Conservation and Mitigation Banks Established in California by CDFW


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The table below shows the conservation and mitigation banks established by CDFW in California. The table includes identity and contact information for bank sponsors and/or point of contact, the county in which the bank is located, and information on credit types at each bank. Some additional banks, not included in this list, have been independently approved by other state and/or federal agencies but may not meet CDFW's mitigation requirements to compensate for impacts under the California Endangered Species Act (CESA), Lake and Streambed Alterations, and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). For information on how to comply with CDFW's regulatory requirements, please see the Environmental Review and Permitting (ERP) web page. For a list of additional banks in California, visit the federal Regulatory In-lieu Fee and Bank Information Tracking System (RIBITS).

Banks and Contacts by Region

map of California showing CDFW regions

Northern Region (Region 1)

Bank Name Contact County Credits
Cottonwood Creek Wetland Mitigation Bank
CDFW - Northern Region
Phone: (530) 225-2300
Honey Lake Wetlands Mitigation Bank
CDFW - Northern Region
Phone: (530) 225-2300
Lassen Credits not for sale to the public.
Stillwater Plains Mitigation Bank Glenn Hawes
Stillwater Plains Mitigation Bank
P.O. Box 52
Palo Cedro, CA 96073
Phone: (530) 365-4233
Shasta Vernal pools; Valley elderberry longhorn beetle

North Central Region (Region 2)

Bank Name Contact County Credits
Antonio Mountain Ranch Mitigation Bank Lewis Antonio
Mountain Ranch LLC
7700 College Town Drive, Suite 101
Sacramento, CA 95826
Phone: (916) 383-2500
Placer Intermittent Stream; Perennial Stream; Vernal pools and seasonal wetlands; Swainson's hawk and Tricolored blackbird foraging habitat; Vernal pool fairy shrimp
Bryte Ranch Conservation Bank Richard L. Thurn
Gray and Thurn, Inc.
195 Cadillac Drive
Sacramento, CA 95825
Phone: (916) 920-2800
Sacramento Vernal pool fairy shrimp; Vernal pool tadpole shrimp; Swainson's hawk foraging habitat; Burrowing owl foraging habitat
Bullock Bend Mitigation Bank Westervelt Ecological Services
3636 American River Drive,
Suite 120
Sacramento, CA 95864
Phone: (916) 646-3644
Yolo Central Valley steelhead; Chinook salmon - Central Valley spring run, fall/late fall run and winter run; Riverine riparian; Floodplain riparian; Swainson's hawk nesting buffer
Clay Station Mitigation Bank Marin Meza
ECORP Consulting, Inc.
2525 Warren Drive
Rocklin, CA 95661
Phone:(916) 782-9100
Fax: (916) 782-9834
Sacramento Vernal pools
Cosumnes Floodplain Mitigation Bank Westervelt Ecological Services
3636 American River Drive,
Suite 120
Sacramento, CA 95864
Phone: (916) 646-3644
Sacramento Sold Out
Colusa Basin Mitigation Bank Westervelt Ecological Services
3636 American River Drive,
Suite 120
Sacramento, CA 95864
Phone: (916) 646-3644
Colusa Seasonal wetlands; Giant garter snake
Dolan Ranch Conservation Bank Peggy Lee
Resource Environmental Services, LLC
1210 G Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 698-8488
Colusa Vernal pools; Giant garter snake; Burrowing owl; Swainson’s hawk foraging habitat
Meridian Ranch Mitigation Bank Westervelt Ecological Services
3636 American River Drive,
Suite 120
Sacramento, CA 95864
Phone: (916) 646-3644
Butte Vernal pool establishment and Vernal pool preservation (includes Vernal pool fairy shrimp and Vernal pool tadpole Shrimp) Swainson’s hawk foraging habitat preservation
Orchard Creek Conservation Bank Julie Maddox
Wildlands, Inc.
3855 Atherton Rd.
Rocklin, CA 95765-3715
Phone: (916) 435-3555
Sacramento River Ranch Wetlands Mitigation Bank Julie Maddox
Wildlands, Inc.
3855 Atherton Rd.
Rocklin, CA 95765-3715
Phone: (916) 435-3555
Yolo Freshwater marsh; Jurisdictional riparian
SMUD Nature Preserve Mitigation Bank Emily Bacchini
Sacramento Municipal Utility District
6201 S Street, Mailstop B203
Sacramento, CA 95817
Phone: (916) 732-6334
Sacramento Seasonal wetlands; Vernal pool; Vernal swale; Vernal pool fairy shrimp; Vernal pool tadpole shrimp; California tiger salamander; Tricolored blackbird; Sacramento orcutt grass; CEQA plant species: Boggs Lake Hedge-hyssop; Dwarf downingia; Legenere

