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2022-2024 News Releases

  • March 15, 2023
Photo of a California Department of Fish and Wildlife booth at the beach promoting Marine Protected Areas.

Today at the Management Review Forum held in Monterey, nearly 300 participants representing state agencies, California Tribes, researchers, environmental groups, commercial and recreational fisheries, and others joined together to discuss the first 10 years of California’s globally recognized Marine Protected Area (MPA) Network.

Categories: Marine
  • March 10, 2023
A freshly caught Chinook salmon is measured for length.

Today, on recommendation from California and Oregon agency representatives and industry advisors, the National Marine Fisheries Service took inseason action to cancel ocean salmon fishery openers that were scheduled between Cape Falcon, Ore., and the U.S./Mexico border through May 15.

Categories: Fisheries, Fishing, Klamath Basin, Salmon
  • February 21, 2023
A lone gray wolf roams northeastern California in winter amid deep snow.

CDFW this week initiated efforts to capture wolves, elk and deer by helicopter in northeastern California and outfit the animals with GPS collars. The capturing and collaring will continue through the end of the month as weather allows.

Categories: Big Game, Deer, Scientific Study, Wolves
  • February 17, 2023
wild ducks fly over wetlands

At its February 16, 2023, quarterly meeting, the Wildlife Conservation Board approved approximately $51.83 million in grants to help restore and protect fish and wildlife habitat throughout California.

Categories: Fisheries, Grants, Habitat Restoration, Lands, WCB, Wildlife
  • February 14, 2023
An underwater image of a Clear Lake hitch.

CDFW and the Robinson Rancheria Pomo Indians of California (Robinson Rancheria) have initiated a pilot program on Clear Lake to remove invasive carp and goldfish to benefit the Clear Lake hitch, also known as “Chi.”

Categories: Fisheries, Habitat Restoration, Invasive Species, Scientific Study

Office of Communications, Education and Outreach
P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090
(916) 322-8911