Notify for Self-Certification (Cannabis Only)

Start here if your cannabis project:

  • Is exclusively indoors;
  • Will not impact a river, stream, or lake; and
  • Is an indoor cultivation that includes structures with a permanent roof, permanent walls, and an impermeable floor.

For more information about the Self-Certification process visit the Cannabis Cultivation Permitting page.

Step-by-step instructions for notifying for a Self-Certification for a cannabis project:

  1. From the left navigation panel, select Notification Types button in the left panel navigation.
  2. Select “Notify for Self-Certification (Cannabis Only)” under the “Project Name” column for the region in which the project is located.
    • If the wrong region is selected, the applicant will have to start a new notification for the correct region. The notification cannot be transferred to a different region.
      Self-Certification Notification Types listed under "Project Name"
  3. Click Start New Notification button.
  4. "Notification Title" – Enter a name for the project. This is the name of the overall project. Do not use special characters.
    • If the project does not have a formal name or title, use a name that best describes the project. For example, if the project is the installation of a culvert on private property, name the project, “Culvert on Smith Property.” If the project has already been assigned a name for other permitting or environmental review purposes, use that same name.
  5. “Applicant” – Select the applicant’s name from the drop-down list.
    • The applicant drop-down will list all users associated with the user’s organization. If the user is associated with more than one organization, all users associated with each organization will show in the drop-down list.
    • If the user is not associated with an organization, only the user’s name will appear in the drop-down list.
    • IMPORTANT: The legally responsible party (e.g., the landowner, lessee) should always be listed as the “Applicant,” with any consultants, employees, engineers, lawyers, etc. being listed under “Additional Contacts” (see step 9).
  6. Click Save Form Information button.
    • To access the notification components after logging out, go to Notification button in left navigation panel, and select the notification from the list of "Current Notifications." Then click the Edit Notification button button in the upper right-hand corner.
  7. "Organization" – Select the organization associated with the project from the drop-down list.
    • If associated with more than one organization, select the application organization for the project.
    • If notifying as an individual, select the individual's name.
  8. Click Save Form Information button.
  9. “Additional Contacts” – If applicable, select additional contacts associated with the same EPIMS organization. The individuals selected here will have access to the notification and receive all emails related to the notification and permit.
    • Multiple Additional Contacts can be added. Select as many people as needed from the list.
    • If not associated with an organization, only the user’s name will be available.
    • If a name is missing from the list, please make sure the person has an EPIMS account; then send an email request to EPIMSHelp@wildlife.ca.gov to request the user be added to the organization.
  10. “Designated Representative” – If applicable, select the person that is authorized to represent and sign the notification and any agreement on behalf of the applicant.
    • Only one Designated Representative can be selected.
    • If not associated with an organization, only the user’s name will be available.
    • To add a user to an organization, please make sure the person has an EPIMS account, then send an email request to add the user to the organization to EPIMSHelp@wildlife.ca.gov.
    • To have access to and receive alerts related to the notification or permit, the designated representative must also be listed in the “Additional Contacts” field.
  11. Click Save Form Information button.
    • Upon clicking "Save Form Information," the "Notification Details" page will open with all necessary components that must be completed before submitting the notification.
      • General Information (This component was completed when the notification was started. No further action is required for this component.)
        • To update the component, select it from the list, and click Edit Form.
        • Note: only the Applicant will be able to Edit this component. Additional Contacts can edit the rest of the notification, but they cannot edit the General Information component.
      • Property Location
      • Self-Certification Survey
      • Cultivation Operation
      • Project Description and Details
      • Documents and Maps
      • Acknowledgement and Signature
  12. Select the Project Location component.
  13. Click the Add Row button button on the right-hand side.
  14. Read and follow the instructions in the component carefully. Complete all required fields in the component.
  15. When all fields are complete, click the Save Row button button.
    • To include multiple project locations (e.g., more than APN), repeat steps 13–15.
    • Identify all parcels that include cannabis cultivation and associated infrastructure.