To Project Proponents: We recommend that you consult with CDFW prior to purchasing Tricolored blackbird credits at this bank to ensure that your CESA permit requirements for mitigation of impacts to Tricolored blackbird will be met.
Sutter Basin Conservation Bank Westervelt Ecological Services
3636 American River Drive,
Suite 120
Sacramento, CA 95864
Phone: (916) 646-3644
Sutter Sold Out
Sunrise Douglas Mitigation Bank (aka Anatolia Preserve) AKT, LLC
7700 College Town Drive,
Suite 101
Sacramento, CA 95826
Sacramento Wetland
Van Vleck Ranch Mitigation Bank Westervelt Ecological Services
3636 American River Drive,
Suite 120
Sacramento, CA 95864
Phone: (916) 646-3644
Sacramento Vernal pool; Swainson’s hawk foraging habitat
Wildlands (aka Sheridan and Silvergate) Mitigation Bank Sheridan Mitigation Corp
3888 Cincinnati Ave
Rocklin, CA 95765
Phone: (916) 408-2990 ext. 15

Bay Delta Region (Region 3)

Bank Name Contact County Credits
Alton Lane Conservation Bank Harvey O. Rich
Alton Preserve, LLC
336 Bon Air Center, Box 232
Greenbrae, CA 94904
Phone: (415) 472-1086
Sonoma California Tiger Salamander (CTS)
Alton North Conservation Bank Harvey O. Rich
Alton Preserve, LLC
336 Bon Air Center, Box 232
Greenbrae, CA 94904
Phone: (415) 472-1086
Sonoma California tiger salamander; Burke’s goldfields; Sonoma sunshine
Beach Lake Mitigation Bank CA Department of Transportation
District 3 Environmental Branch
703 "B" Street ( P.O. Box 911)
Marysville, CA 95901
Phone: (530)-741-4211
Sacramento Credits not for sale to the public.
Brushy Creek Conservation Bank Julie Maddox
Wildlands, Inc.
3855 Atherton Rd.
Rocklin, CA 95765-3715
Phone: (916) 435-3555
Contra Costa CLOSED
Burdell Ranch Wetland Mitigation Bank Tony Georges
P.O. Box 2039
Mill Valley, CA 94942
Phone: (415) 602-4151
Marin/Sonoma Non-tidal wetlands
Burke Ranch Conservation Bank Travis Hemmen
Westervelt Ecological Services
3636 American River Drive, Ste. 120
Sacramento, CA 95864
Phone: (916) 646-3644
Westervelt Ecological Services
Solano California tiger salamander; Vernal pool preservation; Swainson's hawk; Burrowing owl foraging habitat
Byron Conservation Bank J. Frank Davidson
CA Dept. of General Services
Real Estate Services Division
707 Third St., Ste 6-130
West Sacramento, CA 95605 Phone: (916) 376-1826
Fax: (916) 376-1833
Alameda SOLD OUT
Carinalli-Todd Road Mitigation Bank Kevin Carinalli
Carinalli Nature Preserve, L.L.C
520 Mendocino Avenue, Suite 250
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Phone: (707) 696-8588
Sonoma Wetlands; Sebastopol meadowfoam; Sonoma sunshine; California tiger salamander
Cayetano Creek Mitigation Bank Mark Dawson
Water Hole Land Company
3170 Crow Canyon Place, Suite 260
San Ramon, CA 94583
Phone: (925) 202-9277
Alameda and Contra Costa California tiger salamander, California red-legged frog, Western burrowing owl, San joaquin kit fox, Congdon's tarplant, riparian, wetlands
Desmond Mitigation Bank Christopher Desmond
4801 Llano Road
Sebastopol, CA 95472
Phone: (707) 824-9100
Sonoma Wetlands; Sebastopol meadowfoam
Elsie Gridley Mitigation Bank Tim Degraff
Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC
1210 G Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (415) 259-9793
Solano California tiger salamander, Burrowing owl, Vernal pools, Swainson's hawk foraging habitat

