

map showing spill location from Moss Beach down the coast
Spill Location.
(click to enlarge)
tanker being escoretd by a US Coast Guard boat
The oil tanker Command departed San Francisco bound for Panama, to repair a damaged tank. It began discharging an estimated 3,000 gallons of Intermediate Bunker Fuel over the side of the vessel. The spilled oil was traced to the vessel, which was apprehended by the US Coast Guard off the coast of Guatemala.
  • LOCATION: Offshore and coastline, Monterey to San Francisco County.
  • DATE: September 26, 1998
  • INCIDENT SUMMARY: The oil tanker Command departed San Francisco bound for Panama, to repair a damaged tank. It began discharging an estimated 3,000 gallons of Intermediate Bunker Fuel over the side of the vessel. The spilled oil was traced to the vessel, which was apprehended by the US Coast Guard off the coast of Guatemala.
  • RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Pearl Shipping
  • NATURAL RESOURCE TRUSTEES: California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife; California State Lands Commission; California Dept. of Parks and Recreation; United States Fish and Wildlife Service; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
  • RESOURCES IMPACTED: Birds (over 1,500 estimated killed, including 6-12 Marbled Murrelets); shoreline habitat; recreational beach use.
  • SETTLEMENT DETAILS: The trustees settled the NRDA portion of the case for $3.9 million.
  • STATUS OF RESTORATION: Final Restoration Plan completed; restoration projects now in progress; see plan and annual newsletters for details.

Available Documents

Restoration Project Monitoring Reports

External References


Michael Anderson
Phone: (916) 375-6672

Office of Spill Prevention and Response
Mailing: P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090
(916) 375-8580 for OSPR Information

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