Office of Spill Prevention & Response About OSPR Cal Spill WatchCal Spill WatchCal Spill Watch(opens in new tab) Enforcement Grants & Outreach Harbor Safety Laws & Regulations News & Publications Preparedness, Planning, & Exercises Response Resources Restoration (NRDA) Science & Wildlife Volunteer Opportunities Administration Legal Letter from Joseph A. Walsh II, Keesal, Young, and Logan, to Charles McKinley, US DOI, Katherine Verrue-Slater, California DFG, and Chris Plaisted, NOAA Re: M/V COSCO BUSAN- Oil Pollution Act: Funding for Joint Preassessment/Assessment Activities, 2 pages. (PDF) Letter from USFWS to California Coastal Commission Re: CZMA Cosco Busan Trustee Council MOU (PDF) CEQA Notice of Determination, 1 page (PDF) Public Notices NRDA Fact Sheet, December 2007, 1 page (PDF) NRDA Fact Sheet, January 2008, 1 page (PDF) January 2008 Public Meeting PowerPoint Presentation, 20 pages (PDF) Cosco Busan NRDA News Release, Cosco Busan Oil Spill Restoration Agencies Schedule Two Public Meetings to Obtain Public Input, January 14, 2008, 2 pages (PDF) NRDA Fact Sheet Bird Injury, February 2008, 2 pages (PDF) NRDA Fact Sheet, May 2008, 1 page (PDF) NRDA Fact Sheet, October 2008, 3 pages (PDF) NRDA Fact Sheet, October 2009, 3 pages (PDF) NOAA, Notice of Intent to Conduct Restoration Planning, January 7, 2010, 7 pages. (PDF) Consent Decree Press Release, September 19, 2011 (PDF) NRDA Settlement Press Release, September 19, 2011 (PDF) NRDA Newsletter, September 2011 (PDF) NRDA Public Meeting Reminder Press Release, October 11, 2011 (PDF) Final Restoration Plan Press Release, March 1, 2011 (PDF) Public Comments Public comments on the Draft DARP, January 2012, 39 pages. (PDF) Birds (also see Appendix B and Appendix C of the Damage Assessment and Restoration Plan) Laurie Hall and M. Zach Peery, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, Identifying the Origin of the Marbled Murrelets Recovered from the Cosco Busan Oil Spill --Final Report, 8 pages. (PDF) Marbled Murrelet Aerial Overflight Survey Coverage Maps, 4 pages. (PDF) D. Jaques, Pacific Eco Logic, Brown Pelican Survey, Cosco Busan Incident, San Francisco Bay, California, 1 page. (PDF) Nils Warnock, Ph.D., Wetlands Ecology Division, PRBO Conservation Science, Post-Oil Spill Shorebird Surveys of San Francisco Bay and Marin County Shoreline, 14 pages. (PDF) Table 1, Breakdown of Snowy Plover Observations at the Six Study Sites, 1 page. (PDF) Gary Page, PRBO Conservation Science, Cosco Busan NRDA Snowy Plover Surveys, 2 pages. (PDF) Julie Thayer and Sara Acosta, PRBO Conservation Science, Oiled Wildlife On and Around Alcatraz Island After The Cosco Busan Spill, 6 pages. (PDF) Tables --Results from Petroleum Chemistry Lab, November and December 2007, 1 page. (PDF) Gabriel, P.O. and R.T. Golightly. 2011. Experimental assessment of taste aversion conditioning on Steller’s Jays to provide short-term improvement of nest survival of Marbled Murrelets in northern California. Report to National Park Service and Command, Luckenbach, and Cosco Busan Trustee Councils. 34 pages. (PDF) Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for Carbamoylcholine chloride. 2010. 5 pages. (PDF) Humboldt State University Institutional Animal Care and Use. Protocol Routing Slip re: Field testing of Conditioned Taste Aversion in Steller’s Jays at Redwood National and State Parks. 8 pages. (PDF) Application for a Scientific Research and Collecting Permit. Richard Golightly. For Conditioned Taste Aversion in Steller’s Jays study at Redwood National and State Parks. 3 pages. (PDF) Categorical Exclusion Form for Steller’s Jay Conditioned Taste Aversion. Redwood National Park. March 11, 2010. 6 pages. (PDF) Mammals Dead Animal Response within Spill Zone, 1 page. (PDF) Fish (also see Appendix D of the Damage Assessment and Restoration Plan) Incardona JP, Vines CA, Linbo TL, Myers MS, Sloan CA, et al. (2012) Potent Phototoxicity of Marine Bunker Oil to Translucent Herring Embryos after Prolonged Weathering. PLoS ONE 7(2): e30116. Incardona, J., C. A. Vines, B. F. Anulacion, D. H. Baldwin, H. L. Day, B. L. French, J. S. Labenia, T. L. Linbo, M. S. Myers, O. P. Olson, C. A. Sloan, S. Y. Sol, F. J. Griffin, K. Menard, S. G. Morgan, E. H. Smith, J. E. West, T. K. Collier, G. M. Ylitalo, G. N. Cherr, N. L. Scholz. 