To Project Proponents: We recommend that you consult with CDFW prior to purchasing Burrowing owl (BUOW) credits at this bank to ensure that any requirements for mitigation of impacts to BUOW will be met. This bank is not suitable to mitigate for impacts to BUOW breeding sites but is suitable to mitigate for impacts to overwintering and foraging habitat.
Haera Wildlife Conservation Bank Julie Maddox
Wildlands, Inc.
3855 Atherton Rd.
Rocklin, CA 95765-3715
Phone: (916) 435-3555
Alameda/San Joaquin SOLD OUT
Hale Mitigation Bank Joy Kane
P.O. Box 14517
Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Phone: (707) 577-0425
Sonoma California tiger salamander; Sebastopol meadow foam; Sonoma sunshine; Wetlands
Hazel Mitigation Bank Hazel Preserve, LLC
336 Bon Air Center, Box 232
Greenbrae, CA 94904
Phone: (415) 472-1086
Sonoma California tiger salamander; Wetlands
Horn Avenue Mitigation Bank Charlie Traboulsi
Horn Avenue, LLC
3289 Regional Parkway
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Phone: (707) 577-0425
Sonoma Seasonal wetlands
Jenny Farms Conservation Bank Julie Maddox
Wildlands, Inc.
3855 Atherton Rd.
Rocklin, CA 95765-3715
Phone: (916) 435-3555
Kimball Island Mitigation Bank Julie Maddox
Wildlands, Inc.
3855 Atherton Rd.
Rocklin, CA 95765-3715
Phone: (916) 435-3555
Sacramento SOLD OUT
Laguna (Carinalli) Mitigation Bank Nathan Botwinik
Vernal Pool Technologies, LLC
475 Noonan Ranch Lane
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Phone: (707) 569-9404
Liberty Island Conservation Bank Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC
1210 G Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (415) 259-9793
RES' California Bank

Credit Sales Inquiries:
Peggy Lee
Yolo Chinook salmon; Central Valley steelhead; Delta smelt; Longfin smelt; Tule Marsh shaded riverine aquatic
Martin Conservation Bank Harvey Rich
Martin Conservation
Preserve, LLC
336 Bon Air Center,
Box 232
Greenbrae, CA 94904
Phone: (415) 472-1086
Sonoma California tiger salamander
Margaret West Conservation Bank Harvey Rich
Margaret Preserve, LLC
336 Bon Air Center,
Box 232
Greenbrae, CA 94904
Phone: (415) 472-1086
Sonoma California tiger salamander; Sebastopol meadowfoam
Mountain House Conservation Bank Betsy Fletcher Kelly
Fletcher Conservation Lands
1141 Catalina Drive, #279
Livermore, CA 94550
Phone: (415) 309-9218
Alameda Burrowing owl; Swainson's Hawk breeding;
Muzzy Ranch Conservation Bank Steve Foreman
LSA Associates
157 Park Place
Pt. Richmond, CA 94801
Solano California tiger salamander; Burrowing owl; Swainson's Hawk; Conservancy fairy shrimp; Vernal pool fairy shrimp; Vernal pool tadpole shrimp; San Joaquin Orcutt grass; Stream preservation
North Delta Fish Conservation Bank Liberty Island Holdings II, LLC
2125 19th Street, Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95818
Credit Sales Inquiries:
Peggy Lee
Yolo Delta Smelt; Longfin smelt; Central Valley steelhead; Chinook salmon; Tidal emergent marsh

