Office of Spill Prevention & Response About OSPR Cal Spill WatchCal Spill WatchCal Spill Watch(opens in new tab) Enforcement Grants & Outreach Harbor Safety Laws & Regulations News & Publications Preparedness, Planning, & Exercises Response Resources Restoration (NRDA) Science & Wildlife Volunteer Opportunities Summary Spill Location. (click to enlarge) During a refueling incident, the T/V Dubai Star spilled over 400 gallons of Intermediate Fuel Oil (IFO 380) into San Francisco Bay at Anchorage 9 just south of the Bay Bridge. LOCATION: San Francisco Bay, San Francisco and Alameda Counties, including Alameda County Shoreline. DATE October 30, 2009 INCIDENT SUMMARY: During a refueling incident, the T/V Dubai Star spilled over 400 gallons of Intermediate Fuel Oil (IFO 380) into San Francisco Bay at Anchorage 9 just south of the Bay Bridge. The spill affected more than 10 miles of shoreline, from just north of the east approach of the Bay Bridge to San Leandro Bay along the Alameda coastline. The spill resulted in shoreline oiling, bird mortalities, as well as beach and fisheries closures in the vicinity of Alameda Island. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Pioneer Ship Management Services LLC, and South Harmony Shipping, Inc. NATURAL RESOURCE TRUSTEES: California Department of Fish and Wildlife, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, National Parks Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. RESOURCES IMPACTED: Birds, shoreline habitats, and human recreational use. SETTLEMENT DETAILS: The trustees settled the NRDA portion of the case for $850,000. This includes $400,000 for bird and shoreline habitat restoration, $350,000 for recreational improvements, and $100,000 for administration and oversight. STATUS OF RESTORATION: Most restoration projects are completed. Monitoring of rocky intertidal restoration along the Alameda shoreline will continue through 2019. Available Documents Dubai Star Oil Spill NRDA Update, Spring 2019 (PDF) Dubai Star Oil Spill NRDA Update, Summer 2016 (PDF) Dubai Star Oil Spill NRDA Update, Fall 2015 (PDF) Dubai Star Oil Spill NRDA Update, Summer 2013 (PDF) Dubai Star Oil Spill NRDA Update, May 2012 (PDF) Dubai Star Oil Spill, Settlement Press Release, May 9, 2012 (PDF) Dubai Star Oil Spill, UC Santa Cruz Rocky Intertidal Report, April 8, 2011 (PDF) Dubai Star Oil Spill NRDA Update, January 2011 (PDF) Dubai Star Oil Spill, UC Davis Mussel Lysosomal Destabilization Report, December 2, 2010 (PDF) Dubai Star Oil Spill, UC Davis Mussel Reproductive State Report, August 8, 2010 (PDF) External References EBRPD Crown Memorial State Beach Sand Replenishment Project website Hwang, H-M, Stanton, B., McBride, T., Anderson, M. PAH body residues and lysosomal membrane destabilization in mussels exposed to Dubai Star bunker fuel oil (IFO 380) spill in San Francisco Bay. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry; 33(5): 1117-1121; 2014. Contact Michael Anderson Email: Phone: (916) 375-6672