Office of Spill Prevention & Response About OSPR Cal Spill WatchCal Spill WatchCal Spill Watch(opens in new tab) Enforcement Grants & Outreach Harbor Safety Laws & Regulations News & Publications Preparedness, Planning, & Exercises Response Resources Restoration (NRDA) Science & Wildlife Volunteer Opportunities Summary Spill Location. (click to enlarge) LOCATION: McGrath Lake and McGrath State Beach, Ventura County. DATE: December 25, 1993 INCIDENT SUMMARY: A pipeline break resulted in the release of approximately 87,150 gallons of crude oil. The oil entered McGrath Lake and eventually the Pacific Ocean. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Berry Petroleum Company. NATURAL RESOURCE TRUSTEES: California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife; California Dept. of Parks and Recreation; United States Fish and Wildlife Service. RESOURCES IMPACTED: Birds (206 collected); riparian habitat; coastal habitat. SETTLEMENT DETAILS: The trustees settled the NRDA portion of the case for $1.4 million. STATUS OF RESTORATION: Final Restoration Plan completed. Restoration projects now in progress; see plan for details. Available Documents Final Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment (PDF)(opens in new tab) Contact Michael Anderson Email: Phone: (916) 375-6672