Shell Martinez


map showing spill location east of San Francisco closeup of the Carquinez Strait, with the Shell Oil refinery on its south side, and the impacted area of Suisun Bay to the east
Spill Location.
  • LOCATION: McNabney Marsh, Carquinez Strait, and adjacent waters, Contra Costa County
  • DATE: April 23, 1988
  • INCIDENT SUMMARY: A leaking tank at the Shell oil refinery drained approximately 400,000 gallons of crude oil into a nearby creek. The oil then ran into a marsh and into the bay.
  • RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Shell Oil Company
  • NATURAL RESOURCE TRUSTEES: California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife; California State Lands Commission; United States Fish and Wildlife Service; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
  • RESOURCES IMPACTED: Wetland habitat; fish.
  • SETTLEMENT DETAILS: The trustees settled the NRDA portion of the case for $10.8 million.

Available Documents


Michael Anderson
Phone: (916) 375-6672

Office of Spill Prevention and Response
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