people extending booms on a river

Spill Response Certification and Industry Contingency Plans

OSPR requires regulated vessels and facilities to have contingency plans in place to respond to an oil spill. These plans must include spill response and management resources that have by certified by OSPR as being trained, equipped, and ready to mobilize to perform these critical response functions. These regulatory programs are grouped into the Response Certification and Planning Unit, or RCPU.



Vessel Contingency Plans

The Vessel Contingency Plans program reviews and ensures compliance of oil spill contingency plans for regulated tank and nontank vessels operating in California’s waters.


Facility Contingency Plans

The Facility Contingency Plan program reviews and ensures regulatory compliance of oil spill contingency plans submitted by facilities within OSPR’s jurisdiction. The team also reviews requests for blanket plans and exemptions submitted to OSPR.


Oil Spill Response Organizations

The OSRO Rating program evaluates OSROs’ capabilities to provide oil spill response services that regulated vessels and facilities must include in their contingency plans. The program issues ratings for services provided within specified timeframes and geographic regions.


Spill Management Teams

The SMT Certification program evaluates SMTs’ capabilities to manage an oil spill response within a unified command with trustee agencies under the National Incident Management System (NIMS). The program issues certifications for SMTs representing regulated vessels and facilities holding contingency plans with OSPR.

Preparedness Resources


Commonly Used Forms

Commonly Accessed Links

Office of Spill Prevention and Response
Mailing: P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090
(916) 375-8580 for OSPR Information

Email OSPR | Office Locations

Report Oil Spills
(800) 852-7550 or (800) OILS-911

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