Note: All CDFW-approved credits at this bank are for enhanced or created
habitat. This bank does not have CDFW-approved preservation credits.
North Suisun Mitigation Bank Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC
1210 G Street
Sacramento, CA 95814

Credit Sales Inquiries:
Peggy Lee
Solano Vernal pools; California tiger salamander

To Project Proponents: We recommend that you consult with CDFW prior to purchasing California tiger salamander (CTS) credits at this bank to ensure that your CESA permit requirements for mitigation of impacts to CTS will be met.
Ohlone Preserve Conservation Bank Betsy Fletcher Kelly
Fletcher Conservation Lands
1141 Catalina Drive, #279
Livermore, CA 94550
Phone: (415) 309-9218
Alameda California red-legged frog; Alameda whipsnake; California tiger salamander

To Project Proponents: We recommend that you consult with CDFW prior to purchasing California tiger salamander (CTS) credits at this bank to ensure that your CESA permit requirements for mitigation of impacts to CTS will be met.
Ohlone West Conservation Bank Betsy Fletcher Kelly
Fletcher Conservation Lands
1141 Catalina Drive, #279
Livermore, CA 94550
Phone: (415) 309-9218
Alameda California red-legged frog; Alamenda whipsnake, California tiger salamander

To Project Proponents: We recommend that you consult with CDFW prior to purchasing California tiger salamander (CTS) credits at this bank to ensure that your CESA permit requirements for mitigation of impacts to CTS will be met.
Oursan Ridge Conservation Bank Jonathan Bauer
East Bay Municipal Utility District
Water & Natural Resources Dept.
375 Eleventh St. M.S. 902
Oakland, CA 94607
Phone: (510) 287-1192
Contra Costa Alameda whipsnake; California red-legged frog
Pleasanton Ridge Conservation Bank East Bay Regional Park District
2950 Peralta Oaks Court
P.O. Box 5381
Oakland, CA 94605-1417
Phone: (510) 562-7275
Alameda Credits not yet released for sale
Pope Ranch Conservation Bank Julie Maddox
Wildlands, Inc.
3855 Atherton Rd.
Rocklin, CA 95765-3715
Phone: (916) 435-3555
Slippery Rock Conservation Bank Chris Peterson
Rivendale Homes
1160 N. Dutton Ave. Ste. 100
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Phone: (707) 695-1874
Southwest Santa Rosa Vernal Pool Preservation Bank
CDFW - Bay Delta Region
Phone: (209) 835-6910
Springtown Natural Community Reserve Terry Huffman
Huffman-Broadway Group
828 Mission Ave
San Rafael, CA 94901
Phone: (415) 925-2000
Alameda Wetland species
Swift/ Turner Conservation Bank Harvey O. Rich
Davis Preserve, L.L.C
336 Bon Air Center, Box 232
Greenbrae, CA 94904
Phone: (415) 472-1086

Sebastopol meadowfoam; Sonoma sunshine; Burke’s goldfields; California tiger salamander


Vieira Ranch Conservation Bank Julie Maddox
WildHeron Holdings, LLC
6558 Lonetree Blvd.
Rocklin, CA 95765
Phone: (916) 435-3555
Alameda California Tiger Salamander (CTS); California Red-Legged Frog (CRLF); San Joaquin Kit Fox (SJKF) movement/foraging
Wikiup Wetlands Mitigation Bank
CDFW - Bay Delta Region
Phone: (209) 835-6910
Wright Preservation Bank
CDFW - Bay Delta Region
Phone: (209) 835-6910

Central Region (Region 4)

Bank Name Contact County Credits
Agua Fria Multi-Species Conservation Bank Dr. Donn Campion
15280 Bohlman Road
Saratoga, CA 95070
Phone: (408) 867-1593
Alkali Sink Conservation Bank Skip Moss
Natural Resources Group, Inc.
2491 Alluvial Avenue #642
Clovis, CA 93611
Phone: (916) 372-5595

