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2022-2024 News Releases

gravel beach berm site at Eden Landing property in Alameda County

Awards Include Funding for the Restoration of 1,300 Acres of Tidal Marsh and 800 Acres of Enhanced Aquatic Managed Pond Habitat in Alameda County, Part of the Largest Tidal Wetland Restoration Effort on the West Coast

The Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) approved 14 habitat protection and restoration projects spanning 14 counties across more than 4,700 acres at its Feb. 26 quarterly meeting.

One of the grants restores 1,300 acres of tidal marsh habitat at the Congressman Pete Stark Ecological Reserve at Eden Landing, near the cities of Hayward and Union City on the east San Francisco Bay shoreline. This landscape-scale restoration project balances the needs of tidal marsh-dependent and estuarine species with waterbirds that rely on pond habitats by enhancing existing ponds and restoring tidal wetlands.

The WCB’s $5.35 million grant to Ducks Unlimited, Inc. — in a cooperative project with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), California State Coastal Conservancy, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — increases biodiversity, improves water quality, protects bayside communities against extreme weather events and improves opportunities for public access and recreation.

“Southern Eden Landing is a unique stretch of East Bay shoreline that plays a critical role for waterbirds, fish, other wildlife and people,” said Renee Spenst, Ph.D., regional biologist for Ducks Unlimited, San Francisco Bay and California Coast. “This project represents true landscape-scale restoration, providing homes for plovers, terns, rails, salmon, sturgeon and leopard sharks. It is situated in an easily accessible location near the communities of Union City and Hayward, for all Bay Area residents. The WCB's partnership is essential to the success of this significant endeavor, joining other federal, state, regional and nonprofit partners.”

WCB’s grants advance Gov. Gavin Newsom’s goal of conserving 30 percent of California’s lands and coastal waters by 2030, an initiative known as 30x30. The initiative seeks to protect biodiversity, expand access to nature for all Californians and fight and adapt to climate change.

Other funded projects include:

  • A $4 million grant to the Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency for the preservation of Richmond Ranch, protecting 1,218 acres of critical habitats and biodiversity while also providing future opportunities for wildlife-oriented public use. The property borders thousands of acres of protected land, enhancing connectivity and ensuring long-term ecological and recreational benefits for Santa Clara County.
    “The Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency is grateful to the WCB and other grant funders, as well as The Conservation Fund (TCF), for facilitating the final phase of acquisition of the larger 3,654-acre Richmond Ranch,” said Edmund Sullivan, executive director for the Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency. “Conservation of this property will help protect important wildlife linkages between Joseph D. Grant Park and Henry W. Coe State Park and between protected open spaces along Coyote Ridge, and will support habitat for endangered species, including critical habitat for the California red-legged frog, California tiger salamander and Bay checkerspot butterfly.”
  • A $5.77 million grant to the California Waterfowl Association (CWA), in collaboration with CDFW, to upgrade water conveyance structures and improve water use efficiency to enhance the management and stewardship of wetlands at the San Jacinto Wildlife Area in Riverside County.
    Planned improvements include the creation of a 200-acre wetland sanctuary to support brooding and molting waterfowl, as well as nesting tri-colored blackbirds. Additionally, the project will restore 585 acres of seasonal wetlands and install a water recovery system, enabling the reuse of up to 1000 acre-feet of water per year from drained seasonal wetlands. These enhancements will ensure year-round wildlife access for the public.
    "As one of the largest freshwater marshes near the Southern California coast, this wetland jewel is extremely important, especially for wintering and migrating shorebirds and waterfowl. Tens of thousands of birds rely on San Jacinto Wildlife Area’s ecosystem for supporting their wintering and year-round needs," said Chadd Santerre, director of wetland programs for CWA. "The habitat improvements and infrastructure upgrades being funded by the WCB will help ensure long-term water conservation and recycling capabilities. CDFW staff will be able to efficiently manage and improve these critical habitats for years to come, increasing resources for the area's many wetland-dependent species without having to depend as much on local water supplies."
  • A $728,000 grant to Save Mount Diablo to acquire 98 acres of oak woodland and grassland habitat at Ginochio Schwendel Ranch, adjacent to Mount Diablo in Contra Costa County. This project enhances connectivity between Mount Diablo, surrounding protected areas and the Marsh Creek corridor, benefiting wildlife such as the iconic golden eagle, the Alameda whipsnake and several listed amphibians.
    “We are thrilled and thankful to start a conservation partnership with WCB by protecting the strategic Ginochio Schwendel Ranch together,” said Edward (Ted) Clement Jr., executive director for Save Mount Diablo. “This property, located within Contra Costa County’s Diablo Range, has rare volcanic soils and endemic species, and is contiguous with other conserved land and the important Marsh Creek. Further, we will acquire it from the most important landowning family in Contra Costa County. Together with WCB, we look forward to protecting more important properties within the Diablo Range, which is comprised of over 3.5 million acres, of which only about 25 percent is currently protected. We thank WCB for their great work.”

For more information about WCB, visit To learn more about the newly approved habitat conservation and restoration projects, visit our StoryMaps pages.


Mark Topping, Wildlife Conservation Board, (916) 539-4673

Categories:   Environment, Grants, Habitat Restoration, Lands, Waterfowl, WCB, Wildlife, Wildlife Conservation Board

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