The following information is being forwarded on behalf of Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission:

Watercraft Inspection and Decontamination Trainings
Fall 2018 / Spring 2019 Lake Mead & Lake Powell
The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission and its 100th Meridian Initiative partners are announcing and sponsoring several types of WIT Trainings.
- 10/2–3, 2018 Lake Mead WIT II
- 11/7–8, 2018 Lake Powell Advanced Decon
- 2/5–7, 2019 Lake Powell WIT III
- 2/26–27, 2019 Lake Mead WIT II
- 3/26–27, 2019 Lake Mead WIT II
- 4/9–10, 2019 Lake Mead WIT II
Openings are limited!!! Availability will close when class becomes full. An acceptance email will be sent for WIT III
TO REGISTER: Go to the
Aquatic Invasive Species Network page for more information. There are different registrations for Advanced Decontamination and Trainer Training (WIT III) classes. Click on the training tab of class you are interested in attending and register on that page link.
These trainings do cost money and it is important that we fill all available openings. Please try to make sure that when you sign up for the class that you can attend so that we don’t end up paying for empty seats that could be used by others.
QUESTIONS? Should you have any questions or would like to
host a training, please contact WIT Trainer Quagga D Davis at (702) 236-3814 or