Trustee of the Marvin & Patricia Meyers Living Trust
PO Box 457
Firebaugh, CA 93622
Attn: Jason Dean
Phone: (559) 694-1562
Fresno San Joaquin fox; Swainson's hawk; Burrowing owl; Vernal pool fairy shrimp; Longhorn fairy shrimp
Antelope Valley Conservation Bank Julie Maddox
Wildlands, Director of Sales
6558 Lonetree Blvd.
Rocklin, CA 95765
Phone: 916.435.3555
Fax: 916.435.3556
Direct: 916.625.3829
Kern Western Joshua tree (WJT) and stream credits
Black Mountain Conservation Bank Julie Maddox
Wildlands, Director of Sales
Rocklin, CA 95765
Pone: 916.435.3555
Fax: 916.435.3556
Direct: 916.625.3829
San Bernardino Desert Tortoise (DT), Mojave Ground Squirrel (MGS), and Stream
Coles Levee Ecosystem Preservation Conservation Bank Mark Poe
Aera Energy, LLC
P.O. Box 11164
Bakersfield, CA 93389-1164
Phone: (661) 665-5149
Kern Credits not for sale to the public.
Dutchman Creek Conservation Bank Westervelt Ecological Services
3636 American River Drive,
Suite 120
Sacramento, CA 95864
Phone: (916) 646-3644
Merced California tiger salamander; San Joaquin kit fox; Swainson’s hawk; Burrowing owl; Vernal pool fairy shrimp; Vernal pool tadpole shrimp; Conservancy fairy shrimp
Grasslands Mitigation Banks Westervelt Ecological Services
3636 American River Drive,
Suite 120
Sacramento, CA 9584
Phone: (916) 646-3644
Merced Giant garter snake; Seasonal wetlands
Kern Water Bank Authority Conservation Bank Cheryl Harding
Kern Water Bank Authority
P.O. Box 80607
Bakersfield, CA 93380-0607
Phone: (661) 399-8735
Kern San Joaquin kit fox; Tipton kangaroo rat; Blunt-nosed leopard lizard; and other T&E Species.
Palo Prieto Conservation Bank Dan Meade
Althouse and Meade, Inc
1650 Ramada Drive, Suite 180
Paso Robles, CA 93446
Phone: (805) 237-9626
Kern & San Luis Obispo San Joaquin kit fox
Piedra Azul Conservation Bank Westervelt Ecological Services
3636 American River Drive, Suite 120 Sacramento, CA 95864
(916) 646-3644
Merced California tiger salamander, San Joaquin kit fox, Swainson's hawk foraging, Burrowing owl, California red-legged frog
Sparling Ranch Conservation Bank Michael Anderson
South Bay Conservation Resources, LLC
Phone: (831) 630-1853
San Benito & Santa Clara California tiger salamander
West Mojave Conservation Bank Skip Moss
Natural Resources Group, Inc.
2491 Alluvial Avenue #642
Clovis, CA 93611
Phone: (559) 804-9833
Kern Desert tortoise; Mohave ground squirrel; Intermittent stream/riparian

South Coast Region (Region 5)

Bank Name Contact County Credits
Brook Forest Mitigation Bank Michael Crews
P.O. Box 300429
Escondido, CA 92030
Phone: (760) 749-1919 ext. 101
Phone: (760) 535-6165
San Diego Suspended
Carlsbad Highlands Conservation Bank Mike McCollum
McCollum Associates
8336 Alpine Laurel Way
Sacramento, CA 95829
Phone: (916) 688-2040
San Diego Closed
Chiquita Canyon Conservation Bank William Woollett, Jr.
Chief Executive Officer of Foothill / Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency
201 E. Sandpointe, Ste 200
P.O. Box 28870
Santa Ana, CA 92799-8870
Orange Coastal sage scrub; Riversidian sage scrub; California gnatcatcher
Cleveland Corridor Conservation Bank Joanne Rodriguez
Mitigation Land Specialists
1905 Avowood Court
Fallbrook, CA 92028
Phone: (760) 580-1969
San Diego Coast live oak woodland; open Engelmann oak woodland; Diegan coastal sage scrub; coast sage-chaparral transition; chamise chaparral; ceanothus crassifolius chaparral; non-native grassland; dense Engelmann oak woodland; sycamore oak riparian woodland; sycamore alluvial woodland; and unvegetated freshwater.
Cornerstone Lands Conservation Bank City of San Diego, Public Utilities.
Long Range Planning and Water Resources
Kelsey Hall
Phone:(858) 292-6387