2012. Unexpectedly high mortality in Pacific herring embryos exposed to the 2007 Cosco Busan oil spill in San Francisco Bay. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 109(2):E51-E58. Aerial photograph of Cosco Busan oil sheen adjacent to Fort Mason, San Francisco, Herring spawning grounds, 1 page. (PDF) California Environmental Protection Agency, Report on the Safety of Consuming Fish and Shellfish From Areas Impacted by the M/V Cosco Busan Oil Spill in San Francisco Bay, California, Nov 29, 2007, 55 pages (PDF) NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Environmental Science Center, The 2007 Cosco Busan Oil Spill: Assessing Toxic Injury to Pacific Herring Embryos and Larvae in the San Francisco Estuary, Draft Proposal, Nov 30, 2007, 16 pages.inal, 4 pages. (PDF) M/V Cosco Busan Response, Submerged Oil Screening Survey Report, Final, 4 pages. (PDF) James D. Moore, Ph.D, Senior Fish Pathologist, California Department of Fish and Game, Letter to Dr. Beckye Stanton, California Department of Fish and Game, Re: SF08-3, Dungeness Crab Mortality, 2 pages. (PDF) California Department of Fish and Game, Herring Management and Research Team, Summary of the 2007-08 Pacific Herring Commercial Fisheries in San Francisco Bay, Preliminary Report, 8 pages. (PDF) John Incardona, Gina Ylitalo, Mark Myers, Nathaniel Scholz and Tracy Collier, NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center; Carol Vines, Fred Griffin, Ed Smith and Gary Cherr, Departments of Environmental Toxicology, Environmental Science and Policy, and the Aquatic Resources Group, Bodega Marine Laboratory, University of California, Davis, The 2007 Cosco Busan Oil Spill: Assessing Toxic Injury to Pacific Herring Embryos and Larvae in the San Francisco Estuary, Draft Report, 48 pages. (PDF) NewFields Environmental Forensics Practice, Evaluation of Measurement Endpoints for the Assessment of Potential Petroleum Related Responses by Pacific Herring: Early Development, Final Draft Report, 62 pages. (PDF) W.H.Pearson, Technical Note Review of Assessment of Injury to Pacific Herring from the Cosco Busan Oil Spill, 25 pages. (PDF) Gregory S. Douglas, Ph.D, NewFields Environmental Forensics Practice, Letter to Gary Mauseth, Polaris Applied Sciences, Inc. Re: Evaluation of Environmental Chemistry Results Associated with the NOAA Report entitled: “2008 Cosco Busan Oil Spill Assessing Toxic Injury to Pacific Herring Embryos and Larvae in the San Francisco Bay. Draft Report. September 2008,” 124 pages. (PDF) California Department of Fish and Game, Herring Management and Research Team, Summary of the 2008-09 Pacific Herring Commercial Fisheries in San Francisco Bay, Preliminary Report, 9 pages. (PDF) Responsible Party, Executive Summary for Framework for Assessment of Causal Relationships between Early Life Stage Development Anomalies of Clupea pallasi and Cosco Busan Oil (October 2010), 3 pages. (PDF) Responsible Party, Executive Summary for Laboratory Demonstration of Environmental Factors and Their Effects on Early Stage Development of Clupea pallasi (October 2010), 3 pages. (PDF) Jack Q. Ward, Meg R. Pinza, Lucinda S. Word, Susan D. Watts, Tracy L. Schuh, Jay D. Word, Collin Ray, Laboratory Demonstration of Environmental Factors and their Effects on Early Stage Development of Clupea pallasi: Final Report, 73 pages. (PDF) Jack Q. Ward, Lucinda S. Word, Susan D. Watts, Meg R. Pinza, Tracy L. Schuh, Framework for Assessment of Causal Relationships between Early Life Stage Developmental Anomalies of Clupea pallasi and Cosco Busan oil, 70 pages. (PDF) Responsible Party, RP Comments on the Herring Injury Quantifcation, 3 pages. (PDF) Responsible Party, RP Comments on