Office of Spill Prevention & Response About OSPR Cal Spill WatchCal Spill WatchCal Spill Watch(opens in new tab) Enforcement Grants & Outreach Harbor Safety Laws & Regulations News & Publications Preparedness, Planning, & Exercises Response Resources Restoration (NRDA) Science & Wildlife Volunteer Opportunities Summary Spill Location. (click to enlarge) LOCATION: Suisun Marsh, near the southern terminus of Chadbourne Road, Solano County. DATE: April 27, 2004 INCIDENT SUMMARY: A pipeline ruptured, spilling over 100,000 gallons of diesel directly into Suisun Marsh near Roos Cut. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Kinder-Morgan Energy Partners, L.P. NATURAL RESOURCE TRUSTEES: California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife; United States Fish and Wildlife Service. RESOURCES IMPACTED: Brackish marsh habitat; marsh birds and wildlife (over 30 birds and mammals collected). SETTLEMENT DETAILS: The trustees settled the NRDA portion of the case for $1.15 million. STATUS OF RESTORATION: Restoration projects are complete. Available Documents Hill Slough Tidal Marsh Restoration Project Final Report (PDF) (opens in new tab) Final Invasive Perennial Pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium) Control on Grizzly Island Wildlife Area Complex (PDF)(opens in new tab) Kinder Morgan Suisun Marsh Final DARP (PDF) Final Kinder Morgan Trustee Council Newsletter (PDF) Contact Bruce Joab Email: Phone: (916) 375-6617