Megan Hickey
Phone: (858) 614-5789
San Diego MSCP species credits
Crestridge Conservation Bank Tammy Lawhead
J. Whalen Associates Inc.
1660 Hotel Circle N., Suite 725
Phone: (619) 683-5583
San Diego Oak riparian woodland; Inland sage scrub; Chaparral; Non-native grassland
Daley Ranch Conservation Bank City of Escondido
City Attorney's Office
201 N. Broadway
Escondido, CA 92025
Phone: (619) 741-4608
Darren Parker, Asst. Planner II
Phone: (760) 839-4671
San Diego Oak woodland; Chaparral; Coastal sage scrub; Non-native grassland; Wetlands
Heights of Pala Mesa Conservation Bank Joanne Rodriguez
Mitigation Land Specialists
1905 Avowood Court
Fallbrook, CA 92028
Phone: (760) 580-1969
FAX: (760) 580-1969
San Diego Conservation credits for biological impacts within the San Diego MHCP and MSCP areas
La Purisima Conservation Bank Kevin Knowles
Conservation Land Group
90 Throckmorton, Suite 18
Mill Valley, CA 94941
Phone: (415) 331-3130
Santa Barbara California tiger salamander
Manchester Avenue Conservation Bank Mike McCollum
McCollum Associates
8336 Alpine Laurel Way
Sacramento, CA 95829
Phone: (916) 688-2040
San Diego Conservation credits for biological impacts within the San Diego MHCP and MSCP areas
North County Mike McCollum
McCollum Associates
8336 Alpine Laurel Way
Sacramento, CA 95829
Phone: (916) 688-2040
San Diego Wetlands
Petersen Ranch Mitigation Bank Mitigation Bank Manager
Phone: (877) 445-8699
Los Angeles Alluvial floodplain; Ephemeral stream; Wetland riparian; Non-wetland riparian; Freshwater marsh; Open water, Seasonal wetland; Chaparral, Great Basin scrub; Valley and Foothill grassland; Swainson's hawk
Pilgrim Creek Mitigation Bank Dean Hiatt
401 B Street, Ste. 800
San Diego, CA 92101-4231
Phone: (619) 699-6978
San Diego SOLD OUT
Puzzle Creek Conservation Bank Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc.
Alexis (Lexi) Echols
(816) 448-7391
Paul Sherman
Los Angeles Western Joshua Tree, Ephemeral Desert Wash Stream
Ramona Grasslands Conservation Bank Mike McCollum
McCollum Associates
8336 Alpine Laurel Way
Sacramento, CA 95829
Phone: (916) 688-2040
San Diego Non-native grassland; Vernal pool; Burrowing owl
Rancho Jamul Wetlands Mitigation Bank Julie Maddox
Wildlands, Inc.
3855 Atherton Rd.
Rocklin, CA 95765-3715
Phone: (916) 435-3555
San Diego Wetlands; Riparian habitat; Oak woodlands
San Luis Rey Mitigation Bank Julie Maddox
Wildlands, Inc.
3855 Atherton Rd.
Rocklin, CA 95765-3715
Phone: (916) 435-3555
San Diego Riparian habitat
San Miguel Conservation Bank Summer Adleberg
San Diego Water Authority
4677 Overland Avenue
San Diego, CA 92123
Phone: (858) 522-6754
San Diego Coastal sage scrub; Southern mixed/chamise chaparral; Native (perennial) grassland; Seasonal stock pond; Dry marsh/riparian scrub; San Diego barrel cactus, Coastal California gnatcatcher
San Vicente Conservation Bank Joanne Rodriguez
Mitigation Land Specialists
1905 Avowood Court
Fallbrook, CA 92028
Phone: (760) 580-1969
FAX: (760) 580-1969
San Diego Coastal sage scrub (SOLD OUT); Chaparral
Santa Paula Creek Mitigation Bank Richard Lyons
P.O. Box 808
Santa Paula, CA 93061
Office Phone: 310-795-5616
Ventura & Los Angeles SOLD OUT
Skyline Conservation Bank Skyline Land Partners, LLC
Attn: Laura Packer
13772 Paseo Valle Alto
Poway, CA 92064
San Diego Chaparral/Hermes
Copper Butterfly, Engelmann
Oak Woodland
Whelan Ranch Conservation Bank Mike McCollum
McCollum Associates
8336 Alpine Laurel Way
Sacramento, CA 95829
Phone: (916) 688-2040
San Diego CLOSED
Willow Road Conservation Bank Mitigation Credit Services
(619) 818-0363
Paul Bertram
(619) 851-3777
Vince Scheidt
Phone: (858) 336-7106 or (858) 457-3873
San Diego California gnatcatcher-occupied Coastal sage scrub; Coastal scrub-chaparral scrub, Chamise chaparral; Non-native grassland