the Draft Fish DARP, 9 pages. (PDF) Matthew Zafonte, CDFG-OSPR, Cosco Busan NRDA: Herring Injury Quantification, 18 pages. (PDF) Cover Letter from Trustees to Joseph A. Walsh II, Keesal, Young, and Logan Re: RP Comments on Trustees’ Draft DARP, Sept 16, 2011, 1 page. (PDF) Trustee Response to RP Fish Comments, Sept 16, 2011, 7 pages. (PDF) Sandy Beach, Marsh, and Tidal Flat Habitat (also see Appendix E and Appendix K of the Damage Assessment and Restoration Plan) Research Planning, Inc. Cosco Busan Shoreline Oiling Map - Selected images available in this PDF file, 7 pages. (PDF) (Google Earth .KMZ file available upon request.) Trustees, Injury Assessment for salt marshes, sand beaches, and tidal flats affected by the M/V Cosco Busan oil spill Habitat Equivalency Analysis (HEA) Inputs, Draft, Feb 20, 2009, 26 pages. Responsible Party, Comments on Injury Assessment for salt marshes, sand beaches, and tidal flats affected by the M/V Cosco Busan oil spill Habitat Equivalency Analysis (HEA) Inputs, Mar 13, 2009, 35 pages. Cosco Busan Chemistry Samples Database, June 1, 2009, Access Database File. (Available Upon Request) Trustees, Potential Toxicity Study Outline, as sent to the RP, 2009, 2 pages. Responsible Party, Polaris Applied Sciences and Littoral Ecological and Environmental Services. Analysis of proposed injury and damage for exposed sand beaches, mud and sand flats as it relates to the feasibility and appropriateness of toxicity/fouling studies, Nov 2, 2009,19 pages. William Holton and Heidi Dunagan, Research Planning, Inc. Data Processing Summary: Cosco Busan Shoreline and Eelgrass Habitats, April 9, 2010, 22 pages. East Bay Regional Park District, Albany Beach Restoration Project, Feb 2012, 12 pages. Rocky Intertidal Habitat (also see Appendix F of the Damage Assessment and Restoration Plan) Work Location Health and Safety Plan: Alcatraz Island, 14 pages. (PDF) Letter from Tamre Cardoso, TerraStat, to Dennis Lees, Littoral Ecological and Environmental Services, Re: Review of data analysis for Fucus observations from San Francisco Bay area with additional analysis results, 8 pages. (PDF) Pete Raimondi, Dan Orr, Christy Bell, Maya George, Sara Worden, Melissa Redfield, Rani Gaddam, Laura Anderson and Dave Lohse, University of California, Santa Cruz, Determination of the Extent and Type of Injury to Rocky Intertidal Algae and Animals One Year After The Initial Spill of Cosco Busan: A Report Prepared for OSPR (California Fish and Game), 62 pages. (PDF) Responsible Party, Comments on Draft Rocky Intertidal Report, 3 pages. (PDF) Chela Zabin,Ted Grosholz and Sarikka Attoe, Department of Environmental Science and Policy, University of California, Davis, Sublethal Effects of the November 2007 Cosco Busan Oil Spill on Native Oysters – Draft Report, 16 pages. (PDF) Eelgrass M/V Cosco Busan, Passive Pom-Pom Survey Data Sheet, 16 pages. (PDF) Mark S. Fonseca, Christine M. Addison, Gregory A. Piniak and Natalie Cosentino-Manning, NOAA Restoration Center and NOAA Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research, Demographic and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Eelgrass After an Oil Spill in San Francisco Bay, USA, Draft Report, 32 pages. (PDF) Merkel & Associates, Keil Cove Eelgrass Distribution – side scan mosaics January 2008 to May 2009, 1 page. (PDF) Monitoring of Keil Cove Scar, 1 page. (PDF) Human Recreational Uses (also see Appendix G, Appendix H, Appendix I, and Appendix J of the Damage Assessment and Restoration Plan) East Bay Regional Park District, Master Closure List Final, 3 pages. (PDF) National Park Service, Final Master Closure List with Activities, 3 pages. (PDF) Total Monthly Visitors (multiple locations), 24-Hour Time Period, November 2007 – June 2008 (Excluding Boaters and Anglers). Draft, 1 page. (PDF) Recreation Project Selection Criteria for NFWF Grant Program (PDF) Public Input on Full Proposals Submitted for Rec Use Grant Program (PDF) Contact Michael Anderson Email: Phone: (916) 375-6672