  16. When finished adding project locations, click the Mark as Complete button button.
  17. Select the Self-Certification Survey component.
  18. Read and answer all survey questions.
  19. When all questions have been answered, click the Save Form button button.
    • Upon clicking Save Form button, based on the responses entered in the Self-Certification Survey, you may receive an alert indicating that the project is not eligible for Self-Certification.
      • If you did not receive an alert indicating the project is not eligible for Self-Certification, click Mark as Complete button and continue to step 20.
      • If you received an alert, it means you are ineligible for the Self-Certification notification because CDFW needs more information about your project to verify that the project activities are not subject to Fish and Game Code section 1602.
        • Submit a notification for either a General Agreement for Cannabis Cultivation or a Standard Agreement. Completing a notification for a General Agreement or Standard Agreement will help CDFW understand your project in its entirety. (Note: If you have not previously been working with a consulting firm, it is likely that you will not have the required information for the General Agreement.)
        • Once CDFW receives your notification, we may later determine that your project is not subject to Fish and Game Code section 1602 requirements, and you will receive a refund of your notification fees.
  20. Select the Cultivation Operation component.
  21. Click the Add Row button button.
  22. Read and follow the instructions in the component carefully. Complete all required fields in the component.
  23. When all fields are complete, click the Save Row button button.
    • To include multiple cultivations, repeat steps 21–23.
  24. Click the Mark as Complete button button.
  25. Select the Project Description and Details component.
  26. Read and follow the instructions in the component carefully. Complete all required fields in the component.
  27. When all fields are complete, click the Save Form button button.
  28. Scroll down to the “Water Supply” section, and click the Add Row button button.
  29. Read and follow the instructions in the component carefully. Complete all required fields in the component.
  30. When all fields are complete, click the Save Row button button.
    • If the cultivation operation is going to more than one water supply source, repeat steps 28–30 for each additional water supply source.
    • If a private well or public water system is selected, additional documentation is required. Attach documentation in the Documents and Maps component (steps 32–35).
  31. Click the Mark as Complete button button.
  32. Select the Documents and Maps component.
  33. Click the Add Row button button.
  34. Read and follow the instructions in the component carefully. Complete all required fields in the component.
    • If a map is not included, or the map does not provide enough information to allow a person not familiar with the area to find the project site or identify the features of the project, CDFW may determine your self-certification is incomplete.
  35. When all fields are complete, click the Save Row button button.
    • To include multiple documents, repeat steps 33–35.
  36. Click the Mark as Complete button button.
  37. Select the Acknowledgement and Signature component.
  38. Read and follow the instructions in the component carefully. Complete all required fields in the component.
    • Check the box next to “Self-Certification that Notification is Not Required pursuant to Fish and Game Code 1602.”
    • Sign and date. The electronic signature should only include the name of either the Applicant or Designated Representative. If it includes a name other than one those two users, the self-certification will be considered incomplete.
      • If you do not understand any of the statements in this component, contact the regional office where your project is located to discuss further.
  39. Once all form fields are complete, click the Save Form button button.
  40. Click the Mark as Complete button button.
  41. Click the Submit Notification button button.
    • Once all notification components have been Marked as Complete, the notification can be submitted.
  42. Click the Submit button button.
    • An alert window will open notifying the user that after clicking Submit the notification components will not be able to be edited. If complete, click Submit. If further changes are needed to any of the components, click Cancel and edit the applicable components.
    • After submittal, an email will be sent to the applicant (and additional contacts) confirming the notification was submitted.
    • CDFW will receive notification of the submittal and will begin processing the Self-Certification for Cannabis Cultivation notification. Provided you have submitted all the required information, processing the Self-Certification may begin within 30 business days.
    • Once CDFW has completed the review, an email will be sent to the applicant (and additional contacts) regarding CDFW’s decision and any additional steps the applicant may need to take.
    • IMPORTANT: Follow all instructions outlined in subsequent emails from CDFW.
Updated on Wed, 04 Sep 2024 by Angela.Barlow@wildlife.ca.gov