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What are the predicted times for grunion runs on certain beaches? Is the run usually once a month? How long do grunion runs last?

grunion, runs, schedule

The typical grunion season is from March through August, though it does start to slow down in August. The fishing season is completely closed from April through June, when grunion may only be observed and not handled in any way. Grunion come ashore to spawn on sandy beaches throughout Southern California. They typically run after the high tide on the four nights following the new or full moon (see our schedule of predicted grunion runs) however there is no way to know for sure where or when the grunion will show up. Patience is an asset when looking (or mainly waiting) for grunion. Good grunion runs can last hours, though most are about one hour long. Please make sure to follow all current regulations when harvesting grunion.

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Updated on Wed, 05 Jun 2024 by