East Walker River


map showing spill location in the eastern Sierras
Spill Location.
river with mountains in the background and highway pavement in the foreground
  • LOCATION: East Walker River, Mono County, CA and Lyon County, NV
  • DATE: December 30, 2000
  • INCIDENT SUMMARY: A tanker truck overturned on Highway 182, spilling approximately 3,600 gallons of #6 fuel oil and impacting at least 15 miles of river. The oil cleanup was complicated by cold weather and ice in the river.
  • RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Advanced Fuel Filtration Systems (AFFS)
  • NATURAL RESOURCE TRUSTEES: California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Nevada Division of Wildlife, Nevada Division of Environmental Protection, United States Fish and Wildlife Service.
  • RESOURCES IMPACTED: Instream habitat and wildlife (fish, macroinvertebrates); human recreational uses (fishing); other wildlife (1 Virginia rail, 2 dippers, 1 mink, and 6 beavers collected dead).
  • SETTLEMENT DETAILS: The trustees settled the NRDA portion of the case for $358,000.
  • STATUS OF RESTORATION: Implementation.

Available Documents


Alisa Ellsworth
Email: Alisa.Ellsworth@wildlife.ca.govv
Phone: (760) 872-1173

Office of Spill Prevention and Response
Mailing: P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090
(916) 375-8580 for OSPR Information

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