Revised Cadmium Toxicity Reference Values for Birds: This information summarizes the process by which the cadmium toxicity reference values for birds recommended for use in predictive ecological risk assessment in California were revised. See links below for the poster, white paper, and journal article describing this work.
- Poster presented at SETAC NA Annual Meeting. November 2008 (PDF)
- EcoNote 6 on Department of Toxic Substances Control's Ecological Risk Assessment website. Guidance for Ecological Risk Assessments - EcoNotes
- Published journal article: Stanton, Beckye, de Vries, Sonce, Donohoe, Regina, Anderson, Michael and Eichelberger, J.
Michael(2010) 'Recommended Avian Toxicity Reference Value for Cadmium: Justification and Rationale for Use in
Ecological Risk Assessments', Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 16: 6, 1261 - 1277
To link to this article:.
DOI: 10.1080/10807039.2010.526499