Inland Deserts Region (Region 6)

Bank Name Contact County Credits
Barry Jones (aka Skunk Hollow) Wetland Mitigation Bank Michael McCollum
McCollum Associates
8336 Alpine Laurel Way
Sacramento, CA 95829
Phone: (916) 688-2040
Riverside Vernal pools
Black Mountain Conservation Bank WildDesert EM Holdings, LLC.
3301 Industrial Avenue
Rocklin, CA 95765
Phone: (916) 435 - 3555
Fax: (916) 453 - 3556
San Bernardino Desert Tortoise (DT), Mojave Ground Squirrel (MGS), and Stream
Cajon Creek Habitat Conservation Management Area Sheri Ortega
Property Manager
Vulcan Materials Company, Western Division
500 N. Brand Blvd. Suite 500
Glendale, CA 91203 (Division Office)
16013 Foothill Blvd.,
Irwindale, CA 91702
Phone Office: (626) 633-4236
Phone Mobile: (323) 637-2569
San Bernardino 24 T&E species and their associated habitats including: Riversidian alluvial fan sage scrub; Santa Ana woolly star; Slender-horned spineflower.

Riversidian alleuvial fan sage scrub (Credits available)
Mojave Desert Tortoise Conservation Bank Richard Lyons
Deto, Inc
P.O. Box 808
Santa Paula, CA 93061
Phone: (310) 795-5616
San Bernardino Desert Tortoise, Burrowing owl, Mohave ground squirrel, and Ephemeral/Intermittent Stream
Mojave River Watershed Mitigation Bank Richard Lyons
P.O. Box 808
Santa Paula, CA 93061
Phone: (310) 795-5616
San Bernardino (and Surrounding Counties) Ephemeral Desert Wash/Intermittent Riparian Streambed, Dry Lakebed, Waters of the U.S. and State
Riverpark Mitigation Bank Barry Jones
Sweetwater Environmental Biologists, Inc.
Phone: (619) 742-2068

Michael McCollum
McCollum Associates
Phone: (916) 708-2727
Riverside Waters of the State/Covered Habitat: Rehabilitation; Reestablishment
Smoketree Valley Conservation Bank Wildlands
6558 Lonetree Blvd.
Rocklin, CA 95765
Imperial Agassiz’s Desert Tortoise, Stream Habitat, Desert Dry Wash Woodland
Soquel Canyon Mitigation Bank Mitigation Bank Manager
Phone: (877) 445-8699
San Bernardino, Orange Ephemeral; Intermittent and Permanent stream/riparian; Coastal sage scrub; Chaparral; Native grassland; Walnut woodland; Oak woodland; Mulefat scrub
West Harper Conservation Bank Shiree Rezendes, Wildlands, (916) 435-3555,
San Bernardino Desert Tortoise, Mohave Ground Squirrel, and Stream Preservation Credits. Potential Barstow Wooly Sunflower

Habitat Conservation Planning Branch
P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090