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How can I know if shellfish meat is safe to consume?

shellfish, toxins, domoic acid, PSP, public safety

Meat samples of invertebrates (crabs, lobsters, mussels, etc.) are tested by the CA Department of Public Health (CDPH) prior to the season start date and regularly throughout the year. The biotoxins of concern in California are saxitoxins, which can cause paralytic shellfish poisoning, and domoic acid, which can cause amnesic shellfish poisoning. If the CDPH finds samples contain levels of naturally-occurring toxins that would be dangerous for human consumption, they contact CDFW to let us know a fishery either needs to be closed, or a season opener needs to be delayed. 

CDFW also forwards CDPH advisories or quarantines regarding any localized, biotoxin-related events, and posts links to more information on the CDFW Shellfish and Finfish Advisories web page to assist in raising public awareness. You can sign up to receive updates related to marine biotoxins through our Marine Region News Service

More information about marine biotoxins can be found on the CDPH’s Marine Biotoxin Monitoring Program web page.

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Updated on Wed, 05 Jun 2024 by