit number and project name copied from the previous page (e.g., EPIMS-SAC-12345-R2 - Smith Project).
  6. Click Save Form button.
  7. Under the “Amendment Details,” select the Amendment and/or Extension component.
    • Upon clicking Amendment and/or Extension, all necessary form sections that must be completed before submitting will appear.
      • “Request to Amend Agreement”
      • “Request to Extend Agreement"
      • "Documents and Maps”
      • “Electronic Signature”
      • “Payment Information”
  8. Complete the "Payment Information" section (step 7) last. Follow the instructions provided at the top of the form.
  9. When all sections are complete, click Save Form button.
  10. Review the “Total Fees Due” section.
  11. Click Add Row button in the “Payment Information” section.
  12. Read and follow the instructions on the form carefully. Complete all required fields on the form.
    • If paying by credit card, a 5% service fee is included with each transaction through CDFW’s Online Sales site. Upload the receipt that was emailed to you in the Documents and Maps component.
    • If paying by check/money order, submit the fee with the Pay by Check or Money Order form (PDF) and send to the correct regional office.
    • IMPORTANT: CDFW is not required to determine whether a notification is complete or otherwise begin processing the notification until the correct CDFW regional office has received the notification AND correct notification fee.
  13. When all fields are complete, click the Save Row button button.
  14. Click the Mark as Complete button button.
  15. To submit the amendment and/or extension request, click the Submit Amendment button button.
    • When you click Submit Amendment button, you will receive an alert informing you that once submitted, the Amendment and/or Extension component will be locked from any further editing if you are ready click Submit. If changes need to be made, click Cancel and edit the Amendment and/or Extension component.
  16. Click the Submit button button.
    • After submittal, an email will be sent to the permittee (and additional contacts) confirming he Amendment and/or Extension request was submitted.
    • CDFW will receive notification of the submittal and will begin processing the Amendment and/or Extension request.
    • Once CDFW has completed the review, an email will be sent to the permittee (and additional contacts) regarding CDFW’s decision and will include additional steps for the permittee to follow.
    • IMPORTANT: Follow all instructions outlined in subsequent emails from CDFW.
Updated on Tue, 17 Sep 2024 by Angela.Baker@Wildlife.ca.gov