Accordion side navigation Invasive Species Program What are invasive species? How can I help? Report a sighting Invasive Species Action Week “Don't Let it Loose!” Campaign Community science Eye on Invasives newsletter California Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan Laws and regulations Species Caulerpa Nutria Quagga/Zebra All Species See also: Marine Invasive Species Monitoring Program Laws and Regulations regarding Invasive Species Fish and Game Code (FGC) § 2300 - 2302(opens in new tab) California Code of Regulations Title 14 (14 CCR) § 672California Code of Regulations Title 14 (14 CCR) § 672(opens in new tab) - Possession, Importation, and Transportation of Dreissenid Mussels 14 CCR § 672.114 CCR § 672.1(opens in new tab) - Dreissenid Mussel Control and Prevention 14 CCR § 672.214 CCR § 672.2(opens in new tab) - Dreissenid Mussel Penalty and Appeal Procedures Restricted Species Laws and Regulations Manual 671 (PDF)(opens in new tab) Contains FGC § 2116 - 2127, et al.; 14 CCR § 671 - 671.8 Includes a list of the species that are regulated by these laws California's Noxious Weeds from the Department of Food and Agriculture(opens in new tab) Descriptions of Federal and State laws and regulations regarding invasive species can be found in Appendices B and C, respectively, of the California Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan (CAISMP). A summary of those laws and regulations is provided in Chapter 5 of the CAISMP. Although this document only addresses management of aquatic invasive species, the majority of the laws that are involved address both terrestrial and aquatic species. When a law applies only to aquatic invasive species it is evident in the title of the law and its description in the CAISMP and its appendices. Appendix G of the CAISMP includes lists of aquatic invasive plants and animal species in California that are regulated by laws and regulations that are species-specific. It is a matrix that shows the status or ratings of these species under various state and federal statutes and policies. Contact CDFW Invasive Species ProgramP.O. Box 944209, Sacramento CA